A sword is amazing.

This sword fully reflects the achievements of the five old stars who hold the sword in the way of kendo.

He was very good at seizing the opportunity, and at sea, he realized the sword intent left by Mu Yang, and finally created this move. It’s just that Mu Yang’s way of making a move is to cut out the sword qi and kill the enemy from a distance, but he wraps the sword qi around the weapon in his hand, kills the enemy at close range, improves the accuracy of the hit, and can defeat the enemy with one move!

The blade is close at hand!

At the same time, the figure condensed by the eight sword qi also surrounded him, raising the translucent sword blade in his hand.

In an instant, there were attacks from the five old stars holding the sword in all directions!

The majestic sword qi almost completely engulfed Mu Yang!

At the bottom, the navy looked at it in their hearts.

“Boys, don’t be nervous, if the old man can’t even cope with this move, he won’t be called the old man.” Saying that, Karp fell in front of the crowd, swept the air on the ground, and sighed deeply, he was behind his back, silently paying a lot.

However, now that the old man is back strongly, everything does not need to be endured!

World government?

Scare him directly!


That group of self-righteous stupid pigs, fend for themselves!

Thinking of this, Karp laughed heartily, restrained the shackles of the navy, and finally disappeared, truly having autonomous power.

“It’s stupid to deal with me with a move that was born out of my sword technique.”

Mu Yang made a move, took the ice sword, and cut it down at will.

The sword qi compressed, turning into a big sword like substance.

At the top of this bright white big sword, there is a lilac light, which is flowing slightly, and a little purple light flashes, which has a picturesque beauty.

However, compared to the past, this move still reduces its power.

But even so, the five old stars with the sword recognized at a glance that this was the move that had killed the demon!

This move left too deep an impression on him, a crazy look flashed in his eyes, he had forgotten, what he said before the war, at this time there was only one thought, roaring in his heart: “This sword old man must block it!” ”


Mu Yang drank lightly.

The eight sword qi figures scattered all around were instantly dispersed.


Then, the blade of the great sword was facing upwards, directly cutting through an arc, and mercilessly chopping down.


The five old stars holding the sword and the big sword transformed into sword qi crossed over.

Then, a splash of blood splattered in mid-air.

“Five old stars… It actually hurt! The navy finally couldn’t help the excitement in his heart, trembling all over, looking at the scene in the sky in disbelief, whispering to himself.

“This is the real world’s number one swordsman!”

Soon, the navy crowd spontaneously shouted loudly, and the sound rose from wave to wave.

“First Jianhao!”

“The world’s number one swordsman!!”

“The world’s first swordsman!!!”

And the expression on Mu Yang’s face could not see the fluctuations, and said lightly: “You have already lost, it’s just that I didn’t kill you, the world government, there will be people to subvert in the future, you five old ghosts, there will also be people to clean up, it’s just that now I don’t want to be that person, to be honest, the savior of the navy, I was tired of being a savior decades ago.” ”

After a pause, he said: “Today I am standing here, just playing the role of a father who supports his son.” ”

In the distance, the Warring States heard these words and burst into tears.

Over the years, as a naval marshal, he is far less beautiful than others think, and he can feel that the government forces are infiltrating little by little, encroaching on the old man’s former power.

However, there is nothing they can do but watch this happen.

And today’s events prove that all patience is worth it! The return of the old man, spread out, will shock the whole world!

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA The five old stars with the sword screamed, their eyes were sluggish, and their brains were blank. One of his hands was cut off, and a lot of blood spewed out from the wound, the only thing that was still fortunate was that this hand was not the one he used to hold the sword, and at the moment the great sword fell, he made a mistake and replaced his right arm, which should have been cut off, with his left hand.

“Sure enough, the worst thing happened.”

The blond five old star sighed.

“No way, seeing that move, he has lost the ability to think normally, and this sword that killed the devil is his nightmare, and it is also the goal he has worked hard for decades to surpass.” The long-bearded five old stars analyzed that mood very well, and sighed: “Unfortunately, this move is too strong, not only did he not resist it this time, but he lost an arm, and I am afraid that the nightmare in his heart will deepen again.” ”

Can’t go out, all that awaits him is the fall.

Although alive, it is better to die directly.

Just when the four of them fell silent, Mu Yang spoke, “The four of you, let’s make a move too, since you are here today, then you have to pay the price, and each person will leave at least one arm.” ”

“What an arrogant tone.”

The five old stars with figure-eight beards shouted: “What do you think of us?” Do you want to slaughter the chicken and tile dog? Wake me up!! ”

The last sentence was shouted at the five old stars holding the sword.

The chaotic brain finally regained its clarity under this loud drink, and ripped off a piece of clothing to wrap the broken arm, but the eyes of the old man with the sword were still bleak, and it was too difficult to instantly get out of the psychological shadow on the battlefield, which took time and let him find a way to break through by himself.

“Can you still fight?”

The blond five old stars asked.

“It’s okay.”

The five old stars holding the sword replied, but in the tone, it was already obvious that he had lost his confidence, and the whole person’s mental state was like a broken sword, and the edge was no longer there.

“If you had listened to me, it wouldn’t have happened.” The blond five old stars sighed: “Forget it, after the battlefield is over, let’s go back and find a way to break through the nightmare, the priority is that the five of us work together to defeat the guy in front of the battle.” ”

After speaking, five people rushed out directly.

Originally, the old man with the sword should have taken the lead, but now, it can only be temporarily changed, and the blond five old stars will take the lead and blast out with a punch.

On the fist, shrouded in a rich armed color domineering!


Mu Yang casually raised his hand to block it.

However, the next moment, another attack was reached.

It was an attack from the left and right side at the same time.

One is a sword-wielding five-old star with a broken arm, and the other is a slightly chubby and shorter five-old star with a figure-eight beard.


Mu Yang’s eyes widened, and instantly made the five old stars holding the sword break their defenses, and a huge flaw was directly revealed on the sword move.


The five old stars with a figure-eight beard were helpless in their hearts, and the blow to him this time was really too big.


He drank angrily in his mouth, and threw a punch with all his strength to make up for the flaws in the five old stars holding the sword next to him.

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