The yellow ape demoted and left the naval building, and there were soldiers saluting, and this obscene old face made an approachable smile, directly bent down and bowed in return, and then continued to repeat what he had said tirelessly. Suddenly, the news spread to the entire naval headquarters in an instant, becoming a joke in everyone’s mouths.

“Old man, this broken mouth.” Listening to the discussions around him, the yellow ape reluctantly changed into a naval uniform and walked into the daily training team of the soldiers.


A cold sweat broke out in the middle of the squirrel.

He couldn’t imagine that the yellow ape was really dressed like this.

And now, Te finally understood what the yellow ape said that day meant.

“General Yellow Ape, you…”

“Lieutenant General Squirrel, the old man is no longer a general, the code name of the yellow ape naturally no longer exists, in the future, you can just call me Borusalino, this is the meaning of that person.” The yellow ape cut in, found a position to stand on his own, and then stopped talking, waiting for the squirrel to give an order, like other trembling soldiers.

“Okay, I see.”

The brain went blank, and the planned training process was forgotten.

The squirrel wanted to cry.

This is also a former general anyway, Lord Old Marshal, can you send someone to guide, I can’t do this kind of thing!

“Okay, Borusalino, start with your standing position…”


When the yellow ape received a new round of behavioral code teaching, after a while, a navy saw that the door of the office opened again, and the Warring States walked in front, like a small follower, respectfully opening the door for Mu Yang.

“Marshal of the Warring States, former former Marshal of the previous generation.” There were naval soldiers saluting.

At the same time, he muttered in his heart: “It is impossible for the Marshal of the Warring States to be deposed, but the former Marshal is so young, it is not surprising to sit in this position again, and it is possible that the Navy Headquarters will have a different leader…”

“You get on with what you’re doing.”

The Warring States were full of red light, although in the office, he was kicked several times, but it did not affect his mood at the moment.

Because, the old man promised to guide himself and help him transform his body.

Thinking of the scene of Kapuna’s old goods rejuvenating in the second spring and shouting in front of him, Sengoku sneered and recovered his peak, and the first thing was to beat him all over the ground in front of everyone.

The two left the Navy Building, and in the square, Mu Yang turned into a rainbow light, took the Warring States, and instantly came to an uninhabited island around Malinfodo.

It is a well-preserved island with a pristine appearance, rarely visited, and still maintains the most pristine tranquility.

“Old man, when do we start? Don’t worry, I will definitely not cry out in pain later. “Warring States is eager to try, he listened to Karp describe the picture, the old man bit his finger, squeezed out a drop of blood, and then the blood vaporized into a dragon, directly into the other party’s body, with a means against the sky to reverse time, ignoring the years, so that the body and spirit are restored to the most peak state, but unfortunately is this transformation process, Karp described, very tormenting, very painful, as if thousands of needles continue to prick the body.

“You can start now.” Mu Yang said lightly.

“In the past few decades, let me see if your strength has regressed, and to what extent you have cultivated the Navy Six Style.”

Sengoku had already closed his eyes and was ready to undergo transformation, but he heard the words behind him, opened his eyes, and then before he could speak, he saw a fist coming in front of him.


The Warring States were sent flying, and at that moment, a defensive layer was created with armed color domineering.

Even so, the strength on the fist still hit the body, causing Sengoku to cough directly twice, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

“The reaction is too slow, fortunately, the instant armed color domineering increased by one point, this punch, I have suppressed the speed and reduced the strength, I didn’t expect your performance to still make me so dissatisfied.” Mu Yang shook his head, not only to be strict with his apprentice, but also to the titular son of the Warring States, since before, the means were extremely harsh, and now he naturally will not show mercy.

“Ahem, old man, I still have to fight.”

It turned out that those feet in the office were all light rain before the storm!

Sengoku stood up helplessly, then wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, went all out, and put on a fighting posture.

Seeing the domineering, lock it tightly!


A faint voice sounded.

Subsequently, the Warring States was stunned to find that it was domineering and useless, and the figure of the old man disappeared directly in perception, without the slightest trajectory to follow.

“Shaving!” Sengoku gritted his teeth.

Then, when he came to the location after teleportation, a fist happened to appear in front of him, as if waiting for him specifically, and sent it to the door himself.


Sengoku stepped backwards, covering one eye.

“Old man, next time, can you start somewhere else…” The tone was resentful, the Warring States didn’t have to think about it, that eye socket must have been blue.

“Hmph, if you have the leisure to care about these, it’s better to think about how to dodge my next attack.”

Mu Yang drank coldly, and then came to the air, condescendingly, and made Lan foot.

Under the dense shock wave of heavy rain, the Warring States dodged in embarrassment, and everywhere they passed, beaches were destroyed, forests were destroyed, and the land was in shambles.

The storm above his head subsided, and the Warring States looked up, but saw an extra figure in front of him, his body was soft, as if he didn’t have the slightest strength, and he bumped lightly.

It’s a kind of strength, one after the other.

The Warring States were directly hit by this continuous force, and inside the body, the damage was the greatest, and a large mouthful of blood was directly sprayed, and what others saw was the picture of the old man supporting his waist, who knows how much he paid behind his back.

The Warring States played tricks and shouted: “Old man, you don’t talk about credit, this is not a move in the sixth style of the navy at all!” ”

“This is a paper painting, unloaded from the strength of the whole body, can be defended, or can be turned into a continuous attack in an instant.” Mu Yang said lightly.

Then, disappearing again, the finger stabbed out towards Sengoku Hate.

“Finger gun!!”

Sengoku drank, cheered himself up, but also raised his finger to prick out, and then the next second the joints of his fingers were directly bent, and his face was flushed.

“Alas, forget it, even my complete set of six styles can’t be taken over, over the years, it seems that the oppression of those five old men is not ordinarily tight.” Mu Yang said that the Warring States abandoned training, in fact, it was also a means of self-preservation, otherwise the five old stars would naturally not be able to sit still when they saw his strength improved, and they would have already seized power by any means.

“I’ll help you get back to your peak, and when you go back, pick up your training again.”

After Mu Yang finished speaking, he bit his finger.

Blood Vapor Dragon!

Looking at the blood dragon hovering in the air with its head held high and roaring silently, the Warring States were extremely excited.

Finally waited!!

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