“Old man, after seeing the naval headquarters, you must go to the Advance City.”

On the warship, Sengoku said, with some meaning of inviting merit and reward.

The Great Undersea Prison Propulsion City, known as the Copper Wall and Iron Wall, is a representative of order and majesty, imprisoning many felons. Some of them, held on the sixth basement floor, are death row prisoners who have committed major crimes or prisoners who have been imprisoned for life, and some of these prisoners represent the achievements of the Warring States as a marshal over the years, and the only thing he can take out and show off to the old man.

After all, as a navy, talking about a thousand words and ten thousand is not as good as catching a few more bounty criminals!

This time, there were only two main figures of Warring States and Muyang, Karp stayed at the naval headquarters, knowing that Muyang would not stay for a few days, he was enlightening Zefa, although he stabbed Edward Weibull in public last time, but Zefa was not awakened to the ambition of the past, but more firmly decided to take a back seat.

In the residence of Zefa, the headquarters of the navy, Karp and him were arguing, and in that hut, it was very uncalm, as if it could be dismantled at any time.

“Zefa, are you sure that this attitude will not change?!”

After another voice finished speaking, he only heard Karp shout again: “Well, in this case, the old man will tear down this broken house of yours!” I’d rather see if you can stay here with peace of mind!! ”

The words fell, and the wooden house collapsed with a bang.

was directly smashed by Karp’s fist!

At the same time, the warship came to an incomparably huge door.

“Call Magellan, order him, open the door of justice!”

Sengoku shouted at a soldier behind him.

And after receiving the order, Magellan also immediately lifted his pants, then came out of the toilet and sent someone to open the door of justice, while muttering with some surprise: “The last time the Marshal of the Warring States inspected, it was not long ago, did he catch the prisoner who committed a serious crime and personally escort him?” ”

The warship came in through the Gate of Justice, and when he saw Mu Yang next to the Warring States, Magellan immediately understood the reason.

Cutting off each of the five old stars with one arm, easily killing magma demons in public, Mu Yang’s name has spread throughout the sea and has become the object of heated discussion, and advancing into nature is no exception, and the news is not so closed.

“Marshal of the Warring States, and the former former Marshal of the past.” Some distance away, Magellan saluted.

Then, his expression suddenly changed.

Normal but three seconds!

“The stomach that does not argue, drop the chain at the critical time, usually forget it, but now it is in front of the former and former marshals.” Magellan roared inwardly, gritting his teeth and forcibly enduring.

Although eating the poisonous fruit and gaining an incomparably terrifying ability, this side effect was also very fatal, making Magellan hate the devil fruit he had eaten.

It is precisely because of this that Magellan cannot go to the battlefield, and can only advance the city as a director.

“This is Magellan, the director of the Great Undersea Prison.” Warring States introduced, seeing Magellan’s expression, he knew that his body reacted again, and couldn’t help but say helplessly: “Magellan’s strength, in the naval headquarters, is also one of the best, close to the combat power of the general level, but the side effects of eating that devil fruit have affected his performance.” ”

Work four hours a day without saying.

Even when subordinates approach, they must wear gas masks, for fear of being poisoned by inhaling the breath exhaled by Magellan.

A small boat came, and a soldier wearing a gas mask stood on the boat, who was the first to meet him and said: “Lord Marshal, the former former Marshal, this is a gas mask, please put it on and enter the Advance City.” ”

Mu Yang suddenly waved his hand and refused to wear it.

“It’s just a side effect of eating a devil fruit.”

Mu Yang’s understated tone made the soldier who sent the mask stunned.

“Old man, do you mean… Hehe, I know that there is nothing in the world that you can’t do. ”

The Warring States were a little excited, once imagined that if Magellan’s side effects are eliminated, the naval headquarters will add an incomparably strong combat power, if he can control the poison gas, put it on the battlefield, is a nuclear weapon against the enemy, it doesn’t matter how many miscellaneous soldiers come, Magellan just stands still, breathing out poisonous gas to kill the enemy, minutes can cause large-scale death, pieces of death, any force can not bear!

Mu Yang ignored the compliments of the Warring States.

Make the moon step, step down, fly out directly, and fall in front of Magellan’s eyes.

“Lord Marshal of the former generation, you hurry up and put on a protective shield, you are infected by my poisonous gas, this is troublesome.”

Magellan was startled, and then held his breath, and endured both above and below, so that his face quickly turned purple, very torturous, it was a kind of pain of dying and living, and cold sweat directly broke out on his forehead.

“Poisonous fruit, before fully mastering the power of this fruit, this side effect can torture all the capable people to death, endure until now, your willpower is very strong.” After Mu Yang finished speaking, he directly stretched out his hand and pressed it on Magellan’s body, and a purple light flashed in the palm of his hand, penetrating through the skin and drilling into Magellan’s body.


Magellan’s furrowed eyebrows furrowed.

The feeling of diarrhea, which was about to run down three thousand feet, suddenly disappeared.

“Lord Marshal, you just now…” Magellan’s excited words were unpleasant, his hands were shaking, and his heart was beating faster. He felt that there was no longer a toxin in the exhaled breath, and the toxin that was originally uncontrolled was now completely under his control!

“It’s just to help you shock the guy in your body.”

Mu Yang spoke lightly and said, “From today onwards, you can live a normal life. ”

Magellan couldn’t help but roar, tears were about to fall, since eating poisonous fruits over the years, the place that dealt with him the most was the toilet, ten hours a day in the toilet, tormented and tortured, so that he almost collapsed, eager to commit suicide, but after these years of adaptation, he slowly became numb.

Now suddenly, knowing that the side effects of the Devil Fruit were eliminated, Magellan directly slapped his face, it hurt! It’s not a dream!

“Former Lord Marshal, you are my Magellan’s re-created benefactor.”

Magellan knelt down, without the slightest hesitation, directly turned from a passerby to the most fanatical brain-dead fan, now if anyone said another bad word about Mu Yang, he would immediately rush up and slowly torture that person to death!

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