This knife belonged to the former world’s number one swordsman, and Mu Yang had fought with him a total of two.

The first is Mu Yang’s challenge to the world’s first sword hao, at that time, he was not famous, he was a nobody, and the latter has been famous for many years, kendo and reputation are standing at the top of the world, no one knows, why to accept this challenge, and the final result is also beyond everyone’s expectations, the world’s first sword hao, defeated, defeated very crisply, crushed from beginning to end!

In this battle, Mu Yang stepped on his reputation and jumped to the top.

Then, after three years, the first sword master who fell from the altar made a comeback, and he spent three years behind closed doors, re-polished the sword path, and came to the naval headquarters to challenge Mu Yang.

Unfortunately, it failed, because in the past three years, Mu Yang has also improved his strength, far beyond his imagination, and it is another crush.

After that, the former first sword hao announced that he would seal the sword forever and would not appear again. His whereabouts became a mystery, no one saw him until he died, and the portable weapon that was no less powerful than the supreme fast knife also disappeared together, and many swordsmen and swordsmen formed groups to look for him, all returning empty-handed.

“Perhaps, sleeping here is your best ending.” Mu Yang grabbed the hilt of the sword and used some small means, inside the rock, a layer of ice was formed, completely freezing the blade and the rock.

After doing all this, he put away the crystal sparkling plant and left.

Overall, this trip to the ice and snow island was perfect, the things you were looking for in the plan were in hand, and the main materials for refining elixirs were still the last one.

It is a plant that grows in magma!

“It’s just something that will arrive sooner or later, don’t rush at this time.”

Mu Yang touched his chin and muttered to himself.

He returned to his original island, still watching Luffy, a rookie chicken, interesting to train.


In the blink of an eye, three months have passed.

“Ah, finally left this damn ghost place, for the past three months, I feel that I live in the ice cellar every day, but fortunately my body has not been frozen.” Luffy’s opinion is very large, in the spit that in this harsh environment, after three months of beating can not fight back, even if he is a rubber man can not hold on, do not know how to survive, the spirit is slightly relaxed, there is an extra knife wound on the body, hot | hot pain, very prickly, tired spirit immediately sober again!

However, there are rewards for paying, and now Luffy, seeing the domineering color, has already glimpsed the door, and can close his eyes and shuttle through the rain of bullets.

“Old man, would you like to test my cultivation results?” Luffy took the initiative to lean his head over and show off.

After suffering for three whole months, he is confident that he already has the ability to pretend, and it is time to perform real techniques!

“Okay, yes, I will throw a hundred punches in a row, as long as I can dodge one punch, I will ask you to eat a big meal for three months in a row as compensation.” Mu Yang said.

Luffy’s eyes flashed a fine light, and then closed his eyes, his expression was very impatient, as if he had seen the bitter days pass, a table of feasts in front of the scene, urging: “Come on, I can’t wait!” ”

Mu Yang’s eyes froze, and then, his fists quickly burst out.


There were also dazzling afterimages appearing, and Luffy’s expression was very flat, shaking his body slightly, just like Mu Yang, comfortably and dissipating through the fist shadow.

“Whoosh!” Luffy yelled, handsome for only two seconds, the first punch hit, disrupted his rhythm, panicked, then the second punch, the third punch… Fist to flesh, don’t care about the criterion of hitting people without hitting their faces, after a hundred punches, Luffy’s nose and face are swollen when he is beaten, especially the two dark circles, the most vivid and expressive!

“I was wrong, old man, I will never experiment with you again…” Luffy spoke weakly, lying down on all fours, Venus flashing in front of his eyes, and seemed to be spinning around his head.


Luffy roared questioning in his heart, and as soon as he realized that he was domineering, he was immediately poured cold water.

A whole hundred punches of the opportunity, actually did not even dodge a punch, standing in place as a sandbag, about to be beaten flat, the picture is too bleak!

“Rookie, just learned to climb and immediately want to run? Domineering, also layered, your armed color domineering, can barely say, not the bottom, but this body is domineering, still wandering in the bottom, unless you release water, otherwise I shoot, you don’t even know how to get beaten. Mu Yang commented, and then suggested that Luffy go to the most central ice and snow island, temper his spirit in the most extreme environment, and train for decades without sleeping, maybe he could dodge a punch.

“Then forget it, I won’t do it!”

Luffy got up decisively, refused, and then got into the cabin to find a fishing rod.

“Hmph, I’ll fish and eat it myself.”

Blu Bru ~~

At the critical moment, the phone worm rang, Luffy was distracted, the fish that was about to reach his mouth disappeared, and before leaving, he specially surfaced, flicked his tail, and splashed!

“Just help you once.”

Sensing Luffy’s resentful eyes, Mu Yang made a move, opened his palm, turned into an invisible big hand with sword qi, converged his edge, and directly plunged into the sea to capture the escaped fish.

Then, Mu Yang connected the phone worm.

“Old man, the first case, the first example appeared, on the other side of the West Sea, a village that paid protection fees was slaughtered.”

In the microphone, the voice of the Warring States came, a little helpless, because the person who did it was not a pirate, and his identity was more special, and he added: “It was done by a Draco, in fact, the amount of Tianshangjin was cut by eight-tenths, which attracted the dissatisfaction and protests of this entire ethnic group, and that Draco, who was also looking for fault, sent his bodyguards to slaughter the village.” ”

“Draco… I guessed that it would be one of them who provoked, and only those stupid pigs were so unafraid of death. Mu Yang’s tone was very indifferent.

“Old man, what are you going to do then?”

“There is nothing to say, since someone does not believe my wrist, then in public, tear off his bones, and let him enjoy the feeling of every inch of his skin being cut off by the sword qi.” Mu Yang said, his body soared into the sky, stopped in mid-air, his eyes swept around, and he thought in the direction of the West Sea and the Holy Land Mary Joya.

“Sengoku, tell me the location of that Draco.”

“Already hiding in Mary Joa.”

Mu Yang did not speak, directly hung up the phone worm, turned into a rainbow light and flew out.

On the ship, Luffy was not strange, too lazy to ask, and left without saying hello, which was often the case.

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