Although there was no reporter’s report, after word of mouth from everyone in the world, the news of Draco’s torture and killing spread all over the world.

Countless people came to the Chambordi Islands and saw the bloody corpse with their own eyes, it is said that this is the \ Draco, who died a very miserable death, wailing for more than ten hours, and then placed here as a deterrent.

Meanwhile, Hydra Island.

“I believe you, it’s really Hades Rayleigh, the deputy captain of One Piece Roger, a very strong big man.” Outside Nine Snake Island, the female warrior said, recognized Rayleigh’s identity, just now, she saw with her own eyes, a huge \ incomparable sea king jumped out of the water, and without waiting for any movement, she was frightened back by a look \ look, shivering\trembling, and retreated into the sea.

“However, Mr. Rayleigh’s appearance is a little different from what I imagined.”

The female warrior’s eyes \ look weird.

Who would have thought that the legendary Hades King Renly turned out to be a decadent uncle with gray hair and hanging out on the street with a wine bottle.

“Haha, don’t care about this kind of detail, I’ve been in seclusion for many years, and now I’m a decadent old man, not a big man.”

Renly smiled wryly, touched the messy beard on his chin, and carefully corrected it.

“Moreover, the whole world, as long as that one is still alive, who dares to call himself a big man? It’s simply not shameful enough to pass it out. ”

Reilly is recalling that once, in the heyday of the pirate group, he was arrogant, but even so, Roger was still extremely jealous, and solemnly told many times that if Muyang wakes up in the future, he must not provoke, avoid the edge, the more cautious the better, and even disband the pirate group when necessary.

You can imagine how much Roger valued him.

The female warrior said: “Sooner or later I will repay him for this kindness.” ”

Soon, on Nine Snake Island, patrolling soldiers found the two, and then alarmed the female emperor Han Cook.

“Delivered, I’ll go first, Hancock, appease your subjects.” Renly spoke and left in amusement.

“Concubines act without your command.”

Hancock’s temperament is as cold as ever.

Renly laughed and said nothing, he is a human spirit, his eyes are too vicious, where can he not see Han Cook’s deliberately hidden emotions?

Sure enough, after he left, Hancock took the female warrior directly back to the palace, and then closed the gate, forbidding others to enter.

“Say, tell the whole story of your escape from Mary Joa.” Hancock said.

In the windless zone, the only way to know what happened in the outside world on Nine Snake Island is a newspaper, but there is no newspaper that dares to publish the news of the execution of the Draco, so Hancock knows nothing, and at the moment his heart is full of doubts, and finally asks, the whole process of the female warrior’s escape.

“Yes, Lord Snake Ji…” the female warrior began.

On the throne, listening to the scene being depicted, Hancock gradually found it difficult to maintain calm, when he heard that Draco was executed in public and tortured him to death, he was biting his lips, his body trembled slightly, and finally heard Mu Yang make a move to eliminate the flying dragon hoof prints on their backs, his mind was instantly blank, and he felt that he couldn’t control his emotions.

“Snake Ji-sama?”

“It’s okay, you stand up, lift your clothes \ clothes and let the concubine look at the back.”

Moments later, the female warrior left the palace.

She understood Hancock’s gaffe as a concern for her subjects, did not think much about it, and talked with a few acquaintances after going out, preaching the benevolence of the female emperor.

At this moment, in the palace, Hancock lost her soul, and the impact of the whole thing on her was too great.

Mu Yang’s image has taken root in her heart, domineering!

Directly killing a Draco and letting him die screaming for hours, this kind of thing the female emperor has thought about it in her heart at most, and dare not implement it, because the price is too great, let alone in front of hundreds of thousands of people, broadcast the whole process on a big screen in broad daylight, dare to be more domineering? It is simply trampling on the dignity of the entire Draco clan!

“The concubine must find him!”

Hancock muttered, “Navy headquarters! I remembered that before, didn’t Grandma Zhao say that the man had cut off an arm for each of the five old stars, was it the father of the Warring States, and now it is true to see this matter, and the concubine must go to the headquarters of the Navy! ”

At the same time, on the sea surface of the Great Voyage, a pirate ship was moving aimlessly and slowly.

The captain of this ship is called Red Hand Garrett, a little famous, is a pirate group that has only recently sprung up, the bounty is close to 100 million berry, and there are several cadres with very good strength in the pirate group.

“Master, are you hungry now? I told the rabbits under me to cook. ”

However, at this time, Garrett was like a servant, asking in a low three-four manner.

He was about to cry, he was driving on the sea, and suddenly a person fell from the sky, and when he saw the face clearly, a ship of pirates knelt, was it really directly kneeling, is there any reason not to kneel? This Lord is now the object of extensive discussion at sea, a murderous mess, and a group of people directly want to cry without tears, as if they see the god of death beckoning.

And so there is what is happening now.

“You guys are casual, don’t care about me, I’ll stay on your ship for a few days and leave.” Mu Yang threw out a fishing rod to fish.

Leaving from the Chambord Islands, he was not in a hurry to go back, intending to raise Luffy for a while.

“Master, are you serious?” Garrett cried and lost his face, how many days will he stay? After only ten minutes, he felt that the spirit \ spirit was about to collapse, and the soul was separated from the body!

“Am I like someone who came here to entertain you?”

Mu Yang glanced at it casually, and directly scared Garrett into peeing.

“No, no, no, master, you can live as you like, you can live as you want…”

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