At the naval base, the colonel knelt in the corridor, he explained everything, at this time tears, constantly kowtowing, begging for mercy.

In front of him, it was Mu Yang, who was expressionless and thinking.

“This… Colonel Gnat, how do you…” In the base, there were soldiers who continued to come with reinforcements, just the first group of people who were stunned by the overlord domineering, and many soldiers had just received the news, the intruder appeared outside Colonel Gnat’s office, so they hurriedly arrived, fully armed.

However, seeing the scene in front of them, everyone was stunned.

What did they see? The highest person in charge of the entire base, kneeling on the ground, with an embarrassed and humiliating posture, almost licked the shoes of the person in front!

Then, when the gaze shifted, and when the other person’s face was clearly seen, everyone could understand.

Especially the two soldiers who shot at Mu Yang just now were also mixed in this group of people, and they almost wanted to cry, and suddenly thought of what Mu Yang had said by patting them on the shoulder a few minutes ago.

What did you just do? Shooting at the highest-ranking marshal in the navy is indeed the greatest honor of life!

“How… What to do? One of them turned his head and asked, his legs trembling like a sieve, six gods and no masters, feeling that the naval career can be announced to end here, at the gate, you can give yourself a special seat, and look at the big ~ gate for a lifetime in the future.

“You ask me, how do I know!” The other man also turned pale -.

The person who forced himself to calm down and sounded the alarm was him, and he was the one who shot first, and he couldn’t cry if he wanted to, is there still a chance to turn over? Strictly speaking, he should worry most about his future fate, most likely, he will not even have a place to watch the gate, he will be transferred to the rear, take a piece of cloth, maintain training equipment on the base, or work in the logistics kitchen.

“Otherwise, the two of us will also go over, kneel down and ask for sin, and strive for forgiveness, I don’t want to waste my whole life of youth looking at the gate.”

“I speak and give you a quick death.”

At this time, Mu Yang spoke, and then his right hand turned into magma, and the scorching heat wave rushed to his face, wrapping Colonel Gnart, accompanied by a puff of smoke, making him scream directly in pain, and quickly disappeared silently in the world, evaporated by the hot magma.

The sudden change stunned the navy present, looking at the scorched marks on the ground, this move verified Mu Yang’s identity, it was a Buddha-figure, there was no fake, but at the same time let everyone panic, everyone was at risk, they didn’t understand, why did they suddenly start? And without the slightest mercy, even the ashes are not left, and the bottom is completely gone!

In the crowd, the two guards were terrified, and their feet were soft and they almost lay on the ground.

“Let’s take another look, wait and see, something is wrong.”

Another person nodded with a chicken pecking rice and said: “That’s right, wait a minute, I feel that Lord Marshal seems to be in a bad mood now, could it be that something happened in the base?” Just directly executed Colonel Gnatt in public? ”

“Where is the number two person in charge of the base?”

Mu Yang said that this time he was really a little angry, because in fact, the whole process had formed a black industrial chain. Gnat secretly tripped, deliberately delayed the date of the entire village to pay the protection fee, and then contacted a special person, let the people behind the scenes sell intelligence, the income inside is simply a million profits, Gnat explained, he has tens of millions of berry, this is the temptation brought by money.

“Lord Marshal, I’m here.”

The second person in charge was a public-faced lieutenant colonel, who walked out from the crowd and asked Mu Yang in his heart what instructions he had.

“After I leave, the entire naval base, for the time being, you will assume the duties of the highest leader.”

········· Ask for flowers… 0

“Yes!” The lieutenant colonel hurriedly saluted.

“I don’t want to see the Navy and pirates colluding again. I will talk to Sengoku and ask where his eyes have grown, and he actually put this garbage in the position of colonel, and also sit in the position of the commander of a naval base. Mu Yang said in an indifferent tone.

The news revealed from his words made everyone tremble.

It is not difficult to guess that this time Colonel Gnat really poked out of the basket, and actually affected the Warring States, so that he would also suffer? Rethinking the current system of the Navy? It seems that he really provoked Marshal Muyang, and I don’t know what kind of disaster happened.


Then, Mu Yang left, and when he passed through the crowd, he specially pointed to the two guards who shrunk their necks, and couldn’t wait to bury their faces, and then opened their mouths casually, saying that the two of them can be cultivated well, so that the mood of the two people instantly experienced ups and downs, it was simply too exciting, and a second ago I thought that I would usher in the judgment of the god of death.

“Yes, I will adjust the positions of both of them.” The lieutenant colonel said, believing that it was true, really thinking that those two were strange and talented, so they were favored.

After Mu Yang left, he immediately rearranged their positions as a base, and they had the potential to become a new star in the future.

At this time, Mu Yang came to a remote wasteland not far away.

This is where Gnat himself confessed and used to trade.

“Good, I’d like to see, which pirate group is so bold?”

Mu Yang said, exerting his magical powers, and once again condensed the mirror in his hand that could show the past.

Soon, two figures appeared in the mirror, one was Gnart, disguised, trading with the other… Towel…_

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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