Robin’s expression was shocked and stunned, and in the blink of an eye, things turned upside down?

A second ago, it was still the green pheasant who shot with a cold and ruthless face, freezing her and ushering in the end of her life. However, the next second was completely different, and he was protected by the strongest person in the world now? Life is worry-free, this change is simply too dreamy, and before you know it, fate has changed!

“Marshal Muyang, thank you…”

Robin spoke respectfully and cautiously, but found that Mu Yang did not mean to take it.

Directly came to the mid-air, I don’t know where to take out a trident, and then the next moment I randomly split it through the air.


The ice cracked, and the power of a halberd caused a huge amount of damage, only listening to a deafening sound, the ice parted, and the huge crack spread out all the way, revealing the raging seawater.

At this time, Mu Yang spoke, looked at Robin, and asked casually: “Will it start the boat?” ”


“You don’t need me to say more, do you? To the North Sea. ”


In the blink of an eye, two weeks flew by.

More and more people have found that the Hundred Beast Pirate Group has not moved recently?

The four emperors Kaido, who used to be high-profile and scary, once bathed in magma, walked on the bottom of the sea floor under 10,000 meters, and even broke into the lair of a group of large sea kings with his bare hands, and every few days, he was a big death, why is this time so quiet? Not like his actions!

513 Soon, the residents of Fishman Island brought intelligence, not long ago, Kaido and Marshal Muyang had a big battle at the bottom of the sea 10,000 meters below, and Kaido was suspected to be dead.

This news spread more and more widely.

The world is boiling, it is likely that one of the four emperors has died, this is still the first four emperors to die under him since Mu Yang woke up!

“Kaido is dead? Died so unclear, there was no combat process at all? I think nine times out of ten, it’s fake news from the fishmen. Some people questioned that if this kind of battle between the world’s top powerhouses, the movement would definitely not be hidden.

“Huh, haven’t you heard? It was a battle 10,000 meters below the seabed, how big was the movement so that you could hear it? Someone mocked, and then shouted loudly, while waving a large flag, which read: Marshal Muyang is mighty, Marshal Muyang is domineering, and it is effortless to kill the four emperors!

This is like an avid brain-dead fan…

However, then some pirates jumped out to prove that there was really movement in that sea, and they witnessed it with their own eyes, a wave rose into the sky, tens of meters high, I don’t know if it was made by the two of them.

However, when this news was said, it immediately triggered countless people to complain, despise, and be scolded as dogs. Or do you really dare to say anything, on the surface of the battle shadow sea 10,000 meters below the sea? It’s a little more reliable to make up nonsense, do you really think that others don’t have intelligence?

Everyone in the world was talking about it, and there was a seething discussion, but as Guan, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group did not move for a long time.

It wasn’t until a day later that Drought Jie, one of the three plagues, came out to sharply refute the rumors, angrily denouncing all the rumor-mongers, saying that Captain Kaido is now alive and well, but he has recently been in retreat, and he is too lazy to pay attention to the gang of jumping beam clowns.

“Rumor-mongers, listen to me, long wake up from the retreat, we will lead people to fight, provoking the Hundred Beast Pirate Group will inevitably pay the heaviest price!” Jack is a fishman on this island.

But Neptune replied very strongly, because he got news that someone saw Mu Yang leaving the sea near Fishman Island intact, which was equivalent to eating a reassuring pill.

“I am waiting for the revenge of the Hundred Beast Pirates, Fishman Island, fearless of everything.”

Neptune coldly dropped this sentence, but the Hundred Beast Pirates were dumbfounded.

Then, a person claiming to be a former crew member of the Hundred Beast Pirates released a message admitting that Kaido was indeed dead, and the members of the Hundred Beast Pirates basically knew the news.

Instantly, it once again caused an uproar in the fishing wheel, and many people were watching the jokes of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group, taking the opportunity to fall into the well, very unscrupulously, and directly ridiculed Drought Jack: Do you need to wait decades for Kaido to be reincarnated and reborn?

At this time, the new world, the undercurrent is surging, and the territory left by Kaido is too eye-catching, but no one dares to be this leading bird in the front, they are waiting for the opportunity.

“Abominable, abominable… That guy has already killed a Four Emperors. ”

On an island on the Great Voyage, Ace vents his anger and turns the earth in front of him into scorched earth with a fiery fist.

Among them, there are many pirates with fire on their bodies and screaming.

After the last incident, Ace’s goal changed, from removing the head of Whitebeard’s neck to killing Mu Yang and saving Luffy.

A series of fire fists, the entire ground was burned crimson, the flames were raging, and several rolling figures disappeared, at this time Ace suddenly turned his head to face the people of the Spades Pirate Group and announced, “This is a good opportunity, enter the new world, we must seize the opportunity to rise, so that we have the ability to confront that guy!” ”

Somewhere on the sea of the Great Route.

Mu Yang was basking in the sun, and suddenly, the phone worm rang.

“Goo la, Kaido’s old boy, really dead?”

The bold laughter came, and it was the whitebeard who called to verify the truth of the news.

“It should be dead, but after all, it came out of Dragon Island, and there may be some life-saving moves, but it doesn’t matter, if he is not dead, then kill again.” Mu Yang replied very casually, he talked to Whitebeard, but it made Nicole Luo next to him feel that her head was very confused, the strongest man in the navy and the four emperors were on the phone? Shouldn’t it be an unending hostile identity?

At this time, Nicole Robin remembered that Whitebeard once singled out the BIGMOM Pirate Group and took away several devil fruits, and there were rumors that it was related to Mu Yang behind it, which was actually true?

In fact, what happened at that dark fruit auction did not spread.

Because the vast majority of witnesses died, they were chased and killed by the members of the Bloody Hand Organization led by Garrett, and those businessmen who left had very tight mouths and understood the truth of calamity coming out of their mouths, so the whole thing was naturally suppressed, and only a part of the people in a small area knew about it.

“Goo la la la, I know that before the Navy clears the Whitebeard Pirates, if you have the opportunity, you will come to drink on the Moby Dick next time.”

After speaking, Whitebeard hung up the phone worm.

And at this time, the bottom of the new world.

It was dark, secluded and deep, and since leaving Fishman Island, Kaido never showed his head, walking under the deep sea, extremely hidden.

“Jack, how’s it going?”

“Rest assured, captain, now that the news of your death has been completely spread, there is propaganda from the soldiers we deliberately released, and they have to believe it if they don’t believe it.” Jack reported, and then solemnly informed that there were already a number of pirate groups watching, preparing to annex the most marginal territory in the Kaido Sea.

“Hmph… Very good, there is no need to worry, leave nothing alone, some useless territories, give them all. Let these people bounce around for a few more months, and when I return, I will be killed one by one! ”

Kaido said coldly, he was brewing a big plan. _

Feilu reminds you: read three things – favorites, recommendations, and points

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