My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 10 Can I get this for free?

The next day,

Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ

As a touch of fish belly white appeared in the east, the night covered with bright stars was soon pierced by the sunlight.

The golden sunlight shines into the house through the gap in the window, causing the loving couple on the bed to wake up from their sweet dreams, and at the same time, it also exposes the mess in the houseโ€”โ€”

Pieces of clothing are scattered irregularly beside the bed, on the carpet, on the table...

"Ah, I overslept!"

With a sweet cry, a snow-white fairy shadow passed through the curtain and landed on the ground as fast as the wind.

Yang Ling, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes and saw Yun Hua who had just stopped.

I saw this fairy who was married to a woman holding a white robe with her slender hands. The pure gauze barely covered her exquisite and convex figure, as sacred, noble and charming as a hibiscus emerging from the water.

"What are you looking at!"

Yun Hua glanced at Yang Ling and said angrily: "It's all your fault that I got up late. If someone gets the elixir first, there will be trouble."

"Can you blame me?" Yang Ling felt aggrieved, "You were the one who provoked me first last night..."

"Shut up!"

Yunhua Xiafei's cheeks quickly interrupted Yang Ling's words.

Then she stretched out her hand, and a plain dress appeared out of thin air, covering up the beautiful spring scenery.

The white clothes are better than the snow, and the green silk is fluttering.

After she was dressed neatly, she returned to the elegant posture of an immortal from the shy beautiful young woman.

Yang Ling sighed, recalling the shocking glimpse just now, and couldn't help but have thoughts in his heart.

"Are you going yet?"

Yun Hua's beautiful eyes rolled around and she gave him a slightly white look.

At this moment, like waves rising suddenly on a quiet lake, like water slurry splashing out from a silver vase, Yang Ling's heart throbbed violently.

"Go! Of course you want to go!"

Yang Ling quickly got up and got out of bed, got dressed and followed his wife out of the house.

While eating breakfast, he called the housekeepers in the inner courtyard and lied that he and his wife would be in seclusion to refine alchemy in the next few days. He briefly explained the matters at hand and ordered them to take good care of the two young masters.

Afterwards, the couple returned to the main courtyard where they lived.

Yunhua locked the door of the house, looked around, and after confirming that no one was around, he stretched out his hand to hold Yang Ling and suddenly it turned into a rainbow light and soared into the sky!

In an instant, the two of them were already high in the sky.

Although this was not his first time flying into the sky, Yang Ling still showed a frightened look, which made Yunhua secretly laugh.

Yang Ling lowered his head and looked down at the huge Guanxian city at his feet. The houses were like building blocks he made for his children.

However, although he was high in the sky, Yang Ling did not feel weightless under that rainbow light.

When he got used to the feeling of flying high in the sky, Yun Hua's thoughts moved slightly, and the rainbow light surrounding the two of them streaked across the sky like a shooting star, disappearing in an instant.

This rainbow light does not go straight up to the sky, but rushes towards the southwest.

In just half the time of burning incense, the two of them had arrived at Meishan, a thousand miles away.

Yang Ling opened his eyes and looked around. As far as he could see, a beautiful mountain connecting the sky to the ground came into view.

From a distance, you can see indigo, and from close, you can see green, clouds cover deep ravines, and there are dangerous rocks covered with fog.

This mountain is Meishan, the destination of their trip.

"The spiritual grass I'm looking for is called Yao Herb. It has nine leaves. Each leaf has a different color. I'll help you look for it when we get to the top of the mountain later..."

Yunhua said as he took Yang Ling and flew to the top of Meishan Mountain.

Halfway through the journey, a thick black air suddenly rose in the dense woods ahead.

This black air condensed and never dispersed, reaching straight into the sky like a beacon.

"This is a demon cultivator claiming territory, and there will probably be a fight below."

Yunhua stopped Hongguang, explained the situation to Yang Ling in a familiar manner, and then planned to go around.

At this moment, an anxious female voice came from the dense forest below.

"Brother Li, run away quickly, I'll stop this monster!"

Although they were far apart, Yang Ling and Yun Hua both had sharp ears and eyes that could not be compared with other people's. They immediately followed the sound subconsciously.

A pair of young men and women were seen flying through the dense forest with sword light. They were wearing Dashang standard armor, and their movements were agile and fast, like swimming dragons.

Behind them, countless giant trees fell down in pieces, and an extremely thick green python, hundreds of feet long, was chasing the two of them crazily.

Wherever he passed, even the giant tree hugged by the four people was like withered grass, broken by the waist in an instant.

Although the young man and woman were not ordinary people, from time to time they would use sharp sword light to slash at the giant python behind them.

But the gap between them is too big.

Not only did the streaks of sword light fail to cause much damage to the giant python, they actually aroused its ferocity even more, and the huge snake body suddenly jumped forward.

It opened its bloody abyss-like mouth, and spewed out a stream of black gas that was as rich as ink.

The black gas seemed to be extremely poisonous, and all the trees and flowers passing by along the way withered and decayed in an instant, turning into ash and "swirling" down.

Although the young man and woman deflected in time, they were still chased by the black energy like a shadow.

Fortunately, the man pushed the woman beside him away in time to avoid being poisoned by the black energy. However, he stumbled. The sword light under his feet disappeared and he fell heavily to the ground. The black energy spread on his face and vomited from his mouth. He was frothing and his eyes began to turn white.

"Brother Li!"

At this critical moment of life and death, the woman did not abandon her companions. Instead, she fell to the ground, holding the sword in her hands tightly, and stood in front of them like a hen protecting her chicks.

The giant python rushed forward with its tongue spitting out, and opened its mouth to swallow the young man and woman into its stomach.

Facing this huge monster, the woman's face was full of determination, and the sword in her hand shone with a brighter brilliance.

Obviously, she was ready to die.

But even if she died, she would never let the giant python have an easy time!

At this moment, a rainbow light fell from the sky, and instantly supported a colorful "rainbow wall" in the dense forest.


There was a loud noise.

It was the hundred-foot giant python that hit the rainbow wall head-on, and the huge body that was originally moving at a high speed stopped instantly.

Then the extremely thick snake body fell down with a bang, and it actually knocked itself unconscious, and then rolled down the hillside.

Dust and smoke rolled along the way, crushing countless flowers, plants and trees.

The sword-wielding woman was extremely shocked by this scene. When she looked up, she saw Yunhua and Yang Ling floating down from the sky, surrounded by auspicious light and colorful auspiciousness, just like a pair of immortal lovers descending to the mortal world.

When illuminated by the auspicious light, the black air on the face of the man lying on the ground disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, a transparent information panel slowly unfolded in front of Yang Ling:

[Daily good deeds task completed]

[Task evaluation: excellent]

[Please receive your reward]

[1. Instantly restore to the best state]

[2. Random blind box +2]

[3. Free attribute points +5]


Yang Ling was stunned for a moment.

It was his wife who saved him!

So, can you do good deeds by getting free money?

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