My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 16 Don't worry, I'm very kind (please read on)

"Damn it!"

Looking at Yang Ling who suddenly appeared in front of him, Zhu Zizhen was shocked and said sternly: "Who are you?"

"Kill your people!"

Yang Ling answered simply and clearly.

Then, he raised his hand and punched out.

All 840 million giant elephant particles woke up, and instantly burst out with overwhelming divine power, converging into a vast torrent and spurting forward.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

At this moment, the air within a few hundred feet in front of him seemed to freeze. Zhu Zi felt like he was stuck in a quagmire, and it was difficult to move his limbs.

Yang Ling remembered that this kind of "magical power" effect was not available in the original version of the Divine Elephant's Prison Suppressing Power.

However, the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power he practiced evolved according to the laws of the ancient world, so it is reasonable to evolve new magical powers.

I have to say that this move with its own "binding" effect is still very practical.

Otherwise, when you punch out, all the enemies will be gone, and it will be useless no matter how powerful you are.


Zhu Zizhen saw Chang Hao being punched to death with his own eyes. When it was his turn to be trapped in the "quagmire", he was immediately frightened and roared suddenly, and his burly body instantly turned into a ball of black smoke.

This was the move he used to deal with Yun Hua before, and it was almost immune to all physical damage.

At this moment, he repeated his old tricks, trying to avoid Yang Ling's fist.

But he had forgotten that Yang Ling's fist could evaporate even the clouds in the sky, let alone the black smoke he turned into?

In the face of absolute power, any tricks are in vain!

When the terrifying power of the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power was completely released, Zhu Zizhen, who turned into black smoke, immediately regretted it.

Under the terrifying power, the black smoke evaporated quickly, just like the snow under the scorching sun. It was impossible to withstand it!

You must know that every wisp of black smoke is the transformation of Zhu Zizhen's physical body. Every time a wisp of black smoke is evaporated, it is equivalent to digging out a piece of flesh and blood from his body!

In just a moment, Zhu Zizhen felt the pain of being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts.

He hurriedly released the spell and transformed back into his true form. At the same time, his bloody body instantly expanded and transformed into a black-haired wild boar dozens of feet tall.

He raised his head to the ground and faced Yang Ling's fist with his extremely tough back.

In terms of Taoism, Zhu Zizhen can only be ranked fourth among the Seven Monsters of Meishan.

But when it comes to physical defense, Zhu Zizhen is able to squeeze into the top two thanks to his tough and thick boar skin!

This is where he is most confident.

He believed that he would be able to withstand this punch.

In fact, he did hold on.

The price is that the body is riddled with holes, ravines and huge wounds everywhere on the body.

However, before he could take a breath, Yang Ling's second punch came again.

Then came the third punch, the fourth punch, the fifth punch...

When the seventh punch came, the black-haired wild boar, which was dozens of feet tall, howled violently, its whole body trembled and convulsed, and its mana surged, escaping from its body like boiling water.

With the loss of mana, the huge black-haired wild boar quickly shrank visible to the naked eye.

But in the blink of an eye, the originally small mountain-like beast became the size of an ordinary wild boar, inconspicuous in the deep mountains and old forests.

It has been beaten back to its original shape, and all its conduct has become empty!

Although the black-haired wild boar lost his moral skills, he still retained his intelligence. After falling into the forest, he immediately knelt down and touched the ground with his head facing Yang Ling.

It can no longer speak.

If he could speak, he would be crying and begging Yang Ling for his life.

Yang Ling's heart softened and he said softly: "Without Dao Xing, it will be difficult for you to survive in these dangerous mountains and rivers, right?

I’m afraid it won’t be long before I become someone else’s food…”

The black-haired wild boar nodded quickly when he heard this, and squeezed out two tears from his red eyes, as if to prove that he was indeed very pitiful.

Yang Ling nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I'm very kind and I won't let that happen."

After saying that, he raised his fist and beat the black wild boar into meat patties.

Then he chanted the spell and summoned blazing flames.

Shatter his body, destroy his spirit, burn his body, burn his soul, and cut off all possibility of his survival and reincarnation.

After doing all this, he took out another porcelain bottle.

A green clam was poured out of it.

The green clam is a kind of insect. When it gives birth to a child, it must rely on a blade of grass. When the child is taken, the mother will fly to it.

In ancient times, immortals often used green clams to perform tracking techniques.

Even if the target is far away, it can still be found.

When Zhu Zizhen and Wu Long escaped just now, Yang Ling first used the green clam technique on Wu Long, and then pursued Zhu Zizhen.

Calculating the time, it took him twenty or thirty breaths to kill Zhu Zi, enough for Wu Long to run hundreds of miles.

And maybe he has found help.

However, Yang Ling did not hesitate at all, and still rose into the sky, turning into a flying rainbow and speeding towards the west.

The dragon has reverse scales, if you touch it you will die!

The same goes for Yang Ling.

His wife and children are his enemies. If anyone dares to attack them, he will make them pay the price no matter what!

Who is that guy?

Wu Long walked against the wind, looking back from time to time.

The punch that killed Chang Hao just now really shocked him.

After so many years of enlightenment, he had never seen such a domineering and powerful fist. Even the earth was shaking and the sky was cracking!

He could not imagine what kind of horrible scene would happen if that fist hit him.

He did not want to know.

So, as soon as he reacted, he chose to run for his life!

As long as he ran far away and escaped to his brothers, he was not afraid of the mortal catching up.

Bah, how could that kid be just a mortal! ?

Wu Long was a little angry.

If he had known that this guy was so powerful, he would not dare to provoke him even if he had given them a few more courage!

It was just a Yaoxiang grass, so he gave it to him!

He hated this kind of guy who was obviously very powerful but had to pretend to be weak. Isn't this obviously cheating people!

But no matter how powerful you are, after I wake up my brothers, let's see if you can still be arrogant!

Thinking of this, the tension and panic on Wu Long's face gradually dissipated.

"The cave where my brother is in seclusion is in front of us..."

Looking at a towering mountain a few miles ahead, Wu Long landed lightly on the ground, with a look of awe on his face.

If it hadn't happened just now, he would never dare to disturb him!

But now even Chang Hao is dead, and Zhu Zizhen's life and death are unknown. Now is the time to wake him up!

Thinking of this, Wu Long calmed down and was about to go forward and knock on the door.

But at this moment, an indescribable terrifying pressure fell from the sky, locking him firmly in place.

Unable to move an inch!

Immediately afterwards, accompanied by a deafening roar, Yang Ling fell from the sky like a meteorite.

He swung his fist and hit the ground directly.

840 million giant elephant particles exploded, and at the same time, the "all" character secret was triggered again.

Ten times the combat power!

The punch was so powerful that the body of Silver Centipede Immortal Wu Long twisted, deformed, and exploded instantly. As a low-grade Xuanxian, he could not bear this destructive force at all.

Then, the invisible force hit the ground, instantly triggering a huge disaster.

The earth was like being hit by a giant hammer. Starting from the center of the punch, cracks quickly spread to the surroundings, with earth and rocks surging and dust rolling.

The roar was like the roar of Thunder God, shaking the surrounding trees without wind, and the continuous mountains seemed to tremble in the ripples.

As the fist force was further released, deep cracks began to appear on the ground, like a huge mouth opened, eager to swallow everything.

The cracks became deeper and deeper, and finally formed a huge pit, which was bottomless, as if the entire valley was about to be completely destroyed by this force.

The surrounding mountains also seemed fragile under this force. With the sound of collapse, the towering mountain in front of them was about to fall, and finally broke from the middle of the mountain...


Amid the collapse of the mountain and the flying of rocks, a bright white light shot up from the bottom of the mountain and turned into a tall and burly young man in the air.

He was the leader of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, who called himself Yuan Hong and was a white ape who had attained the Tao.

He turned into a human form, wearing a white robe, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and a heroic look.

He was tall, with slender limbs, holding a water and fire stick in his right hand, and two golden lights shot out of his eyes, scanning the surroundings.

He looked extremely angry.

Come to think of it, he was in seclusion in the cave, but suddenly the ground shook and the mountain collapsed in half, almost burying him.

How could he not be angry?

If he found the culprit, he would tear him alive!

Suddenly, he seemed to have sensed something, and with a slight shake, he was above the huge pit.

He frowned and stretched out his hand to grab a handful of air, but only grabbed a few scattered soul fragments.

Wu Long, the fifth of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, the Silver Centipede Fairy, had been reduced to ashes!

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