My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 207: The Gou Chen Rebellion, the beginning is the end!

"It's unmistakable, he is Demon Saint Bai Ze!"

Taiyin Xingjun said firmly.

She is a veteran of the ancient Demon Court, and is naturally very familiar with Demon Saint Bai Ze, who ranks first among the top ten Demon Saints in the Demon Court.

Sure enough, the subsequent dialogue and exchange between the Emperor and Bai Ze in the picture also proves this point.

In the picture, Demon Saint Bai Ze and the Emperor of Heaven were chatting happily, seeming to be discussing some conspiracy, while the unconscious "Princess Yao Ji" was ignored.

This scene made the gods and gods present stunned. They began to realize that all this was not accidental, but an unknown collusion between the Emperor and the Demon Saint Bai Ze.

The Emperor's body began to tremble. He knew that his crime could no longer be concealed, and his reputation, his status, and everything about him would be destroyed.

He stared at Yun Hua fiercely, wishing to cut her into pieces, but he was unable to do anything.

God Haotian, on the other hand, had a calm expression on his face, as if he had already anticipated all this.

The entire heaven fell into silence, and only the images in the shadow beads continued to play, revealing the collusion between the Emperor and Demon Saint Bai Ze.

At this moment, the Emperor's heart was filled with annoyance.

"Gou Chen! What else do you have to say?"

The voice of God Haotian reverberated in the heaven like thunder. His eyes stared coldly at the Emperor of Heaven, and his voice was full of unquestionable majesty: "Gou Chen, you colluded with the remnants of the demon clan in an attempt to bring trouble to the heaven. Your crime is unforgivable. !

From today on, you will be dismissed from your position as the Emperor and will be demoted from heaven, never to return! "

Suddenly there was a commotion in the heaven, and all the gods and gods were talking about it.

Some gods clapped their hands and applauded, feeling that God Haotian's decision was a reflection of heaven's justice; others frowned and shook their heads, thinking the punishment was too harsh.

After all, the Emperor was once the Lord of Heaven and had made great contributions to Heaven. This treatment seemed a bit too heavy.

"This is a deserved fate. What Emperor Gouchen did is really outrageous!" an immortal general said indignantly.

"But he is a veteran of Heavenly Court after all. It would be too much to demote him from Heavenly Court like this..." Another Immortal Lord seemed hesitant.

While the immortals and gods were discussing, the Emperor suddenly roared, his voice full of anger and unwillingness: "This is all a conspiracy! This is a deliberate design by God Haotian and Princess Yaoji to target me!!!

I am not convinced! "

His voice echoed in the heaven, but no one dared to respond. Even the Black Killing Marshal under his command lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Colluding with the remnants of the demon clan is a grave sin and has already caused the Emperor to lose all support.

His resistance can only be a futile struggle.

God Haotian said coldly: "Gou Chen, your crime is already clear. In full view of the public, do you still want to quibble?"

The Emperor's body trembled, and his eyes showed deep despair.

He knew that his end had come and everything he had in heaven would be a thing of the past.

A ruthless look flashed in the Emperor's eyes. He knew that he had no way out, and the hatred in his heart was like a raging fire, burning his last sanity.

"Go to hell!"

He roared violently, and disappeared like a ghost in the eyes of the gods and gods. The next moment, he appeared next to Yun Hua, with his right hand turned into a sword and piercing her heart with destructive power.

However, God Haotian reacted even more quickly, with his brows furrowed and a hint of coldness flashing in his eyes.

His figure swayed slightly in the air, as if the world was turned upside down. He instantly switched positions with Yun Hua and his son, blocking the Emperor's fatal blow.

"Gou Chen, you are asking for your own destruction!"

God Haotian roared angrily, flipped his palm, and a dark green pagoda appeared out of thin air, thirty-three stories high, exuding vast coercion, and seemed to be able to suppress eternal existences.

When the Emperor saw this, his expression changed. He knew that this was the Haotian Pagoda of God Haotian. It was a supreme artifact used to suppress the fate of heaven and was extremely powerful.

The uneasiness in his heart rose momentarily, but it passed away quickly and was replaced by anger and hatred.

God Haotian waved his hand, and the pagoda instantly grew larger, like a huge mountain, enveloping the Emperor.

The space inside the pagoda was distorted, and the two figures disappeared from the sight of the gods and gods. Only the mysterious light that kept flashing on the outer wall of the pagoda was left, indicating the fierce battle inside.

In the pagoda, the battle between Haotian God and the Emperor was extremely fierce.

Every strike of the two quasi-sage powerful men contained the power of the great avenue. The two forces collided continuously inside the pagoda, making a deafening roar.

If it weren't for the Haotian Pagoda, the fluctuations alone would be enough to shatter all the gods present.

The figure of God Haotian is like a god in the pagoda. Every step he takes seems to be able to shake the universe, while the Emperor of Heaven counterattacks crazily like a trapped animal. His attacks are full of violence and desperate determination.

Outside the pagoda, a group of immortal gods looked at the pagoda nervously, holding their breath and concentrating. They knew that the outcome of this battle would determine the future of heaven.

The battle inside the pagoda became more and more intense, and every impact made the roar of the Emperor even more shrill, as if all the regret and anger were turning into sound waves to tear the sky apart.

In the eyes of the immortals and gods from the outside world, the Haotian Pagoda was shaking violently, and every tremor caused indescribable fear to surge into the hearts of countless immortals and gods present.

They didn't know what kind of earth-shattering battle took place inside the pagoda, but every vibration made them feel that the foundation of heaven seemed to be shaking.

The Black Killing Marshal stood in the crowd, his face extremely ugly, and his eyes flashed with uneasiness and panic.

He knew that if the Emperor was defeated, he, as a general under his command, might also be doomed.

His palms were sweating and he was worried, but he could do nothing but wait silently for the outcome of the battle in the pagoda.

Opposite him was Marshal Tianpeng standing aside. He had been looking forward to this day for a long time, and he was clenching his fists with excitement at this moment.

The battle in the pagoda continued. God Haotian's face was always calm, but the cold light in his eyes became increasingly hot.

He had his hands behind his back, surrounded by the laws of the Great Dao, and an extremely noble golden divine sword was suspended above his head. The power of the Lord of Heaven was undoubtedly revealed.

The Emperor's roar became weaker and weaker, obviously losing his advantage under the powerful suppression of God Haotian.

The vibrations of the pagoda also began to weaken, and it was obvious that the battle was nearing its end.

Finally, with a huge roar, the vibration of the pagoda stopped completely.

The emperor's roar suddenly stopped, and everything fell into silence.

All the gods' eyes were fixed on the pagoda, waiting for the final result.

As time went by, the fluctuations in the pagoda gradually weakened, and calm finally returned.

The figure of God Haotian slowly walked out of the pagoda. His divine clothes moved automatically without wind. The anger in his eyes had subsided, replaced by a touch of majesty.

As for the Emperor Gouchen Shanggong, he has disappeared. He has obviously been subdued by God Haotian, and his ending is self-evident.

The voice of God Haotian sounded again: "There is no room for rebels in heaven! General Gou Chen has been suppressed by me in the pagoda. When will he wake up and when will he be let go?"

From today on, heaven will return to its former glory. "

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

Taibai Xingjun stood at the head of the gods, his eyes flashing with admiration. He spoke first, his voice loud and clear: "His Majesty Haotian is wise and powerful. Today, he put an end to the Gouchen Rebellion in one fell swoop, preventing it from causing irreparable losses. , it is truly a blessing to heaven and a blessing to the three realms!”

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of praise in the heaven.

A group of gods opened their mouths and sang praises, and their voices merged into a mighty current that echoed in the heaven.

"Your Majesty, Holy Might!"

"Your Majesty's wisdom and martial prowess are a blessing to the three realms!"

"Your Majesty has a sharp eye and can see through conspiracies and schemes at a glance!"


Since the merger of the Heavenly Emperors, the prestige of the Haotian God has increased. Now that he has personally suppressed the Emperor who opposed him, his prestige has reached its peak.

The awe of God Haotian was even greater in the hearts of all the immortals and gods present.

At the same time, the immortals who once took orders from the Emperor were uneasy. They were worried that their past actions would be liquidated, and they were afraid that if they were implicated, something would happen to them.

God Haotian stood in front of the pagoda and glanced at the gods and gods present. His voice was like the sound of nature, but it carried unquestionable majesty: "There is no room for betrayal in heaven. But after all, he is responsible for the Gouchen rebellion. Personal actions have nothing to do with others.

Let bygones be bygones.

After today, let bygones be bygones.

I hope that all of you, dear friends, can perform your duties and work together to maintain peace and order in heaven and create a prosperous Three Realms. "

These words were like spring breeze and rain, which relieved the worried immortals. Smiles of relief appeared on their faces, and they expressed their gratitude and loyalty to God Haotian.

"Thank you for your magnanimity, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty is kind, we will fulfill our duties faithfully and live up to His Majesty's expectations!"

In the heaven, the atmosphere became harmonious for a while. The magnanimity of God Haotian won the hearts of the immortals and gods, and also brought new hope and vitality to the heaven.

God Haotian nodded slightly. He knew that although many gods and gods had previously taken orders from the Emperor, it did not mean that these gods and gods could no longer be used by him!

At this time, Taibai Xingjun spoke again and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, it is the credit of Princess Yaoji that we were able to see through Gouchen's conspiracy in time this time.

Although she has made mistakes before, her contribution this time cannot be erased. I sincerely ask Your Majesty to pardon his crime and show that Your Majesty is clear about rewards and punishments! "

God Haotian frowned slightly, his eyes turned around on Taibai Xingjun and Princess Yaoji, and then slowly spoke, with a hint of unquestionable majesty in his voice: "Gong is merit, past is past, How can the merits and demerits be offset?

She had violated the laws of heaven first. If she was directly exempted from the culpability, then where would the laws of heaven be placed? "

When Taibai Xingjun heard what God Haotian said, if he had not known that this was originally the other party's instruction, he would have thought that the other party really did not want to forgive Princess Yaoji's sins.

At the moment, he respectfully begged again: "Your Majesty, Princess Yao Ji's achievements this time are indeed a significant contribution to the heaven.

She was able to expose Gou Chen's conspiracy in time and protect the safety of Heaven. This contribution should be affirmed. "

The smart ones among the immortals and gods had already guessed a few things when they saw Lord Taibai Xing before. Now that they saw him speaking again, they immediately knew what he was talking about, and they all hurriedly asked for mercy.

Taiyin Star Lord was the first to stand up and said seriously: "Your Majesty, Princess Yaoji's contribution is obvious to all! Even if she did violate the laws of heaven, her contribution to heaven is real.

Your Majesty should be clear about rewards and punishments. How can you only have severe punishments without rewards? Wouldn't that chill the hearts of all the immortals? "

"Please forgive your majesty for Princess Yao Ji's crime!"

"I beg your Majesty to have mercy!"


Many immortals and gods began to plead for mercy.

Seeing this, the expression on God Haotian's face gradually softened. He was silent for a moment, and then slowly spoke: "Of course I know Princess Yaoji's contribution this time, and I also understand the thoughts of all my beloved ladies.

However, the laws of heaven cannot be abolished, and I will make my own judgment on Princess Yao Ji’s fault. "

When Taibai Xingjun and the gods heard what God Haotian said, although they were still a little uneasy, they also knew that God Haotian did not reject it directly, which at least left a glimmer of hope.

God Haotian's eyes fell on Yun Hua again, and his voice softened a lot: "Yao Ji, you violated the laws of heaven, I should have demoted you to the mortal world and suppressed you for thousands of years as punishment!

But since you have indeed made a contribution to heaven this time, and the immortals have interceded for you, I will exempt you from punishment! "

When Yunhua heard this, she felt excited. She bowed deeply to God Haotian: "Thank you for your grace, Yao Ji will definitely remember it in your heart."

The two brothers Yang Zhao and Yang Jian stood aside, with joy on their faces after hearing the words of God Haotian.

Yang Jian has a childish temper and has always been carefree and unobtrusive. When he was excited, he shouted loudly: "Uncle, you are really amazing!"

When Yang Zhao heard his brother's call, he was startled. He quickly stepped forward, gently pulled Yang Jian's sleeve, and reminded him in a low voice: "This is heaven, we must call you Your Majesty."

When God Haotian heard Yang Jian calling him by his first name, he raised his eyebrows slightly, but then smiled, waved his hand, and said magnanimously: "It doesn't matter, you are my nephews, and you are not at the court meeting now. Just call me uncle.”

When the two brothers heard the words of God Haotian, the tension in their hearts immediately dissipated a lot. Yang Zhao bowed his head gratefully and said, "Thank you, uncle."

Yang Jian smiled even brighter and did not hide his joy: "Uncle, you were so handsome when you suppressed that bullshit Emperor just now!"

God Haotian smiled, these two children are more talkative and more lovable than when they were children!

At this moment, Marshal Tianpeng walked up, with a bit of worry in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, what should Master Taiyi do now?"

God Haotian's eyes turned to Yun Hua, who nodded slightly, and the brother and sister seemed to communicate briefly.

Afterwards, God Haotian said sternly: "Zhenren Taiyi was kidnapped by Gou Chen, but after all, it was my Heavenly Court's mistake... Chang Geng loves you, please personally take him back to Kunlun Mountain and tell the cause of the matter." Speak clearly and don’t let the Saint of Chanjiao misunderstand our Heavenly Court!”

Upon hearing this, Taibai Star Lord Li Changgeng nodded quickly: "I obey, Your Majesty."

After that, he took a few divine generals and went to lift the seriously injured Taiyi Zhenren down.

God Haotian remembered something again, looked at Marshal Tianpeng and ordered: "It is said that in the three realms, Bai Ze, the remnant of the Demon Court, will be wanted immediately at all costs!"

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