My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 21 Do you know about the Lightning Five Whips?

Early in the morning is the busiest time of the day in Guanjiangkou.

The rising sun has not yet had time to release its fiery heat, allowing people to stroll on the streets with the cool breeze blowing.

Street vendors are selling all kinds of goods in different styles, and the air is filled with the aroma of steamed buns, sesame cakes and other breakfast items...

Under the bluestone bridge in the east of the city, Yang Ling imitated Xuandu and sat cross-legged in front of the stall.

Suddenly, all the noisy sounds fell silent, replaced by the sound of running water and the chirping of birds.

There are weeping willows planted on both sides of the bridge, and the willow branches sway in the wind, one after another.

Yang Ling didn't explain much about the bloody smell on his body, but simply talked about yesterday's trip to Meishan.

Xuandu didn't pay attention, just thinking that he was going to collect medicine with his companions, and killed a few monsters in the way.

If he knew that Yang Ling had killed three demon immortals in the Mysterious Immortal Realm by himself, his jaw would probably drop.

After all, in his eyes, although Yang Ling had a special destiny that made him unpredictable, he was still just a mortal who was proficient in the method of refining energy.

It was precisely because of this that he became interested in Yang Ling.

If Yang Ling were a golden immortal or something like that, he would be incomparable to everyone else in the eyes of Master Xuandu.

"So why did you come to me today?"

Xuan Du looked at Yang Ling, trying to get some clues from his expression.

If it were anyone else, he would know the other person's previous life and afterlife just by looking at him.

But when facing Yang Ling, he could only guess what the other person was thinking by observing the changes in his expression.

For Xuandu, this feeling is wonderful.

It's like going back to before becoming a disciple.

At that time, he could only observe the world with his eyes and try to figure out other people's thoughts with his heart.

"This time I'm here to ask the Great Master for advice on how to practice."

As Yang Ling spoke, he stood up, bowed solemnly, and said, "Please give me some advice from the Great Master."


Xuan Du raised his eyebrows slightly, "So, you have already started practicing the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique"?"

"Not bad." Yang Ling nodded and said sternly: "I have already begun to get a glimpse of the door, but there are still some things I don't understand. I would like to ask the Archmage to correct me."

"Then I want to test you."

Xuandu said with a smile.

The "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" he presented was actually a castrated version of the "Tai Shang Qing Jing Sutra" taught by people.

The contents inside were obscure and difficult to understand, and it took him three full days to get in.

You must know that as the first generation of human ancestors fabricated by Empress Nuwa herself, he was born with smart ears and eyes, and a wise soul.

From this we can see how profound and obscure this "Tai Shang Jing Jing Sutra" is.

But now, the mortal named Yang Ling in front of him actually claimed to have had his first glimpse of the door just one day later!

This was really hard for him to believe.

"What are you going to take the test for? Archmage, please feel free to take the test."

Yang Ling looked very confident.

When he decided to come to Xuandu in the morning, he carefully studied the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" that was engraved in his mind.

With the blessing of more than 1,500 points of [Enlightenment] attribute, the speed at which he comprehended the techniques could no longer be measured by common sense.

What's more, the real essence of "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" has been castrated, so it doesn't take much effort for him to comprehend it.

Not only that, he also combined Tai Chi and "created" a whole set of boxing techniques, which made up for the shortcoming of "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" that there were only Qi refining methods but no physical training methods.

This time, he planned to use Tai Chi to win Xuandu's favor and establish a relationship with him. In the future, he could use his identity to scare those with ulterior motives.

Therefore, facing the test proposed by Xuan Du, instead of worrying, he felt that this was an opportunity to demonstrate Tai Chi.

"Now that you have had a first glimpse of the door, do you know..." Xuandu paused for a moment, then asked softly: "What is the way of tranquility?"

Hearing this question, Yang Ling's face showed a hint of surprise.

Because this is not the content of "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique".

"Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" is mainly based on the harmony and interdependence of Yin and Yang, and the concept of mobilizing the interaction of Yin and Yang to transform all things in the world. It seems to have nothing to do with the word "quiet".

Isn't this question a bit misleading?

Yang Ling was about to raise his doubts, but suddenly he thought of the deleted parts in "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique".

If this "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" really has anything to do with the way of tranquility, then it has to do with the deleted parts.

It seems that he has to start with the deleted parts and understand them again in context to see if he can find some connections.

Thinking like this, he sat down cross-legged again, his eyes slightly closed, and the contents of the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" were quickly replayed in his mind.

He soon discovered that although a lot of the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique" had been deleted, it still retained some other contents except for the Tao of Yin and Yang.

It's just that when normal people understand this technique, they will be attracted by the yin and yang in it and ignore the others.

Only by understanding the way of yin and yang and then digging deeper into its mysteries can we discover something.

At this moment, Yang Ling discovered the mystery hidden in it, and naturally entered a state of enlightenment in which both things and myself were forgotten.

What he didn't know was that after seeing him enter the state of enlightenment with his own eyes, Master Xuandu's eyes immediately froze.

Because Yang Ling was naturally peaceful at this moment, with a mysterious Taoist charm flowing naturally around his body.

Xuandu is very familiar with this rhyme.

Because this is exactly the way of tranquility that his master, the Great Purity Saint, had realized.

Before today, only the master and his disciple had realized the way of tranquility.

And now, there is one more person.

If he had not seen it with his own eyes, Xuandu would never believe that someone could actually realize the way of tranquility from the "Yin Yang Qi Refining Technique".

This is equivalent to finding a way to prove the Goldbach conjecture from an elementary school textbook.

It can only be said to be very outrageous!

After a moment, Yang Ling slowly opened his eyes.

He looked up at the azure sky, then down at the soil beneath him, and slowly said, "The so-called way of tranquility has clarity and turbidity, movement and stillness.

The sky is clear and the earth is turbid, the sky moves and the earth is still; the yang is clear and the yin is turbid, the yang moves and the yin is still... the clear is the source of turbidity, and the movement is the basis of stillness.

If a person can always be clear and still, the heaven and the earth will all return.

The human spirit likes clarity, but the heart disturbs it; the human heart likes stillness, but desires pull it.

Send away desires, and the heart will be still; clear the heart, and the spirit will be clear.

In this way, the six desires will naturally not arise, and the three corpses will all be destroyed."

After saying this, he looked at Xuandu and said lightly, "Master, am I understanding correctly?"

Xuandu did not answer, but just stared at Yang Ling quietly for a long time, and then said seriously, "Daoyou is indeed not an ordinary person. I underestimated you just now."

Yang Ling's heart suddenly "clicked". Why did this great master suddenly become so polite?

Could it be that he was too much?

It seems that I have to be more restrained in the future.

He smiled and said a few polite words, and his face regained some of the tactfulness unique to secular merchants.

"You just said that you have questions about cultivation to ask me. Now you might as well say it out, and let's discuss it together."


Yang Ling wondered what he had done just now to make the attitude of this saint's disciple change so much?

You know, a moment ago, Xuandu had always treated him as an ordinary person.

But now, this great master seems to have regarded him as a fellow practitioner. Not to mention that they are of the same generation and treat each other equally, at least they are extremely valued.

Originally, Yang Ling was going to take out "Tai Chi" to ask Xuandu for advice, but now he is a little scared.

What if Xuandu becomes suspicious of him after seeing Tai Chi?

Looking at the great master Xuandu who was ready to listen attentively, Yang Ling pondered for a moment and slowly said:

"I have realized a method from the Yin-Yang Qi Refining Technique, called Lightning Five Whips..."


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