My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 211: The New God of Justice

On the Immortal Platform, the green and black pagoda stands in the sky, like a sharp sword thrust into the sky, exuding a faint fairy aura.

It is surrounded by nine heavenly immortal energy, and each floor of the pagoda is carved with complex magic circles. It is both a prison and a confinement, imprisoning the powerful man who made a big mistake.

The top of the tower is surrounded by thunder, showing its supreme majesty.

In the distance, a figure stood alone. He was wearing a white robe, a jade belt around his waist, and a black crown and hat on his head, with a solemn appearance.

Bai Ze Demon Saint stood tall and straight, standing quietly like a sculpture. His gaze penetrated the layers of clouds and stared at the top of the pagoda.

Around the pagoda, several immortals gathered together. Their expressions were complicated, and their eyes showed worry and uneasiness. One of the gods finally couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Lord Bai Ze, do you really want to break open the pagoda to save people? The restrictions there are extremely powerful. Once it is touched, I'm afraid..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another immortal: "It's too dangerous. If we fail, not only will we not be able to save anyone, but we ourselves will also suffer a catastrophe!"

Bai Ze Demon Saint turned around, his eyes were as deep as the sea of ​​stars, and there was an air of indifference in his eyes.

His voice was calm and firm, as if all the troubles in the world had nothing to do with him: "If Gou Chen can be rescued, with his hatred for heaven, he will definitely be a great help to us in the future."

Although the surrounding immortals were still uneasy when they heard these words, they couldn't help but feel convinced when they saw the calm demeanor of Demon Saint Bai Ze.

They know that Bai Ze Demon Saint never takes action easily. Now that he has decided to do this, he must have his reasons.

Demon Saint Bai Ze waved his hand gently, and a ray of fairy light condensed on his fingertips, turning into a jade slip. He handed it to an immortal god next to him: "Here is my method of breaking the pagoda's restrictions. You can follow the instructions above. steps to do it.”

The immortal god who took the jade slip had his palms trembling slightly. He took a deep look at Demon Saint Bai Ze, and then nodded: "I obey, Master Demon Master."

Yaochi Palace,

It is one of the thirty-six palaces in heaven, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world, towering above the sky.

The Yaochi Palace is surrounded by layers of clouds and mist. The sea of ​​clouds is billowing like a barrier to the fairyland, isolating the mundane world from the outside.

The palace architecture is exquisite, based on jade, and resplendent. The glazed tiles shine dazzlingly in the sun. Every detail reveals the exquisiteness and luxury of the fairy world.

The water in Yaochi is crystal clear and sparkling, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds. The lotus flowers in the pool are in full bloom, exuding a light fragrance. There are all kinds of exotic flowers and plants planted around, which are unbeatable all year round, colorful and exuding a refreshing fragrance.

At this moment, this gorgeous palace is welcoming a grand banquet.

Immortals from all walks of life gathered together, some riding mythical beasts, and some riding on clouds. They were dressed in gorgeous fairy clothes and crowns, smiling and greeting each other.

As the hosts of the grand event, God Haotian and the Golden Mother Queen were dressed in gorgeous clothes and wearing imperial crowns and phoenix crowns. They sat high on the throne and accepted the respect and blessings of the gods.

Fairy music sounded, and melodious melodies echoed, accompanied by a group of fairies dancing gracefully. Their dances were light, like butterflies flying, and like catkins fluttering, which was pleasing to the eye.

This was a celebration banquet to celebrate the end of the Gouchen Rebellion, and the participants were all famous gods from heaven.

Yunhua mother and son were supposed to participate in this banquet as the protagonists, surrounded by immortals and gods, but Yunhua was not interested in this. She just wanted to leave the heaven as soon as possible and return to her husband.

So before the banquet started, she took Yang Jian and two dogs, rode the black dragon out of Nantianmen, and went to Chaoge's home in the lower realm.

And her eldest son Yang Zhao stayed.

This celebration banquet will be the first time he will appear in front of the gods as a judicial god after he officially joins the heaven.

It's a bit ironic when you think about it.

Recall that at the beginning, he was still the son of a wanted criminal who "everyone shouted for beating", but now he has become the god of justice in charge of the law of heaven!

The atmosphere of the banquet was warm and filled with fairy music. God Haotian and the Golden Mother were sitting on high seats, overlooking the entire Yaochi Palace.

At this moment, God Haotian slowly stood up, surrounded by immortal energy, and his voice was loud and clear, reaching the ears of every immortal god.

"All immortals gathered in Yaochi today, there is something that needs to be announced to the public." As soon as God Haotian finished speaking, the originally noisy banquet venue fell silent instantly, and all eyes were focused on him.

He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Yang Zhao, and continued: "This time, the Gouchen Rebellion can be successfully quelled. Princess Yaoji and her son have made the greatest contribution, and they were specially named the gods of justice to assist the heaven and control the rules of heaven. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the banquet hall suddenly erupted in discussion.

Some immortals and gods talked in low voices, praising Yang Zhaozi for inheriting his mother's business and deserving of his title; others praised him for his great supernatural powers and enough to shoulder this important task.

Of course, some immortals expressed doubts and privately commented that he was still young and perhaps not mature enough yet, so he might not be suitable for this position.

Yang Zhao stood in front of everyone, his eyes were calm and firm, and he did not waver at all in the face of the discussions of the immortals and gods.

He cupped his fists and saluted with a respectful yet confident tone: "Dear Immortals, Yang Zhao is here for the first time, and there are still many things he doesn't understand about the affairs of Heaven. Please give me your advice."

His words were sincere and his attitude was humble. Even those immortal gods who had doubts had to admit that this newly promoted judicial god was at least impeccable in his manners.

God Haotian smiled and nodded, and the Golden Mother Empress also showed a satisfied expression.

The banquet continued, the fairy music sounded again, and the fairies danced even more gracefully.

All the immortals and gods gathered around and bowed to Yang Zhao, their expressions full of respect and joy. Their blessings came one after another, and some even patted their chests, promising that they would support Yang Zhao in heaven in the future.

Facing these enthusiastic immortals, although Yang Zhao felt a little grateful, he also felt a little uncomfortable.

Although his face was handsome and resolute, and he was tall, his eyes still retained the clarity of a young man. On such an occasion, he seemed a little embarrassed, not knowing how to deal with the flattery coming from all directions.

Just when he felt slightly embarrassed, a heroic voice sounded: "Okay, okay, everyone, let our new justice god take a breath!"

Everyone looked back and saw Marshal Tianpeng striding over with a bit of ridicule in his expression.

Marshal Tianpeng was tall and tall, with a bold face and a shrewd light in his eyes. He patted Yang Zhao's shoulder lightly and introduced him to the immortal gods around him with a smile: "This is the Feng Queen who is in charge of the wind and clouds, and that is the Jixia Shenjun who is in charge of the harvest..."

Marshal Tianpeng introduced them one by one. Yang Zhao listened carefully and nodded in thanks from time to time.

He whispered to Yang Zhao again: "There are many talents in heaven, but there are also intrigues. Like that Xingjun, who looks kind on the surface, but is actually very scheming. You have to be careful."

And Fairy Caixia over there is pure and kind, and worth your time to make friends with. "

Yang Zhao listened carefully. He knew that Marshal Tianpeng had some connections with his parents and had secretly helped his family before. Naturally, he was very polite to him and also trusted him.

He solemnly said to Marshal Tianpeng: "Thank you for the tip, I will definitely keep it in mind."

Marshal Tianpeng laughed loudly at this solemn thanks, and patted Yang Zhao on the shoulder: "Okay, you don't have to be so polite, we are all family members.

Your parents have a very high status in my heart, and it is my duty to help you. "

At this time, Lord Taiyin Star also stepped over.

She was wearing a silver-white dress, as soft as moonlight, and her steps were light, as if they were not dusty. There was a bit of love in her eyes, and she looked at Yang Zhao as tenderly as she looked at a junior.

"Yang Zhao, if you have any difficulties, just come to Guanghan Palace to find me." Taiyin Xingjun's voice was clear and clear, like beads falling on a jade plate.

When Yang Zhao heard this, his heart warmed. He knew that Taiyin Xingjun had a close relationship with his mother, Princess Yaoji, and her words were not just polite, but genuine concern.

He leaned forward slightly and treated him politely: "Thank you very much, Mr. Taiyin Star. After I am stable in heaven, I will definitely visit Guanghan Palace.

By the way, I have always wanted to see the Taiyin Jade Rabbit. After she returned to Guanghan Palace, I have never seen her again. "

When Taiyin Star Lord heard the words, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he stretched out his hand to gently point to the corner of the banquet. He saw a silver-haired girl squatting in front of the desk, staring at the peaches on the table eagerly, and the corner of her mouth unconsciously revealed a salivating look. look.

The girl was wearing a silver dress, her hair was flowing down like a waterfall, and the silver threads shone brightly in the sunlight.

Yang Zhao couldn't help but chuckle, this Taiyin Jade Rabbit was still as greedy as he remembered.

While Yang Zhao was talking with Taiyin Xingjun, a cheerful voice came from the crowd: "Cousin, congratulations on becoming the God of Justice!"

The owner of the voice was wearing a red dress embroidered with a golden dragon, and his face was filled with unconcealable joy.

Yang Zhao looked back and saw Princess Long Ji waving to him, and a sincere smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Princess Longji is one of his closest relatives in heaven.

During the time she was in the lower world, they were happy and carefree every day.

Princess Long Ji held Yang Zhao's hand, with a hint of envy in her eyes: "It's great that you can come to Heaven.

I also want to be a god of justice, but unfortunately my father and mother don’t agree, saying that my moral conduct is too poor... You are younger than me and have only been practicing for such a short time, so how can you be better than me? "

Her voice was slightly disappointed, and she obviously regretted not being able to become the God of Justice.

Yang Zhao looked at her, feeling proud in his heart, "My father taught me all my skills..."

Princess Longji's eyes flashed and she whispered: "Cousin, if you go down to the next world to perform official duties, can you take me with you? I also want to experience what it feels like to be a justice god."

When Yang Zhao heard this, he couldn't help being stunned, and then he agreed: "Of course, as long as my uncle and aunt agree, I have no objection."

When Princess Longji heard this, a trace of dissatisfaction and helplessness flashed in her eyes: "You know, how could they agree..."

Yang Zhao looked at her disappointed expression, his heart softened, and he comforted her: "Don't worry, when your magic power becomes stronger, you may have a chance.

Or we can find a suitable opportunity to get them to agree. "

After hearing these words, Princess Long Ji's eyes lit up again. She knew that Yang Zhao was a man of his word.

She couldn't help but laugh, took Yang Zhao's hand, and said excitedly: "Then it's settled! I will wait for that day."


Suddenly, a loud noise was like a bolt from the blue, breaking the tranquility of Yaochi Palace unexpectedly.

The loud noise outside was like the earth shattering, causing the cups and plates in the Yaochi Palace to be scattered and the petals of fairy flowers to fly away.

Haotian God frowned, his face turned ugly in an instant, and an ominous premonition spread in his heart.

The immortals and gods were also in a panic, some stood up, and some looked at each other, at a loss.

The joyful atmosphere of the banquet dissipated instantly, replaced by tension and uneasiness.

At this moment, a spiritual official rushed into the banquet hall panting, knelt down in front of Haotian God with a "thump", and reported anxiously: "Your Majesty, someone broke into the exiled immortal platform and opened a gap in the Haotian Pagoda. Emperor Gou Chen took the opportunity to escape!"

This news was like a bolt from the blue, and the entire banquet hall fell into silence.

Haotian God's face was as gloomy as water, and a trace of anger flashed in his eyes, but it was soon replaced by calmness.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Immediately close the four gates of heaven, activate the skynet, and at all costs, find the whereabouts of Gou Chen. I will personally catch him back!"

The immortals and gods talked about it, some were worried, some were angry, and some were guessing which bold person dared to commit such a treasonous act.

The atmosphere of the entire Yaochi Palace became heavy, and the joy of the banquet had long disappeared.

Yang Zhao stood in the crowd, and his heart sank.

He knew that this time the escape of Emperor Gou Chen would definitely bring a series of troubles to the Heavenly Court, and as a newly promoted judicial god, this might be the first big test he faced.

Princess Longji held Yang Zhao's hand tightly, her eyes full of worry: "Cousin, this matter is big, you also know the power of Emperor Gou Chen, once he escapes, I am afraid it will cause greater unrest."

Yang Zhao nodded gently, his eyes revealed determination: "No matter what, we must catch him back and maintain the order of the Heavenly Court."

Marshal Tianpeng and Taiyin Xingjun also came over, their expressions were very serious. Marshal Tianpeng patted Yang Zhao on the shoulder: "Although you are the God of Justice, this is your duty, but this matter is very serious and we cannot participate in it."

"That's right, you just need to do your own job, and don't try to capture the Emperor Gou Chen!" Taiyin Star Lord warned solemnly.

Yang Zhao knew that they were worried that he was young and full of energy and had thoughts that he shouldn't have, but in fact he knew his own strength very well.

He nodded to Marshal Tianpeng and Taiyin Star Lord: "Thank you for your reminder, I just need to find some clues... The matter of catching people still has to be left to my uncle."

Marshal Tianpeng nodded with satisfaction, feeling very relieved that "the child is teachable".


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