Yang Ling stood at the edge of a huge underground cave, with a vast sea of ​​lava in front of him. Bubbles were surging on the surface from time to time, and when they burst, they released dazzling light, reflecting the surrounding rocks in a colorful way.

When lava flows, different textures will form on its surface, some like sparkling water, and some like molten metal, flashing with metallic luster.

The air was filled with a hot breath, and even standing at a safe distance, one could feel the high temperature that could almost melt everything.

The steam was evaporating, making everything in sight distorted and blurred.

The magma sea made a rumbling roar from time to time, which was the power from deep in the earth's crust being released. Sometimes, the sound of huge bubbles bursting, accompanied by the sound of magma splashing, was like thunder underground.

This magma sea was not static, it flowed in a slow and firm rhythm, sometimes forming whirlpools, and sometimes surging waves.

Just as Yang Ling was staring at this sea of ​​lava, suddenly, the center of the magma seemed to be torn apart by some force, and the hot liquid splashed everywhere.

A strong light burst out from the depths of the magma. It was a three-legged golden crow, like a dazzling sun, shining in all directions.

Each feather of the three-legged golden crow seemed to be woven from pure solar fire. When its wings flapped, it brought up rolling heat waves, making the surrounding air seem to be ignited.

Its eyes flashed with a light that looked down on the world, which was the look of a supreme existence.

However, facing this sudden challenge, Yang Ling seemed unusually calm. He smiled faintly, moved slightly, and appeared above the golden crow.

He didn't know when he had an ancient long sword in his hand. The sword body was glowing with a faint blue light, as if it contained endless power of heaven and earth.

Yang Ling gently waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword energy was sharp, turning into a sword net as thin as a hair, blocking the retreat of the three-legged golden crow.

The Golden Crow screamed and flapped its wings to try to break through the sword net, but the sword energy was like a net that covered the sky and the earth. No matter how the Golden Crow struggled, it could not escape.

At this moment, Yang Ling showed his powerful strength. His magic power seemed to breathe with the world and resonate with the universe.

There was a trace of determination in his eyes. Then, he flicked his fingers lightly, and pure solar true fires gushed out of the Golden Crow's body and were easily absorbed by him.

As the solar true fire was absorbed, circles of subtle fluctuations appeared around Yang Ling's body. His magic power, nourished by this solar true fire, expanded rapidly like an oasis in the desert.

His breath became stronger and stronger, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a vortex of magic power, constantly rotating and absorbing the air of the surrounding heaven and earth.

As the solar true fire continued to merge, Yang Ling's body seemed to be undergoing some strange changes. A faint golden light began to appear on his skin, like a rising sun, shining brightly.

His magic power reached a new level at this moment. It was a powerful force that almost tore the void and could compete with the heaven and earth.

The three-legged golden crow no longer had any resistance in Yang Ling's hands. Its body gradually became dim and finally turned into a ball of fire and was completely absorbed by Yang Ling.

And Yang Ling, nourished by this power, had more magic power than before. His eyes penetrated the void and seemed to be able to see the path of cultivation at a higher level.

On the magma sea, everything returned to calm, leaving only Yang Ling's increasingly deep and determined eyes, foreshadowing that he would have more brilliant achievements in the future.

Yang Ling jumped lightly and landed steadily on a protruding rock.

He sat cross-legged, closed his eyes slightly, and began to circulate the magic power in his body, guiding the sun's true fire that had just been absorbed to travel through the meridians and merge into his own magic power.

As Yang Ling's magic power circulated, the high temperature around him seemed to begin to gather on him. The heat of the magma sea was no longer a threat, but instead became a boost to his cultivation.

The roar of the lava seemed to accompany his cultivation, and everything seemed so harmonious.

Time passed slowly in this hot space, and light began to flicker around Yang Ling's body, which was a sign of the perfect fusion of his mana and the true fire of the sun.

Soon, a colorful cloud slowly emerged above his head, rolling and emitting a warm and sacred glow.

In the cloud, a Taoist tree grew slowly, and the trunk was like glass, transparent and shining with colorful luster.

The branches were lush, and each leaf seemed to contain the mystery of the Tao, quiet and profound.

The most amazing thing was that on the Taoist tree, there were crystal clear Heavenly Fire Dao Fruits, each of which contained infinite power of heaven and earth.

Yang Ling knew that this was an important sign of his cultivation. The Heavenly Fire Dao Fruits were the key to his retreat this time. They contained supreme mana and could help him reach a higher level of cultivation.

As time went by, the Heavenly Fire Dao Fruits gradually matured and emitted a more dazzling light. Yang Ling's magic power was also constantly increasing. He felt that his body was recast, and every breath was full of strength.

At this moment, Yang Ling had completely forgotten the time in the outside world, and his whole mind was immersed in cultivation.

His soul seemed to be connected with the heaven and earth, feeling the pulse of the universe and realizing the true meaning of the Tao.

In this retreat without bystanders, Yang Ling's strength advanced by leaps and bounds unknowingly, and his cultivation achieved a qualitative leap in this lava sea.


For most prehistoric creatures, Xiniu Hezhou is a distant and mysterious region.

This place is full of unknown dangers and opportunities.

Although the mountains and rivers here are magnificent and the landforms are varied, with towering mountains, deep canyons, vast plains and dense forests, most areas are relatively barren and far less prosperous than Dongsheng Shenzhou and Nanshanbuzhou.

In this land, there live various mythical creatures, such as demons, ghosts, and fairies. They hide in deep mountains and old forests, or in deep caves, adding a sense of mystery and unpredictability to this land.

In the central area of ​​Xiniuhezhou, Mount Xumi stands tall, with its peak piercing the clouds, as if it is a huge lighthouse between heaven and earth, illuminating the whole world. The mountains are surrounded by clouds and mist, like a fairy's veil, swaying gently in the wind, covering the mystery of the mountain. The sun shines through the clouds and sprinkles on the body of Mount Xumi, shining with golden light, as if it is a gift from the gods, giving the mountain endless sacredness and solemnity.

At the foot of the mountain, in the lush forest, exotic flowers and plants bloomed, exuding bursts of fragrance, attracting all kinds of rare beasts to play in them. Occasionally, a crisp bird song broke the silence. It was the phoenix flying in the forest, its feathers were colorful, like a rainbow in the sky.

On the mountainside, the ancient temple was hidden among the verdant trees, and the golden roof shone in the sun. In the temple, the monks chanted scriptures in a low voice, and the melodious bells echoed between the valleys, conveying tranquility and peace.

As the height increased, the vegetation gradually became sparse, and finally near the top of the mountain, only hard rocks and eternal ice and snow were left. However, even in such an environment, one can feel a kind of transcendental tranquility, as if the mind has been purified and the soul has been sublimated.

Mount Xumi is not only a miracle of nature, but also a symbol of faith and spirit. It stands there quietly, witnessing the changes of countless years, but always maintaining its mystery and solemnity.

Taoist Gou Chen was wearing a green robe and stepping on colorful clouds, slowly floating from the sky.

His eyes were fixed on Mount Xumi in front of him, which was the holy land of the Western religion and the destination of his trip.

The clouds rolled around him, as if adding a touch of mystery to his arrival. However, Taoist Gou Chen was not in a relaxed mood. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his heart was full of uneasiness.

He knew that the two saints of the Western religion were not easy to talk to.

Their prestige in the prehistoric world was known to everyone, and the purpose of his trip was to let the two saints help him regain the power of the heaven.

Although Taoist Gou Chen had countless speculations in his heart, he also understood that only by facing it could he know the result. So he took a deep breath, gathered his mind, and urged the clouds to speed up.

Not long after, Taoist Gou Chen reached the top of Mount Xumi. His eyes penetrated the layers of clouds and mist and saw a huge shadow on the top of the mountain. It was an extremely huge world.

The phantom of this world flickered, as if it contained endless secrets and power. It was suspended above the top of Mount Xumi, emitting a holy radiance that people could not look directly at.

Gou Chen Taoist knew that this was the treasure of Western religion - the phantom of the Pure Land. It is not only the faith center of Western religion, but also the Pure Land that countless practitioners dream of.

Standing on the top of Mount Xumi, looking at the suspended phantom of the Pure Land, Taoist Gou Chen shouted in a deep voice: "Report to the Western Master, the disciple Gou Chen, I come to see you!"

The voice echoed on the top of the mountain, penetrated the clouds, and reached the depths of the Pure Land. For a while, the mountain wind stopped, the clouds stagnated, and it seemed that the whole world was waiting for something.

A moment later, waves of light appeared in the phantom of the Pure Land, and a boy in white slowly walked out of the light waves.

His figure was thin, his face was kind, his eyes were like mirrors, and he exuded a clear temperament.

The boy in white came to the Taoist Gou Chen, bowed slightly, and said in a calm tone: "The leader has known that the emperor is coming, and has specially sent me to lead the way. Please follow me."

When Taoist Gou Chen heard this, he was excited. He knew how rare it was to be able to enter the Pure Land of Bliss.

He quickly returned the greeting and said respectfully: "Thank you for leading the way, boy."

The boy in white turned around and stepped into the shadow, and Taoist Gou Chen followed closely.

As the two walked, the shadow of the Pure Land world gradually unfolded and turned into a light gate. The light in the gate flowed, like a passage to another world.

Passing through the light gate, Taoist Gou Chen only felt a gentle force wrapped around him, the surrounding scene changed rapidly, and bursts of Buddhist chanting came to his ears, like the sound of nature, which greatly comforted his soul.

After a while, Gou Chen Daoist found himself in a vast sea of ​​lotuses. The lotuses were in full bloom, emitting a faint fragrance. Each lotus seemed to contain a profound breath, which made people involuntarily feel a sense of admiration.

The White Lotus Boy led Gou Chen Daoist through the sea of ​​lotuses. From time to time, golden light fell from the sky and shone on the lotuses, making the whole world look peaceful and solemn.

Finally, the two came to a towering treasure palace. The treasure palace was magnificent. Two solemn golden-bodied Bodhisattvas stood in front of the door, holding magic tools and guarding this holy land of pure land.

The White Lotus Boy stopped and said to Gou Chen Daoist: "Daoyou, please wait here for a moment. I will inform the leader."

Gou Chen Daoist nodded, full of expectations and awe for the two leaders he was about to meet. He knew that this meeting might determine his future destiny.

He looked around and saw an endless green ocean. The green grass was as soft as silk, swaying gently in the wind, as if welcoming the guest from afar.

On the grass, colorful flowers bloomed one after another, emitting bursts of fragrance, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

The sky of the Pure Land of Bliss is pure blue, without a trace of dust. The sun shines from the sky, warm but not hot, bringing endless vitality to this land.

Taoist Gou Chen bathed in this warm sunshine and felt that his body and mind were purified.

In this paradise, Taoist Gou Chen saw a clear stream, and the gurgling sound of the water was like the sound of nature, making people forget the troubles of the world.

By the stream, various rare animals live in harmony. They either play by the water or forage leisurely on the grass. There is no fear of predation or being preyed, only peace and tranquility.

Soon, the White Lotus Boy returned with a smile on his face: "The leader is ready to meet fellow Taoists, please follow me."

Gou Chen Taoist took a deep breath and followed the White Lotus Boy into the treasure hall. A solemn atmosphere came over him. He knew that he was about to face one of the most mysterious and powerful beings in the prehistoric world.

Soon, under the guidance of the White Lotus Boy, he passed through the gate of the treasure hall and came to the depths of the Pure Land of Bliss.

This place is completely different from the outside.

In the sky, the wonderful flowers such as Mandragora kept falling from the clouds. They were like messengers from the sky, lightly descending with the blessings of the heavens.

As soon as these flowers touched the ground, they disappeared silently like an illusion in an instant, without any cleaning, leaving behind a clean and peaceful area.

The ground was covered with seven treasures, flat and vast, without the steepness of the undulating mountains and the depth of the deep valleys.

Every inch of land was so flawless, emitting a faint treasure light, making people feel as if they were stepping on the stars.

Countless palaces and pavilions are carefully constructed with seven treasures. They are either suspended in the air or placed on the ground, with varying sizes and unpredictable changes.

These buildings are magnificent and exquisite, and each one shows a unique charm and style. Outside the pavilions is an open space where colorful trees are neatly arranged. These trees are also made of seven treasures, colorful and shining with the light of gems.

Above the colorful trees are nets woven from gold threads, pearls and hundreds of thousands of miscellaneous treasures. They sway gently in the breeze, making pleasant heavenly sounds, just like countless musical instruments playing at the same time, harmonious and beautiful.

In the Pure Land of Bliss, all things exude infinite treasure fragrance, which is pervasive and fragrant, making people feel relaxed and happy.

There are also precious flowers blooming, rare birds flying, auspicious beasts walking, the seven treasures pool sparkling, and the eight merits water clear to the bottom. Every place is a moving picture.

From the ground to the sky, everything is emitting light, including the seven treasures, palaces, pavilions, treasure pools, colored trees, lotuses, etc., all of which are radiating brilliant light, making the entire depths of the Pure Land of Bliss naturally bright without the need for the sun and the moon, just like daylight.

In the heart of the Pure Land of Bliss, there is a pool of eight-treasure merit water, which is quiet and deep, with a mirror-like surface and clear bottom, reflecting the brilliance of the seven treasures around it, and flashing a soft and mysterious light.

The pool water is purified by eight rare treasures, and every drop contains infinite merit and wisdom. It not only nourishes the creatures in the Pure Land, but also purifies the soul, giving all beings coolness and tranquility.

By the pool, an ancient Bodhi tree stands tall, its roots deeply rooted in the fertile soil of the Pure Land, with lush branches and leaves, and green shade like a cover, providing a shelter for all beings.

Each leaf of the Bodhi tree exudes a faint golden glow, as if carrying the wisdom and compassion of the Buddha.

The breeze blew, the leaves swayed gently, making a rustling sound, accompanied by the crisp sound of water beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, playing a quiet and sacred hymn to life.

Suddenly, waves of ripples appeared in the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, golden light flickered on the water surface, and golden lotuses grew slowly, as if drawing endless spiritual energy from the water.

The golden lotus gradually bloomed, with distinct petals and brilliant light, until it fully opened, revealing a saint wearing robes and with a sad face.

The saint of Jieyin had a sad face, clasped his hands together, and the golden light behind him rippled like ripples, warm and peaceful.

At the same time, under the ancient Bodhi tree, the figure of the saint Zhunti gradually appeared. He stood under the tree, with an upright posture, like a jade statue, surrounded by a faint golden light, making the ancient tree look even more sacred and mysterious.

Seeing this, Taoist Gou Chen was extremely shocked. He immediately knelt on the ground, clasped his hands together, kowtowed like pounding garlic, and bowed again and again, expressing his great respect and gratitude to the two saints.

He knew that being able to meet the two saints here was the most rare opportunity, and it was also an opportunity he must grasp.

Saint Zhunti looked at Taoist Gou Chen's piety, nodded slightly, and said softly: "Daoyou, get up."

Taoist Gou Chen was so excited when he heard the voice, but he did not dare to disobey in the slightest. He just raised his head slightly, revealing a pair of eyes full of awe.

The Saint Zhunti walked lightly and came to the Taoist Gou Chen. An invisible force seemed to lift him up and said gently: "We can just call each other Taoist friends. No need to be polite."

The Taoist Gou Chen was moved when he heard this and waved his hand: "The saint is so virtuous. How dare I belittle myself."

The Saint Jie Yin also smiled and approached. His eyes were gentle, as if he could see through people's hearts: "Daoist Gou Chen, we have already felt your sincerity.

You may as well speak directly about what you want on this trip."

Taoist Gou Chen raised his head, with a firm look in his eyes. He took a deep breath and poured out the grievances and anger in his heart: "I would like to report to these two saints that the Yang Ling couple got married and had a child without permission, which is a blatant violation of the laws of heaven. However, God Haotian favored my sister and used power for personal gain. Not only did he not punish me, he also designed to frame me, causing me to lose my authority in heaven.

Only two saints can clearly understand the grievances in my heart, and I hope that the saints can make the decision for me. "

Taoist Gou Chen's voice was trembling, and he was obviously emotional. There were tears in his eyes, as if he was telling the injustice and helplessness he had suffered.

After hearing this, Saint Jieying showed a trace of deep thought in his brows. He shook his head slowly, with a sense of detachment in his tone: "The affairs of heaven are inherently complicated, and it is difficult for us to interfere. Furthermore, God Haotian is the king of heaven. Lord, there is a reason for his decision.”

Upon hearing this, Taoist Gouchen's heart sank, but he saw Saint Zhunti take a step forward and asked solemnly: "Fellow Taoist Gouchen, what exactly are you thinking about? Do you want to return to heaven, or do you want revenge?"

This question was like a heavy hammer hitting Taoist Gouchen's heart. He was silent for a moment, and finally spoke slowly: "Sage Mingjian, as long as Haotian reigns, it will be very difficult for me to return to heaven.

Moreover, even if he comes back, so what?

The struggle for power never ends.

I might as well stay in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, listen to the teachings of saints, practice and improve myself, and maybe I can find the real way to liberation. "

There was a hint of relief in Taoist Gou Chen's eyes, and his voice became calmer, as if he had let go of all the burdens and hatred.

Saint Jieying and Saint Zhunti looked at each other with approval in their eyes.

Saint Zhunti said softly: "Fellow Taoist Gouchen, it is really rare for you to have such an enlightenment. In this case, we should not hesitate to teach you."

When Taoist Gouchen heard this, his heart surged. He knew that this was a rare path of cultivation and an opportunity to cleanse his soul.

He kowtowed again, his voice full of gratitude: "Thank you two saints for their mercy. Gouchen is willing to practice devoutly here and live up to the saints' high expectations."

Saint Jieying nodded slightly and signaled Daoist Gouchen to stand up. Then he turned around and pointed to a treasure hall: "That is where you will practice. You can feel at ease there and gain enlightenment. If you gain anything, you can come to us at any time."

Taoist Gouchen stood up and looked at the palace, his heart full of expectation and yearning.

He knew that from now on, his path would be completely different, and all of this was thanks to these two noble saints in front of him.

He bowed and then slowly walked towards the palace. His back looked firm and lonely, but under the light of the Pure Land of Paradise, he seemed to be full of hope.

The saint who received the invitation watched Taoist Gou Chen's back fade away, turned around and smiled slightly at the saint, with a bit of relief in his tone: "It seems that the pace of the great prosperity of the West can no longer be stopped. Even old ministers like Gou Chen can't stop it. into our arms.”

A deep light flashed in Saint Zhunti's eyes. He nodded slightly, but then frowned: "Brother Jingyin, although Gou Chen has joined us, there are still demon clans behind him who are unwilling to lose power.

If they can also belong to the West, it will undoubtedly be a great help for us to carry forward Western teachings. "

After hearing this, the Holy Saint pondered for a moment, and the smile on his face gradually faded, replaced by a cautious look: "What Brother Zhunti said is absolutely true, but these remnants of the demon clan have heavy karma. If they are easily killed, By incorporating Western religions, I am afraid that we will also have to bear their karma, which is not worth the gain. "

Saint Zhunti sighed slightly, with a complex emotion flashing in his eyes: "Yes, the karma of these demon clan remnants is indeed not so easy to resolve. If we accept them indiscriminately, I am afraid it will affect the West The purity of the pure land.”

The two saints sat looking at each other, and there seemed to be an atmosphere of contemplation in the air. The saint said slowly: "We can still use the light of wisdom to discern their true intentions. If they can really take refuge in my Buddha, they will naturally be overjoyed; if they have ulterior motives, we will not force them."

A sharp light flashed in Saint Zhunti's eyes, and he said slowly: "Didn't the Jie Sect also take in a group of demon clan remnants at the beginning, and use this power to become the largest sect in the world.

It’s okay to teach, so can we.

If our Western Paradise can take these monsters into its arms and transform them into people in our Western religion, it will not only enhance our strength, but also reduce the number of enemies in heaven. Why not? "

After hearing this, Saint Jieying raised his brows slightly, pondered for a moment and then nodded in agreement: "Junior brother Zhunti is right about what he said, this matter is indeed worthy of our try.

However, it may not be a day's work to make these monsters willingly join our Buddhist sect. It's up to you to take care of this. "

Saint Zhunti nodded, with a light of strategy in his eyes: "Of course we have to be cautious in this matter, but we can't come forward in person.

Since Fellow Daoist Gou Chen has become a member of our Western sect and has a history with the demon clan, it would be better for him to come forward and lobby those demon clan.

It would be the best if they could convert because of their association with fellow Taoist monks Chen. "

Saint Jieying smiled slightly and seemed to be quite satisfied with Saint Zhunti's proposal: "If fellow Taoist Gou Chen can successfully convince the demon clan, it will be an achievement for him.

Okay, according to what you said, we will first convey this intention to Taoist friend Gouchen and see how he responds. "

Saint Zhunti nodded, and then his figure moved and turned into a breeze, drifting towards the palace where Taoist Gouchen practiced.

Gou Chen Taoist was immersed in his practice in the palace, when he suddenly felt a breeze blowing past him. He opened his eyes and saw Zhunti Saint standing in front of him.

Zhunti Saint smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist Gou Chen, there is something I need your help with."

Gou Chen Taoist quickly stood up and asked respectfully, "What do you want, Saint?"

Zunti Saint slowly told the plan, "Western Pure Land wants to recruit more believers, including those demons who have lost their power. You have a history with them, so why don't you come forward and persuade them to join our Buddhist sect. What do you think?"

Gou Chen Taoist was shocked when he heard this, and then he pondered for a moment. He knew that this was a rare opportunity and a test for himself.

He took a deep breath and answered firmly, "Saint, rest assured, Gou Chen will do his best and live up to your high expectations."

Zunti Saint nodded and smiled, turned around and turned into a breeze and left, leaving Gou Chen Taoist standing alone in the palace, his eyes firm, as if he had seen hope for the future.

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