Bigan knew that today's matter might not end well, but he was still unwilling to give up his last effort: "Your Majesty, I know my crime, but if the status quo is not changed, I am afraid that the Shang Dynasty will fall into a greater crisis in the future."

Emperor Xin's anger seemed to be getting more and more intense. He waved his hand fiercely, signaling the palace guards to come forward: "Come, drag Bigan away and interrogate him carefully to see who ordered him to be so presumptuous in front of me!"

Bigan was dragged rudely by the palace guards. Although he was full of helplessness in his heart, he was more worried about the future of the Shang Dynasty.

Feeling the iron chain on his wrist, Bigan's heart suddenly surged with anger.

He struggled to stand up and faced Emperor Xin, with a loud and powerful voice: "Your Majesty, I am your uncle, my blood flows with you, and my heart is connected with the Shang Dynasty. I would rather die than live in humiliation!"

The guards were frightened by Bigan's power, and their arms that were originally tightly grasped loosened a little involuntarily.

They looked at each other, with hesitation and uneasiness in their eyes, and no one dared to step forward.

Taking advantage of this brief opportunity, Bigan knelt down to Emperor Xin again, but this time, he raised his head and looked directly into his eyes: "Your Majesty, my loyalty is witnessed by heaven and earth. I am willing to give you advice with my life, hoping that Your Majesty can change his mind and become the wise and powerful king again. The people of Da Shang need you, and the country needs a real leader!"

Emperor Xin stared at Bigan, and the anger in his eyes seemed to have weakened, replaced by a hint of hesitation and hesitation.

Ripples appeared in his heart, and Bigan's words were like a heavy stone, thrown into the depths of his heart.

At this moment, Fei Zhong quietly walked to Emperor Xin's ear and whispered: "Your Majesty, Bigan is relying on his status as the king's uncle to control the court. His mind is deep! If Your Majesty listens to him, won't he succeed?"

Emperor Xin's hesitation was broken by Fei Zhong's words. His eyes became cold and ruthless again, and he angrily rebuked Bigan: "You are ambitious, are you trying to usurp the throne? I have only seen your true face today!"

Facing Emperor Xin's rebuke, Bigan felt sad. He knew that his honest advice was unpleasant to the ear, but he knew that if he could not awaken Emperor Xin's conscience, the future of the Shang Dynasty would be irreversible.

He sighed deeply, and a trace of tragic grandeur flashed in his eyes: "Your Majesty, if I have wolfish ambitions, heaven and earth will not tolerate it. What I said today is out of loyalty, and I will die without regrets."

Emperor Xin's voice was cold and heartless. He stared at Bigan who was kneeling on the ground and said sarcastically: "People's hearts are separated by their stomachs. How can I see your loyalty? Why not take out your heart and show it to me!"

When Bigan heard this, his heart was shocked. He raised his head, his eyes full of disbelief: "Your Majesty, are you going to give me a death?"

Emperor Xin sneered and replied: "I just want to see your heart."

Bigan's face was pale, and his voice was trembling: "If you cut open your abdomen and remove your heart, you will die. Why should your majesty..."

Emperor Xin interrupted Bigan's words and said coldly: "You keep saying you are loyal, but I want to see your loyalty, but you can't show it."

Bigan was silent. He knew that he had no way out. Facing Emperor Xin's cruelty and irrationality, Bigan's heart was full of despair.

He slowly lowered his head, his voice calm and firm: "Since Your Majesty wants to see my heart, please ask the guards to bring me the knife."

The atmosphere in the palace became heavier, and the guards looked at each other. Although they were used to Emperor Xin's cruelty, Bigan's loyalty and courage made them feel in awe.

Finally, a guard trembled and took out a short knife with a cold glow and handed it to Bigan.

Bigan took the knife, and the strength in his hand was extremely stable. He knew that he was about to die, but his eyes were still firm. He slowly stood up, faced Emperor Xin, and bowed deeply: "Your Majesty, if I have two hearts, heaven and earth will not tolerate it. Today's action is willing to prove my loyalty."

After that, Bigan closed his eyes and pointed the tip of the knife at his chest. Emperor Xin looked at this scene, and a trace of complex emotions flashed in his eyes, but he didn't say anything in the end, just watched quietly.

Bigan took a deep breath and stabbed hard-the tip of the knife cut through the skin, blood splattered, but there was no pain on Bigan's face, only a firmness that transcended the world.

As the wound expanded, colorful rays of auspicious light escaped from Bigan's chest, illuminating the entire hall, as if a miracle had appeared.

The guards and courtiers in the hall were stunned. They had seen blood and cruelty, but had never seen such a strange scene.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily focused on Bigan's chest, where a crystal clear heart was beating. Every time it beat, colorful light flowed through it. It was the legendary seven-hole exquisite heart.

"Is this the legendary seven-hole exquisite heart?" Someone whispered in a low voice, full of shock and awe.

"Does this kind of divine object really exist? Lord Bigan actually has such a heart!" Discussions came one after another, and everyone's eyes showed disbelief.

Emperor Xin's originally cold and ruthless face also showed surprise at this moment. His eyes were fixed on the beating seven-hole exquisite heart, and the fire of greed in his heart was ignited.

Upon seeing this, Fei Zhong immediately stepped forward, his voice trembling but full of awe: "Your Majesty, this Seven-Aperture Heart is the greatest treasure in the world. Legend has it that it can cure all diseases and prolong life. If you can obtain this heart, your majesty will be healthy and live as long as the Southern Mountains."

A flash of greed flashed in Di Xin's eyes. He had indeed indulged too much in the past few years, and his body was no longer as good as before.

Now that he heard Fei Zhong's words, the desire in his heart was like wildfire starting a prairie fire, and it was difficult to contain it.

"Bigan, since you are so loyal, then take a piece of your heart and give it to me." Di Xin's voice was full of command, and there was no hesitation in his eyes, only the desire for life and power.

Bigan's face turned even paler. He knew that he could no longer escape fate, but even so, he still tried his best to maintain the dignity of a loyal minister.

He coughed up a mouthful of blood in pain, his eyes piercing Fei Zhong like a sharp sword, his voice full of anger and disdain: "Fei Zhong, you despicable villain, you actually took advantage of His Majesty's greed to incite him to destruction!

Do you think that if you get the Exquisite Heart with Seven Apertures, you can live forever? absurd! "

He turned his head and glared at Di Xin, his voice even more high-pitched and passionate: "Your Majesty, do you really think that if my heart is hurt, I can still stand in front of you alive?"

Di Xin's face was gloomy and his voice was cold: "Bigan, I'm just lending you a piece, what's the big deal?"

Bigan was so angry that he was trembling all over and angrily shouted: "Hunjun! You are in a drunken stupor, a confused dog pig! If my heart is broken, I will die!"

Can't you see? "

A trace of anger flashed in Di Xin's eyes, and his voice was like a sword in the cold winter, cold to the bone: "You tell me to die, but I will be unfaithful if you don't die. To destroy the king on stage is to betray the integrity of your ministers! Bigan, yours Death is not a pity!”

After saying that, Di Xin waved his hand and ordered: "Come here, do it!"

Although the guards could not bear it, the emperor's order was as heavy as a mountain and could not be disobeyed. They stepped forward slowly, their eyes full of apologies.

Bigan knew that he could not change the outcome, but his eyes were extremely firm. He looked directly at Di Xin, and his voice was full of tragedy: "Your Majesty, Bigan's death is not a pity, but have you ever thought about the future of the Shang Dynasty? "

Di Xin's expression changed slightly, but soon returned to indifference. He turned his head and no longer looked at Bigan.

Bigan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Although his heart was filled with disappointment for Di Xin, he was more concerned about the people of the Shang Dynasty.

The guards hesitated for a moment, but finally raised their knives.

Bigan no longer had any hope in his heart. He knew that his death was coming, but he did not want to be humiliated in front of these villains.

With cold eyes, he said to the hesitant guards: "Please step aside, I will do it myself."

The guards looked at each other, and finally slowly backed away, leaving space for Bigan.

Bigan's hands were trembling, and he slowly stretched toward his chest. His movements were firm and resolute, as if he had transcended life and death.

There was a dull tearing sound, and Bigan's arm was covered in blood. There was no pain on his face, only a kind of relief.

He took out the exquisite heart with seven orifices that emitted colorful light from his chest and threw it on the ground, the blood dyeing the gold brick red.

Bigan wrapped himself in clothes, his body was shaky, but he still held his head high and stumbled out of the palace.

His face was as pale as paper, but there was a firmness in his eyes that he had never seen before.

He found his mount, and although he was extremely weak, he forced himself onto the horse and drove away slowly.

His target is Yang's firm, and what he is looking for is Mr. Jiang.

Yesterday, Mr. Jiang mysteriously told him that he would be in great trouble and gave him a talisman.

That talisman was the only way he could survive until now. His heart was full of trust in Mr. Jiang, and he believed that Mr. Jiang could save him.

Suddenly the shouts of water spinach sellers came from the street. Bigan was shocked. He reined in his horse and asked the shouting vendor: "Can a person still live if he has no intention?"

The hawker was busy selling when he heard this sudden question. He was stunned for a moment, and then smiled and said: "Sir, although this water spinach is hollow, it can still live well. People have no intention? Ha, then it won't survive."

When Bigan heard this, he immediately screamed and fell off his horse, blood gushed out like a fountain, and he cried out as he was about to die.

At this moment, a soft light flashed, and a gorgeous woman appeared like a fairy from heaven. She held a golden elixir in her hand. She moved quickly and elegantly and flicked the golden elixir into Bigan's chest. In the wound.

The bloody light from the wound suddenly dimmed, and the golden light flowed on Bigan's chest, like a golden stream, slowly healing his wound.

Within a moment, Bigan's wounds were no longer visible. He felt a warm current flowing through his body, and he became more energetic.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the woman who saved him from danger, and couldn't help but feel grateful.

Bigan struggled to get up from the ground and bowed deeply to the woman: "Thank you, fairy, for saving my life. I wonder what the fairy's name is?"

At this moment, a gentle voice came from not far away: "This is my senior brother's wife."

Bigan looked up and saw that it was Mr. Jiang - Jiang Ziya. He was wearing a Taoist robe, with a calm demeanor and the light of wisdom in his eyes.

Bigan suddenly realized that the woman in front of him was the mistress of Yang's business. He had seen her several times in the business, but he never thought that she had such magical powers that could save people from dire straits.

Bigan bowed deeply to the woman again: "It turns out to be Mrs. Yang. Bigan was rude. If not for Mrs. Yang's rescue today, Bigan would have been dead. In this life, I will never forget Madam's great kindness."

Yun Hua smiled slightly and waved his hand, indicating that Bigan did not need to be polite: "Sir Bigan, you are serious. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. My husband often says that Bigan is loyal to the country and the people. How can I, the pillar of the Shang Dynasty, let you fall like this?"

Jiang Ziya stepped forward and patted Bigan on the shoulder: "Bigan, your loyalty is a lesson to the world. Although what happened today is thrilling, it can still be regarded as a disaster. From now on, your destiny will change. "

After hearing this, Bigan was puzzled, but he knew that Mr. Jiang was an extraordinary person and must have deep meaning, so he didn't say anything more, but silently recorded these words in his heart.

Yun Hua's figure dissipated in the air like a gust of wind, leaving Bigan and Jiang Ziya standing there.

Jiang Ziya looked around and saw people coming and going. He frowned slightly and said to Bigan, "There are many people here and it's not suitable to stay for a long time. Let's find a quiet place and talk in detail."

Bigan nodded. Although his body still felt weak, his heart was firm. The two walked side by side through the bustling street market, and soon arrived at the secret courtyard of Yang's business.

In a quiet and elegant room, Jiang Ziya brewed a pot of fragrant tea, handed a cup to Bigan, and then slowly said: "Bigan, does your Majesty intend to issue an edict to sin against yourself as a sign to the world?"

Bigan smiled bitterly and shook his head. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes: "Mr. Jiang, that foolish king has been lost in desire and cannot listen to any good advice. He is hopeless."

With that said, Bigan recounted his experiences in the palace.

Jiang Ziya listened to Bigan's narration, the worry on his brows became more and more serious. He nodded, his voice a little heavy: "As expected, the end of Dashan has appeared. This is the destiny of fate, not the destiny of man. Can be redeemed."

Bigan couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly asked: "Why do you say this? Is there really no possibility of salvation?"

Jiang Ziya took a deep breath and looked deeply: "Bigan, you and I both know that the rise and fall of a country is closely related to the king's virtue.

Emperor Xin's tyranny has offended God, and disaster is imminent.

The demise of Dashang is probably only a matter of time. "

Bigan's heart sank to the bottom, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, but he soon regained his determination: "In this case, even though Bigan died with honor, I am willing to do my last to save the people from the fire and water. "

Jiang Ziya smiled slightly and patted Bigan on the shoulder: "I understand your intentions, but your fate is not over yet.

What happened today, although dangerous, is also the beginning of your turn. You still have a long way to go. In the future, you will definitely become a key figure in changing this dynasty. "

When Bigan heard Jiang Ziya's words, an inexplicable power surged in his heart, and his eyes glowed with hope again.

He knows that although the road ahead is bumpy, as long as there is light in his heart, the darkness will eventually dissipate.

The two sat opposite each other, discussing their future plans in detail. The sky outside gradually darkened, but in this elegant room, there seemed to be a beam of light shining, illuminating their path forward.

next day

Dashang Palace

Lutai is resplendent with jewels.

In the center of the palace is a huge wine pool. The water is crystal clear but exudes an alluring aroma of wine. All kinds of delicacies are placed beside the pool, forming a forest of meat. The aroma is overflowing and makes people salivate.

The palace ladies are dressed in light gauze, like fairies in the clouds. Their dancing postures are light, and they sing and dance to the melodious sounds of silk and bamboo.

Their dance steps change with the rhythm of the music, sometimes like butterflies flying, sometimes like gurgling water. Every turn and every look back is full of endless charm.

Emperor Xin of Shang Dynasty was wearing a luxurious imperial robe and a golden crown. His face was handsome but with a hint of coldness. His eyes wandered around the maids, sometimes admiring their dancing, sometimes intoxicated with fine wine.

His laughter echoed in the palace, making it particularly harsh.

At the wine pool, the attendants were busy pouring wine into the pool to make the water more mellow.

From time to time, Di Xin would throw the golden cup in his hand into the pool, let it float on the water, then reach out to pick it up and drink it all in one gulp.

There was a satisfied smile on his face, as if he was enjoying all the good things in the world.

Various rare treasures are hung on the walls of the palace, each of which is priceless.

However, beneath this extravagant scene, there is a deep crisis hidden.

Successive tyranny and luxury have aroused dissatisfaction among the people. No matter how loud the laughter is, they cannot cover up the storm outside.

However, Shang King Di Xin didn't seem to care about this. He was immersed in his own world and enjoyed the pleasure brought by power.

Di Xin suddenly thought of something and waved to the guards around him, signaling them to summon Fei Zhong and You Hun.

Not long after, the two favorites hurriedly entered the palace, with flattering smiles on their faces.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun, that thief Bi Gan, is he still alive?" Di Xin's voice was low, revealing a hint of unquestionable majesty.

Fei Zhong quickly knelt down, his head touching the ground, and said in a quick voice: "Your Majesty, Bigan was rescued. He is from Yang's company."

You Hun also knelt down quickly, with a hint of evil flashing in his eyes: "Your Majesty, Yang's firm and Bigan must have colluded and plotted against each other. Not only did they not lend money and food, they also wanted Your Majesty to issue an imperial edict to punish themselves. It's simply act recklessly!"

When Di Xin heard this, his expression suddenly became ferocious. He slammed the table and stood up, his voice full of anger: "Yang's firm, how dare you do this! Who do they think they are? How dare you go against me! "

Upon seeing this, Fei Zhong quickly lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, is it the king's land in the world? Everything in this big merchant belongs to you, and the Yang's business name naturally belongs to you too. How dare he disobey your order?" "

Di Xin's anger subsided slightly, and a hint of conspiracy flashed in his eyes: "Fei Zhong, you are right. I want this Yang's firm to know that their fate is in my hands!"

After that, Emperor Xin waved his hand and ordered the civil servants around him to quickly draft an edict, requiring Yang's firm to hand over Bigan immediately and pay a huge amount of gold, silver, money, food and cloth to show loyalty to the Shang Dynasty.

With trembling hands, the civil servant quickly wrote the edict. Emperor Xin stamped it with a jade seal himself, and then ordered it to be sent to Yang's business immediately.

Di Xin turned around and said to Fei Zhong and You Hun: "Go, take my golden armored guards and deliver the edict to Yang's business in person to see if they dare to disobey my will!"

Fei Zhong and You Hun took the order and left, full of joy, because in their view, this was an excellent opportunity to make a lot of money.

Everyone knows that Yang's firm has accumulated a large amount of wealth in the more than ten years since its rapid rise. Although most of it has been used for charity, even the remaining part is still a huge amount.

They went to deliver the order this time, and were guarded by the golden armored guards, so they could naturally sit back and relax and make money with peace of mind.

Di Xin sat back on the throne, and his eyes began to wander among the dances of the palace ladies again, as if the anger just now was just a show, and he was immersed in his own joy again.

Outside the palace, the golden armored guards set off in a mighty manner, their armors shining brightly in the sun, like shooting stars, heading straight for Yang's business house.

In the study, Jiang Ziya and Bigan were facing a magnificent map, discussing the next plan in detail.

Suddenly, a burst of rapid footsteps broke the silence in the room, and the housekeeper burst in panting, his face pale.

"Sir, it's bad! Thousands of soldiers and horses came from outside and surrounded our house. Fei Zhong and You Hun even rushed in with their own men!"

The butler's voice was filled with panic.

When Bigan heard the sudden news, his face turned pale instantly. He blamed himself: "I was the one who dragged Mr. Jiang down. If it weren't for me, how could your company have suffered such a disaster?"

Jiang Ziya's expression remained unchanged. He waved his hand gently to signal the housekeeper and Bigan to calm down: "It doesn't matter, my Yang's firm is not a place where they can be arrogant at will."

As soon as he finished speaking, noisy sounds came from outside the courtyard. The Jinjiawei led by Fei Zhong and You Hun were searching like wolves and tigers. Their only purpose was to find Bigan and plunder all the wealth of Yang's business. .

Bigan clenched his fists and was about to step forward, but Jiang Ziya shook his head slightly and stopped his recklessness: "Bigan, you have a special status. If you show up, it will only make things more complicated.

Sit down and take care of me. "

Jiang Ziya's voice was full of unquestionable majesty. Although Bigan was anxious, he had no choice but to suppress his anxiety and sit back in his chair.

At this moment, a loud shout came: "Jiang Ziya, hand over Bigan quickly, and bring me your company's gold and silver treasures!"

Fei Zhong's voice was full of arrogance. He was obviously full of confidence, thinking that he had Emperor Xin's will in his hands and could act unscrupulously.

However, when they rushed into the study, they saw Jiang Ziya still sitting in the chair with a calm expression, not affected by the noise from the outside world at all.

"Fei Zhong, You Hun, you came here with great fanfare to rob openly?" Jiang Ziya's voice was calm and deep.

Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at each other. They didn't expect Jiang Ziya to be so calm, and they couldn't help but feel a little wary in their hearts.

"Jiang Ziya, don't pretend to be a ghost! Today we are here under His Majesty's order. If you are smart, just hand over Bigan and the treasure!"

Youhun said through gritted teeth.

Jiang Ziya smiled slightly, his eyes as if staring into the abyss: "Do you think that there is really only gold and silver in this Yang's business house?"

Fei Zhong and You Hun looked at each other. They didn't understand the meaning of Jiang Ziya's words, but they felt an ominous atmosphere.

Seeing that Jiang Ziya was still calm and composed, Fei Zhong was filled with anger. He glared at Jiang Ziya and shouted sternly: "You dare to resist the order, you are stubborn! The Jinjiawei obeyed the order and copied the Yang's business name for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the golden-armored guards immediately rushed around like wolves and tigers. Their iron boots stepped on the ground, making a heavy sound, and the whole house seemed to tremble under the vibration.

When Bigan saw this, he was extremely anxious. He knew that his appearance would only worsen the situation, but he could not just sit back and ignore it. Just as he was about to stand up, suddenly, a beautiful figure fell from the sky and landed in the courtyard.

She was a woman of unparalleled elegance, with a light figure and an alluring face. With just a wave of her hand, an invisible force spread. All the golden armored guards who rushed into the house were instantly dizzy, and each one staggered, falling like a drunken man. On the ground.

The scene suddenly became chaotic. The originally fierce faces of the Golden Armored Guards now looked ridiculous. They struggled to stand up, but they were like puppets that had lost control, unable to act independently.

Fei Zhong and You Hun were terrified when they saw this. Their faces were as pale as paper, their legs were weak, and they could hardly stand.

They had never seen such a magical scene before, and the fear in their hearts surged like a flood.

"What is this?!" You Hun's voice trembled, and his eyes were full of fear.

Fei Zhong's eyes widened. He originally thought that he would be able to easily succeed with the Golden Armor Guards, but he didn't expect to encounter such an incredible scene.

His lips trembled, and he wanted to speak, but found that he couldn't even say a complete sentence.

The woman's eyes swept over Fei Zhong and You Hun. There was no emotion in her eyes, as if she was looking at two insignificant ants.

She turned to look at Jiang Ziya and Bigan, nodded slightly, indicating that she had controlled the situation.

This woman was Yunhua, who had saved Bigan's life before. Yang's business was the hard work of her husband, so she would naturally not sit idly by.

Bigan was full of gratitude to Yunhua. He knew that if Yunhua had not appeared in time, the situation today would have been difficult to deal with.

He stepped forward and bowed deeply to Yunhua: "Bigan thanks the immortal for saving my life."

Yunhua waved her hand gently, indicating that you are welcome.

Her eyes fell on Fei Zhong and You Hun who were still panicking. She waved her hand again, and an invisible force wrapped Fei Zhong and You Hun up. The next moment, they flew out of the house like stones thrown by a huge force and disappeared into the distant sky.

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