Seeing the four generals of the Demon Clan coming to kill, Yang Jian immediately took the initiative to fight against Mo Liqing and Mo Lihai in the front, and let Nezha fight with Mo Lihong and Mo Lishou.

Mo Liqing held the Qingfeng sword and Mo Lihai held the Jade Pipa. In terms of fighting, they were the two most powerful of the four generals of the Demon Clan.

Yang Jian took the initiative to fight these two people out of his care for Nezha and his confidence in his own strength.

At this time, Nezha looked at the two fierce opponents on the opposite side and excitedly proposed to Yang Jian: "Brother Yang, how about we have a competition? Let's see who can get rid of the opponent first!"

Upon hearing this, Yang Jian's eyes flashed with a hint of fighting spirit, smiled slightly, and replied: "Okay! Let's see who is faster!"

The four generals of the Demon Clan were furious when they heard this.

Mo Lihong roared even more, holding the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella and shaking it, and two pillars of fire burst out from under Nezha's feet like gushing lava.

Mo Lishou was not to be outdone. After a brief repair, the purple-gold whip that was broken into two pieces could barely be danced again. It immediately turned into a whip shadow, trying to trap Nezha in it.

Nezha was not in a hurry. The Qiankun Circle rotated in his hand, turning into a halo, leading himself to avoid Mo Lihong's fire pillar.

The Fire Spear was like a spirit snake, shuttling through the gaps in the purple-gold whip, looking for an opportunity to counterattack.

Facing the joint attack of Mo Liqing and Mo Lihai, Yang Jian did not show any weakness.

He drew out his horizontal sword and slashed out sharp blade lights, each of which seemed to tear the air, forming a fierce collision with Mo Liqing's Qingfeng Sword and Mo Lihai's Jade Pipa.

Yang Jian stood in the center of the battlefield. Facing Mo Liqing's violent attack, he was like a towering mountain, motionless.

The four-color light of earth, water, fire and wind brought by Mo Liqing's Qingfeng sword was dazzling. The power of the four elements gathered at the tip of the sword, but in front of Yang Jian, it was like a spring breeze, unable to shake him at all.

Mo Liqing saw this, and a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but he still didn't believe in evil, and swung his sword fiercely, and the sword light shot out like a meteor.

However, when the sword light hit Yang Jian, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, disappearing without a trace.

Yang Jian smiled lightly, his shoulders shook slightly, and he swung his sword backhand. The sword light was like thunder that split the sky and the earth, and directly split Mo Liqing's Qingfeng sword, shaking him back again and again, and spurting blood from his mouth.

Mo Lihai witnessed this scene and was shocked. He hurriedly picked up the jade pipa, and his fingertips flew, playing the soul-stirring magic sound.

The sound waves were like substance, attacking Yang Jian, trying to disturb his mind.

However, Yang Jian not only had a strong body, but also a strong soul. At this moment, he closed his ears and soul, as if he was in a silent world, so that the soul-stirring magic sound had no effect on him.

He walked towards Mo Lihai step by step, his steps were extremely firm, and every step was steady and powerful, as if every step was hitting Mo Lihai's heart hard.

Seeing that the magic sound was ineffective, Mo Lihai's face became even uglier. He roared, plucked the strings, and shot out countless wind blades and stone spikes, attacking Yang Jian like a storm.

However, these attacks on Yang Jian were like snowflakes falling on a raging fire, and they collapsed instantly.

Yang Jian's body seemed to be made of the hardest divine iron, and no attack could leave a mark on him.

Mo Lihai's eyes were full of fear, and he couldn't believe what he saw. His pipa sound had always been successful, but today it was repeatedly frustrated.

Seeing that Mo Lihai had lost his fighting spirit, Yang Jian stopped hesitating and took a step forward. His sword flashed like a rainbow and he went straight for Mo Lihai's throat.

Mo Lihai hurriedly raised his pipa to block, but was shaken away by Yang Jian's sword and fell heavily to the ground.

The soldiers cheered excitedly when they saw Yang Jian's might.

Nezha was not to be outdone. His battle with Mo Lihong and Mo Lishou was even more fierce. The flames and whip shadows intertwined, and the sound of fighting shook the earth.

Kong Xuan, Li Jing and his wife, and Zhang Kui and his wife stood in the distance and witnessed the whole battle. They were amazed by Yang Jian's performance.

Kong Xuan opened his eyes wide and exclaimed: "Yang Jian's physical strength is rare. He is invulnerable to swords and spears, and is immune to water and fire. He is comparable to the ancient mythical beasts!"

Li Jing and his wife looked at each other, and Li Jing whispered: "This child has not grown up yet. When he really grows up, he will definitely be able to shock the world."

Yin Shiniang nodded in agreement, with a look of approval on her face.

"He is worthy of being the offspring of Brother Yang. This Yang Jian is no worse than his brother."

Zhang Kui and his wife were also shocked by Yang Jian's performance. Zhang Kui whispered: "This kind of person is really a dragon and phoenix among men."

On the other side, Wen Zhong's face was extremely ugly. He didn't expect Yang Jian and Nezha to be so powerful.

He originally thought that the four generals of the Demon Family would be able to deal with any enemy together, but he didn't expect to be easily defeated by Yang Jian. His brows were furrowed, and he secretly thought about countermeasures in his heart, but he felt powerless.

At this time, Nezha saw that Yang Jian had firmly suppressed Mo Lihai and Mo Liqing, and victory was only a matter of time, so he was a little anxious.

His competitive spirit was stimulated, and he shouted loudly, and the Qiankun Circle in his hand suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

The Qiankun Circle spun rapidly in the air, turning into thousands of halos, which fell like a rainstorm on Mo Lihong and Mo Lishou.

Mo Lihong and Mo Lishou were confused by this sudden attack. They could have fought against Nezha, but now they were suppressed by the fierce attack of the Qiankun Circle and couldn't raise their heads.

There were too many halos, and almost every moment there were halos hitting his body.

Mo Lishou's purple-gold whip looked pale and powerless under Nezha's violent attack.

The scene became extremely intense for a while. Nezha's attack was like a raging wave, constantly impacting the defenses of Mo Lihong and Mo Lishou. Their figures became more and more embarrassed in the encirclement of the Qiankun Circle.

Mo Lihong saw that he and Mo Lishou were at a disadvantage. Facing Nezha's fierce attack, he had to use his trump card.

The Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella suddenly shook in his hand, and the sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon lost their light, and a strong suction force formed like a black hole, sucking the Qiankun Circles in one by one.

The light on the umbrella surface flickered, as if countless Qiankun Circles were rotating in it, swallowed by endless darkness.

Nezha was furious when he saw this. How could he tolerate his treasure being taken away? He immediately sacrificed the Huntian Ling, and the red light flashed and turned into a long rainbow, rushing straight towards the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

However, as soon as the Hun Tian Ling touched the Hun Yuan Treasure Umbrella, it was like falling into a quagmire, and was firmly sucked by the powerful suction, unable to move at all.

Nezha saw that the Hun Tian Ling was also sucked, and he was anxious. He knew that he could not lose these two treasures, so he tried his best to take them back.

But at this moment, he felt a huge suction pulling him, and his body began to be uncontrollably sucked towards the Hun Yuan Treasure Umbrella.

Nezha struggled to escape, but the suction of the Hun Yuan Treasure Umbrella was like an abyss, sucking him tightly, making it impossible for him to get out.

Nezha's face showed unprecedented fear. He knew that if he was completely sucked into the Hun Yuan Treasure Umbrella, the consequences would be disastrous.

At the critical moment, Yang Jian noticed Nezha's crisis in time.

Yang Jian did not hesitate, and his body was like lightning, and he rushed to Nezha's side in an instant. His arms stretched out suddenly, as if cast in steel, and firmly grasped Nezha.

Yang Jian's strength was so strong that veins popped out on his arms and his muscles were as hard as sculptures. He used all his strength to pull Nezha out of the suction of the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

The two rolled on the ground for a few times and finally stabilized their bodies.

Nezha was panting and his face was pale. He looked at Yang Jian with gratitude in his eyes. Yang Jian's face was serious. He knew that Mo Lihong's Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella was extraordinary and he had to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible.

Li Jing and his wife stood in the distance and witnessed the thrilling scene of Nezha being pulled by the suction of the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella. Their hearts were in their throats.

Li Jing frowned, and Yin Shi Niang held her husband's arm tightly, her face full of worry.

Fortunately, this worry did not last too long.

Soon they saw Yang Jian act in time to save Nezha from danger, and the couple was relieved and smiled with relief on their faces.

At this time, Mo Lihong saw that his Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella failed to trap Nezha, and he was furious. He shouted loudly, held the treasure umbrella tightly with both hands, and tried his best to activate the magic power in it.

Seeing this, Mo Lishou, Mo Liqing and others also rushed over and injected their magic power into it, hoping to subdue these two powerful opponents in one fell swoop.

They knew that in terms of strength, they were not the opponents of Yang Jian and Nezha, so they placed all their hopes on this Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

Under the combined effect of the magic power of the four people, the power of the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella reached an unprecedented extreme. The light on the umbrella surface was more dazzling, and the powerful suction seemed to be able to suck away everything around, even the air seemed to be distorted.

Yang Jian and Nezha felt a huge traction almost at the same time, and their bodies began to be involuntarily sucked towards the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

Nezha's figure floated uncontrollably into the air, while Yang Jian stepped deeply into the earth with his feet, as if he wanted to merge with the earth to resist the terrible suction.

Nezha struggled, his face showed a determined look, but his body was getting closer and closer to the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

Seeing this, Yang Jian grabbed Nezha's arm with one hand and inserted his horizontal sword into the ground with the other hand. The blade was deeply immersed in the soil, and the handle was vibrating, as if it was a solid anchor, firmly locking their bodies.

Nezha felt the power given by Yang Jian, and his fighting spirit was rekindled in his eyes. But the bodies of the two were still constantly attracted, getting closer and closer to the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

At this critical moment, Li Jing hurriedly turned to Yin Shiniang and said, "Quick, use that!" Yin Shiniang understood and quickly took out a simple scroll from her arms. It was left to them by Yang Ling, and it was said to have the power to suppress all evil spirits.

Yin Shiniang unfolded the scroll with trembling hands, and saw the mysterious runes on the scroll looming in the golden light, as if it contained infinite power.

She took a deep breath, and put all her mind into the scroll, silently chanting a spell, praying for the scroll to work.

Suddenly, a golden light shot out from the scroll, and a thunderous dragon roar suddenly came from the sky, and a golden light cut through the sky and rushed straight to the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella.

The golden light was extremely fast, and it reached the sky above the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella in the blink of an eye, eclipsing the dark light on the umbrella.

The Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella seemed to feel an unprecedented threat, and it shook violently, trying to escape the golden light. But the golden light fell on the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella accurately as if it was destined.

Under the irradiation of the golden light, the suction of the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella disappeared instantly, and the dark light on the umbrella surface was completely extinguished.

Then, the golden light rolled up the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella, as if it had captured a vulnerable insect, and sank into the scroll effortlessly.

The scroll then closed, the golden light dissipated, and everything returned to calm, leaving only Mo Lihong's face filled with horror and disbelief.

His hands were stretched out in the air, and the Hunyuanbao Umbrella had disappeared.

"My Hunyuanbao Umbrella! How could my Hunyuanbao Umbrella..." Moli Hong's voice was full of trembling and fear, and his eyes revealed deep despair.

He never thought that the treasure he was so proud of would be cracked and taken away so easily.

Yang Jian and Nezha took advantage of the moment when the Hunyuanbao Umbrella lost its power and quickly stabilized their bodies. They looked at each other with a hint of surprise and relief in their eyes.

Li Jing and his wife were relieved when they saw that their actions worked, and finally turned the situation around on the battlefield.

Yin Shiniang held the scroll tightly, knowing that this time, they really saved everyone.

When Mo Li Shou and Mo Li Qing saw Mo Li Hong in such a mess, their hearts sank, knowing that they might be unable to recover from today's battle.

A trace of ecstasy flashed in Nezha's eyes, and the fire-tipped spear in his hand was like a wild horse, charging straight at the four generals of the Demon family with monstrous flames and incomparable ferocity.

The sharp point of the fire-tip spear pointed at the air as if it was ignited, waves of heat swept across all directions, and Nezha's figure almost turned into a meteor in the firelight, rushing straight into the enemy's formation.

Seeing this, Yang Jian nodded secretly in his heart. He knew that although Nezha was brave, he was still young and energetic. If something happened, how could he stand by and watch?

So he followed closely, his pace was steady and unhurried, making people look very at ease.

The fire-tip spear drew dazzling flames in the air, and each flame contained all of Nezha's power.

The four generals of the Demon Family were not the opponents of Nezha and Yang Jian. At this moment, under the blow of losing the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella, their magic power was aroused, their minds were restless, and they were suddenly in chaos.

Their offensive was disorderly and their defenses were in ruins. They were about to be defeated by Nezha and Yang Jian's fierce attack.

Nezha's offensive was like a huge wave, one after another, not giving the four generals of the Demon family any chance to breathe. His fire-tipped spear was like red lightning that shuttled across the battlefield, and every thrust was accompanied by the screams of the four generals of the Demon Family.

The horizontal knife in Yang Jian's hand was unsheathed again, and the light of the knife was like frost in winter, cold and sharp.

He moved quickly across the battlefield, and each swing of his sword seemed to cut the air in half.

Under the joint attack of Nezha and Yang Jian, the four generals of the Demon Family were retreating steadily. Their mana was gradually exhausted in the constant defense, and they could no longer organize an effective counterattack.

When Wen Zhong saw this behind the formation, he was extremely anxious.

He knew that if no action was taken, the four generals of the Demon Family would surely perish here.

He hurriedly ordered Ming Jin to withdraw his troops, and at the same time sent several generals to lead the elite troops to rush to the battlefield, trying to rescue the four generals of the Demon family who were in dire straits.

These generals were all very skilled, and like sharp arrows, they went straight towards the four generals of the Demon Family, blocking the attacks of Yang Jian and Nezha for them.

Under the cover of these generals, the four generals of the Demon family finally had a chance to breathe.

Although they suffered serious injuries, with the help of several generals, they finally managed to stabilize their position.

Although Nezha and Yang Jian were brave, they had to curb their offensive in the face of sudden reinforcements.

The two of them saw the four generals of the Demon family gradually withdrawing from the battlefield under the escort of the generals. Although they were unwilling to give up, they also knew that continuing to pursue them at this moment was tantamount to throwing themselves into a trap.

Under the cover of a group of colleagues, the four generals of the Demon family were finally rescued without any danger. Their faces lost the arrogance and confidence they had before, replaced by a mixture of shock and shame.

The four generals of the Demon Family returned to Wen Zhong dejectedly, with deep shame in their eyes. They did not expect that they would be defeated by two young men.

Mo Lihong lowered his head, his voice trembling: "Grand Master, my subordinate is incompetent and failed to hold the position. Please punish me, Grand Master."

Wen Zhong looked at them, without any anger on his face. He just sighed and shook his head: "It's not your fault, my opponent is too strong. I am also responsible for today's defeat, so you don't need to blame yourself. "

When the four generals of the Demon Family heard this, they felt slightly relieved, but they still could not let go of today's shame.

At the same time, Yang Jian and Nezha returned to the city wall. Kong Xuan stood at the top of the city with bright eyes. When he saw the two people returning, he beamed with joy: "Okay! Okay! Okay! Yang Jian, Nezha, for today's achievements, It’s really a blessing for our army!”

Li Jing and his wife and Zhang Kui and his wife were also on the side. They looked at the two young heroes, and their hearts were filled with joy and praise.

Yin Shiniang had tears in her eyes, obviously worried too much about Nezha's safety.

Zhang Kui and his wife were also smiling. Zhang Kui patted Nezha on the shoulder: "Little Nezha, you have given us a big victory today!"

When Nezha heard everyone's praise, he couldn't help but show a proud smile on his face. He looked at Yang Jian and saw that he was calm and composed, as if he was already accustomed to these compliments.

Yang Jian nodded slightly and smiled, but the sharpness in his eyes did not diminish: "This is our responsibility, how dare we take credit for it."

When Nezha saw this, he also imitated Yang Jian's attitude, restrained his smile and appeared more steady: "Nezha also tried his best. Fortunately, everyone helped."

Kong Xuan was even more happy when he saw that the two of them were so humble. He waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet: "In today's battle, you have done a great job. I will report this to Your Majesty. I will record the merits first. I will definitely reward you heavily in the future!"

Yang Jian and Nezha looked at each other, feeling magnanimous in their hearts.

For them, merit and rewards do not matter.

They just want to use this opportunity to hone their skills.

Kong Xuan stood on the city wall, looking around at the soldiers below, his voice was steady and powerful: "Generals, although the battle today has come to an end, the enemy has not retreated yet. We must not be arrogant and underestimate the enemy. We must strengthen our vigilance, especially at night, and be on guard to prevent the enemy from attacking at night."

When the generals heard Kong Xuan's order, they nodded and agreed, and left one by one. They knew that the war was undecided, and a little slackness could lead to a disaster.

Li Jing and his wife held the mysterious scroll and led Yang Jian and Nezha to Yang's house.

They were very surprised that they could successfully subdue the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella this time, and they were also full of curiosity about the power contained in the scroll.

When they arrived at Yang's house, Li Jing told Yang Ling everything. After listening, Yang Ling pondered for a moment, and then slowly unfolded the scroll.

The mysterious runes on the scroll flashed again, and as Yang Ling chanted the spell, an invisible force was released from the scroll.

The Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella slowly appeared in front of everyone, and it was quietly suspended in the air, losing its former majesty and mystery.

Yang Ling waved his fingers gently, and the light on the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella gradually dimmed. Then, the treasures that had been sucked into the umbrella fell one after another, as gorgeous as a rainbow after rain.

Seeing this, Nezha hurried forward. His Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling were among those treasures. He quickly reached out to catch them, and felt the familiar breath of Qiankun Circle and Huntian Ling. He was immediately overjoyed, and a smile that was difficult to conceal appeared on his face.

He turned around and saluted Yang Ling: "Thank you, Uncle Yang. If you hadn't left me this trick, I would have been sucked in today! This treasure might have been lost."

Yang Ling waved his hand and smiled faintly: "No need to be polite."

Li Jing and Yin Shiniang also smiled and nodded. They also felt relieved when they saw Nezha regain the treasure.

Yang Ling turned his eyes to Nezha, and a trace of admiration flashed in his eyes. He nodded slightly and said: "Nezha, you are brave and courageous in this battle. Your offensive is like a storm. You are the vanguard. You will become a great man in the future!"

Nezha was excited when he heard this praise, and his face showed an unconcealable joy. He straightened his chest, his eyes flashed with a more determined light, and he secretly vowed to work harder in the future and live up to everyone's expectations.

Then, Yang Ling turned to Yang Jian and said with a smile: "Yang Jian, you have a good command of your actions in this battle and you have not been surprised by the changes."

Yang Jian smiled embarrassedly when he heard the praise. He shook his head gently and responded modestly: "Father, you are too kind. I was a little careless and failed to see through the Hunyuan Treasure Umbrella in time, which almost put Nezha and I in danger."

Yang Ling smiled slightly and waved his hand, indicating that he did not need to be modest.

His eyes became serious: "Nezha, Yang Jian, although you performed well this time, the battlefield is unpredictable and there are still many omissions.

Nezha, although you are brave, you are sometimes too impulsive. You need to learn to control your emotions and never let the enemy seize the opportunity. Yang Jian, although you are steady, you still need to strengthen your defense against the enemy's tricks and must not relax at all."

After hearing this, the two felt a little ashamed, but they knew that Yang Ling's words were for their own good, and they nodded seriously to show that they understood.

Nezha and Yang Jian smiled at each other. They both understood that this experience was a valuable lesson and an opportunity for growth.

Yang Ling was satisfied to see that the two had a correct attitude. He knew that the two young people had unlimited potential. As long as they were properly guided, they would be able to shine on the battlefield in the future.

As night fell, the atmosphere in Yang's mansion gradually calmed down.

Under Yang Ling's guidance, Nezha and Yang Jian reflected on the gains and losses of this battle. At the same time, they silently set new goals in their hearts and were determined to be more outstanding in future battles.

The night fell, the stars dotted the boundless sky, and a waning moon hung in the sky, casting a faint silver light.

Outside the silent Chaoge City, a huge military camp stood quietly, surrounded by tall wooden fences and guard towers, guarding the safety of the camp.

In the camp, the fire flickered, illuminating the tired faces of the soldiers.

They sat around the campfire, talking in low voices, or wiping their weapons under the firelight, preparing for tomorrow's battle. The armor shone coldly in the light of the fire, and the spears and swords looked particularly sharp in the night.

The tents were arranged in an orderly manner, with the commander's tent in the middle and the soldiers' tents around.

Occasionally, a night breeze blew, and the curtains of the tents swayed gently, making a rustling sound. In the center of the camp, a military flag fluttered in the night wind, which was also the flag of Dashang.

In the distance, the war horses paced restlessly in the stable, occasionally making one or two low neighs, as if waiting for the arrival of dawn.

The soldiers took turns to guard the night, and they patrolled the camp vigilantly to ensure that no enemies sneaked in.

In this quiet night, everything in the military camp seemed to be shrouded in a solemn and tense atmosphere.

Although it was dark and silent all around, the soldiers' hearts were full of desire for victory and longing for home.

Late at night, the camp gradually became quiet, and only the occasional barking of dogs and the howling of wolves in the distance broke the tranquility.

At this moment, the lights in Wen Zhong's tent were still bright, just like daytime.

Wen Zhong was sitting at the desk, frowning, looking worried. He was playing with a golden whip in his hand, but his eyes seemed to penetrate the heavy tent and look into the darkness in the distance.

Just then, the curtain of the tent was gently lifted, and a figure walked in. The person who came was Yu Qing, Wen Zhong's family general and disciple. His steps were light, and his expression was a little concerned.

"Master, what are you worried about?" Yu Qing walked to Wen Zhong's side and asked softly.

Wen Zhong raised his head, a trace of fatigue flashed in his eyes, and his voice was hoarse: "The four generals of the Mo family were defeated. There is no one under my command now. If we lose this battle, we will all become sinners."

Yu Qing frowned slightly when he heard this, but soon a gleam of light flashed in his eyes. He approached Wen Zhong and whispered: "Master, this matter is actually not difficult to solve. You just need to go to Jinao Island to ask for help."

When Wen Zhong heard this, the confusion in his eyes gradually dissipated, replaced by a touch of brightness. He put down the golden whip in his hand, and his eyes became firm again: "Jin'ao Island? Yes, there is indeed the power we need there."

Yu Qing was relieved to see Wen Zhong suddenly enlightened, and he continued: "There are many masters in the sect on Jin'ao Island. As long as we can get their help, we will be able to turn the tide."

Wen Zhong stood up and walked to the door of the tent with firm steps. Looking at the stars in the night sky, he seemed to have seen the dawn of victory: "Then prepare immediately. Tomorrow morning, this Grand Master will set off for Jin'ao Island."

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