My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 38 If you mess with me, you're just kicking cotton!

The stars hang down over the vast plains, and the moon surges across the river.

At the third watch, Yang Ling's soul came out of his body and came to the sky above Guanjiang Estuary, trying to establish contact with his puppet clone, but no matter how hard he tried, there was always silence from the other end.

Yang Ling's heart sank suddenly, his brows furrowed, and an ominous premonition spread in his heart.

The details of Yuan Shen's recent trip flashed through his mind one by one. He vaguely remembered that Yunhua and the Taiyin Jade Rabbit went to the southeastern coast to capture the three-headed dragon that violated the rules of heaven.

It's just that the three-headed dragon is cautious and cunning by nature. After seeing Yunhua, his old enemy, he got into the Yushui without saying a word and fled toward the southeast.

Yunhua also relies on a certain "lingbao" to track down and has been chasing after him. Not long ago, he chased into the Wuyi Mountains and then lost contact.

Wuyi Mountain!

Although he couldn't sense the puppet clones and it was possible that Yunhua and the others had entered a certain restriction, Yang Ling decided to go to Wuyi Mountain immediately to find out.

He left an avatar at home to take care of his children and home, while his true self went straight to Master Xuandu's residence - Yang Ling rented him a relatively quiet courtyard in the largest Goulan courtyard in the city.

Xuandu was sitting cross-legged on the futon with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was practicing.

Yang Ling pushed the door open and said directly: "I have an urgent need to go to Wuyi Mountain, and I also asked the Archmage to help take care of my two children."

Grand Master Xuandu opened his eyes and looked at Yang Ling with burning eyes, "Fellow Taoist, you are full of evil spirit and anger at the moment, but what happened to your ladyship?"

Since the last time he visited the Yang Mansion, he already knew the true identity of Mrs. Yang. Seeing Yang Ling's eagerness at this moment, he naturally thought that her identity had been exposed.

Yang Ling didn't know what he was thinking, so he just nodded.

Master Xuandu was silent for a moment, looked at him and said: "It is inconvenient for a poor Taoist to intervene in this matter. I can only guarantee that I will not leave Guanjiangkou before you come back, fellow Taoist. The rest is up to you, fellow Taoist."

Yang Ling breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

He knew that with Master Xuandu's words, his two children would be safe and sound.

At this time, Xuandu whispered again: "My fellow Taoist, it's a long way here. I have a green bull with a flat horn here, which is enough to see you off."

As he spoke, Archmage Xuandu waved his sleeves, and saw a tall strange beast slowly walking out of the void.

It looks like a buffalo, but its fur is green-black, and there is a horn that rises to the sky in the middle of the forehead.

The four hooves are covered with a faint green light, looking mysterious and unpredictable.

Yang Ling's heart moved, and he immediately guessed the origin of this green bull with a flat horn.

"Thank you!"

He bowed to Master Xuandu and jumped onto the back of the cow.

The Banjiao Blue Ox let out a low moo, and then the wind blew out of its hooves, turning into a stream of green light and galloping towards the southeast.

The Banjiao Qingniu walked through the air, seemingly slowly but actually very quickly, crossing countless mountains and rivers with every step, as if the world was folded under its four hooves.

Yang Ling knew that this black-horned green bull had an extraordinary origin, and its speed was probably one of the best in the world.

If he hadn't been thinking about his beloved wife at this moment, he would definitely have a good chat with this strange beast.

Not long after, when they came to the sky above a series of mountains with strong aura, the Banjiao Qingniu suddenly braked hard, and its four hooves slammed into the air. The huge inertia caused Yang Ling to be thrown out unpreparedly, straight up. Falling towards the bottom of the mountains.

Yang Ling's body rolled in the air. Fortunately, he had deep cultivation and quickly stabilized his body. But when he turned back to look for the Banjiao Qingniu, he found that this guy actually got into the void and disappeared. Without a trace.

"This stupid cow..."

Yang Ling cursed secretly, but he also knew that the vast mountain range in front of him should be Wuyi Mountain, the destination of this trip.

He took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and then activated the word "Xing" to fly towards the place where the puppet last appeared as quickly as possible.

The word "Xing" has magical speed, and Yang Ling soon came to a quiet valley.

The valley is covered with green grass, wild flowers everywhere, silver-white waterfalls flowing down, and clear streams gurgling...

Yang Ling's eyes did not stop at the beautiful scenery of the valley, but focused entirely on some very conspicuous traces——

In the valley, there are rocks that have been melted by the flames, and there are rows of towering trees with broken roots. There are huge pits and cracks on the mountain walls, and there is a pool of smelly blood below...

Everything like this shows that a very fierce battle took place here not long ago.

He searched carefully along these traces, observing every detail, trying to find Yun Hua's whereabouts.

Soon, his eyes were attracted by the silvery white waterfall.

The waterfall hung upside down like white water, the water roared, and there was a dark cave hidden in the dense mist.

Without hesitation, Yang Ling walked directly through the water curtain and came to the cave behind the waterfall.

The next moment, a sharp and sharp energy came from the darkness.

Yang Ling instinctively dodged the attack sideways, and stretched out his right hand like lightning, grabbing the attacker's neck accurately.

With a strong lift, he dragged the opponent out of the shadows, turned his left hand into a fist, and struck directly at his face.

But when he saw clearly the person he was holding, his sharp fists suddenly stopped. That was not an enemy, but the Taiyin Jade Rabbit he had seen before.

Taiyin Jade Rabbit Shui Lingling's big eyes were full of panic, and his limbs were struggling desperately, and he even forgot to use the jade hairpin in his hand.

Yang Ling let go of his hand and said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid, it's me!"

After the Taiyin Jade Rabbit escaped, he wanted to run away directly. He was slightly startled when he heard this. He stared at Yang Ling carefully for a while before he suddenly realized.

"So it's you! You're the one called...what's your name?"

Yang Ling frowned, regretting not punching him just now. A silly little girl like this would probably cry for a long time after being punched, right?

"Where is my wife?"

Yang Ling looked at the little white rabbit and directly asked the question he was most concerned about now.

"Her Royal Highness, the eldest princess, chased the three-headed dragon to the secret realm of Xianglengquan. Before leaving, she asked me to hide here and wait for her to come back. This glazed phoenix hairpin was also used by Your Highness to protect me." Little White Rabbit said honestly. explained.

"Where is the secret place of Xiang Lengquan?" Yang Ling asked with a frown.

"Ah? You don't even know Xiang Lengquan?" The little white rabbit tilted his head and looked at Yang Ling with a look that said, "You don't even know this common sense." Yang Ling couldn't help but clenched her fists again.

Little White Rabbit had his neck stuck by him just now, and his arms were as hard as fine iron!

Although she was curious about how this mortal suddenly became so powerful, the only reason she had been able to survive in heaven for so many years was by being "cowardly".

Seeing that Yang Ling's face was not very good at this moment, she immediately explained honestly: "It is said that the Emperor of Heaven in the ancient Demon Court originally had ten little golden crows, but nine were later shot down by the great Yi of the Wu clan.

These nine little Golden Crows were shot to the ground, and their resentment persisted, turning into nine Yangquan springs. This Xiangleng Spring in Wuyi Mountain is one of them. "

Hearing this, Yang Ling frowned even deeper, "Since it's just a hot spring, why is it related to the secret realm?"

"This is because you know too much... Ahem, in addition to the Emperor of Heaven, the ancient demon court also had a golden crow with powerful magic, who was revered as the Eastern Emperor by the demon clan.

He has a very powerful treasure called the Donghuang Bell. It is said that this bell has infinite mysteries and infinite creations. It can travel through the past and the future, and can suppress the chaos of the universe...

After the death of those nine Golden Crows, Donghuang planned to use this bell to reverse time and save them all!

I don't know how to do it specifically.

In short, since then, a small world has been left in the place where the nine Yangquan are located. It is said that the secret treasures of the ancient demon court are hidden in it, and it is guarded by ferocious beasts from the ancient times...

Over time, these small worlds have become secret realms, attracting many practitioners to hunt for treasures. "

Small world?

So the reason why he couldn't sense the puppet clone was because Yunhua entered that secret realm of Xiang Lengquan?

Thinking like this, Yang Ling breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the little white rabbit and said, "Then can you still find my wife now?"

"Of course!" Little White Rabbit became proud, stretched out his hand to wipe his nose, and said proudly: "My nose is very good. As long as it is the smell I have smelled, I can still trace it even if it is thousands of miles away!"

Hearing this, Yang Ling couldn't help but look a little strange: "Is there a dog demon in your ancestors?"

"What a dog demon!"

The little white rabbit was so angry that his eyes were red. If he didn't know that he couldn't beat him, he would definitely rush over and bite him hard. But now she could only puff her cheeks and mutter something in a low voice.

"It's okay, it's okay, just listen to the trivial matters... I'm not angry, I'm not angry, if you offend me, you've just kicked the bucket..."

Yang Ling didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This little rabbit is such a coward.

"Let's go, take me to find Yunhua!"

"Don't go!"

Little White Rabbit said categorically: "Her Royal Highness the Princess told me to wait for her here. I won't go anywhere!"

"That sounds righteous, but you are actually afraid that there are ferocious beasts in the secret realm, right?" Yang Ling ruthlessly exposed her disguise.

Little White Rabbit suddenly became nervous, "I...I am not what you said! In short, I must obey the instructions of the eldest princess and will never leave here!"

"Really?" Yang Ling smiled slightly, "I have two pieces of news here, one good and one bad. Which one do you want to hear?"

Little White Rabbit was stunned for a moment, and Yang Ling's smile made her even more uneasy. She stuttered and said: "You, you, you... tell the bad news first!"

"The bad news is that this valley is the territory of a very powerful snake fairy. If you continue to stay here, you will probably be eaten by him!"


Little White Rabbit swallowed, glanced around nervously, and said in a trembling voice: "Then what about the good news? You, you...will you protect me?"

"No!" Yang Ling shook her head decisively, "I'm going to the secret realm of Xiang Lengquan to find my wife. As for the good news... I just wait until I find my wife and come back, and I'll stop by to help you collect the body...

Well, if there are any bodies left. "

Little White Rabbit: "..."

What kind of good news is this?

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