My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 6 Want to show off? Have you asked me?

Since realizing that he might be Erlang Shen's father, Yang Ling would spend at least one hour every morning and evening to practice.

Just so that when the disaster of exterminating the family came, he would have the power to protect himself and his family.

However, he suddenly became so active and hard-working in practice, which soon attracted the attention of his family.

Facing his wife's doubts, Yang Ling said righteously:

Now that the child has embarked on the path of practice, he, as a father, must set an example and be a good role model for the child!

Yun Hua was very pleased to hear this, and generously rewarded him on the spot.

In addition to practice, Yang Ling also had to deal with some business matters every day, and the most important task of [Do one good deed a day] also had to take time to complete.

It was a pity that the opening of the "Divine Elephant Prison Power" seemed to have used up his accumulated luck, and then only some small and worthless items were opened for half a month.

Guanjiangkou, whose real name is Guan County, is the place where the Yangtze River and the Huai River meet.

Surrounded by clouds and mist, mountains and rivers blend together.

When the sun rises, the sunlight shines through the clouds onto the river, making the river water sparkle, and the entire Guanjiangkou becomes particularly beautiful.

Boats of all sizes travel on the river, loaded with all kinds of goods, and transported to various places in Dashang by water.

The docks on the shore are bustling with people, and accompanied by the shouts of vendors, there is a lively and lively scene everywhere.

Yang Ling, dressed in brocade, stood high on the dock, looking at the scene of thousands of sails competing on the river, secretly calculating how much profit the goods on these ships can bring to him.

The profits from these businesses, in addition to maintaining the operation of various stores and living expenses, are all invested in alchemy and charity.

Alchemy is self-evident.

Various rare and aged herbs are extremely expensive, and with the alchemy furnace that explodes from time to time, the expenses in this regard are definitely not small.

In addition, there are the expenses of Yang Ling's daily charity.

There are many forms of doing good, such as eliminating evil, saving people, providing disaster relief, building bridges, paving roads...

Yang Ling has done all these things.

He built five bridges within a hundred miles of Guanjiangkou, paved six dirt roads, and opened seven or eight free porridge stalls and low-cost clinics all year round.

He also offended many local gentry for this.

However, these good deeds also earned him the reputation of Yang the Great Good Man.

Not to mention the distant places, at least in Guanjiangkou, most people can't help but give a thumbs up when talking about Yang Ling, and praise "Master Yang is really a great good man"!

After inspecting the goods, Yang Ling was about to take a carriage back to the city, but he heard a noisy voice from the dock.

"Someone fell into the water!"

"It seems to be the youngest son of the porter Zhao Laosan!"

"Hurry up!"


Yang Ling got off the carriage and saw that everyone on the dock was crowding towards the river.

When he arrived at the riverside, there were already hundreds of people gathered here, all of them were porters, boatmen and merchants on the dock.

Lying on the ground was a half-grown child, about seven or eight years old, with a pale face, purple lips, and eyes staring at the sky.

A short dark man was anxiously pinching his philtrum and calling his name, but there was no response.

"Is this the third one this month?"

"I'm afraid there are monsters in this river!"

Some people sighed softly, and some were panicked.

"Your child must have been seduced by a water monster!"

An elderly man in the crowd muttered, and seeing people on both sides looking at him, he seemed to be encouraged, and his voice could not help but rise:

"I say Zhao Laosan, stop busying yourself, your child's soul is lost!

This happened in Guanyun last month.

Your child's soul must have been seduced by the monster in this river. It's useless to shout here. Go to the city to ask the witch to call the soul!"

"Oh oh..."

The dark man was Zhao Laosan, the porter. At this moment, he was already at a loss. He put the child on the ground and stumbled through the crowd to run to the city.

"Do you have money?" The old man reminded: "If you want to ask the witch to call the soul, it will cost at least two thousand coins!"

Zhao Laosan was stunned when he heard this, and the fire of hope that had just ignited in his eyes was extinguished at once.

He worked as a porter at the dock. When there was a lot of work, he could only earn 20 or 30 coins a day. If there was no work, he would not earn a penny. Moreover, he had a big family to support, as well as various taxes and labor service!

Two thousand coins!

Even if he worked for two years without eating or drinking, he might not be able to save so much money!

"No money?"

The old man smacked his lips and said regretfully: "That's difficult. Those witch doctors are not charity halls..."

Before he finished speaking, someone started to make a fuss.

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult... Mr. Yang who runs a charity hall is here!"

The crowd saw Yang Ling at this time and hurriedly made way for him.

The old man's eyes lit up and he said happily: "It's good that Mr. Yang is here. You are rich, and two thousand coins are just a drop in the bucket for you!

Please help and ask Zhao Laosan to go to the city to invite witch doctors. If it's too late, it will be too late!"

Yang Ling took a look at the old man and recognized him as the head of Zhaojiazhuang.

Zhaojiazhuang was not far from the dock, and most of the porters and boatmen on the dock were from Zhaojiazhuang.

In order to make it easier to hire people, he had specially sent a generous gift to the village head, and the two sides had some friendship.

But at this moment, he didn't pay attention to the other party, but turned to look at a huge rock on the riverside that looked like a lying cow.

In the shadow of the reef, stood a seven or eight-year-old boy, looking eagerly here, as if he wanted to come over, but he quickly retracted as soon as his hands and feet touched the sunlight.

And in the river not far from the shore, there was a huge black shadow, staring at the little boy in the shadow.

There, Yang Ling ignored him and couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

With so many people watching, I felt a little embarrassed to get off the stage. I rolled my eyes slightly, quickly changed my tone, and bowed: "I'm begging you on behalf of Mr. Zhao!

Mr. Yang, just do it, okay. Two thousand yuan is nothing to you, but it is a life to this child!

Zhao Laosan, why are you still standing there? Kowtow to Master Yang quickly! "

"oh oh……"

The honest and honest Zhao Laosan reacted, knelt down with a "pop" and kowtowed to Yang Ling.

"Mr. Yang, please show mercy!"

"Please save my child!"


Yang Ling frowned slightly, looked there and said: "Are you trying to force me to pay to show your prestige?

Or do you want me to pay to help you win people's hearts?

I'll provide the money, but you'll be the good guy? "

Li Zheng was disturbed by what he said, and quickly waved his hands to express his grievance: "What do you mean, Mr. Yang, the little guy is just..."

"Shut up!"

Seeing that he was still about to defend, Yang Ling interrupted him rudely and sneered: "I came here just to see if there is anyone who needs help, but what do you mean by forcing me to pay?

Since you know human life is important, why don't you pay for it yourself?

Don't tell me you have no money. This moonlight is worth three thousand coins as a gift from me!

You yourself are greedy and deduct a lot of wages from people in the village on weekdays. I have kept these accounts for you. Do you want me to have someone bring the account books to show to everyone? "

As soon as these words came out, Li Zheng's face immediately became extremely ugly.

The surrounding porters from Zhaojiazhuang were even more excited. They didn't care about watching the excitement and directly surrounded Li Zheng, asking him to return his hard-earned money immediately.

I was about to cry but had no tears.

He originally just wanted to show off his prestige through Yang Ling, but unexpectedly it got him into big trouble.


Yang Ling shouted coldly.

"I will help you get the money that was deducted from you! If he doesn't give it to you, I will make up for it!

Stop arguing now! "

As a well-known local wealthy businessman, Yang Ling still has some prestige.

As his voice fell, the riverside immediately became quiet, leaving only the sound of the turbulent river water lapping against the rocks on the shore.

Yang Ling turned to look at his driver and said, "Bring an umbrella!"

The latter quickly ran back to the carriage and fetched a large oilcloth umbrella.

Everyone present looked over curiously. In their puzzled eyes, Yang Ling walked to the rock with an umbrella, looked at the little boy and said softly:

"Follow me."

The little boy nodded, stayed under the umbrella and followed him to the center of the crowd. Then he fell down and his figure overlapped with the child on the ground.

The next moment, the lifeless boy suddenly blinked, stood up and shouted timidly:


"Hey, wake up!"

Everyone exclaimed.

"Er Gouzi's soul is back!"

Zhao Laosan was surprised and happy. He picked up a slap and slapped him, "You little bitch finally woke up! I told you not to go to the water, but you don't listen! I'll just beat you to death!"

Amidst the sound of meat, everyone looked at Yang Ling in surprise, as if they were seeing him for the first time.

"Mr. Yang is so amazing, he actually has the ability to summon souls through witchcraft!"

At this time, Zhao Laosan came over to kowtow again, and even took his son with him.

"Thank you, Master Yang! Thank you, Master Yang!"

Not only them, but also the porters in Zhaojiazhuang all saluted and thanked them.

Yang Ling waved his hand, and as expected, an information panel appeared in front of him——

[One good deed a day mission completed]

[Task evaluation: excellent]

【Please claim your reward】

【1. Instantly restore to the best condition】

【2. Random blind box +2】

[3. Free attribute points +5]

Yang Ling was very satisfied with this.

It seems that his efforts were not in vain.

The [Doing a Good Deed a Day] task has a unique evaluation mechanism. So far, he has only seen three grades: qualified, excellent, and perfect.

The higher the rating, the greater the reward.

After years of research, Yang Ling found that if he wanted to improve his evaluation, he had to try to be as perfect as possible. If he just directly rescued someone, it would be easier to improve his evaluation than paying for a witch to summon the soul.

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