My son Yang Jian has the qualities of an emperor

Chapter 68 The one I’m beating is your Jiejiao disciple!

It was a dark night with high winds and dim lights.

The children who had just turned back into human form were terrified and opened their mouths to ask for help, but their mouths and tongues were stiff and they could not make any sound.

The diners in the restaurant were still toasting and did not notice the movement outside. However, a big man in black was facing the door, which made him see something unusual.

He made a gesture, and several big men in black threw down their glasses and strode out of the door.

At this moment, a tall figure appeared at the door of the restaurant, blocking the way of the big men in black like a thick wall.

The big man in black at the head had a flashing look in his eyes, and looked coldly at Yang Ling who was blocking the way, and said in a hoarse voice: "These are all children who escaped from the general's mansion. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business.

Get out of my way!"

The big foot in deerskin boots that responded to him was Yang Ling.

With just a little effort, the five big men in black flew out together and smashed several wooden tables in succession.

Wood chips flew everywhere, and the diners in the restaurant screamed and dodged. The air was suddenly filled with the smell of dust and alcohol, and the scene was in chaos.

The black-clad man in the lead struggled to get up, his face was full of shock and anger. He gritted his teeth, suddenly took out a black bell from his waist and shook it vigorously, and said viciously:

"You dare to interfere in the affairs of the general! You are dead today!"

At this time, Yin Shiniang and Li Jing did not understand what happened.

The former looked at the children who suddenly appeared outside the door with some curiosity, while the latter secretly sent a message to Yang Ling: "We are unfamiliar with this place, so it is not good to conflict with them.

How about we leave here first, and I will visit General Xu tomorrow to solve the problem?"

Yang Ling shook his head and said seriously: "I can ignore other things, but as a father of two children, I have to take care of this kind of scum who catches children everywhere with the art of making animals!"

Yin Shi Niang finally understood what happened, and suddenly slammed the table, with rage in her eyes, and shouted at the black-clothed men: "You shameless people dare to use the art of making animals to harm people, you are simply not worthy of being human!"

As a daughter of a general and the descendant of a demon-catching master, she has always hated this kind of vicious magic that harms the people.

Seeing this, Li Jing couldn't help but feel guilty for wanting to retreat just now.

He strode to the black-clothed man and asked angrily, "What on earth are you doing with these kids? Tell the truth!"

The black-clothed man saw Yang Ling kick him and others away with one kick, knowing that he had met a tough guy, but he still said stubbornly, "Our general is a disciple of Jiejiao. You outsiders, it's better not to meddle in other people's business!"

Yang Ling's eyes flashed with cold light. He had lost his patience and whispered, "Howling Sky Dog!"

As soon as the voice fell, a wild dog barking sounded throughout the restaurant, making everyone's eardrums hurt.

A huge short-haired thin dog rushed out like a white lightning and instantly pounced on the black-clothed man in the lead.

The teeth of the Howling Sky Dog were extremely sharp. It bit the black-clothed man's calf directly, shook his head and tore it hard, causing him to scream in pain.

The sound was so tragic that even the diners present couldn't help but cover their ears.

"Tell me! What on earth do you want to do with these children?" Yang Ling's voice was filled with unquestionable severity.

The black-clothed man trembled, with fear mixed in with pain, and finally hoarsely told the truth: "We... our General Xu... he asked us to torture these children for 49 days... and then take out their blood and souls... and make sacrifices... the Thousand Resentful Devil Banners..."

Listening to his intermittent answers, all the diners in the restaurant felt cold all over.

Some people cursed in a low voice, some trembled, some secretly rejoiced, and some cried bitterly...

"No wonder there have been children missing in the city in recent years. It turns out that they are the ones who did it!" Someone said angrily.

"Not only in the city, but also in the villages near Youhun Pass, children have been missing. We originally thought it was the mountain spirits who were causing trouble, but we didn't expect that the one causing trouble was our general!"

"Keep your voice down, you are going to die!"

"General Xu has great magical powers and is a disciple of Jiejiao. If he hears you talking behind your back, won't it be a dead end?"

"I have heard it."

The cold voice accompanied by a puff of black smoke instantly entered the restaurant, and a tall and thin figure condensed in the air, with an old appearance and a somewhat sickly pale face, and a cold gaze swept over everyone.

At this moment, everyone felt as if they were stared at by a poisonous snake. While feeling a chill in their hearts, their legs and feet became weak and their backs became cold.

The black-clad man in the lead saw the figure of the person coming, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Pain and fear intertwined on his face. He coughed up a mouthful of blood foam fiercely and called for help in a trembling voice: "General, save me!"

General Xu's eyes flashed with disdain, and he snorted coldly: "A bunch of trash, what use are you?"

He waved his hand casually, and a black banner flew out. On the top of the banner, a white skull opened its mouth and roared angrily, with a sinister aura. The banner swayed in the wind, and suddenly shot out five black smokes, winding and swimming towards the five black-clad men like living things.

The black smoke quickly enveloped them, and only a few shrill screams were heard. However, in the blink of an eye, the five strong men turned into five piles of bones, wrapped in clothes and scattered all over the ground.

When the diners and waiters in the restaurant saw this, they all collapsed. They cried for their fathers and mothers, pushing each other, trying to escape from this hell.

Cups and plates were in a mess, chairs and tables were knocked over, and there were cries, shouts, and collisions, and the scene was chaotic.

General Xu seemed to enjoy people's panic and fear very much, and a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You will all die, no one can leave alive!"

Before he finished speaking, a slap came from the air.

Mr. Xu couldn't dodge, and was slapped hard on the face by a slap from the air. He flew out like a kite with its string broken, and hit heavily against a beam of the restaurant.


The beams and columns broke immediately, and the collapsed roof buried them directly inside.

"Damn guy!"

General Xu climbed up from the rubble in embarrassment, with bright red palm prints on his face and a mouth full of blood. He looked at Yang Ling with shock and anger, like an enraged beast.

The black flag hanging above his head swayed slightly, the skull on the flag opened its mouth wide, and the resentful souls of countless children poured out of it like a tide, rushing towards Yang Ling and others with endless resentment and pain.

When Li Jing and Yin Shiniang saw this, their faces instantly turned pale.

They had just seen the power of these resentful souls. Once they touched their bodies, all their flesh and blood would be swallowed up in an instant.

Yin Shiniang quickly formed seals with her hands, muttering something in her mouth, and talismans flew out one after another, turning into light curtains and blocking everyone.

The light on the talisman came into contact with the resentful soul, making a crackling sound, and the light curtain also trembled.

When General Xu saw this, he couldn't help but sneered: "How dare a mere demon-catching heavenly master come to ruin my good deeds? Why don't you go and ask around? I am a true immortal of Jie Jiao. You guys want to fight with me, so you are still naive. That’s right!”

Hearing the words "Jie Jiao True Immortal", Li Jing's face instantly turned pale.

Jiejiao is the largest sect in the three realms, with thousands of immortals coming to court and countless disciples!

At first, he only thought that General Xu had just inherited the inheritance of the Jie Jiao Immortal, but he didn't expect that he was also a true immortal himself!

Facing such a true immortal and the weird skull flag, how could they still survive?

At this moment, Yang Ling walked directly out of the light curtain set up by Yin Shiniang and came to General Xu in an instant.

"Is the True Immortal Jiejiao very powerful?"

General Xu's eyes narrowed and he quickly activated the skull flag.

The thousands of resentful souls suddenly rushed towards Yang Ling like a tide, biting him with all their teeth and claws, but they seemed to bite on a hard rock and had no effect at all.

Yang Ling's body was unscathed, and the thousands of resentful souls couldn't even hurt a hair on his head.

Seeing this scene, Mr. Xu couldn't help but have a flash of panic and astonishment in his eyes.

He originally thought that his Thousand Resentments Jaap Banner was unstoppable, but the Yang Ling in front of him was completely beyond his knowledge.

"You, who are you?"

General Xu's voice trembled slightly, and his eyes looked at Yang Ling with a hint of awe.

Yang Ling didn't answer, just waved his hand gently, and immediately a golden light fell on the Thousand Resentment Japanese Flag.

In an instant, this strange spiritual treasure lost its original power and fell into Yang Ling's hands like a mortal object.

The thousands of resentful souls lost control of the skull flags and all stopped in the air, their eyes full of confusion and confusion.

Mr. Xu was shocked. He had no idea that the spiritual treasure he had worked so hard to refine would be taken away in an instant.

At this moment, there was unprecedented panic in his heart.

The Thousand Resentment Devil Banner was made by spending the lives of thousands of children, condensing endless resentment and soul essence and blood, and mixing it with many precious materials. How could it be taken away in an instant?

His eyes were fixed on Yang Ling, and cold sweat broke out from his back for a moment. He hurriedly said bravely: "My master is the Four Saints of Kowloon Island! I hope Shangxian will return that treasure to me for my master's sake."

"You will definitely die today, but you still want to get the baby back!"

"You can't kill me, my master is the Four Saints of Kowloon Island!" Mr. Xu said with a stern expression, as if this was everything he relied on.

"You should be lucky that they are not here, otherwise I would beat them too!"

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