Soon, everyone in the conference room saw the mysterious knight, his hands crackling and pounding.

I can't see my hands, I can only hear sounds.

But just by virtue of this keyboard tapping, everyone present couldn't help but sigh secretly.

He is worthy of being a world-class

hacker! He looks like him!

But when everyone is attracted to this hacker knight.

But no one noticed.

Park Ji-hoon had quietly left the room.

"President, it's all done. "

All the monitoring in it is fine!"

"The previous transfer information has nothing to do with you. Hearing

his subordinates' words, Park Ji-hoon nodded: "What about my alibi?" "

You have been handling official business in the office today, and we have the company's surveillance as evidence. The subordinate hurriedly said.

Hear this.

A smile instantly appeared on Park Ji-hoon's face:

"In other words, these people inside will have a ruined reputation from today onwards, and I am not involved in this matter at all." "

They will be judged by law and morality, and I..."

"will accept all their inheritance!"

"The president will be wise!"

Park Ji-hoon is a smart man.

Although he was indeed severely pitted by the three-body game before, but this time, Park Ji-hoon decided to fight a turnaround!

Not a hot-blooded person.

I won't do anything out of my mind because I was pitted by the three-body game.

Find hackers.

Actually, it's a bit out of mind.

Although everyone seems to be in a group, breaking the rules is breaking the rules, or even more than just breaking the rules.

It also broke the law.

Because at the beginning of this year.

Goryeo enacted the Information Computer Security Act, which focused on cracking down on cyber attacks and commissioned attacks.

And that's why Park Ji-hoon did it.

That's why.

He's a smart guy.

He wants to play a big game of chess, he wants to become a chess player, he wants to take all the mountains and rivers on the chessboard!

Perhaps in the eyes of the rest of the alliance, his goal is the same as everyone else, to drive the three-body game out of Goryeo.

But in fact.

Park Ji-hoon took everyone as prey this time.

It's true that he wants to get the supernova out of it, because the company treats him like a fool and plays tricks on himself.


Children will be enthusiastic and shouting for revenge, and adults will only pay attention to the pros and cons.

In fact, other people think the same way.

They want to get rid of the Three-Body Game, and then they can take the players left over from the Three-Body Game, so they are willing to take risks.


Park Ji-hoon is obviously looking a little further.

What he values is the entire Goryeo game market!

What he wants to do.

Not only to drive out the disgusting three-body game, but also to reshuffle the entire Goryeo game market!

Let these manufacturers all overturn

! And themselves.

When the time comes, the family will be dominant!

It's actually quite risky.


If he wins, the fruits will be very abundant!

And Park Ji-hoon has made a lot of preparations for this.

Whether it is to arrange the scene to collect evidence, or to use technical means, prepare your own alibi in advance.


He even found a gold medal lawyer, and he was ready to defend himself at any time.

This is all prepared, Park Ji-hoon is almost sure.

I will succeed myself!,

of course.

There are also some things that cannot be changed.

One of the biggest problems is actually the hacker with the code name Knight, and the other party knows it.


The other party is a hacker, a hacker who is good at hiding, and unless this person is caught, it is impossible for the other party to drag him into the water.

"Let's contact the media and personnel to be ready, once the server of the Three-Body Problem Game crashes, this matter will be exposed immediately.

"In the same way, let's set up our project team immediately and get their supernova browser game ready, once the supernova crashes, we can use the browser game to receive some players first.

"Also, several other companies are going to lawsuits, and they can't take care of their own games in the short term, so we have to find a way to grab all their gamers." The

next five minutes.

Park Ji-hoon lit a cigarette and calmly arranged the next plan for his subordinates.


After smoking a cigarette, Park Ji-hoon stood up.

"The three-body game should be over now, and I'm going to celebrate with everyone. After

saying that, Park Ji-hoon returned to the conference room, but after opening the door, the atmosphere in the conference room made Park Ji-hoon stunned.


at the time, it's five minutes now.

The knight should have done it, right

? Shouldn't everyone raise their hands and cheer at this time

? But what about the facts?

Not only did everyone in the conference room not cheer, but even everyone stared at the projection TV with wide eyes and incredulity.

In his eyes, there was even something strange.

Subconsciously, Park Ji-hoon glanced at the projection TV, but just one glance, he froze on the spot.

The hacker knight, still struggling to type on the keyboard, looked like he had encountered a little problem, and his brows furrowed.

But that's not the point.

The point is that in the blank space next to the knight's live broadcast screen, an icon similar to a paintbrush appeared inexplicably.

This brush is the same as a normal computer drawing software, but it seems that the place where the painting is made is not a normal drawing software, but in a video window under everyone's gaze.

I saw that the paintbrush first drew a big circle on the head of the hacker knight in front of him.

Then, in the upper right corner of the video, the brush writes a name.

Doug the Bruce.


anyone could figure it out, he saw an arrow drawn by the paintbrush, pointing directly at the hacker knight who had been circled.


This Doug Bruce is the real name of the Hacker Knight?

Even many people secretly said that this hacker is not showing off his skills.

But if you want to show off your skills, the next more outrageous thing will make everyone a little confused.

Because in the next few seconds, the brush wrote a lot of words one after another.

"Full member of Satan's house. "

Racists. "

Master of convenience store robbery. "

Neighbor voyeur. "

Secretly recording color videos.

"I won a 1v5 record while in prison. A

series of strange titles popped up, all in English, making people more and more confused the more they looked.


So, this is a self-introduction???

but let's say he introduced himself, but didn't I hear that the main thing for hackers is to remain mysterious, why did he write out his life experience

? What's going on?

But everyone is still confused, but when I see the next, the brush writes down even more shocking content.

Please pick up a pen and paper and write down my home address: Austin, Texas, 2nd Block....

This address is outrageously detailed, and the house number of several buildings is clearly written, anyway, everyone who saw this scene was a little confused.

But soon, everyone suddenly understood.

Because underneath this passage, the brush also drew a heart and wrote the sentence:

"If you are a man, please come to me for coffee!"


It's not self-exposure, it's ...

Many people only feel cold sweat on their backs, a bit like sitting on pins and needles, and the other party suddenly comes to play like this, it won't be because he likes which one of them is present?


! It is worthy of being a person from a beautiful country, and he is really wild to play!

But if others are only slightly uncomfortable, then Park Ji-hoon will really look ugly.


only seam in his seamless plan is the hacker knight in front of him.

Now that the knight has even revealed his home address and real name, if his plan continues, won't this guy also be exposed?



"Mr. Knight!" Finally, Park Ji-hoon couldn't sit still.

"What are you doing?" the knight frowned: "Don't make any noise, the server firewall of this three-body game will be broken soon, give me two more minutes." "

It's not... Mr. Knight

...""What nonsense, you cabbage-eating idiots, don't interfere with me

!" Hey!

This scolding made Park Ji-hoon's face ugly, and he hesitated and spoke again

: "Doug!"

"Well, what are you doing?" Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the other party raised his head almost reflexively: "

How can you..."

The other party seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stopped talking, pretending not to know that there was such a thing, just looking at Park Jixun's gaze, a little more vigilant.

This strange scene made Park Ji-hoon at a loss.

What made him even more dazed was that when the other party looked up, the ghost drawing talisman that was as dense as graffiti before disappeared without a trace in an instant.

What is this?

Park Ji-hoon's computer was hacked

? Even his underwear was ripped off?

Is this possible?

This is a member of Satan's family!"

"Mr. Knight, I just want to ask, are you sure about this operation?" asked Park Ji-hoon after a moment's hesitation.

As soon as these words came out, the knight pouted:

"Just this broken server, now, give me ten more seconds, and I will break through their firewall!"

What kind of hacker counterattack?

This is impossible, absolutely impossible.

The other party is just really looking for a target to stir up the base, and maybe the information is also fake.


It must be!

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