The first time I saw her was on fire, but I didn’t know how to do it.

Chapter 247: Life is like a summer flower

CCTV also announced the good news of the premiere of “Chinese Poetry Conference”, which immediately sparked a heated discussion among netizens online.

“Oh my god! The first episode on TV has exceeded six, so amazing!”

“And the first episode on Penguin Video has also exceeded 100 million views. This variety show produced by Zhou Yu is very successful!”

“It’s very good. I was just curious and wanted to watch it last night. I didn’t expect the show to be so exciting. Haha, especially the takeaway boy. I didn’t expect him to be so amazing.”

“Don’t mention it. This variety show is really good. And I admire Zhou Yu more and more now. Not only is he so good at music, but he is also so amazing as a screenwriter. I’m following The Bad Guys. It’s very exciting. This variety show is also good.”

“Yeah, it feels like Zhou Yu can do everything. So awesome!”

This time, many people have witnessed Zhou Yu’s horror. Originally, Zhou Yu’s achievements in music have surpassed many people and are very dazzling. Many people thought that Zhou Yu would make mistakes when he became a screenwriter, and the scripts he created were all rubbish. But with the popularity of the animation “The Bad Guys”, word of mouth continues to ferment, and the broadcast of “Chinese Poetry Conference” last night. Everyone also realized that Zhou Yu seemed to be very talented in script writing.

“Is this guy not all-powerful?”

This is the thought that many people had after seeing this result. Music and scripts. It was said before that Zhou Yu seemed to have gone to make a guest appearance in a movie. There was even news that Zhou Yu was the male lead in the new movie directed by Chen Mingyuan. If it is true, add another actor.

Tsk tsk tsk, they couldn’t believe how many talents Zhou Yu had that they didn’t know.

Is he really an all-round artist fed by God?

And those who envied Zhou Yu and the entertainment company looked even worse when they saw this news.

Is this guy really that amazing? His career is going smoothly. The key is that he is so talented. Will he let others live?

Especially Liu Zifan and Lin Hao, seeing that Zhou Yu’s variety show premiere performed so well, they felt even more unbalanced and uncomfortable. This guy is too smooth. They are struggling to survive in the music industry, but they haven’t reached the top yet. As a result, Zhou Yu, who is doing very well in the music industry, has crossed over to become a screenwriter. Whether it is animation or variety shows, his performance is so good.


It’s really annoying to compare yourself with others!

Now it’s music, animation and variety shows, what about later? Will Zhou Yu also get involved in TV series and movies?

He did this because he really didn’t want others to live!

This is not the most annoying and jealous thing for them. What really upsets them is the attitude of CCTV towards Zhou Yu. It directly supports Zhou Yu, and all the tricks they used against Zhou Yu are broken.

CCTV has expressed its position, supporting Zhou Yu and expressing its position. Who dares to touch him?

At this juncture, touching Zhou Yu is obviously against CCTV and standing on the opposite side of CCTV. Moreover, this time it is a confrontation between Zhou Yu and H flow, a confrontation between Hua flow and H flow, a problem of position, and to put it more seriously, it is a problem of ideology. Who dares to talk nonsense again?

At that time, they will put a big hat of traitor on your head and say that your position is wrong, and your future will be ruined.

So after CCTV made its statement that night, the people who secretly took action behind the scenes also quickly removed and deleted those water army and things targeting Zhou Yu. Some improper remarks that contradicted CCTV’s position were all deleted, and then they immediately liked and forwarded CCTV’s Weibo to show their position.

The most ridiculous thing was Liu Zifan and others who had publicly dissed Zhou Yu and supported H flow. That night, they deleted all the related Weibo posts, and then ran to like and forward CCTV’s Weibo. The key point is that the content of this Weibo was Zhou Yu’s video clip.

It can only be said that for their own future, these people have no face.

The artists who did these things at that time were ridiculed by Zhou Yu’s fans and netizens. The premiere of Zhou Yu’s new variety show was so successful this time, which made those who supported Zhou Yu even happier.

“Look, this is the strength of our Zhou Yu. Some people who don’t have that ability should stop trying to seduce me.”

“That’s right, those who said Zhou Yu’s scripts and programs were not good before, why don’t they do it now?

Come and speak?”

“They don’t dare to speak out now, they are just a bunch of bugs hiding in the dark.”

“Haha, it’s really funny. A few days ago, so many people targeted our Zhou Yu. After CCTV made its statement, they all hid and kept silent. ”


However, this is not over yet. The day after Zhou Yu finished the promotion with Qin Lao and others and left Beijing, the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and CCTV simultaneously posted a Weibo message. Although the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Weibo fans are not many, only a few hundred thousand, but with the traffic of CCTV and Zhou Yu, the news exploded instantly.

The content of the Weibo is very simple. Zhou Yu’s Haibo, who serves as the national ambassador for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine culture, then posted a promotional video, which is the content of Zhou Yu and others’ visit to the association that day, of course, some other materials were added.

In the video, Zhou Yu turned into a navigator to lead everyone to understand the culture of traditional Chinese medicine.

The content is so simple, but because of the traffic of Zhou Yu and CCTV, the Weibo of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was not paid much attention to before, has a direct increase of millions of fans.

“Oh my God! Zhou Yu! Ambassador for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine culture, this is too awesome!”

“Ahhh! My husband is so handsome, he is getting better and better!”

“Wow! Chinese medicine culture promotion ambassador, I immediately thought of Zhou Yu’s Compendium of Materia Medica, is it because of this? Haha! ”

“Oh my God! Zhou Yu is really working hard to promote our Chinese culture. As a Chinese, I think it is necessary to understand these excellent traditional cultures!”

“Oh my God! After watching the video, I realized that our Chinese medicine is so awesome!”

“Wow! This medicinal food and snacks are so good. Seeing Zhou Yu and his friends eating, they seem to taste very good.”

“Haha, of course, this feels much healthier than those sold outside, and the key is that it looks delicious. I really want to try it.”

After watching the video, many people also learned some knowledge about Chinese medicine culture from the video. Although many people watched the video for Zhou Yu, it did play a role in promotion. After that, Zhou Yu also posted a video on Weibo and called on everyone to pay attention to Chinese medicine culture.

This news directly became a hot search on Weibo.

“Zhou Yu unlocks a new identity! ”

“Zhou Yu serves as the ambassador for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine!”

This incident really surprised everyone, especially since Zhou Yu had just called on everyone to boycott H-style and speak for Chinese style and Chinese culture, and CCTV also strongly supported Zhou Yu. As a result, within two days, Zhou Yu directly served as the ambassador for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine. Moreover, it was officially announced by the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and CCTV at the same time, which is of a different nature.

The official announcement by the two major official media means that the authorities are also paying attention to the promotion and development of traditional culture.

This made many people smell a different smell, especially Huatian CEO Liu, who sat in the office, turned off the Weibo hot search interface, looked a little bored, and there was an intriguing light in his eyes.

“Is the authority going to take action? ”

Since this year, especially recently, various signs have shown that the authorities seem to want to focus on supporting and promoting the excellent Chinese culture. In other words, some things should be restricted, especially those foreign cultures.

H flow is the most popular in China. Mr. Liu and his team have made a lot of money from H flow in the past two years. If they really start to clean it up, they will lose a lot.

The more he thought about it, the more Mr. Liu felt that this was possible. The current situation in China, at the smallest level, is cultural exchange, a collision between foreign culture and Chinese culture. At the largest level, it is cultural invasion and an ideological struggle. This is very important.

“No, we must make plans early. ”

Mr. Liu is still not at ease. Instead of being so worried, it is better to gradually abandon the H-stream sector now. Anyway, the company has more than just this sector. It can only be said that it has made a lot of money in the past two years. If it is really as he guessed, the upper level is going to take action, then some interests must be abandoned.

Otherwise, when the knife falls, the loss will be greater.

Liu Zifan and others were also confused when they saw this hot search, especially Liu Zifan, who stood on the opposite side of Zhou Yu before and was a representative figure of H-stream in China. However, after CCTV made its statement, he deleted those things according to the instructions of his agent, and even liked and forwarded CCTV’s Weibo, and the content he liked was Zhou Yu.

This made him feel very aggrieved. As a result, now he has the opportunity to see Zhou Yu as the ambassador for the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine culture. If CCTV

The news was officially announced by CCTV and the association at the same time.

This guy is getting higher and higher now.

Liu Zifan held the phone tightly, with jealousy flickering in his eyes.

“Zhou Yu! Why do you do that!”

He has been smooth sailing all the way, and now he has been recognized by CCTV. They know very well that from the recent attitude of CCTV, Zhou Yu is obviously valued by the higher-ups.

This is an opportunity that many people are eager for. They have been struggling for so many years since their debut, but they have never had this opportunity. Zhou Yu is a newcomer who just debuted, why do they do that!

But Liu Zifan and his friends have no chance at all, and can only be furious.

And this news, in the eyes of many people and even those entertainment companies, reveals a lot of information.

“Is it possible that the higher-ups are going to take some action?”

Since the beginning of this year, CCTV has been launching programs related to traditional culture, and vigorously promoting these excellent Chinese cultures. Recently, Zhou Yu publicly called for a boycott of H-stream, and CCTV also directly stood on Zhou Yu’s side. In addition to the “China Poetry Conference”, and this time Zhou Yu served as the ambassador of traditional Chinese medicine culture, CCTV also participated. Could this be some signals released by the top?

Otherwise, how could so many things come out for no reason recently? And think about it carefully, each of these things seems to be inextricably linked.

But they are not sure, but the only thing they know is that Zhou Yu should not be provoked now.

The ambassador of traditional Chinese medicine culture has a close relationship with CCTV, and CCTV also attaches great importance to it, otherwise it would not have jointly helped with the Chinese Medicine Association to promote it this time.

If they don’t even have this kind of vision, and provoke Zhou Yu at this juncture, and continue to lead the rhythm and slander him on the Internet as before, isn’t this purely courting death?

And this time, the news that Zhou Yu served as the ambassador of traditional Chinese medicine culture, Wen Shiyi, Yang Qian, and director Jiang Dan all helped to forward and promote it. For a time, the impact was still quite large. On the Internet, many marketing accounts, whether they are genuinely helping to promote or just trying to gain traffic, have also posted a lot of promotional videos related to Chinese medicine culture, which can be regarded as helping to promote in disguise.

The Chinese Medicine Association has also organized charity consultations and promotional activities across the country. Taking advantage of the popularity of this event, associations or Chinese medicine hospitals across the country have held many activities.

So far, the effect is still very good.

“I haven’t been sleeping well for the past month. There happened to be a free consultation with a Chinese medicine doctor in my hometown today. I went to see him and he prescribed me some medicine. I’ve been taking it for two days and I feel much better.”

“Indeed, I tried those medicinal snacks. They are really healthy and delicious. I really want to open a store, haha.”

“I also went and felt the massage of Chinese medicine. I have uneven shoulders and some cervical spondylosis. I went twice and it was so comfortable.”

“Although Western medicine is also very good, we can’t ignore Chinese medicine. We must pay attention to what our ancestors left behind and pass it on and carry it forward.”

On Zhou Yu’s side, after leaving Beijing, he did not return to Zhonghai to attend the Golden Melody Awards Gala on the 22nd. Before that, he still needs to go to Mango TV to record the tenth episode of “Singer” this week.

Today is Tuesday, and it will be online on Friday. In the next few days, we have to work overtime to catch up.

“Singer” has now recorded the tenth episode, which is nearing the end. There are a total of twelve episodes, and the finals are coming soon. Although the guests of this season’s “Singer” are all very strong, everyone already knows who will be the champion. If there is no surprise, it will definitely be Zhou Yu.

After all, Shen Guangyan and Liu Zifan are not Zhou Yu’s opponents at all. Even Fu Ming, the king who joined later and performed very well, has not defeated Zhou Yu.

It is a foregone conclusion that Zhou Yu will win the title of the king of singers this season. However, everyone still likes to follow “Singer” because Zhou Yu’s performance in each episode can give people a sense of surprise.

This is the unique charm that Zhou Yu can have, and everyone has always been looking forward to him. And now Zhao Lei has stayed, and Zhao Lei will also bring a song written by Zhou Yu for him in each episode. And from the previous two episodes, Zhao Lei’s two songs “One Meat and One Vegetable” and “Nameless People” have also attracted countless fans.

In the lounge, Zhou Yu and Wang Jiachao came first and sat together to chat. Following closely were Teacher Fu Ming and Shen Guangyan, and Yang Zihan sat there, smiling shyly to answer the conversation. When Liu Zifan walked into the lounge, all eyes were on him.

His previous grudge with Zhou Yu was very serious, especially after the last episode was broadcast.

After. As a representative figure of the domestic H flow, Liu Zifan took the lead in criticizing Zhou Yu online. As a result, after that, CCTV directly came out to support Zhou Yu, and the situation suddenly reversed. Now when they look at Liu Zifan’s Weibo, they can see that he liked and forwarded the news that CCTV praised and supported Zhou Yu.

Just thinking about it, it’s ridiculous.

Liu Zifan’s arrogant look before and his timid look now are completely like two different people.

Liu Zifan can also sense the strange eyes of everyone. He wore sunglasses and didn’t speak. He sat on the sofa beside him. He felt embarrassed and didn’t want to come to this show. But he had no choice. The contract had already been signed. And it’s embarrassing enough now. If he doesn’t come again, wouldn’t it seem that he is really afraid of Zhou Yu, wouldn’t that be embarrassing?

So even if he thinks it will be embarrassing to come here, he has to bite the bullet.

Zhao Lei and Wang Jiachao just glanced at Liu Zifan and said nothing. In their opinion, Liu Zifan was a living clown. Now, not only the rap circle has lost face, but also the H-stream circle has lost face.

Now this situation is all his own fault.

With everyone’s arrival, the recording of the program began, and Teacher Chen Mo was still the host. The first to appear was Yang Zihan, the last place in the previous episode. She was already satisfied to be able to stay until now. She knew in her heart that there would be no more accidents this time, and she would definitely be eliminated in this episode.

She stood up and walked with a pair of long legs to prepare for the stage, but Zhou Yu nodded at her: “Come on!”

Seeing her idol cheering for her, Yang Zihan was also a little excited, and nodded with a smile on her pretty face: “Yeah!”

Zhou Yu had a good impression of Yang Zihan. Among those girl group idols, her strength was very strong. And he is a nice guy, without the arrogance of those girl group members.

As the program was recorded, the guests came on stage one after another, and Zhou Yu said that Liu Zifan’s performance was eye-catching.

This guy performed well in the last episode, but this time there was no one to help him write songs, and the songs he wrote by himself were really not good. Whether it was the lyrics or the music, they were not good, and they were completely unbearable to listen to.

Even the audience at the scene couldn’t help but discuss and complain after watching it.

“No, the songs Liu Zifan composed himself are totally different from the songs he brought before with the participation of others.”

“Indeed, the songs he composed himself feel so rubbish, compared with Zhou Yu, they are far behind.”

“That’s it? He is the number one rapper in China, I really don’t know where this title comes from.”

“He feels like a clown. He slandered Zhou Yu so much before, but as soon as CCTV spoke, he deleted those remarks and went to like and repost CCTV’s Weibo, and ended up praising Zhou Yu. I laughed to death when I saw it, haha.”

Liu Zifan himself could feel that this episode seemed not as exciting as before, and he didn’t seem to perform well.

But now, he doesn’t want to stay on this stage. It would be best if he could be eliminated naturally and record “China Has Hip-Hop” peacefully.

Every time he stayed on this stage for a second, he felt embarrassed. Zhou Yu and others seemed to be laughing at him every moment.

As the recording progressed, the guests came on stage one after another. Wang Jiachao is in a very good creative state now. Every episode is a new song written by himself, and the feedback is very good.

“I like the songs written by Wang Jiachao more and more now. The new king of the year is back again, haha.”

“Indeed, but I also hope that Zhou Yu will write songs for him, so that I can hear three new songs written by Zhou Yu in every episode, haha.”

“It will be Zhao Lei’s turn soon. I’m already looking forward to it. I wonder what kind of new song Zhou Yu will write for him this time.”

“I’m looking forward to it too. The song “One meat and one vegetable” in the last episode made me cry several times.”

As Zhao Lei came on stage, the audience at the scene also quieted down. Director Hongtao and his team also focused their attention on Zhao Lei. This newcomer who came out of the same talent show as Zhou Yu was very strong. Especially with the songs tailored for him by Zhou Yu, his strength should not be underestimated. His performance in each episode is also very attractive.

Director Hongtao and his team liked to listen to the first two songs “Unknown People” and “One meat and one vegetable”. Especially the song “One Meat and One Vegetable” in the last episode, which is the most recent work of Director Hong Tao and his team.

A song on a single cycle.

In this issue, they are also looking forward to Zhao Lei’s next performance.

In the lounge, Teacher Fu Ming and the others also glanced at Zhou Yu. What song did this guy write for Zhao Lei in this issue?

On the stage, the music played slowly, and on the big screen behind him, the song information that Zhao Lei sang this time appeared.

“Song title: Born like a summer flower

Vocals: Zhao Lei

Lyricist: Zhou Yu

Composer: Zhou Yu…”

At the beginning of the song, there was a harmony, and the audience gradually became quiet. After hearing the intro, many people seemed to be aware of the type of song.

“Folk ballad?”

The melody of this song is very similar to a folk song, and Zhao Lei’s main style is folk songs, which immediately reminds everyone of folk songs.

In the lounge, Shen Guangyan and Teacher Fu Ming were also slightly stunned after hearing the harmony of the prelude. This harmony is very good, and judging from the melody of this song, it is the type of ballad that Zhao Lei is best at.

Is the song Zhou Yu wrote for him this time a ballad?

They have seen Zhao Lei’s ability before, and there is no problem. The new song brought this time is his best ballad, which makes everyone’s expectations full.

Thanks to book friend Xnn_EA for your monthly vote!

(End of chapter)

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