The first time, the second time.

Chapter 9 Invitation

Wang Lin knew very well how Mr. Wang treated Wen Shiyi and them before. At the peak of his career, in order to force Wen Shiyi to submit, he put her on ice and cut off her resources to give them to the obedient Li Xue. Now that he has left the company, he is even more relentless in banning Wen Shiyi. How could he let him off easily after finally catching this opportunity?

Moreover, the popularity of Wen Shiyi’s new song was relatively low. It was not easy to get such an opportunity, so of course he had to seize it. They are all in the entertainment industry. Who would believe that they don’t have any tricks?

Now it seems that this time is still quite successful. If the popularity of the new song continues, there will be no problem with this comeback. As for the blockade of Xingguang Entertainment, Sister Lin felt that it had begun to collapse.

Just now, she had received several invitation calls one after another, including people from Huatian Entertainment.

She looked at Wen Shiyi and said, “Shiyi, we can rest assured now. The performance of this new song will not be bad. It is estimated that it will rush to the top five or even the top three in the future. Your comeback is very successful.”

Wen Shiyi also showed a smile. The nerves that had been tense during this period were finally able to relax a little.

Seeing a hot search on the phone, which was about the topic of “Who is Zhou Yu?”, Wen Shiyi’s eyes also flickered.

“This time I really bet right. His song saved me.”

Sister Lin looked at the Weibo hot search on Wen Shiyi’s mobile phone interface. Now Wen Shiyi’s new song has become popular. She has successfully made a comeback, and Zhou Yu, the lyricist and composer who helped her write the song this time, has also aroused everyone’s discussion and attention. After all, in the eyes of many people, the person who can help Wen Shiyi write such a suitable and high-quality song is definitely not a newcomer. They also saw some discussions online, saying that Zhou Yu was a pseudonym of a certain master in the circle, and in order not to offend Xingguang Entertainment, he used a pseudonym to help Wen Shiyi write songs.

She also smiled bitterly: “If these people knew that the person who wrote this song was a newcomer, I wonder how surprised they would be.”

In fact, Sister Lin was also quite surprised. When Wen Shiyi was desperate and was ready to use the new song she bought from Zhou Yu, she didn’t believe it would succeed. At that time, she was already preparing to help Wen Shiyi contact people from Huatian Entertainment and sign a gambling agreement. This was the last way. But who would have thought that this song “Period” would really become popular.

The main reason is that the lyrics and music of this song are of good quality, coupled with Wen Shiyi’s solid singing skills and emotions, and the compatibility of this song with Wen Shiyi, the entanglement between Wen Shiyi, Teacher Chu Yang, and Xingguang Entertainment is really the same as what is written in the lyrics, which is very suitable. Finally, the matter of Wang’s suppression of Wen Shiyi in Xingguang Entertainment was brought up, and she added fuel to the fire. All these factors made the song “Period” so popular now.

She even knew that a large number of people came to listen for the sake of gossip, but this was also traffic, and it was nothing to increase popularity and sales.

But Sister Lin was now very curious about this newcomer named Zhou Yu. Looking at the lyrics and music she wrote, she was very sophisticated and of high quality, not like a newcomer at all. But the fact is that others don’t know, but they know it very well. Zhou Yu is a pure newcomer, and it seems that he is the kind of person who is not appreciated for his talent, otherwise he would not take the songs he wrote and sell them at the door of the bar at a low price.

“Shiyi, I think we can get in touch with Zhou Yu more in the future, and even sign him to the company. This young man has great potential.”

Wen Shiyi also had this idea. They had seen Zhou Yu’s strength and talent. If the company had such a songwriter, new songs would definitely be guaranteed in the future, and they wouldn’t have to ask for help everywhere like before.

“I’ll find a chance to get in touch with him and ask him.”

Sister Lin also nodded, and then thought of the call from Huatian Entertainment just now, and said: “Also, Shiyi, someone from Huatian called me again just now. This time it’s not about the gambling agreement, but to ask you if you want to merge into Huatian. They give you the highest contract treatment and a high degree of freedom, which is equivalent to us becoming an independent personal studio under their company.”

This time Huatian was very sincere. Knowing that Wen Shiyi was out of trouble now, they didn’t force her to sign any gambling agreement like before. Instead,

To seek cooperation, they merged into Huatian Entertainment and became an independent studio of Huatian, enjoying Huatian’s resources but having high freedom rights, which is a treatment that many top-tier and even superstars can enjoy.

However, Wen Shiyi doesn’t want to sign with any company anymore. Now she wants to work hard on her own, be her own boss, and work for herself. And after experiencing these things, she is also ambitious. She wants to transform from an artist to capital and become someone sitting at the negotiation table. She doesn’t want to be the fish that can be slaughtered at will. As an artist, she will always be inferior to others. This is what she is unwilling to accept now.

“No need, Sister Lin, please thank Mr. Liu for his kindness. I still want to do it myself.”

Sister Lin also showed a smile: “I know you think so, OK, I will reply to them later.”

“Also, a few programs called just now and want to find you to participate. I took a look and they are all good. One of them is a talent show that will start recording soon. They want to invite you to be a mentor for a total of twelve episodes.”

“I took a look at this program. It is called Idol Son. It is the first talent show in China. It has a huge investment. Taoyuan Factory attaches great importance to it. They have always been short of two mentors. Candidates, seeing that you are making such a strong comeback this time, I called you overnight to invite you, do you want to go? ”

Xiaoqin, who was watching videos on her phone, heard about the talent show, her eyes lit up, and her chubby face was red and excited: “Ah? Sister Lin, what did you say, did the idol son send an invitation to Sister Shiyi?”

“Oh my God! I saw it online, saying that all the participants in the show seem to be handsome boys, Sister Shiyi, are you going?”

The little girl’s eyes were full of expectations. When she thought of those handsome boys, Xiaoqin couldn’t help but giggle. If Sister Shiyi could participate in this show, wouldn’t she be able to get close to these boys?

Sister Lin was drooling at the sight of this girl, and couldn’t help but walk up to her and touch her head: “You damn girl, you think about all sorts of things all day long, I’ll tell you to watch less of those meaningless things.”

Xiao Qin covered her head in pain, muttering: “What? I don’t watch it every day…”

She spoke in a lower voice: “I just watch it every night.”

Sister Lin: “…”

Wen Shiyi thought about it, looked at Sister Lin and asked: “When will the recording start?”

“At the beginning of next month, I think Shiyi can go. You have just made a comeback, if you can have a This permanent program will give you continuous exposure, which is very good for your future development. Moreover, this is the first talent show variety show in China, and it is also a big investment program from Taoyuan. There will definitely be resources tilted at that time, and the traffic will be huge, so you can go. ”

Wen Shiyi thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and nodded: “Okay, then go.”

“Yeah! That’s great, Sister Shiyi, I love you!”

When Xiaoqin heard that Wen Shiyi agreed, she jumped up from the sofa. Sister Lin and Wen Shiyi looked at this girl with a wry smile. Why does this girl look more excited than them?

Sister Lin pointed at Xiaoqin and told her: “You, I’ll tell you first, when you go to record the program, don’t run around and look around, or you will scare the contestants.”

Xiaoqin said aggrievedly: “I won’t, I will follow Sister Shiyi and take good care of her.”

Wen Shiyi remained silent, and Sister Lin looked at this little girl who was often obsessed with those comic idol dramas and often fantasized with disbelief.

“Can you believe what you said?”

Xiaoqin straightened her back: “Of course, Sister Lin, Sister Shiyi, you all know that I work very hard and I will definitely take good care of Sister Shiyi.”

“Then how did I remember that you forgot Shiyi at the recording site because you were watching the drama?”

Xiaoqin: “…”

She blushed and argued: “It was an accident!”

(End of this chapter)

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