Seeing Lin Beifan in a daze, Jin Buxian urged: "Classmate, I want to buy all the spirit talismans on your body, but you give a word?" "

"Classmate Jin, I have 20 second-order talismans and 80 third-order talismans here. My talismans are more powerful, so they are more expensive to sell. The second-order spirit rune is 500 spirit coins each, and the third-order spirit talisman is 1000 spirit coins a piece, so it adds up to a total of 90,000 spirit coins. Lin Beifan quickly calculated the price.

Such a price is equivalent to a ninth-order demon beast, and it is not affordable for ordinary people at all.

But the big local tycoon Jin did not change but frowned and dissatisfied: "Classmate, your spirit talisman is so good, the power is so great, it is sold too cheap!" "

Lin Beifan was shocked, someone actually thought it was cheap?

So he humbly asked: "Classmate Jin, how much do you think should be sold?" "

Jin Buxian stretched out a finger: "This number!" "

"100,000?" Lin Beifan guessed a number.

"No, it's a 10-fold sale!"

Lin Beifan was shocked again, I was bold enough, I didn't expect you to be bolder than me.

The problem is that you are a customer, and you actually shout the price higher?

For such an unreasonable request, of course, I, Lin Beifan, agreed to you.

Lin Beifan said awe-inspiringly, "Well, for the sake of classmate Jin's recognition, the spirit talisman in my hand will sell you 900,000!" Just make you a friend! "

Everyone: "..."

Make friends and sell the price higher, isn't that pit friends?

Jin Buxian slapped his thigh excitedly: "Classmate Lin is really cheerful, I have made up my mind about this friend of yours!" Give, this is 900,000! "

Jin Bu waved his big hand, and there was an extra spiritual coin on the ground.

Everyone: "..."

Another one that is not normal.

Is this the right way to start making friends?

Are we unable to keep up with the times, or have the times abandoned us?

At the same time, Lin Beifan's Yuanshen sensed that the aura on Jin Buxian's body became stronger, and he was more sure of the idea in his heart, this guy is a person with a plug-in, most likely a local tyrant system.

What an enviable guy!

After spending a huge amount of money, Jin Buxuan felt refreshed, his whole body was full of strength, and he said unsatisfied: "Classmate Lin, do you still have such a spirit rune?" I'm going to have it! "

"Not at the moment, I'm going back to production. The number of Jin Tongxue, I will do as much as you want! "It's rare to meet such a local tyrant buyer, Lin Beifan has also become bold, he wants to eat big.

"I'm too lazy to report the numbers, I want as much as you do!" Jin Buxuan waved his classmate's hand.

It is worthy of being a person with a local tyrant system, and it is domineering to shoot.

Lin Beifan took three steps back in shock, and then took three steps forward, holding Jin Buxian's big meat hand tightly with both hands, and said excitedly and sincerely: "Classmate Jin, you are really my confidant!" "

Jin Buxing is also sincere: "I also feel that classmate Lin knows my heart deeply, and I know myself and be content in life!" "

"Each other, we will always communicate in the future!"

"It must be dropped, the relationship must be deepened!"

One wanted to sell at a high price, the other wanted to buy at a high price, so the two became embarrassed.

After everyone dispersed, Lin Beifan took out a few transport talismans and sealed all the corpses of the ninth-order demon beasts in front of him.

A transport charm is a space item that can hold a lot of things. However, it only has the effect of one day, and the transport charm will be invalid after one day, so it can only be used as a transportation prop, which is not comparable to the space ring.

Originally, he didn't want to waste it so much, but now Lin Beifan has money, and making transport talismans is a simple thing for him, so he can only use it, otherwise his house can't hold so many things.

"Now that you have money, you can buy a big house and look for it in the next few days!" Lin Beifan made up his mind, of course, when he had money, he would first improve his living conditions, so that he would be comfortable at home to cultivate.

"Brother Fan, I still have a task to go first, you have to take care!" Lin was slightly reluctant.

"Wait, you take these!" Lin Beifan took out a pile of fourth-order spirit talismans, and about 30 of them were handed over to Lin Weiwei.

"I'll give you money!" Lin was slightly stunned, and then said stupidly.

"I don't want your money, this is my little gift to you!" Lin Beifan gently stroked Lin's slightly little head: "In the past, you took care of me as a little nizi, which made me embarrassed." Now that Brother Fan is out of interest and rich, it's up to me to take care of you!" "

"But so many spirit talismans are worth so precious, you can get a lot of money if you sell them to gold!" Lin was slightly anxious.

This little nizi always thinks about him, and is really too well-behaved.

"Don't say much, I can give it to whoever I like! Moreover, you are priceless in my heart! "

Is this a confession?

Does my mind know everything?

"Hmm." Lin snorted slightly, and his little face turned red.

"Don't be reluctant to use it, Brother Fan, my current drawing level has improved, and these things are easy to make. When you encounter danger, you throw it all out just like I did with Luo Tian, got it? "

Lin Weiwei burst out laughing.

Because she thought of Luo Tian's tragic situation, it was really not ordinary miserable.

When did Brother Fan become so shrewd?

He used to be good and bad now, but she liked him like him like this.

"Got it, Brother Fan!" Lin smiled slightly sweetly.

In the last three steps, he turned around and said, "Brother Fan, remember to see Grandpa, he must be very happy to know that you have broken through the fourth order!" "

"I'll go when I'm done with these two busy days!"

With a huge amount of millions of dollars, Lin Beifan felt that he had finally become a rich man and could go out and make waves.

He first went to the market to find someone to dispose of the corpses of these seven demon beasts. Their skins were separated from their flesh and blood, and the animal skins were used to make materials for making talismans, and the flesh and blood were preserved and kept for their own eating at ordinary times to replenish their body qi and blood.

Then I went to buy a batch of animal skins for making spirit runes, from the first order to the ninth order of animal skins, the more the merrier.

In the end, he spent 300,000 spirit coins and bought tens of thousands of animal skins.

With these things, his strength and wallet can quickly expand in a short time.

Finally, Lin Beifan went to the academy library to borrow a few books on spiritual runes.

The runes on the spirit runes play the role of throwing bricks and attracting jade, allowing him to understand the relevant heaven and earth principles, improve his experience, and enhance his strength.

Last night, just the hundreds of spiritual runes gave him the ability to fight against Luo Tian, a genius of the Sword Dao, and also made his physical level reach the level of a fourth-order body refiner.

If he comprehended tens of thousands of spiritual runes, how strong should his strength be?

When he thought of this, Lin Beifan couldn't wait.

So he decided to study his old line of drawings thoroughly before thinking about something else.

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