My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 202: Space hot pot, announced

   Upon seeing this giant moon, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya exclaimed:

   "This is... Jupiter!!!"

   The eight planets in the solar system can be recognized at a glance. The first is definitely the Earth, and the second is Saturn and Jupiter.

   The characteristics of these three planets are too obvious!

   "Since this is Jupiter, isn't the planet under our feet a moon of Jupiter?"

   Baiya whispered: "Plus the ocean that is hundreds of kilometers deep, that is to say, it is Jupiter's second moon-Europa (Europa)?"

"very possible!"

   Ling Jiu nodded repeatedly: "Scientists speculate that Europa is a satellite covered by a thick layer of ice, and there is a liquid ocean under the ice layer!"


   Bai Ya was extremely shocked: "We just passed through a wormhole and a layer of glass to reach Europa from Mars? Unbelievable!"

   "It's really incredible!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slowly, and then said, "Look around?"


   Bai Ya nodded vigorously.

   Ling Jiu took her little hand, and the two wandered on the surface of Europa.

   There is a colorful Jupiter overhead, and an endless ice sheet at your feet. When you look up, you can see Jupiter's other moons and the dazzling starry sky. I have to say that this scene is very romantic.

   After shopping for a long time, both of them were a little hungry. Ling Jiu proposed to eat hot pot here. Bai Ya agreed with this suggestion.

   Ling Jiu waved his hand, and a small space was formed. The two entered the space, took out the pots and pans, and then got busy.

   After a while, the alluring fragrance floats in the small space.

   At this time, Bai Ya also showed a playful side. She was not in a hurry to eat, but took out several photos with her mobile phone.

   There is Jupiter overhead.

  There are dishes on the table.

   There is an endless ice field.

   and boiling soup.

   After taking the photo, she ate it contentedly.

   "Why don't you shoot me?"

   Ling Jiu smiled and teased.

   "This is the photo I want to post in Moments, why take you?"

   Bai Ya has no good air.

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly, a little unhappy: "Aren't we two formal boyfriend and girlfriend?"

   "What do you mean?"

   Bai Ya hummed lightly.

   "What does it matter?"

   Ling Jiu licked his lips.

"do not know!"

   Bai Ya lowered her head.

   "Does this count?"

   Ling Jiu smiled, and suddenly he leaned over, hugged Bai Ya into his arms, and printed his big mouth directly. . .



   When you meet a good girl, you must start as early as possible.

  Especially if the opponent doesn't dislike you, you must start quickly, as fast as you can, because the chance of catching up is very high!

   This is the experience of Ling Jiu's last life!

  Bai Ya is undoubtedly a good girl. Although she is cold, this is just the appearance. Under her cold appearance, there is a kind and gentle heart hidden.

   When she does not approve of you, she is very cold and rejects others thousands of miles away; but when you walk into her heart, she tends to be more enthusiastic, more specific, and braver than ordinary women.

   If you find such a girlfriend, congratulations, you won the prize!

   Ling Jiu felt that she had won the prize. After this hot pot meal, Bai Ya asked to take a close photo with him, and then sent it to Moments.

The content of    is like this:

   My iceberg has also become an ice cream in your hand. . .

   Obviously, she officially regarded Ling Jiu as her boyfriend!

   And, the official announcement!


   She is such a woman, she has a brain and a confession, but once she is confirmed, she will become very brave and very decisive.

  Bai Ya has done this, so how could Ling Jiu bend back and let Bai Ya post the photo, and then send it to her circle of friends.

The content of    is like this:

   This time charging the phone bill really didn't disappoint me. The little girl in the line can retreat, funny face/ funny face/ funny face.

   "I sent my feelings for the phone bill!"

   Bai Ya pouted, a little unhappy.

   "Haha, of course not!"

   Ling Jiu laughed, put her on her lap, and chewed again.


   Mainland Australia.

   After a busy day, Yang Linger and Ai Yuhe returned to the airship to rest. The two simply ate some dried meat, and then each took a bath and went to bed.

   Because they are both women and best friends, they sleep on the same bed. At this moment, Ai Yuhe is scanning the circle of friends.

   Brushing, Ai Yuhe suddenly stiffened and sighed quietly.

   "What's wrong with sister He?"

   Yang Linger asked in doubt.

   "Look for yourself!"

   Ai Yuhe handed the phone over, Yang Linger picked up the phone suspiciously, and then saw Ling Jiu’s circle of friends:

   This time charging the phone bill really didn't disappoint me. The little girl in the line can retreat, funny face/ funny face/ funny face.

   There are several photos below.

   Yang Linger clicked on the photos and read them one by one. I don’t know what to say. My brother took off the order. This is a happy thing, but sister He...

   "That girl seems to be Bai Ya from Tianwei Reserve Camp?" Ai Yuhe said quietly.


   Yang Ling'er nodded slightly: "I saw her once when I was Pandora! Strange, isn't she very cold? Why did she get together with my brother?"

   "Your brother is so good, he wants to chase a girl sincerely, who has resisted it?" Ai Yuhe smiled bitterly: "But they are very good..."


   Yang Linger was silent.


   Tianwei training camp.

  Wangwang was originally in a group with his sister Bai Ya. With the help of Bai Ya, she ranked second in the Tianwei training camp rankings.

   It's a pity that with Bai Ya ascending into the reserve camp, Wang Wang can only fight alone.

   Fortunately, she got a lot of energy crystals in Pandora at the time. Her strength has greatly increased. Although the ranking has dropped slightly, she did not drop too much.

   That night, Wangwang took a shower and lay on the bed to brush his friends circle. Suddenly, she exclaimed and jumped three feet high.


   "My sister got out of order!"

   "The subject is the pervert?"

   "What are you kidding?"

  Wangwang’s beautiful eyes are full of incredible and shock. She knows exactly what kind of person her sister Bai Ya is. She never enters into boys, even girls are cold, and friends are so few.

  Only when I am with her and my mother is a little normal.

   Such a cold, lonely, no friends, and unloving sister once caused my mother a headache and worried that her sister would be single for a lifetime.

  Wangwang was also worried, but she never expected that her sister had dropped out!

   And the subject is still Ling Jiu!

   And I went to the reserve camp for less than a month!

   Wangwang feels that his three views have been subverted.


   "How long did my sister go to the reserve camp?"

   "It takes less than a month to be full, right?"

   "Is this got Ling Jiu together?"

   "This is too fast!"

   "No! I have to ask!"

  Wangwang found out her sister's phone number and prepared to call it. At this moment, she suddenly remembered that her sister could not be reached at the preparatory camp.

   "Sister, how can you be with this pervert?"


   Lantian base city.

  Pangu Company Appraisal Department.

   "Damn! Lao Ling is out of order!"

   Li Kai looked at Ling Jiu’s circle of friends and said, "But then again, this girl is really beautiful, Lao Ling is blessed!"

   "Strange! Where are they eating hot pot?"

   "Why is there a Jupiter above your head?"


   The two parties did not know that they just posted a circle of friends, but it caused such a big sensation, and they planned to leave after they had enough trouble.

At this moment, the ice sheet under their feet shook violently, as if an earthquake occurred. Just as Ling Jiu and Bai Ya were extremely shocked, the ice layer under their feet suddenly cracked a hole. Then, a water column emerged from the ice layer. Squirted out.


   The water column is thousands of meters wide, and sprayed straight into the sky thousands of meters, forming an extremely spectacular fountain that appeared in front of the two of them.

   Then, in Europa’s astonishingly low temperature, the fountain sprayed high in the sky quickly condensed into ice and turned into a frozen fountain.

   When the sun shines, the surface of the fountain reflects dazzling light, and even reflects the rainbow hanging high in the sky, which is very beautiful.

"What a nice view!"

   Bai Yamu shows obsession.

   "Yes, it's beautiful!"

   Ling Jiu also admired.


   Under the action of gravity, the frozen fountain fell from the sky, then hit the ice sheet, and cracked with a click.

   Some ice cubes and ice **** shot at the two of them. Ling Jiu's eyes widened, and Shenluo Tianzheng broke out, and all the ice cubes and ice slags flew out.

   "Let’s go back!"


   When the two returned to the planet, half an hour later, they returned to the cave, Ling Jiu took away all the things they could take, and then left the planet and returned to Mars.

   "Bai Ya, you wait here first, I'll go to the battalion commander's office and report Europa's discovery!"

   "Hmm, you go!"

   Returning to the Antarctic Ice City, Ling Jiu did not go to the battalion commander's office for the first time, but quietly left the Antarctic and hurried towards Australia.

   then came to Pandora Star.

   "9527, I want to know all the information about this guy!"

   Ling Jiu first took out the humanoid creature named Pioneer Mosal.


  9527 looked at the pioneer Mossals, a glimmer of doubt flashed in his eyes, and then sent him to the research cabin for research, and the results soon came out.

   "Ling Jiu, you have gained a lot this time!"

  9527 means a lot.

   "What does this mean?"

   Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows.

   "The harvest is not from this fellow named Pioneer Mosalth, but the void worm in your hand!"

  9527 smiled and said: "You guy is so lucky, you can even get this kind of baby!"

   "Have you read this guy's memory?"

   Ling Jiu said: "Quickly tell me what is it coming from?"

   "This guy named Pioneer Mosalth is from a Pioneer family of Pioneers named Pioneer Star!"

  9527 explained: "The level of civilization of this race is not high. UU reading is not much better than your earth, but they are good at making drugs and controlling beasts!"

   "The most powerful and fortunate thing about this race is that they have enslaved a void worm. This is an incredible treasure!"

   "9527, what kind of creature does the void worm belong to?"

   Ling Jiu asked curiously. Although he knew the abilities of the Void Worm, he didn't know anything about other information.

   "I told you about the star behemoth before, and the star behemoth is the general term for all life born in outer space, right?" 9527 asked.


   "Void worms, like Yanxing Giant Beasts, are also Star Giant Beasts!"

  9527 said: "But unlike the giant Yanxing beasts that are born to feed on stars, the void worms live in the void and are born to feed on space!"

   "Feeding on space?"

   Ling Jiu was shocked.

   "Yes, feed on the universe!"

  9527 nodded: "Because it feeds on the space of the universe, the space will be eaten out of a passage where the void worm passes by!"

   "It's just like a mouse punching holes, but the passage left by the void worm is not a mouse hole, but... a worm hole!"



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