My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 207: Magic wormhole, open again

The beautiful floating mountains and luminous plants immediately hit Bai Ya's heart, making her full of praise for Europa's beautiful ocean.

   "My dear, you must bring me next time you go to Europa!"

   Bai Ya said hopefully.

"no problem!"

   Ling Jiu nodded: "Next time we will go to Europa for hot pot!"

"Thank you dear!"

   Bai Ya gave Ling Jiu a sweet kiss.

"And one more thing!"

   Ling Jiu spread his right hand, and a power crystal appeared in the palm of his palm. Bai Ya recognized it at a glance, and wondered: "What will you show me?"

   "Found in the floating mountains of Europa!"

   Ling Jiu said with a smile, Bai Ya suddenly widened her eyes: "You mean, Europa also produces crystals?"

   Ling Jiu said: "I have been staying at Europa these days, killing monsters while collecting energy crystals. A total of more than 1,400 pieces have been collected!"

   As he said, Ling Jiu waved his big hand and released half of it.

   There are as many as 700 energy crystals gleaming with a soft milky white light under the shining of light, just like night pearls, exuding alluring charm.

  Bai Ya had seen Nengjing, but it was the first time she saw so many Nengjing, her mouth was so startled that she could put a duck egg into it.

   "Wife, do you look good?"

   Ling Jiu asked with a smile.

"good looking!"

   Bai Ya nodded repeatedly.

   "They are yours!"

   Ling Jiu smiled.


   Bai Ya was a little startled, her head shook like a rattle: "My dear, this is too expensive, I can't ask for it!"

   "Fool, you have given yourself to me, there is nothing you can't ask for! In my eyes, even if you give me a crystal mountain is not worth it for you!"

   Ling Jiu shaved Bai Ya's nose, and said with a drooping expression.

   "Honey, you are so kind to me!"

   Baiya felt her chest blocked and her eyes were red: "Apart from mom and Wangwang, you are the best person in this world to me!"

   "Fool, you are my girlfriend now, and you will be the mother of my child in the future, and you will spend the rest of my life with me. Who is good to me if I am not good to you?"

   Ling Jiu said with a smile.


   Bai Ya was moved and cried, and plunged into Ling Jiu's arms and burst into tears.

   "Okay, don't cry!"

   After crying for a long time before coaxing Bai Ya well, the two took a bath with mandarin ducks, then got up to cook, Ling Jiu washed the vegetables, and Bai Ya chopped the vegetables for a while, and the enticing fragrance came on her face.

"Time to eat!"

   The food was on the table, and the two of them ate deliciously. At this moment, Ling Jiu's cell phone rang.

   "Brother Niu called?"

   Ling Jiu was puzzled and chose to answer.

   "Brother Niu, are you looking for something to do with me?"

   "Brother Ling, first of all congratulations to you for holding a beautiful woman, did you know that you are now the public enemy of all male compatriots in the reserve camp!"

   Niu Ben smiled.

   "Really? I don't know that!"

   Ling Jiu smiled and glanced at Bai Ya.

   "Haha, there must be many male compatriots jealous of you, there is no doubt about it!"

   Niu Ben smiled and chatted for a few more words before he came up with the topic: "I called you today to discuss something with you!"

   "Brother Niu, you say!"

   "It's like this, the 13th Wormhole is about to open again, I want to invite you to form a team!" Niu Ben is straightforward.

   "Do you want to turn it on again?"

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly: "Isn't Wormhole 13 opened before?"

   "You don't know anything about Brother Ling!"

   Niu Ben patiently explained: "There are a total of 51 wormholes on Mars, most of them are the same, but a very small number of wormholes are very special!"

   "Wormhole No. 13 is one of the very special wormholes, because it only opens every 9 months, and it is closed at other times!"

   "There is such a wormhole?"

   Ling Jiu was surprised.

In his understanding, a wormhole is like a tunnel inside a mountain. Once opened, it will remain open unless it is blocked by external forces. Once blocked by external forces, the tunnel will be blocked forever. Just turn it on?

   "Wormhole No. 13 is like this, no one knows the specific reason!"

   Niu Ben shook his head and continued: "And what's even more amazing is that every time Wormhole 13 is opened, the opposite planet is different!"


   Ling Jiu was stunned: "How do you say this?"

   "Let's tell you so!"

  Niu ran said: "When we first discovered Wormhole #13, it was opposite a planet full of water. That planet has a thick atmosphere. The surface of the planet is completely covered by water, and there is no land at all!"

   "When Wormhole No. 13 opened for the second time, it was opposite a frozen planet. The entire planet was covered by thick glaciers and snow, and the temperature was as low as minus 100 degrees Celsius!"

   "The third time, the last time it was turned on, the environment changed again. This time it is a life planet like the Earth!"

   "The surface of the planet is covered by dense forests. It is on this planet that we have discovered a large number of crystal ore and an astonishing number of heaven and earth treasures. In the end, everyone made a lot of money!"

   "So since the last time, the preparatory camp students have been very concerned about Wormhole 13 and look forward to its opening next time!"

   Speaking of this, Niu Ben sighed: "No, three days later, it's the day when Wormhole 13 will open again. Almost all the preparation camp students are gearing up and preparing for a big fight!"

   "What a magical wormhole!"

   Ling Jiu shook his head and sighed: "But Brother Niu, every time the 13th Wormhole opens, the planet to which it leads is random, is it completely irregular?"

   "It's all random!"

   Niu Ben nodded affirmatively.


   Ling Jiu said: "In 3 days, yes, I will pass!"

   "Brother Ling is really quick to say something, I believe that with your participation, once we find something good on the opposite planet, we will definitely have a great deal!"

   "Hope, don't go to some garbage planet!" Ling Jiu said.

   "Hahaha, brother Ling, your luck has always been good, and this time is definitely no exception!"

   hung up the phone, Ling Jiu looked at Bai Ya: "You heard what you said just now, do you want to go see and see together?"

   "If you go, I will go too!"

   Bai Ya nodded quickly.

"it is good!"

Ling Jiu touched his girlfriend's head, and said, "Listen to Brother Niu. Every time Wormhole 13 is opened, it usually closes again in a month. If we really stay on that planet for a month, it will take quite a while It's too long!"

   "So in the next two days, let's plant trees honestly, plant them in the ground first, and wait a month when we come back, basically we can live!"


   So for the next two days, Ling Jiu didn't go anywhere, and accompanied Bai Ya to seriously plant the power tree.

   When Ling Jiu's firepower was full to plant trees, his speed was unparalleled, and with his thoughts, tree pits appeared one after another within a kilometer.

   Another thought flashed. Hundreds of supernatural saplings rose into the air and flew into the dug tree pit. Sand and soil flowed and buried the tree.

In this way, two days finally passed. In the early morning of this day, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya had breakfast and returned to the reserve camp to gather with Niu Ben. What they did not expect was that Niu Ben also brought a friend. .

   "Let me introduce you, this is my sister Niu Miao!" Niu Ben smiled.

   "Hello Sister Niu!"

   Ling Jiu smiled and greeted, Bai Ya nodded.

   "Hello, nice to team up with you!"

   Different from the big fat brother Niu Ben, Niu Miao is a beautiful girl with a fair complexion, less than six meters in length, but she is very beautiful and she is small and exquisite.

   "Both brothers and sisters can join the preparatory camp, and there are not many in the world, right?" Ling Jiu praised sincerely.

   "Brother Ling, you are wrong!"

   Niu Ben smiled and said: "In fact, there are many brothers and sisters who can enter the reserve camp, at least there are 4 pairs of brothers and sisters in the current reserve camp!"

   "Is that so many?"

   Ling Jiu looked stunned.

"of course!"

   Niu Ben smiled and said: "There is a high probability of inheritance of the ability, and the ability of the brother or sister is strong, and the brother or sister will not be too bad!"

   "Of course there is another reason, that is, as long as a brother or sister enters the preparatory camp, it means that they can access a large number of training resources. Using these resources to help younger brothers and sisters cultivate, it is really not difficult to enter the preparatory camp!"

   "This is indeed the reason!"

   Ling Jiu nodded again and again, isn't that what he did? Many cultivation resources that he didn't need were given to Ling'er.

   Even if Ling'er's ability talent is very poor, Ling Jiu is confident that she will use Tiancai Dibao to give her a bright future.

   "Let's go, go to Wormhole 13 first!"

"it is good!"

  Ling Jiu released the airship, Niu Ben couldn't help but reminded: "Brother Ling, what are you doing with the airship, you can't fly on the Martian airship!"

   "Brother Niu, my airship is different!" Ling Jiu smiled and opened the airship door: "Please come in!"

   Brother and sister Niu Ben entered the airship suspiciously, and was shocked by the luxurious decoration in the airship: "Tsk, is this a palace?"

   "The carpet made of the skin of the 9th-order fierce beast, the nine-tailed snow fox, and the sofa cushions seem to be woven from the silk of the 9th-order fierce beast, the eye of the celestial silkworm. And this chandelier, brother Ling, how much did you buy for the airship?"

   "This is not a purchase, but a reward for the preparation camp!"

   Ling Jiu smiled and told the story of the previous few days, and Niu Ben suddenly realized: "No wonder your points have skyrocketed by 200,000, so let me just say, your luck is really good!"

   "And this airship!"

   " ultimate airship, yes, the performance of the ultimate airship is far superior to ordinary airships, and only the ultimate airship can fly on Mars!"


   Half an hour later, the four of them came to Wormhole No. 13, and a huge gorge appeared in front of them. The reserve camp students stood around the gorge.

   Everyone was wearing a venom suit, and they got together in twos and threes. They were talking and chatting. At this time, Ling Jiu's airship hovered above his head, and suddenly attracted everyone's attention.

   "Who is this?"

   "The magnetic field of Mars is too weak, can the airship not fly?"

"do not know!"

   All the students looked at the airship with a look of doubt. Then, the hatch opened and the four Ling Jiu came out.

   "Isn't that Niu Ben?"

   "Who is with him?"

   "One of them must be his sister, I don't know the other two!"

   "Hey, that girl is really in good shape"

   Everyone whispered.

   At this time, a dazzling colorful light suddenly shot out from the bottom of the canyon, then filled the entire canyon and rose into the sky.

   "It's on!"

   "Wormhole 13 is open!"

   "I don't know where will it lead this time?"

   For a time, the attention of all the students was attracted.

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