My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 211: Golden power, alien insect

"Say, what happened to the constant star Tiancai Dibao just now?"

   Alexis stared at the cow, his voice was calm, but the threat and coldness in the words made no secret of it.

   Preparatory Camp is like this. It is not an ivory tower where students live in peace, but a cruelly competitive Gu box. Killing is not uncommon here!

   "What are you talking about?" Niu Ben said solemnly: "What constant star is the treasure of heaven, material and earth, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

   "Niu Ben!"

  Alexis said: "You have been in the preparatory camp for ten years. You should know my ability. Any sound within a thousand miles can't escape my ears! So, do you still play stupid?"

   Niu Ben's face sank: "Alexis Land..."

   "Stop talking nonsense!"

   Alexis was indifferent and full of threats: "My time is precious. If you dare to waste my time, I don't mind letting you taste another of my powers!"

   "Bone control ability?"

   Niu Ben's face changed, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes for no reason.

   Just then, Ling Jiu's voice sounded: "Brother Niu, who is he, so arrogant?"

   Hearing Ling Jiu's voice, Niu Ben's spirit was shocked. Yes, Brother Ling, a super expert, is still around. What's so scary?

Thinking of this, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "He is Alexis Brahman, ranked 4th in the standings, and has a total of four powers, namely: Trinidad, Bone Control, and Hearing Teleportation, golden body!"

   "His strength is very strong, he definitely has the ultimate combat power!"

   "Furthermore, he has only joined the reserve camp for 4 years, but he has accumulated 920,000 points, ranking fourth in the standings, and his talent and strength alone are not much worse than the top three in the standings!"

   "That's it!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slightly, glanced at Alexis, and said lightly:

   "I don't care who you are, where you are in the standings, and what strength you have. Now I will give you a chance to get out of my airship immediately!"

   "Rookie, your mouth smells bad!"

  Alexis frowned and looked at Ling Jiu. When he entered the airship, he noticed Ling Jiu and recognized Ling Jiu, but he didn't take it seriously.

   Just a newcomer.

   How can He De let him pay attention?

   But he didn't expect that the newcomer he didn't bother to care about was so rampant that he dared to get him out of the airship after hearing his name?

   Is this something to rely on, or is it stupid and arrogant?

   "What? Didn't hear clearly, do you want me to repeat it again?"

   Ling Jiu took a bite of the dish, and said impatiently while chewing the dish, "I am in a good mood today. I don't want to be like you, so hurry up!"

   "What a big breath!"

   Alexis's face sank, and his eyes became colder: "Rookie, barking with no strength in the ultimate reserve camp... just looking for death!"

   "Listen! I will take your bones out of your body, wash them and dry them, make them into specimens and store them as my collection!"

"is it?"

   Ling Jiu hehe.

   "Rookie, you will pay a heavy price for your stupidity and arrogance!"

   Alexis suddenly exudes dazzling golden light.

   In the next moment, he turned into a golden man who seemed to be cast from gold. The whole body was shining golden, like a golden statue.

   "Golden power!"

   Niu Ben whispered: "Ling Jiu be careful, after the goldenization, his various attributes have skyrocketed, 1,500 times the previous!"

   "Therefore, regardless of speed, power, defense, etc., there will be earth-shaking changes. You must be careful and don't be careless!"

   "Don't worry! Can't get over the big waves!"

   Ling Jiu smiled faintly: "Let's go, go out and play with you, if you break my airship, you can't afford it!"

   As he said, Ling Jiu put on the venom suit and disappeared in the airship. Alexis snorted and disappeared.

   "Let's go out and have a look too!"

   Niu Ben followed them out.

   came outside, and the surroundings were pitch black. Fortunately, the lights on the airship came on, dispelling the darkness and illuminating the surroundings.

   Ling Jiu and Alexis face each other far away.

   "You look really good!"

   Ling Jiu looked at Alexis with the golden light: "I heard that the bodies of gods in Egyptian mythology are made of gold, and gold juice flows in their veins! Perhaps the so-called gods..."

   Ling Jiu hadn't finished speaking yet, Alexis suddenly appeared in front of him, it was his other ability-teleport by hearing the sound.

   Although this ability is also a teleport, it is different from Ling Jiu's teleport, which can teleport at will. He must hear the target's voice to teleport.

   It can be said that the limitations are huge!

   However, in conjunction with Alexis's Trillium, it has a wider range of teleportation.

   For example, Alex was a hundred miles away before, but he caught the voice of Ling Jiu four people, so he teleported over directly.

   Teleport hundreds of miles.

   This distance is long enough!


   Alexis's golden fist tore the air, and instantly slammed into Ling Jiu's chin. The speed was lightning fast, and his fist was arrogant.

   If this punch hits, the 9th-order Beast Emperor will also have to drink a pot.

   "Ling Jiu be careful!"

   Niu Ben reminded loudly, Bai Ya's fists were clenched tightly, her beautiful eyes were filled with worry and tension, Niu Miao also watched nervously.

   However, facing the fierce golden fist that could tear everything apart, Ling Jiu had no plan to evade, but just stretched out his fist and grabbed it at will.


   The momentum was fierce, and the fists that could tear everything fell into Ling Jiu's hands lightly, and all the terrifying aura disappeared instantly.

   "I waited for a long time, you just have this strength?"

   understatement and held Alexis' fist indirectly, Ling Jiu shook his head with a look of disappointment: "It seems that my expectations of you are too high!"

   The voice fell, Ling Jiu flicked it lightly, and Alexis shot towards the sky like a cannonball out of the chamber.

   "Thunder come!"

   Ling Jiu faintly spit out two words, and a bright thunder light suddenly burst into his body.

next moment.

   A bucket of thunder and lightning spurted out of Ling Jiu's body, pierced straight into the sky, and finally hit Alexis severely.


   There was a screaming scream in the sky. The thunder and lightning that the authentic dark creatures can spur is much more terrifying than the ordinary thunder and lightning.

   Of course, that's all!

  Ling Jiu is a 7th-level ability person after all, and has no field bonus, even if the power of the ability is ten times that of the ordinary ability, it is not enough to kill Alexis.

   Sure enough, as the thunder and lightning disappeared, Alexis was just a little scorched, and there were no other injuries.

"I want you to die!"

   Alexis showed a hideous face, and bright golden lights burst out of his golden eyes.

   The next moment, Ling Jiu felt the bones on his body make a crackling sound, all of them agitated, as if they were about to leave the body.

   "This is the bone control ability?"

   Ling Jiu was secretly shocked: "I thought he, like Jun Maro, controls his own bones, but I didn't expect to be able to control other people's bones!"

   Ling Jiu certainly wouldn't tolerate Alexis taking his bones away. His figure appeared in front of Alexis for a moment, and with a finger, a mysterious wave wrapped Alexis.

   Alexis was surprised to find that his body was shrinking strangely, and in the blink of an eye, it shrank into a three-inch figure.

   "This this this..."

   "Alexis is getting smaller?"

   "What kind of power is this?"

   Niu Ben, Bai Ya and Niu Miao were shocked. They looked at Alexis who was taller than his thumb in an incredible way, and stormy waves threw up in their hearts.

   "This is called a shrinking ability!"

   Ling Jiu said: "Any object can be reduced to one-thousandth of its original size! So, I have mercy, otherwise, he will become smaller!"

   " thousandth?"

   The three of them took a breath.

   If Ling Jiu said so, he was indeed merciful.

   Alexis is 1.7 meters tall, and one thousandth is 0.17 cm, which is less than 2 decimetres. It is not even two squares on the meter ruler.

   Now, there are at least three or four centimeters left.

   I am merciful!

   Ling Jiu is really merciful!

   "Asshole! How dare you... how dare you..."

   Alexis screamed in horror. In his field of vision, everything around him suddenly became very tall, and Ling Jiu became a behemoth.

   "Don't struggle, it's useless!"

   Ling Jiu casually grabbed Alexis, who had become a little man, in his hands:

   "Shrinking abilities, shrinking is everything! Including the genetic abilities in your body! So, with your current size, all attacks sent out are tickles, and there is no destructive power at all!"

   "Asshole! You asshole!"

   Alexis almost vomited blood in anger. He never expected that Ling Jiu had such a damaging power to make people smaller?

  How to play this special?

   "Although your power is good, I really don't like it! So, let's get on the road!"

   Ling Jiu finished speaking, and threw Alexis into his mouth and sent him into the body world. Of course, Ling Jiu did not forget to restore him to his original state.

  Big size can provide more vitality!

   "Okay, done!"

   Ling Jiu fell to the ground, smiling and saying to the three Bai Ya: "Let’s continue eating!"

"it is good!"

   The three of them nodded and looked at Ling Jiu with complicated faces, especially Niu Ben and Niu Miao, their moods were extremely complicated.

  Alexis Brahman.

   ranked fourth in the standings.

   The recognized strength is the top three.

   As a result... but being hammered by Ling Jiu, there is no way to fight back!

   How strong is Ling Jiu?

   "My dear, UU reading is so amazing!"

   In contrast, Bai Ya's expression is much simpler. She blinked her big eyes and looked at Ling Jiu with admiration.

   "How can you be a man if you are not good?"

   Ling Jiu scratched her nose and smiled: "Let's go, continue eating!"


   The hatch opened, and the four were about to go in. At this moment, there was a rustling noise around, as if ten thousand crabs were crawling on the beach.

"what sound?"

  Ling Jiu's hearing is so terrifying. He heard this sound from far away, and he couldn't help but frown slightly, then looked around.

   At this look, Ling Jiu's pupils shrank.

   "You guys stand back!"

   Ling Jiu let out a low cry, protecting Bai Ya behind him for the first time.

   "What's wrong, dear?"

   Bai Ya asked nervously.

   Niu Ben and Niu Miao also looked at Ling Jiu.

"Wait a minute!"

   Ling Jiu motioned to the three of them to stay calm and not restless. After a long time, they pointed to the distance and said, "Look there!"

   It is far away from the airship, and the light barely shines there, so it looks very dim.

   But through the dim light, a dense group of insect-like creatures can be seen coming from all directions, surrounding them and the airship.

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