My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 214: Martian ocean, thanks to the dragon

But to Ling Jiu's surprise, after the giant dragon monster killed Alik, he didn't kill him with them.

   Instead, he stared at them for a while, especially on Ling Jiu who stopped for a long time, and then slowly dissipated in the sky with the small dragon monster, disappearing.

   As the giant dragon monsters, one big and one small, disappeared, the horrible coercion of wanton venting gradually dissipated. Ling Jiu and four people panted heavily, feeling that they had gone to hell.

   "Go! Finally gone!"

   Niu Miao slapped her small chest, some lingering fears: "I almost scared me to death just now, I thought we were going to finish it, who ever thought..."

   "Thank God!"

   Niu Ben also smiled bitterly: "Asshole Alik, almost killed us!"

   "Why didn't that dragon monster kill us?"

   Niu Miao whispered: "Is it because Ling Jiu saved the little dragon monster?"

   "Only this is possible!"

   Niu Ben sighed: "When he talked with the giant dragon monster just now, maybe he said something nice to us?"

   Niu Miao nodded slightly, this is the only possibility.

   "How many such terrifying beings exist on this planet?"

   Bai Ya said: "With the 500-meter-long dragon monster last time, this is already the second existence above the Tier 10 fierce beast!"

   "God knows how many heads are there?"

   Niu Ben shook his head and said: "Forget it, let's leave, this planet is not where we should be!"

  Bai Ya and Niu Miao also nodded slightly. Although the fiery red crystals are good, this planet is too dangerous.

   Although these terrifying dragon monsters don't seem to attack them as long as they don't provoke them, the ghost knows if accidents happen?

   You have to know that almost all the students in the reserve camp have come to this planet, and no one can guarantee that something like Alek will not happen.

   Therefore, the three of them agreed to leave. Ling Jiu had no choice but to leave with them temporarily.

   The facts proved that their judgment was correct. They had just returned to Mars through Wormhole 13 when they were notified by the staff:

   As of now, 11 students have died on this planet, plus the terrifying creatures on the planet, the danger of this planet is identified as SS level!

   Therefore, the reserve camp students are forbidden to enter!

   After receiving this notice, Ling Jiu's four people looked at each other, and they all saw consternation in each other's eyes. Eleven people have already died on that planet?

   This mortality rate is too high!

   But thinking about it is normal!

   The environment of this planet is harsh, even in the dark hemisphere, the temperature is as high as 110 ℃, let alone the magma sea that the other half wants.

   On such an extreme planet, the students in the preparatory camp would not have been able to stay long. If they walked a little further, their lives might be in danger. After a few days, 11 people died...not many.

   "Let's go, go back!"

   The four went through Wormhole No. 13 and returned to the reserve camp. They planned to return to the Antarctic Ice City to find the battalion commander. Their purpose was simple, to sell the fiery red crystal.

   Then, divide equally!

   Unexpectedly, as soon as he passed through the wormhole, he was blocked by Uncle Wang: "It's you again?"

   Uncle Wang squinted his eyes: "Where are you going?"

   "Uncle Wang, we have an urgent matter to find the battalion commander!"

   Niu Ben accompanied the smiling face, then took out a good bottle of red wine cork and gave it to Uncle Wang, he hehe smiled and said, "Thank you for your ease!"

   Uncle Wang accepted the red wine in a calm manner, and said lightly: "Then you have come at the wrong time, the battalion commander is not in the Antarctic Ice City right now!"

   "Are you there?"

   The cow ran for a moment.

   "She went to Mars!"

   Uncle Wang said lightly.


   The four had no choice but to return to Mars, but they didn't know where the battalion commander had gone, so they could only temporarily separate.

   Ling Jiu and Bai Ya returned to their forest, Niu Ben and Niu Miao went to the reserve camp.

   "Ling Jiu, look at it!"

   Back in front of the separation wall, Bai Ya suddenly pointed to the distance and exclaimed.

   Ling Jiu looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a huge fountain suddenly appeared in the desert in the distance. The thick water column rushed into the sky hundreds of meters, which can be clearly seen from a long distance.

   "Already draining water?"

   Ling Jiu whispered: "Go, go and take a look!"


   In the next instant, the two came to No. 51 Wormhole, and saw a jet of water hundreds of meters thick from the No. 51 Wormhole, carrying an extremely violent impact to the sky.

   then spread out, looking beautiful in the sunlight.

   At the same time, there were people standing in front of Wormhole No. 51. There were construction workers, relevant experts, scientists, and the battalion commander and other senior officials of the reserve camp.

   In addition, many reserve camp students were also attracted.

   "So the battalion commander is here!"

   Ling Jiu whispered secretly.

   At this time, everyone seemed very happy, looking at the jet of water from Wormhole 51, their faces were full of joy.

   "10 days! This project took only 10 days from the proposal, to the establishment of the project, to the completion of the project, it was all the hard work of everyone!"

   "According to the current rate of water production, Mars will take decades to appear as an ocean like the Earth, but this does not prevent plants from growing on Mars!"

   "Now the temperature of Mars is very suitable, plus water, you can grow plants on Mars in large areas to make oxygen!"

   "And once the temperature is right, the survival rate and growth rate of the power tree will be greatly accelerated, forming a virtuous circle, and accelerating the transformation of Mars!"

   "Yes, maybe it won't take a few years..."

   People are excited and full of expectations for the future of Mars.

   Mars is the first time humans have transformed an alien planet. During the entire transformation process, humans can not only increase their experience, but once the transformation is completed, humans will have one more home.

   Therefore, the significance of transforming Mars is extraordinary!

   As a participant in the transformation of Mars, Ling Jiu naturally has a different mood.

   Mars went from an icy planet to a suitable temperature, and now there is water...

  He has done a lot!

   It was he who discovered Venus and put forward a proposal to divide carbon dioxide;

   It was he who discovered Europa again and made a suggestion to even water...

   It can be said that Ling Jiu played an important role in the whole process. Once Mars is successfully transformed, his contribution will be indelible.

   After watching for a long time, the crowd gradually dispersed, the channel has been repaired, and the water has been released. The next thing to do is wait.

   Wait for more and more water to soak the dry surface of Mars, turning Mars into a wet planet.

   "It's a pity Europa!"

   Ling Jiu shook his head and sighed: "Once the ocean under the ice shrinks significantly, Europa’s environment is bound to undergo earth-shaking changes, among which life and suspended mountains will be greatly affected!"


   Bai Ya nodded slightly.

   "However, there is no other way!"

   Ling Jiu said with emotion: "No matter how good Europa is, it is a planet where humans cannot survive, and there is no possibility of transformation!"


   In the next few days, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya went everywhere, planting trees in the Ares Plain in Anxin.

   Plant trees during the day.

   Sleep practice at night.

  The days are full and wonderful.

   It wasn't that Ling Jiu was unwilling to go out, but that Bai Ya looked too tightly.

   She was afraid that Ling Jiu would go to that dangerous **** planet again, so she kept Ling Jiu from leaving.

   It took a full week before Ling Jiu used the copying power to cool down. He had to go to the reserve camp to find a good power before he got out.

   "Oh! That's the bad thing about taking off the order. It's not as unrestrained and free as before!"

   Ling Jiu sighed secretly and swept straight towards Wormhole No. 13.

   The cooldown of the replication ability has indeed passed, and it has only been 10 days since the last replication infinite growth.

   This shows that the cooling time of the copy ability has been shortened to 10 days, which is 5 days less than the previous 15 days!


   But Ling Jiu's purpose today is not to replicate the abilities, but to return to the Hell Planet to swallow a wave of magma, which has suffocated him these days.

   came back to the planet of hell, surrounded by endless darkness.

   Ling Jiu sensed the imprint of space and came to the sea of ​​magma, looking at the boiling and painful magma sea, Ling Jiu licked his lips: "I'm greedy... devour everything!"


   A black hole emerged, devouring the hot magma crazily, but Ling Jiu felt that it was not enough, and jumped into the magma sea, creating a horrible vortex that swallowed crazily.


   The huge vortex frantically swallows the surrounding magma, a large amount of magma floods into the inner world, and the inner world expands at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   29 kilometers, 30 kilometers, 31 kilometers...

   After devouring it for a long time, Ling Jiucai burped contentedly and emerged from the magma sea.

   It's not that he doesn't want to continue to swallow, but that the ability to swallow all things consumes dark biological energy is amazing, and when the world inside the body transforms into magma, it also consumes dark biological energy!

   This is Ling Jiu. If you change to another person, the genetic power in your body will be drained long ago!

   Therefore, it is impossible for Ling Jiu to stop and swallow endlessly. Every time he swallows a period of time, he needs to adjust his breath for a while.

   Ling Jiu sat cross-legged, quickly absorbing the dark biological energy in the void.

A steady stream of dark creature energy floods into the pubic area, and as the nebula rotates, it is finally absorbed by the genetic power core in the center of the nebula. The shrunken genetic power core quickly a long time ago, recovered Almost, Ling Jiu continued to devour the magma.

   Such and such, in a blink of an eye, a long time passed, Ling Jiu knew that he was going back, otherwise Bai Ya would be suspicious.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, a low roar came, and Ling Jiu turned his head to see, a giant dragon monster galloping in the hot lava, quickly rushing towards this side.

Seeing the giant dragon monster, Ling Jiu's heart tightened. He was already shocked. Fortunately, the giant dragon monster in front of him was only seventy or eighty meters long. Ling Jiu could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Ready to withdraw.

   In the first two times, I played the small one before the big one came.

   So, the small one is here, is the big one still far away?

   Therefore, even if he saw a small dragon monster, Ling Jiu was guilty.

   It seemed that he sensed that Ling Jiu was about to run away. The giant dragon monster roared, flapped its wings quickly, and stopped in front of Ling Jiu.

   Its two wings are obviously not symmetrical, one is bigger and the other is smaller, and the smaller one looks more like a new one. . .

  Ling Jiu saw this, and couldn't help being stunned. Could it be that this guy in front of him was the dragon monster whose wings were cut off by Alik last time in a fierce battle?

   Facts proved that Ling Jiu's guess was correct. The dragon monster stared at Ling Jiu with a pair of watermelon-sized eyes, and there was no malice in his eyes.

   "Thank you... for saving me!"

   A deep voice appeared in his mind.


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