My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 229: Fall into control, into the spacecraft

"1269 has been up for 5 minutes, why hasn't there been any movement?"

"It's only 5 minutes, wait a minute!"

"hope everything is fine……"

In front of the wormhole, Li Huang, Vulcan and other big guys looked at the alien spaceship overhead, waiting nervously.

At this time, everyone was not in the mood to chat. After all, it was related to human safety. If 1269 succeeds, the overall situation can be determined.

If it fails, the situation will develop in an uncontrollable direction.

Everyone was silent, but the battalion commander took the initiative to chat with Ling Jiu:

"Ling Jiu, after this event is over, please open up a wormhole directly connecting Europa and Mars, so that you can directly send Europa's water to Mars!"

Hearing this, everyone was attracted and looked at Ling Jiu.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!"

Ling Jiu nodded. Europa and Mars are currently separated by Io. Although it can send seawater, the amount of water is too small and the flow rate is too slow.

It is estimated that it will take hundreds of years for sea water to really cover the Martian ground and make Mars own an ocean.

After all, the speed is too slow.

But opening a wormhole between Mars and Europa will greatly increase the flow rate. Of course, if a few more can be opened, the speed will definitely be faster!

"Speaking of wormholes, I have a ruthless please!"

A brawny blond European and American man looked at Ling Jiu with a smile: "Brother Ling should know the sixth moon of Saturn-Titan, right?"

"heard about it!"

Ling Jiu nodded.

"Titan is a planet rich in methane, enough for us to use for hundreds of years! So, this is a huge asset!"

The blond European and American brawny smiled: "Brother Ling, if you have time, please open up a wormhole to Titan!"

"Aldous, what do you want to do?"

Vulcan glanced at the blond European and American brawny, and snorted coldly: "Titan is the common resource of mankind. Do you want to seek personal gain for yourself?"

"What did Brother Huo say?"

The blond European and American strong man named Aldous laughed and said: "Titan is naturally a common resource of mankind, but it must be developed and utilized! I just want to contract the development rights of Titan so that it can be used on Titan. Methane is coming to the earth..."

"be quiet!"

At this time, Li Huang suddenly spoke: "1269 succeeded!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then overjoyed: "Brother Li, is 1269 really successful?"


Li Huang showed a smile: "It has successfully controlled the alien spaceship, that is to say, that spaceship has now fallen into our hands!"


"1269 leverage! Now look at how rampant these aliens are!"


Li Huang smiled and said: "What should I do next, I don't think I need to say more! My request is only one: kill! Kill all of them."


Everyone nodded their heads, then rose into the air and disappeared into the sky.

"Xiao Luo!"

Emperor Li looked at the battalion commander: "You and Ling Jiu are here to guard the wormhole to prevent aliens and aliens from entering the earth!"

"Yes, Chairman!"

The battalion commander nodded.


Li Huang also disappeared.

Looking at his leaving back, Ling Jiu knew that next, an unprecedented war would erupt on this planet.

Earth star life VS alien star life!

The scale of the battle between dozens of star life can be imagined!


At this moment, a low roar sounded, and Ling Jiu turned his head to look around, and saw a strange shape with pitch-black head, growing tail and saliva dripping from his mouth, step by step.

This alien is not big, it is only 2 meters tall, but it is surrounded by flames, so it is not difficult to guess its identity.

"Alien with supernatural power!"

Ling Jiu whispered softly: "It's another alien born from a parasitic reserve camp student. In other words, this alien is at least comparable to Tier 9 Beast King!"

The students in the reserve camp are at least level 8 capable, which means that the aliens born from parasitic students are at least comparable to the 9th-order Beast King, or even...the 10th-order!

"Ling Jiu, you are optimistic about the wormhole, I will deal with this monster!" said the battalion commander.

"A mere monster, how can you take action?" Ling Jiu laughed, and greeted him with a flash.

Then he opened the blood basin and sucked fiercely. Hey, a black hole flashed out of thin air.

This majestic alien was swallowed by the black hole before it had time to show off its power.

Then, it was burned to ashes by the inner world.


Seeing this scene, the battalion commander originally wanted to remind Ling Jiu to be careful, but she never expected that the battle would end so quickly.

Was an alien comparable to Tier 9 Beast Emperor swallowed?

What a joke!

"Ling Jiu, what is your ability?"

The battalion commander asked in an incredible way.

"Swallowing power!"

Ling Jiu smiled and replied.

"Swallowing power?"

The battalion commander murmured, and was about to continue to inquire, when a stern sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and a figure in black armor appeared.

It is an alien.

"Ling Jiu, step back!"

The battalion commander's pretty face changed slightly, and he quickly shouted.

"Yes, Battalion Commander!"

Although Ling Jiu wanted to swallow this stuff, the opponent is a stellar life after all, so when he should be counseled, he still has to counsel him. Who makes the opponent stronger than himself?

After the alien appeared, he first scanned the surroundings with cold eyes, as if looking for the trace of the alien. As a result, he didn't see the alien. Its gaze fell on Ling Jiu and the battalion commander again. Without a word, he started directly. attack.


The battalion commander coldly snorted, "Boom----" A violent gravitational force instantly enveloped the audience, and the aliens staggered and their speed dropped sharply. Second Chinese Network

"Gravity cone!"

The battalion commander pressed into the void, and the alien trembled all over, blood flowed down the nostrils and corners of his mouth, and then struggled for a few moments and stopped moving.

"Uh... is this over?"

Ling Jiu was stunned for a moment. Isn't the alien being a stellar life, so he was killed in just two shots? Too weak!

"The strength of these aliens is average!"

Seeing Ling Jiuyi's bewildered face, the battalion commander faintly explained: "Although they are stars, they are the most common stellar life, at most comparable to the tenth-level abilities! Moreover, there are no abilities. The combat power alone is more than the same. The level of power is much worse!"

"That's it!"

Suddenly, Ling Jiu licked his lips, a flash of greed flashed in his eyes.

"You want to swallow it?"

The battalion commander raised his eyebrows.


Ling Jiu smiled.


The battalion commander gave Ling Jiu a white look and said lightly: "Take off the equipment on his body, its corpse is yours!"

"Thank you battalion commander!"

Ling Jiu plucked the armor and all the equipment from the alien body twice, and then swallowed it into the body world.

"Boom boom boom—"

The raging fire burned the corpses of the aliens, but unlike before, the burning speed was exceptionally slow. It took more than ten minutes to burn the corpses to ashes.


At this time, a terrifying life energy seemed to have broken the flood of the embankment, and instantly poured into Ling Jiu's body, frantically raising Ling Jiu's body.


Ling Jiu moaned comfortably, and he could feel that the cells all over his body looked like a hungry wolf, devouring life energy frantically. . .

The cells are strengthening.

The organs are strengthening.

The organization is also strengthening.

This process lasted for five minutes before it was declared over. Ling Jiu clenched his fists and felt the surging power.

"The strength... has increased again!"

Ling Jiu murmured, "But I'm sure that more life energy is still hoarded! So, I need to fight now!"

"A hearty battle!"

God seemed to have heard Ling Jiu's appeal. It didn't take long for another alien to appear, and Ling Jiu naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass.


Ling Jiu blasted out with one punch, and the alien had no time to evade, and Ling Jiu's fist fell on its head.


The alien's head opened and fluttered in an instant, then fell to the ground, motionless.

"Oh...too weak!"


In the following time, aliens visited from time to time, but it was a pity that they were all low-level goods. Those who came to Ling Jiu did not refuse and swallowed them all.

Three days later, Li Huang and others returned one after another.

"Report the number of aliens killed!" Li Huang looked at the crowd.

"I didn't kill many, just three!"

"I have more, five!"

"I killed 7 alien bastards!"

"I only killed 2..."

According to statistics, 78 aliens were killed.

"78 no more, no less, the same number as 1269 given to me!"

Li Emperor said: "In other words, the aliens that landed on this planet have been cleaned up! Now, there are only aliens on the spaceship!"

Everyone looked at the alien spaceship together, their eyes flashed sharply in the corridor.

"Ling Jiu, open up a wormhole!"

Li Huang looked at Ling Jiu.

"Yes, Chairman!"

Ling Jiu nodded slightly and waved his big hand. A wormhole appeared instantly, Li Huang took the lead and entered the wormhole.

Unwilling to be left behind, Vulcan and the others walked in one after another. Ling Jiu naturally wanted to get insight and sneaked into the wormhole.

After a while, Ling Jiu arrived inside the alien spacecraft.

"This is inside the alien spacecraft?"

"The ability to open wormholes is too strong!"

"In the future, we must train Ling Jiu, this little guy!"

Everyone looked around and whispered.

"Contacted 1269, everyone follow me!"

Li Huang suddenly said something, and then walked in one direction, everyone did not dare to neglect, and followed one after another.

After a while, everyone came to a huge cabin, which was said to be a cabin, but it was very similar to the living room.

It's just that the cabin was full of aliens, all black helmets, all black armor.

At this moment, these aliens are looking coldly at Li Huang and others.

"You are here!"

The huge screen lights up and the sound of resounds. Ling Jiu followed his reputation and saw 1269 appear on the screen.

"1269, you did a good job!"

Li Huang showed a smile.


1269 faintly smiled: "I will give you information about this alien. They come from the Ayang Brande galaxy 50,000 light-years away. They call themselves the Ayang Brande tribe. They are a young civilization that has just stepped into Hanoi civilization. !"


"They came to Earth this time for the purpose of... the coming-of-age gift for young people!"


Everyone was taken aback.

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