My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 231: Great rewards, new abilities

   The life energy this time... unprecedented, Ling Jiu felt that his whole person was going to be burst.

   The surging life energy invaded the body. In order to absorb it better and faster, Ling Jiu decisively released the maximum gravity and squeezed himself crazily.

   He is now a seventh-level ability person, he can control up to 7×2×10=140 times of gravity, plus 10 times the BUFF in the field of ability, and he can control up to 1400 times of gravity!


   A thousand times the gravity is crushed down, crushing every cell.

   Ling Jiu was not idle either, doing various exercises against gravity.

push ups.



   For a while, the cells consume energy faster, and the speed of consuming life energy also increases.

   The result of this is... the physical body is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   I don't know how long it has been before, when Ling Jiu felt that his body was no longer absorbing life energy, he gradually stopped.

   At this moment, he felt that his body was stronger than ever before, and a steady stream of power spewed out of his body, seeming to burst him.

   "This power..."

   Ling Jiu murmured, and suddenly he swiped and pierced the void, and he cut a pitch-black crack in the void in front of him.

   This is a space crack!

   "Tear the void with your bare hands!"

   Ling Jiu shook his whole body: "Is my current strength strong enough to tear the void? This is something that stellar life can do!"

   "In other words..."

   Ling Jiu was very excited and waved again.

   "Stab it——"

   A spatial crack appeared.

   "Stab it——"

   "Stab it——"

   Ling Jiule tried this tirelessly. He found that the incomparably tough void in the past was like paper, and it could be torn apart easily...

   All this explains the fact that his current body has broken through the tenth level, comparable to stellar life forms.

   "Stellar life forms seem to be able to fly freely, without the need to resort to supernatural powers!"

   Thinking like this in his heart, Ling Jiu withdrew from the fields of gravity and supernatural powers. He felt as if his body had lost gravity and drifted slowly.

   "Stellar life can truly fly!"

   "No ability required!"

   "No power field required!"

   "It's like a fish swimming in the water!"

   "Flying... is completely instinct!"

   Ling Jiu lay quietly in the air, feeling the slow movement of his body, and couldn't help but smile. This time, the harvest was great, unprecedented.

   28 corpses, his body broke through the tenth level in one fell swoop, from now on, he is also regarded as a stellar life form.

   "But, I can't get over it!"

   Ling Jiu opened his eyes: "The physical body has reached the current level, and it will be difficult to continue to improve, so my energy will be focused on superpowers!"

   "The ability is only at level seven!"

   "It's too slow!"

   In the next time, Ling Jiu divided up 10 copies, ingested the dark creatures in the void to cultivate.

   In a blink of an eye, three days later, someone finally came to this planet.

   "Brother Ling, we will take over the wormhole, you can leave now!"

   "Then it will be troublesome!"

   Ling Jiu left Dinosaur Planet and returned to Earth. He was called by the battalion commander as soon as he returned to the reserve camp.

   "Ling Jiu, your reward is down!"

   There was a smile on the face of the battalion commander: "This time the reward is very generous. To be honest, I am a bit greedy!"


   Ling Jiu scratched his head, revealing two front teeth, and a look of expectation flashed in his eyes.

   "First, a constant-star life enhancement liquid worth 1 million contribution points!"

   "Second, 1 copy of the constant-star gene medicine worth 1 million contribution points!"

   "Thirdly, there are 3 constant-star Tiancai Dibao worth 1 million contribution points, which are used to strengthen genetic abilities, deep awakening abilities, and awakening new abilities!"

   "Fourth, a cold weapon worth 1 million contribution points!"

   "Fifth, a constant-star airship worth 1 million contribution points!"

   "Sixth, the number of places for the heavenly stars!"

   "Seventh, Poseidon’s cultivation time for one month!"

After    finished speaking, the battalion commander breathed a sigh of relief: "This is the reward given to you by the high-level human beings, how about it, is it generous?"

   "Bountiful! Rich indeed!"

   Ling Jiu nodded hurriedly, and then asked: "battalion commander, I understand the first five rewards, what about the sixth and seventh items?"

   Battalion Commander smiled slightly, with envy in his eyes: "Heaven Star and Neptune Star, like the Pandora star you discovered, are also two planets of life!"

   "Heaven Star has beautiful scenery, just like a paradise on earth, and has extremely rich genetic powers! Looking at the entire earth, except for the heads of major powers, only star life is eligible to live!"

   "That's it!"

   Ling Jiu nodded repeatedly.

   "As for Poseidon..."

   A flash of yearning flashed in the eyes of the commander of the battalion: "Petacean was originally a small life planet rich in genetic abilities. After that, we planted a large number of power trees on Poseidon, resulting in a very high mysterious energy content on this planet!"

   "Cultivating on Poseidon not only gets twice the result with half the effort, but also absorbs mysterious energy! Therefore, the qualifications of Poseidon are very sought-after!"

   "Even stellar life like me is not eligible. Only talented geniuses who have made great contributions and are about to break through the tenth level can have the opportunity to enter the Sea God!"

   "That's it!"

   Ling Jiu was disappointed, no matter how awesome Poseidon was, it was just mysterious energy, which was of no use to him.

Pity. . .

   "Ling Jiu, the first two rewards are here, you can check it out after you go back!"

   The commander of the battalion handed over a space bag: "The next two rewards have also been distributed. You can go to Heaven and Sea God at any time! But..."

   "What's wrong, battalion commander?"

   Ling Jiu was puzzled.

   "Before going to Poseidon, I hope you can open a wormhole between Mars and Europa!" The battalion commander looked at Ling Jiu.

   "No problem, Battalion Commander!"

   Ling Jiu nodded repeatedly.

   "Okay! You can go back!"

   "Yes, battalion commander!"

   Back to Mars, Ling Jiu quietly returned to Ares Plain.

   It was the night, Bai Ya was staying in the woods to absorb the mysterious energy and practicing, while Wukong was sleeping in the airship. Ling Jiu took out today's reward while no one was bothering.

   "Life potions and genetic potions are useless to me, let Bai Ya use them! There are also heavenly materials and earth treasures with enhanced genetic powers that are useless to me!"

   "The deep awakening power of heaven and earth treasure is useful!"

   Ling Jiu took out this treasure of heaven and earth, and took it. A burst of fatigue hit him, and Ling Jiu fell asleep. When he woke up again, I don't know how long it would be.

   Ling Jiu touched his head, looked out the window, it was just dark.

   "Is my power deeply awakened? I have two powers now. I don't know which one is deeply awakened. Should I copy the power or plunder? Or are they both deeply awakened?"

   "I have to study it!"

   After 4 awakenings, the ability to copy the ability can detect and copy the ability information in a radius of 100 meters. The cooling time is reduced to 10 days.

   The plundering ability has just awakened. Currently, it can only plunder the opponent's ability through contact, and the cooling time is up to two months.

   If possible, Ling Jiu hoped that the plundering ability would awaken deeply.

   Of course, which one is deeply awakened this time is beyond Ling Jiu's control.

   "Next is the treasure of heaven and earth that awakens new abilities!"

   Ling Jiu glanced at the sky, it was still dark, and there was still time, so Ling Jiu took this treasure of heaven and earth and fell into a deep sleep again.

   I don't know how long it has been. When Ling Jiu woke up again, the sky was already bright, Bai Ya was already busy in the kitchen, and Wu Kong hadn't woken up yet.

   Ling Jiu rubbed his temples: "Have I awakened a new power? If I awaken, what is the new power?"

   Ling Jiu sank into that mysterious world.

   As expected, the star system has increased from the previous two to the golden star system with replicating power, the black hole star system representing the predatory power, and a brand new, solitary star system.

   This is a white ball of light, which is quietly suspended around the other two star systems, continuously releasing light and heat, and it is very lonely.

   "Sure enough, a new ability was awakened!"

   "I don't know what this ability is?"

   Ling Jiu quickly began to study.

   "Dear, it's dinner!"

   Bai Ya's voice sounded.


   Ling Jiu shook his head helplessly, then got up and washed his face and brushed his teeth. Wukong was still asleep, but Bai Ya was grabbed from the bed.

   At the dinner table, Ling Jiu took out the first three treasures and gave them to Bai Ya: "My dear, this is the treasure I just got, you will take it in a while!"

"what is this?"

   Bai Ya has doubts on her face.

   "A life-enhancing liquid, a genetic medicine, and a treasure that strengthens genetic powers!"

   Ling Jiu casually said while eating, "It's all ordinary babies, let's use it for a while, it should be of some use to you!"

"Thank you dear!"

   Hearing that it was an ordinary baby, Bai Ya did not doubt that he had him, so she agreed.

   After breakfast, Ling Jiu divided up 10 copies, 5 of them were responsible for planting trees and 5 were responsible for cultivation, while his deity continued to study new abilities.

   Bai Ya also separated 3 copies and asked them to plant trees, while the deity took the treasure Ling Jiu handed her into the room.

   In a blink of an eye, Ling Jiu finally figured out this mysterious new ability. As a result, Ling Jiu was speechless for a while while reading

   "I didn't expect this kind of power!"

   "It's a bit tasteless!"

  What is the new ability?

   Two words: Give!

   To put it simply, Ling Jiu can give others the ability he currently has, for example, he can give Bai Ya the space ability.

   Granting powers, a power that is great for family and friends, but very tasteless to Ling Jiu.

   "But, it's better than nothing!"

   Ling Jiu did not continue to struggle with new abilities, but looked at another reward: a constant-star cold weapon worth 1 million contribution points!

   This is a black water polo, about the size of a basketball. The black is like a ball of ink, making it difficult to see the specific situation inside.

   "Name: Three Thousand Weak Water!"

   "Level: Constant-star heaven and earth treasure!"

   "Function: Three thousand weak waters are extremely heavy, ten thousand times heavier than the final metal in the same volume, but it has all the characteristics of water, it can be rigid and flexible, and can absorb genetic power to grow..."

   "Nice natural treasure!"

   Ling Jiu was very satisfied with the power of Three Thousand Weak Water, and was about to continue research. Bai Ya suddenly pushed in and said, "My dear, what have you taken for me?"

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