My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 235: Black hole life, bred clone

"Black hole tribe?"

Ling Jiu showed curiosity.

"Black holes are one of the most extreme celestial bodies in the universe. Because of their gravitational force, everything close to the black hole will be sucked in, and even light cannot escape!"

"Therefore, black holes are also called star graves, which means planet graves!"

Leox said: "According to normal thinking, extreme celestial bodies like black holes are an absolute life forbidden zone. No life can survive, right?"

"of course!"

Ling Jiu nodded his head. In a celestial body with extremely terrifying gravity like a black hole, any life would be crushed into dust and then swallowed in.


It's impossible to survive!

"This statement is correct, but in the vast universe, there are no absolutes, and even the rules of the universe are not absolute!"

Leox smiled and said: "Tell you, there is life in black holes, and even black holes themselves can give birth to life!"

"Black holes will give birth to life?"

Ling Jiu was stunned: "How is this possible?"

"Existence is reasonable!"

Leouks said: "Black holes can indeed breed life. This kind of extreme life living in black holes is called black hole life, also called black hole clan!"

Ling Jiu took a breath: "I really can't imagine what the body structure of black hole life is like, so that they can survive in the black hole!"

"The flesh of the black hole life is beyond your imagination, and the defense is extremely powerful, surpassing the life of 999999... in the entire universe!"

Leoux sighed: "Their power may not be strong, the ability may not be so magical, but the defense is absolutely invincible!"

"Invincible defense!"

Ling Jiu nodded silently: "So, the black hole clan master defends?"

"Yes! The main defense!"

Leoux continued: "The second clone choice, the main attack on the killing Saiyan Golden Ape!"

"The Saiyan Golden Apes are a fighting nation in the universe. They have the most perfect body in the universe. The body can become stronger without limit. They are born to fight and have unlimited potential!"

Ling Jiu nodded again and again: "I did think about giving birth to the Saiyan Golden Ape clone, but the Saiyan Golden Ape is divided into three or six or nine grades. The ultimate warrior remains are too hard to find!

"It seems you understand the Saiyan Golden Ape!"

Leoch smiled and said, "As for the wreckage of the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape, don't worry, there is it on the mothership!"

As he said, the ground not far away suddenly cracked, and a small black box flew out. The box opened, revealing an arm.

This arm should be broken at the same root, but it was covered with golden hair, and the blood, tissue, and muscle at the break were also golden.

"this is……"

Ling Jiu looked excited.

"This is the arm of an ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape!"

Leox smiled lightly: "We got it at the auction on the black market. The purpose is to study the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape!"

"Ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape!!!"

Ling Jiu swallowed his saliva: "That is to say, as long as I use this arm to breed a clone, I can breed an ultimate Saiyan golden ape?"

"Not bad!"

Leoux nodded his head.

"It's mine!"

Ling Jiu grabbed the box and stuffed it into the space ring, as if he would be snatched away by others.

Upon seeing this, Leoux couldn't help but laughed: "Hahaha, I said, everything in this mothership, including this mothership, is all yours, no one will **** you!"


Ling Jiu let out a dry cough, "What about the third one?"

"The third type: the universe demon tree!"

Leox said.

"Universe Demon Tree?"

Ling Jiu was startled: "What kind of life is this? Is it plant life?"

"The Universe Demon Tree is indeed a plant life!"

Leok explained: "Like the Saiyan Golden Ape, they are naturally able to sense the dark biological energy and inhale the dark creature energy into the body, but the absorption efficiency far exceeds the Saiyan Golden Ape, the speed at which it absorbs dark biological energy. Called the no1 of the universe!"

"In addition, there is no limit to the life level of the cosmic demon trees. They can continuously absorb dark biological energy and grow without limit!"

"So, the universe demon tree has the largest body in the universe!"

"As far as I know, the oldest cosmic demon tree in the universe, with a tall body of more than a million light-years, contains endless dark biological energy and vitality!"

"A million light-year body? How big is that?"

Ling Jiu took a breath of air. You know, the entire Milky Way is only 100,000 light-years in diameter. Isn't a million light-years bigger than the Milky Way?

Such a big life?

It's unimaginable!

"It's very big! The big one is beyond your imagination! Just because of its huge body, the Universe Demon Tree is the best auxiliary life. With such a clone, you can continuously extract its energy, tirelessly fighting!"

Leoux continued: "Of course, the biggest advantage of the Universe Demon Tree is that it can stabilize the space and stabilize the kingdom of God!"

"When you become a life in the universe in the future, you will eventually open up your own kingdom of God!"

"At that time, if the avatar of the cosmic demon tree is placed in the kingdom of gods, then your kingdom of gods will be extremely stable, and no one wants to destroy it!"

"That's it!"

Ling Jiu nodded slowly, his heart was fiery, the black hole life of the main defense, the golden Saiyan ape of the main attack, and the cosmic demon tree of the main auxiliary!

Three avatars, integrating defense, attack, and support, plus the deity, a panacea that can replicate countless abilities.

The four bodies join forces, who else is their opponent in the same level?

Just when Ling Jiu was infinitely yy in his heart, Leoux poured a pot of cold water:

"Although the three major clones are good, they are all the top life in the universe, so it is extremely difficult to breed, especially black hole life, it is impossible to breed successfully in a short time!"

"It doesn't matter!"

Ling Jiu waved his hand, looking very openly: "The stronger the life, the harder it is to conceive. This is inevitable, I know it!"

Speaking of this, Ling Jiu asked again: "There should be black hole life and the remains of the universe demon tree or leaves in the mothership, right?"


Leox shook his head.

"No?" Ling Jiu was greatly disappointed: "Then you said a hammer for a long time?"

"It's not on the mothership, but..."

Leoux changed his words: "When the Leoux escaped, in order to prevent the mothership from falling into the enemy's hands, causing the wealth of our Amisus civilization to be acquired by others, we separated all the wealth back then, the mothership Not much!"

"Hide separately?"

Ling Jiu's eyes lit up.

"Yes! Separately hide!" Leoux nodded: "There are three places hidden in total, and I know the coordinates!"

"When will we take them out?" Ling Jiu's eyes were burning.

"I can do it anytime, depending on when you have time!"

Leoux said lightly: "These three places are located in the three corners of the universe. The nearest place will take more than 5 years, and it will take 10 years to go back and forth, and the other two places are farther away!"

"so far?"

Ling Jiu was speechless, rubbing his temples and said, "Wait first! When I finish dealing with matters on the earth, we will set off again!"


Leoux nodded.

"In other words, I can only breed Saiyan Golden Ape clone now?"

Ling Jiudao.


In the ensuing time, Ling Jiu and Leoux had a lot of conversations before ending this conversation that spanned 60,000 years.

Before leaving, Leoux and Leoux also followed Ling Jiu to leave. Leoux was magical and actually got into the control bracelet. Then, Ling Jiu carried him with him.

Out of the underground space, Ling Jiu picked up Bai Ya, and went back to the sky above the lake outside. Without seeing 1269, Ling Jiu couldn't help asking:

"Leox, where is 1269?"

"It is in the Leoux. I just received the memory of it over the years, repaired and strengthened it, and will send it out later!"

"It shouldn't reveal your existence, right?" Ling Jiu asked.

"No! I created all intelligences such as 1269. I have absolute control over them. They will not betray me!"

"This is the best!"

Leaving Tasmania, Ling Jiu and Bai Ya returned to the Australian mainland. Ling Jiu did not rush to leave, and found the Yanxing Giant Beast Egg.

His purpose this time is very simple: to copy the clone ability. He had talked so much with Leoch before, but he hadn't copied this ability yet.

So now it's time to copy.

Unfortunately, the copy ability is still in the cool-down period, only the plundering ability can be used, there is no way, it can only be plundered.

As for whether the plundering will have any effect on this Flame Star Giant Beast Egg, then Ling Jiu should be concerned about it.

"Predatory clone ability!"

The plunder is successful, does it merge?



After half an hour, he successfully obtained the clone ability. After some research, Ling Jiu figured out the usage of the clone ability.

Then, take out the arm of the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape to conceive, and the entire gestation process is carried out in the internal world.

"The clone...bred!"

Ling Jiu's heart moved, and the whole body world slowly trembled.

In the next moment, countless flames rose into the air, entwined towards the Saiyan Golden Ape arm suspended in mid-air, and then began to burn.

The arm of this ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape didn't know what level it was the arm of a strong man, but it didn't move even after being wrapped in countless flames.

It took a long time to burn it, and then slowly there were signs of melting, and it took a few more days before it finally burned into a golden liquid.


Countless flames came together again, wrapped the golden liquid, and then formed a flame dome about two meters in diameter.

"The incubation has begun!"

Ling Jiu could hardly conceal his inner excitement. The breeding of the clone was entirely a duplication of genetic material, which meant that once the clone was conceived, he would have exactly the same genes and the same body as the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape.

The opponent is the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape, and the clone is the same as the opponent, definitely the ultimate fighter with a body attribute index of up to 1 million ~ ∞.

So the potential of this clone...absolutely terrifying!

"Ling Jiu, how long will the birth of this clone be completed?"

Leoch asked concerned.

"I do not know either!"

Ling Jiu shook his head slightly.

"I don't know? Then wait slowly!"

Leoux said: "Generally speaking, the Yanxing Giant Beast breeds clones, which has something to do with its own strength and the genes of the body it breeds!"

"The stronger the strength, the faster the birth; the stronger the pedigree of the body, the slower the birth!"

"You are now barely reaching stellar life, and what you bred is the ultimate Saiyan Golden Ape with the strongest bloodline. The gestation process may be very long!"

"It doesn't matter if it's a little longer, I can afford it!"

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