My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 245: Time goes back, delete time

  Why do you want to evolve the star system in Dantian, and what is the purpose?

   Of course it is to accumulate dark biological energy!

   For those with supernatural powers, dark biological energy is the driving force for supernatural powers to release supernatural powers and fight. It is the same as the oil of tractors and excavators and the internal power of martial arts masters.

   The more oil in the tank and the stronger internal strength, the longer the tractor and excavator can work, and the longer the martial arts master can fight.

   The same reasoning: the more dark creature energy accumulated, the longer the ability can fight.

   This is a very simple truth!

"Since you know the purpose of evolving a star system, you should understand that the more cores you condense in the dantian, the more complex the evolving star system and the more dark biological energy accumulated, right?" Leoques continued to ask Tao.

   "This is the reason!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slightly.

  Each core is an energy aggregate formed by the compression of massive amounts of dark biological energy. The more cores, the more dark biological energy accumulated in the pubic area, there is no doubt about it!

"And your solar system is just a very simple star system. Even if you count Pluto, which is the furthest from the sun, there are only nine planets in total. With the 200 satellites of the nine planets, the entire solar system has only 9+200 stars! "

  Leaux shook his head: "Such a star system is too simple. You use the solar system as a template to evolve the star system, and the accumulated dark biological energy is not much!"

   "Therefore, you are at best ordinary stellar life, not perfect stellar life!"

   Ling Jiu nodded helplessly: "Then you mean, how did the star system of perfect stellar life evolve?"

   "The universe is vast and vast, giving birth to countless stars, and each star is a star system!"

   "In this endless star system, the vast majority of star systems are the most common star systems, but there is no shortage of perfect star systems!"

   A bright light flashed in Leoch's eyes: "The most perfect star system is often composed of several stars!"

   "We call the system composed of two stars a binary star system!"

   "A system composed of three stars is called a triple star system; a system composed of four stars is called a quadruple star system; a system composed of five stars is called a five star system..."

   "By analogy, the most perfect star system is the 9-joint star system!"

   "The whole system is composed of 9 stars, each star has 9 planets, and each planet has 81 alien stars, so there are 9 stars + 81 planets + 6561 satellites in total in the Jiuhe star system!"

   "9 stars!"

   "81 planets!"

   "6561 satellites!"

   Ling Jiu couldn't help taking a breath: "With so many stars, how much dark biological energy must be absorbed, and how long does it take to condense?"

   Ling Jiu felt a little desperate. The core of the old genetic power was the result of his awakening power and it took so long to condense.

   It's good now, and 8 more cores of the same genetic power have to be gathered.

   This is not over yet, and we have to condense 81 new kernels that are a little bit smaller and 6561 smaller satellite-level kernels. How much time does it take and how much dark biological energy does it need to consume?

   "You don't have to worry about dark creatures!"

   Leoux smiled faintly: "Being around the white hole, Leoux can continuously create dark creature energy crystals!"

   "As for how much time it takes, you can only rely on yourself, maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years, all in all, it depends on yourself!"

   "But I still have to understand the law of space!"

   Ling Jiu spread both hands: "If all time is used to condense the core, how can I have time to understand the laws of space?"

   "The cultivation of stellar life includes these two aspects. How to plan your time and allocate it yourself!"

  Leaux smiled and said: "But I can share with you the training arrangements of the best Amisus fighters, I believe it will be helpful to you!"

   "Talk about it!"

Ling Jiu rubbed his temples and felt his head big. He suddenly understood why Leoux didn't allow him to understand both the law of space and the law of time. Time is really limited. 1000 years, what is enough to do? ?

   "In our Amisus civilization..."

   In the following time, Leoux shared the training arrangements of the Amisus Warriors.

   Ling Jiu listened quietly, these are more advanced training experience and insights than the big guys on the earth, and they are very worth learning.

   Time passed unconsciously, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

   "After listening to the training plans of so many outstanding fighters, you should have some ideas, right?" Leox asked with a smile.

"more or less!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slightly: "I think the most suitable plan for me is a two-pronged approach!"

   "I can create a replica, which can let the replica see the laws of space, and my deity condenses the core and cooperates with each other, so as to maximize the efficiency of cultivation!"

   "You decide for yourself, I won't interfere! However, it's really a BUG that you can create a clone!"

  Leaux exclaimed: "With the copy, your cultivation efficiency is simply several times or even dozens of times that of others, which not only improves cultivation efficiency, but also saves time!"

   "Next is the third thing. I have captured all star life and galaxy life in the ocean of Ganymede. You can take it away if you need it!"

   "Good job!"

   Ling Jiu was shocked, licked his lips and said: "I want to swallow all the first-order fierce beasts of stars and supplement the life energy consumed!"

"you sure?"

  Leaux laughed blankly.

"Is there a problem?"

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly.

   "The first-order life of Ganymede's stars is as high as 4763. Are you sure you want to swallow them?" Leoques asked with a smile.

"so much?"

   Ling Jiu was taken aback.

"of course!"

  Leaux nodded surely: "The first-order stellar life is as high as 4763, the second-order stellar is 3,981, and the third-order stellar is 3329..."

   "So many!"

   Ling Jiu was a little shocked, and muttered to himself: "Who would have thought that a small satellite could give birth to so many stellar life?"

   "There is no way, the environment makes people!"

  Leaux said indifferently: "If your earth also has such rich dark bioenergy, even a pig can become stellar life!"

"makes sense!"

   Ling Jiu nodded: "Forget it, don't talk about it, hurry up and practice!"

   Talking, Ling Jiu made 10 copies, and then handed over the space law book Leoux gave him:

   "Your task is very simple, that is, to study the laws of space above, understand?"

   "Yes, the deity!"

   10 copies of their weight and nod their heads, and then left, Ling Jiu looked at Leoch again:

   "I should continue to condense the core, but the 10 dark creature energy crystals you gave me are almost consumed..."

   "These are 20 dark creature energy crystals!"

  Leaux waved his hand and took out 20 dark creature power crystals: "These dark creature power crystals should be enough for you to condense the second stellar core!"

   Ling Jiu collected the dark creature power crystal, and said: "Before practicing, I have to copy the new ability first, and my copy ability can be copied again!"

   "Copy new ability?"

   Leox said his eyes rolled around: "During Ganymede's capture of the beast, I met a very interesting beast!"


   Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows slightly.

"When I first encountered this fierce beast, I thought it was like other fierce beasts and took it into the detention room at will, but I never expected it to get rid of the control of the detention room and escaped outside. !"

A flash of exclamation flashed in Leaux’s eyes: "You should know that the materials used to make the detention room are the top biological materials developed by our Amisus civilization. For ordinary civilizations and individuals, let alone research, it is impossible to destroy even a little bit. !"

   "This fierce beast succeeded!"

   "How did it do it?"

   Ling Jiu also showed doubts.

   "Later, I detained this beast again and observed it. As a result, I found that this beast possesses a very special ability!"

   Leouchsi tut admired.

   "What ability?"

   Ling Jiu asked.

  Leaux slowly spit out four words: "Time goes back!"

   "Time goes back?"

   Ling Jiu was shocked.

   "Whenever this monster is loaded into the detention room by me, it can always rewind its time to a few seconds ago, and then return itself to the state of time without being detained, so it can escape from the detention room every time!"

  Leaux exclaimed: "You should know that the law of time is the most powerful law in the universe. Any ability about time can be called a BUG-level existence, so there are very few beings with time ability in the universe!"

   "In the records of our Amisus civilization, life with time ability is also very few!"

   "But I never expected that an unremarkable satellite would give birth to a life with the ability of time!"

   "Where is it?"

   Ling Jiu's breathing became rapid.

   "In order to prevent it from escaping, I hypnotized its soul, put it into a deep sleep state, and shut it up!" Leox said.

   "Take me to see it!"

"no problem!"

   The two entered the Leoux, and Ling Jiu saw this fierce beast with the ability to reverse time.

   This is a very common tortoise-like beast, with a thick tortoise shell on its back, and its neck is very long, just like that of a snake.

   Generally speaking, this is a combination of a tortoise and a snake!

   Ling Jiu immediately checked his abilities.

  Name: Unknown

   Race: Overlord Python Turtle

   Abilities: Time backwards (awakened, can be copied, can be plundered), time deleted (awakened, can be copied, can be plundered)

   "Time to delete?"

   Ling Jiu stunned: "Didn’t Leoux say that it only has the ability to reverse time? How come there is also the ability to delete time?"

"what's happenin?"

   Seeing Ling Jiuyi's face wrong ~ Leoux couldn't help but wonder.

   "Leox, it also has an ability about time!" Ling Jiu said slowly.


   Leox was taken aback: "What power?"

   "The ability to delete time!"

   Ling Jiu was a little unbelievable.

   "Time to delete?"

   Leoch was shocked: "It still has this ability? What a joke, how can it be possible for an ordinary, constant star beast to have two time abilities?"

"This is real!"

   Ling Jiu said in a deep voice.

   "Unbelievable! It's incredible!"

  Leaux stared at the fierce beast scorchingly, "I look down on this fierce beast, I will study it later!"

   Ling Jiu nodded, without any nonsense, immediately copied the time backward ability, and at the same time plundered the time delete ability.

   The replication is successful, is it integrated?

  Successful plunder, is it fusion?



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