My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 248: Plasma cannonball, falling into despair

Because it is close to the sea, and there are countless terrifying beasts in the sea.

   Therefore, the defensive city wall of Bao'an Base City is still several kilometers away from the coastline.

   Although it is only a few kilometers away, I don’t know how many fierce beasts from the ocean have been buried here, and how many beast waves have resisted.

   Therefore, compared with many inland base cities, coastal base cities such as Bao'an Base City have much richer experience than inland base cities in terms of the number of superpowers, weapons equipment, or dealing with animal tides.

   But this time, facing the overwhelming, mighty and mighty army of Zerg who wants to destroy everything, everyone is extremely solemn.

   On the first day, this zerg army destroyed the base city of San Francisco and turned the prosperous large base city into ruins.

   In the next two days, this zerg army destroyed more than a dozen super and large base cities including Manila Base City, Sydney Base City, Vancouver Base City, and Los Angeles Base City. After slaughtering countless people, they left.

   In just two days, this zerg army left a terrible impression of being invincible, irresistible, and destroying everything.

   So at this moment, looking at the sea of ​​insects that is constantly rushing, like a stormy sea, everyone is in awe!

   Superbase cities like Sydney and Los Angeles have not been able to stop the Zerg army. Can we resist it?

  If we can't resist it, will we die? Will the 20,000 people in the base city die tragically under the iron hoof of the Zerg army?

   Everyone has no bottom!

   More people feel desperate!

   This is the case of the defense city.

  Look at the city again:

   The citizens walked out of the house, the workers walked out of the workshop, the students walked out of the classroom, staring at the big screen on the street, the scene of the city head was being broadcast live on it.

   People are watching this invasion at any time, waiting for the final result.

   It’s the best to withstand the invasion of the Zerg army, but if they can’t resist, they have to hide in underground air-raid shelters or underground shelters for the first time.

  Look at the wealthy people in the luxury villa complex. They have driven out maglev motorcycles, maglev cars, and even maglev airships, and then installed important items such as salutes, wallets, and ID cards, ready to run away at any time.

   Once the defensive wall is broken, they will leave here as soon as possible.

   This approach seems selfish, but is there any way? Waiting for the beast to step through the city wall and kill them?

   So, I can’t blame it!

the other side.

   The first Zerg army finally landed. They wielded pliers and claws, and stepped on the ground, like a large excavator crawling, stepping on the ground and making a rumbling noise. Finally, they approached the attack range.


With an order, bullets, cannons, fireballs, water spears, stone bullets, thunder dragons, wind blades, ice guns, laser cannons and other attacks like endless raindrops rushed to the steadily advancing Zerg army, and then ...Exploded.


   The sky full of smoke and dust obscured the Zerg's forerunner army and blocked everyone's vision. Everyone was waiting nervously, did the attack work?

   Then two or three seconds later, as the smoke dissipated, everyone was a little desperate.

   The attack just now did kill a few giant insects, but only... a few, and they were all smaller insects, and more and larger insects were not affected at all.

   They continued to advance rapidly, and in a blink of an eye they came to the bottom of the city wall, and the largest ladybird giant worm went to the bottom of the city wall to act as a ladder.

   Smaller ants and other insects stepped on the body of the giant ladybug and climbed up, and they arrived at the head of the city in no time.


   These zerg armies are different from the previous beast tide invasions. They are not only strong, but also well-trained, and they cooperate very well with each other.


The abilities on the city’s head decisively launched an attack. Because the distance was too close, the attack was very powerful. The first wave of worms that rushed to the city’s head were all killed, but the abilities were too late to be happy, and the second wave of worms crawled again. Come up.

   "Boom boom boom——"

   They are greeted by more fierce attacks!

   "Boom boom boom——"

  The green worm blood scattered all over.

   Broken limbs and Ao's are flying everywhere.

   Under the mad resistance of the abilities, the attack of the Zerg army was temporarily suppressed. No matter how they attacked, they could not defeat the city wall.

   This scene made the people watching the live broadcast in the city a little relieved.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, several plasma cannonballs gleaming with silver light, like hot magma, ejected from the Zerg army and fell on the wall.


   Plasma artillery shells exploded, and the strong city wall was suddenly smashed into several huge gaps.

   This is not over yet, the scattered plasma splashed on the surrounding supernaturalists, and amidst the soft sound of scoffing, a hapless supernaturalist was instantly roasted into a bone frame.

   In an instant, more than a dozen abilities were scorched and turned into skeletons to die on the spot.

   This scene caused the surrounding supernaturalists to chill and numb their scalp.

   "Plasma Worm!"

   "The Plasma Worm attacked!"

   The rest of the power users were terrified.

   It is the Internet age. The large-scale invasions that occurred in other coastal base cities have spread all over the world for a long time, and the intelligence and information about the Zerg army is well known by everyone.

   The abilities can judge what attacked them at a glance. This is a plasma cannon fired by a giant insect called a plasma bug.

  What is a plasma cannonball?

   Plasma, also known as plasma, is a substance similar to but different from ordinary gas. It carries a terrifying high temperature and is extremely lethal.

   "The Plasma Worm must be killed!"

   The commander’s voice sounded from the head of the city: "Thank you three to kill the plasma insects in the Zerg army, they are too lethal!"

   As soon as the voice fell, three figures rose into the sky, a white-haired old man, a bald-headed brawny man, and a red-haired young girl. It was the three star beings.

   The stellar life on the earth is inherently limited, and at this critical juncture, they are all allocated to the major coastal cities. It is commendable that Bao'an Base City can have three big stars.


   The three stellar beings rushed towards the Zerg army, and at a glance they locked a dozen of Plasma worms in the Zerg army.

   Plasma worms are so easy to identify. They are not only the largest in size, but also have a high belly, like the belly of a queen ant, and they emit a silver-blue light, as if filled with plasma.


   The three stellar beings let out a low cry, each watching a Plasma Worm kill it, and after getting close to the attack distance, they decisively launched an attack.


   The white-haired old man yelled and slapped his palms suddenly, and a hole suddenly opened in the beach.

   The opening was too wide and deep, and the Plasma Worm and the nearby Zerg were caught off guard and fell directly into the opening.

   The white-haired old man opened his eyes and his mouth quickly healed, but the plasma worm and dozens of giant worms that had fallen into the mouth disappeared forever.

   "Get one!"

   The white-haired old man breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at the second Plasma Worm.

   On the other side, the bald-headed man and the red-haired woman also succeeded one after another, burning and slicing one plasma worm to death. In a blink of an eye, three plasma worms died.

   This scene was captured by the camera responsible for the live broadcast. The people in the Baoan base city who followed the live broadcast went crazy.

   "Long live!"

   "Long live!"

   The students cheered, the workers shouted long live, ordinary people and the wealthy who were about to escape clenched their fists and looked excited.

   Plasma Worm’s lethality is very terrifying. It is simply a small nuclear weapon in the Zerg army. The Plasma Worm made great contributions to the destruction of the dozens of coastal base cities.

   Therefore, people’s fear of plasmaworms is deep in their bones!

   It's all right now. The three supernaturalists shot and killed the 3 Plasma Worms directly. This greatly boosted everyone's morale and gave the citizens the hope and confidence to win.

  Since it can kill 3 plasma worms, it can naturally kill more plasma worms. As long as all the plasma worms die, the lethality of the Zerg army will be greatly reduced, and it may be able to withstand the attack!

It’s a pity that the idea is beautiful and the reality is cruel. Just when the three stellar beings were about to hunt down the next plasma worm, three fire dragons soared into the sky and instantly hit the three stellar beings in the sky. The flame engulfed.


Seeing this scene, many people were so scared that they covered their mouths, and some timid people even closed their eyes and dared not look anymore. The remaining bold people stared at the screen, praying silently in their hearts, hope three People are safe.

   The fire dragon gradually dissipated, revealing the three people who had been swallowed. The three people were covered with a layer of black material, as if they were scorched.


   "They were burned to death?"

"how so?"

   Just when people thought they were burnt to coke, the black matter on the three of them instantly receded, revealing their true colors.

   The three of them carefully, the black substance is just a venom suit.

   Seeing this scene, people all breathed a sigh of relief and made a false alarm, but the situation that followed was not optimistic.

  Because at this time, dozens of giant insects that looked like dragonflies lased from the direction of the sea and soon surrounded the three.

   These dragonfly-like giant insects are more than 150 meters long, covered in scarlet hard armor.

   The whole body is blood red, and there are several meter-long hairs growing on six legs. These hairs are extremely hard, like steel needles, plus two pairs of huge compound eyes...

   Everything makes these dozen giant dragonflies look terrifying.

   And when the three surrounded stellar beings also saw the dragonfly, their expressions became particularly dignified, whether it was the previous information or the evil aura emanating from the dragonfly.

   Chi Guoguo told them: These giant dragonflies are constant star beasts.

   "Trouble now!"

   The white-haired old man shouted into the headset: "Once we get into a fight with these dragonflies, we will completely fall into the trap of the Zerg army!"

   "So, be sure to get rid of them, and then kill the Plasma Worm, the Plasma Worm is too threatening to the city wall!"

   "We understand the truth, but it may not be easy to get rid of these giant dragonflies, you know, they are stellar life after all!"

   The bald man with an ugly expression.

   "Try your best!"

   The red-haired woman said solemnly: "You have to hold Bao'an Base City anyway, and you can't let it repeat the mistakes of other coastal base cities!"


   The three of them desperately broke through.

   It's a pity that they seriously underestimated the fighting power of the giant dragonfly. After all, it is a constant star beast, and it is a many-to-one situation. Breaking through is simply a luxury!

   On the other side, more than a dozen plasma bugs repeatedly launched attacks, and a series of plasma shells relentlessly hit the wall.

   In a blink of an eye, dozens of gaps were blasted through the head of the city, and dozens of abilities were killed or seriously injured.

  The situation...In an instant, it fell into an extremely dangerous situation and became precarious.

   "It's over!"


   "Will our Baoan base city be destroyed too?"

   Everyone is completely desperate.

"what is that?"

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