My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 254: Block the Void, Flower Fairy

The star system next door is a rather peculiar star system, because it is a binary star system!

   A yellow dwarf star similar to the sun and a white dwarf star similar to the earth are the main celestial bodies of this star system.

   They provide each with gravitation and revolve around the center of mass.

   Yellow dwarf is a type of main-sequence star whose mass is 1.0 to 1.4 times that of the sun. The sun that controls the solar system is a yellow dwarf.

   White dwarfs are high-density stars formed by the collapse of the inner core when yellow dwarfs develop to the end.

   "The combination of yellow dwarfs and white dwarfs is a very common binary star system in the universe!"

Leoux explained: "A few years ago, this star system was composed of two yellow dwarfs, but one of them burned to the end of life and evolved into a white dwarf. Don’t look at that white dwarf star, but its gravity It's big!"

   "How old is it?"

   This is the first time Ling Jiu has witnessed a white dwarf, and he can't help but be curious.

   He knew that white dwarfs have a lot of gravity. After all, if the mass of a sun is contained in the volume of the earth, how can gravity be low?

   But he doesn't know how big it is.

   "After a simple calculation, the surface gravity of this white dwarf is about 180,000 times that of your Earth!"

  Leaux said lightly: "Under such a high gravity, any object will no longer exist, and even atoms will be crushed!"

   "180,000 times the gravity?"

   Ling Jiu took a breath: "It's terrible. If you are on the surface of a white dwarf star, wouldn't it be crushed into meat sauce in an instant?"

"Of course!"

   Leox faintly: "However, terrible is also relatively speaking!"

   "When you become a life in Hanoi, you can easily withstand the gravity of a white dwarf. Even if it dances on the surface of a white dwarf, it can't help you!"

   "Life in Hanoi!"

   Ling Jiu's eyes glistened.

   "Let's go, go to the mother emperor!"

  Leaux smiled, pointing to a planet of the yellow dwarf and said: "If I expected it well, the mother emperor is on that planet!"


   Ling Jiu glanced in the direction Leoch pointed.

   There are a total of 11 planets in this star system, of which only 3 are white dwarfs, and these 3 planets of white dwarfs are all gas giants, and the remaining 8 planets all revolve around yellow dwarfs.

  Leaux refers to the third planet orbiting the yellow dwarf from the inside to the outside.

  In terms of location alone, it is the same as the position of the earth in the solar system.

   The two boarded the Leoux and soon came to the surface of the planet.

   Looking at this beautiful planet, Ling Jiu frowned slightly, a suspicion flashed in his eyes:

   "Leox, are you sure that the Zerg Mother Emperor is hiding on this planet?"

   Of all the planets visited by the Zerg army before, which one was not the desolate Death Star that was plundered?

   Where is this planet?

   is totally different!

   It has a blue sky, a vast ocean, a large forest, a winding and rugged river, and a variety of complex landforms... It's just like the twins of the earth.

   Could the Zerg mother emperor hide on such a planet?

   "I told you that the Zerg mother emperor is essentially different from the general Zerg. It can be said to be the only intelligent life in a Zerg army!"

  Leaux smiled and said, "What is a smart life? A life with wisdom!"

   "Every intelligent life has its own preferences and emotions, and loves good food, and the mother emperor is a very beautiful life, completely different from ugly bugs!"


   Ling Jiu touched his nose: "Can you lock the specific position of the mother emperor?"

   "Although I did not find it, I am sure that the mother emperor is definitely on this planet. In order to prevent it from escaping, it is necessary to arrange it!"

   Leoux smiled mysteriously and saw hundreds of space shuttle-like aircraft launched on the Leoux.

   As soon as these vehicles appeared, they disappeared into the void, and when they appeared again, they had already arrived in various areas of the planet.

   Through the exterior simulation inside the mothership, Ling Jiu can clearly see:

   These "space shuttles" are evenly distributed over the planet, surrounding the planet in clusters.

   In the next moment, the surface of the space shuttle burst out with black light, spreading in all directions.

   In the end, all the black awns were connected together to form a black screen, which completely enveloped the planet about the size of the earth.

   Then, the space shuttle disappeared, the light curtain disappeared, and the surface of the planet returned to light, as if the previous scene had never happened.

   Seeing this scene, Ling Jiu was a little dazed, and said in doubt: "Leoux, what did you just do?"

   "This planet is sealed off so that it can't escape!"

   Leouks chuckled: "Let's go, catch a turtle in the urn!"

   "It's still your thoughtful consideration!"

   Ling Jiu couldn't help but praised.

   Leoux is indeed a very experienced guy, with all-round thinking and very rich knowledge. Ling Jiu feels very lucky to be assisted by it.

"That is!"

   Leoux smiled stupidly, then drove the Leoux into the atmosphere of the planet, and after a while, it came to the surface of the planet.

   Immediately afterwards, the Leoux radiated mysterious waves and began to search for the Zerg mother emperor.

As the highest technological crystallization of the Amisus civilization,    Leoux has its own unique means of detection, and no life on this planet can hide.

as expected.

   The detection will soon have results:

"Tsk tsk, the strength of this mother emperor should not be underestimated. In addition to the mother emperor itself, there are actually three giant worms of the life level of the galaxy. Such strength is enough to call the wind and rain in this remote galaxy and become a **** and ancestor! "

"found it?"

   Ling Jiu was shocked.

   "Well, I found it!"

   Leoux smiled confidently: "I have already made a gravitational mark on the mother emperor. It is now winged and cannot escape! Let's go!"


   This planet, like the earth, is a beautiful planet.

   In a vast primitive jungle, there is a beautiful lake, it is like a crystal inlaid in the endless forest.

   There is a small island in the center of the lake. The island is full of beautiful flowers, and it is a huge garden.

   At this moment, a little man with seven pairs of cicada wings on his back, only the size of a palm, is flying around among the flowers.

  It has fair skin, exquisite beauty, and a wreath on its head. The seven pairs of cicada wings on the back are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple...

   It is a pity that it is too small. If it is a normal human size, it must be a stunner, or a flower fairy from the ancient heaven.

   is really beautiful.

   "La la la~~~"

   The villain flapped colorful cicada wings and hummed unknown tunes, exploring among the flowers one by one, just like a hardworking bee.

  Elegant and quiet.

   cheerful, brilliant.

  Ling Jiu looked at such a person with a dazed expression, and said in disbelief: "Leoch, are you sure you didn't admit your mistake?"

   "You people on earth have a saying, I think it is very reasonable, saying that people are not in appearance, and the sea is not in comparison!"

  Leaux was not surprised by Ling Jiu's doubts at all: "Don't be fooled by its appearance, this little thing is cruel!"

   Ling Jiu smiled bitterly: "But I really can't connect it with the Zerg mother emperor!"

   "You'll know later!"

   Leoux shook his head and said, it issued an order to capture, and Leoux suddenly appeared in the air, blocking the sky instantly.

   The little man dancing among the flowers immediately noticed that something was wrong, and his relaxed and comfortable face instantly changed, becoming cold and harsh.

   Staring coldly at the Leoux suspended above his head, the whole body exudes horrible aura fluctuations, as if ready to launch a thunderous blow at any time.

   At the same time, three figures suddenly shot out from the lake surrounding the island, and there were three giant insects with a body length of more than 1,000 meters.

   A giant red ant.

   A giant praying mantis.

   A giant flying snake.

   The three fierce beasts flew in front of the villain, and stared at the Leoux with indifferent and tyrannical eyes, firmly protecting the villain behind him.

"see that?"

  Leaux looked at Ling Jiu.

   "I didn't expect it to be the Zerg Mother Emperor!"

   Ling Jiu felt unbelievable: "Who would have thought that the master of that Zerg army is such a small, beautiful little thing!"

   "There are so many incredible things in the universe, it's nothing!"

   Leoch smiled faintly: "Catch it?"


   Ling Jiu said coldly, confirming that the other party was the mother queen of the Zerg clan, he lost his compassion.

   Leoux is right, people are not good looking. Don't look at this little guy's innocence, but it is the Zerg army who invaded the earth and caused the tragic death of countless people on the earth.

  For this kind of stuff... don't be merciful!


  Leoch suddenly shot out a black light, and instantly enveloped the Zerg mother emperor. The mother emperor struggled wildly, but it didn't help.

The black light emitted by   Leaux is not an ordinary beam, but a kind of law beam, possessing the ability to imprison and transmit.

   is unparalleled in power.

   can you break free just casually?


   The mother emperor was anxious, let out a sharp neigh, and changed her body at the same time.

   became a head over 1500 meters long, covered in fluff, with colorful wings on its back, colorful giant moths, and at the same time it exudes terrifying energy fluctuations.

   "Is this what it is?"

   Ling Jiu took a I looked very beautiful and amazing just now, but now my eyes are so hot that I don’t even touch the beauty.

   "The Zerg mother emperor generally has three forms: daily form, combat form, and gestation form, now it belongs to combat form!

  Leaux explained with a smile: "Of course, with the age group, its three forms will also undergo earth-shaking changes!"

   "This female emperor has just entered a juvenile form at best, and there is still a long way to go before the peak of adulthood!"

   Ling Jiu nodded slightly and remembered it firmly. Every word Leoch said is knowledge, and he will remember it carefully.


   The mother emperor who switched to the battle form screamed frantically, even using all of her strength, but she couldn't get rid of the black light.

   The mother emperor was in a hurry, and hurriedly called the Sanyuan General. Three giant insects with a body length of more than one kilometer hurriedly attacked Heimang, but there was no alternative.

   No way, they watched the Leoux attack again.

  As powerful galaxy beings, their attack power is absolutely unparalleled, but when they attacked Leoux, they couldn't shake it even a bit, and Leoux didn't even shake it.

   "Fei may shake the tree, not at your own discretion!"

   Leoch snorted and launched an attack outrageously.


  :. :

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