My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 257: Common wealth, the return of the gods

The current civilization of the earth is really not high. If there are not many wormholes, the scope of human interaction on earth is limited to the earth-moon system.

   This is the typical range of activities of primary civilization, so the earth civilization belongs to primary civilization at most!

   The primary civilization’s knowledge of the universe is extremely scarce, everything is limited to speculation and telescope observations, and even the parent star system is limited.

   However, the earth is different from the normal primary civilization. Because of the relationship between the wormhole and 1269, the understanding of the universe and the understanding of the cultivation system even surpasses many advanced civilizations.

   The people on earth know the level of cosmic civilization and the level of cultivation in the universe.

  The people on earth know how powerful each civilization level is!

  The people on earth know how to cultivate each level of life!

   Therefore, the technological level of the earth is limited to the primary civilization level, but the cognition of the people on the earth far exceeds the primary civilization.

   At least, high-level people on the earth like Li Huang know a lot of unknown things!

  Such as a white hole.

   1269 has told Li Huang more than once about the benefits of white holes. Therefore, Li Huang not only knows white holes, but also has a deep understanding of white holes.

   Hearing Ling Jiu said that he had stayed on that planet for more than a year, and only a few days had passed since returning to Earth, Li Huang knew that the planet Ling Jiu was on must be near the white hole!

   Li Huang was so excited: "Ling Jiu, where is that planet, show us quickly!"

  Lihuang's mental state cultivation is extraordinary, he is a person who is not overwhelmed with joy and anger, but at this moment he is inexplicably excited, you can imagine his excitement.

  Vulcan is almost the same, and it's also very exciting.

   "The wormhole connected to White Hole No. 3 is on Ganymede, so you can go there anytime!"

   Ling Jiu smiled slightly.

"Going right now!"

  Li Huang and Vulcan can't wait, they are eager to confirm.


   Ling Jiu had no choice but to take these two excited old men.

   An hour later, the three of them came to Ganymede, then passed through the wormhole and came to Baidong No. 3.

   appeared on the surface of Baidong No. 3, feeling the extremely rich dark biological energy, and Li Huang and Vulcan suddenly showed extremely intoxicated expressions.

"Brother Li, the air of this planet is filled with rich and peculiar energy. I can feel that this energy comes from the same source as the mysterious energy produced by the genetic power and the power tree, but it is thicker, more concise, and domineering! "

   Vulcan was fascinated and said: "Is this the dark biological energy you often say?"

   "It shouldn't be wrong!"

Li Huang took a deep breath: "1269 once said that dark creatures can exist widely in the dark universe. Generally, when they are transmitted to the planet, they will have a diminishing energy effect and become a second-level genetic ability, except for white holes. Exception nearby!"

   "It's really dark biological energy!"

Vulcan could hardly suppress the excitement in his heart: "The power of the dark creature energy is 10 times that of the genetic power, and the dark creature energy here is so rich, if we can cultivate here, the cultivation speed will definitely be rapid! "

   "This is indeed a rare practice holy place!" Li Huang was also very excited.

   It makes you too happy to find North here? Ling Jiu continued:

   "There are a total of 5 planets near this white hole, and I numbered them separately, from Baidong 1 to Baidong 5!"

   "White Hole No. 1 is the closest to White Hole, and the dark biological energy is the strongest, and the flow of time is the fastest; White Hole No. 5 is the last!"

   "5 planets?"

  Li Huang and Vulcan stayed for a while, looked around and said, "Where is the planet under our feet? What is the number of the white hole?"

   "White Hole No. 3!"

   Ling Jiu smiled and said, "Among these 5 planets, the most suitable for cultivation is White Hole 2, which has the second richest dark creature energy and the second fastest time flow!"

   "It is also a green planet with a large number of terrifying beasts living on it, which is the most suitable for life, settlement and practice!"

   "Baidong No. 2? Go and see!"

   Without the Leoux, I had to go from Baidong No. 3 to Baidong No. 2. To be honest, because the distance is quite long, it is still very troublesome.

   Fortunately, the time flow around the white hole is very fast. The most important thing here is time. What Ling Jiu has is time to slowly open up the wormhole.

   About 5 days later, Ling Jiu finally opened a wormhole connecting Baidong No. 3 and Baidong No. 2, and the three came to Baidong No. 2.

  Lihuang and Huoshen fell in love with Baidong No.2 at a glance.

   As Ling Jiu said, Baidong No. 2 is a forest planet. This alone is much stronger than Baidong No. 3, not to mention that Baidong No. 2 has more energy and the fastest time flow.

   In a word, Baidong 2 is more suitable for long-term practice.

   "The only flaw is that there are many terrifying beasts living on Baidong No.2. Constant-star beasts are everywhere, and galaxy-level beasts are not rare!"

  Ling Jiu looked at the Emperor Li and God of Fire, who wished to start practicing immediately, and couldn't help but reminded: "So here, there are existences that can easily kill us, and we need to be careful..."

   "Our province!"

   "At this point, Brother Ling Jiu, don't worry, we all crawled out of the dead and know how to protect ourselves!"

  Li Huang and Vulcan expressed their understanding, and at the same time expressed gratitude to Ling Jiu for the reminder.

   Ling Jiu nodded, knowing that his worries were unnecessary, so he asked: "Chairman, Brother Huo, do you decide to stay here to practice?"

"of course!"

   The two nodded without hesitation.

   "Then practice, anyway, there are wormholes between several planets, you can come back anytime if you want to come back!" Ling Jiu smiled.

   "What about you, Brother Ling Jiu, don't you practice with us?" Vulcan frowned and asked.

   "I'm going back and picking up my family!" Ling Jiu smiled and said, "The cultivation conditions here are so good, and I'll take them here too!"

   "That's it!"

   Huoshen suddenly said, "Listen to Brother Ling Jiu, should we announce this?"

   "It should be announced!"

  Li Emperor said: "The white hole is the wealth of all mankind, and it should be shared by all mankind! But obviously, only stellar life can really survive here!"

   Ling Jiu and Vulcan nodded.

  The road from the earth to Baidong No. 2 looks like this: Earth→Mars→ Europa→ Europa→ Baidong No. 3→ Baidong No. 2.

During the    period, it was connected by 5 wormholes, but because it had to pass through the high-pressure oceans under Mars, Europa, and Europa, it was exposed to the air of Baidong 3 and Baidong 2.

   Therefore, there is still only stellar life that is truly capable of coming to Baidong 2 to practice.

   Others, even those with ninth-level abilities with venom suits can't do it!

   "The question now is, do you want to notify other stars of life?"

  Lihuang looked at Ling Jiu and Vulcan and asked for their opinions: "It stands to reason that we should notify others, but if all the star life on earth leaves, who will suppress the cave?"

   Vulcan frowned immediately, but Ling Jiu was puzzled: "Chairman, what is Shenxue?"

   "Ling Jiu, you don't know anything!"

Li Huang said helplessly: "Our earth has been facing various threats. There is no need to say more about the 36 old beasts and gods that have risen in the earth. You know all these! In fact, the real threats facing our earth mainly come from the... "

   "What the **** is the divine cave?"

   Ling Jiu became more curious and puzzled.

   "Brother Ling Jiu, you should know that there are many myths and stories circulating on our earth?" Vulcan asked quietly.

   "Of course I know, what's the matter?"

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly.

   "If I tell you that some of these fairy tales are true, do you believe it?" Vulcan said again.

   "The myth is...really?"

   Ling Jiu was stunned.

   "There have been many countries and many peoples on our planet, and these existing or ever have their own mythological systems!"

  Lihuang said solemnly: "Some mythological systems were fabricated out of thin air by the ancestors, but some mythological systems... are true!"

   Ling Jiu listened quietly, and he suddenly realized that what he was hearing now might be the biggest secret on earth.

   "In ancient times, far away from our current era, many spatial cracks appeared on the earth, and genetic abilities were spilled on the earth!"

  Lihuang continued: "Therefore, the earth in ancient times gave birth to many huge behemoths! Of course, it also gave birth to the earliest supernatural beings!"

   "You should know that human beings in ancient times were extremely ignorant and lacking because of their thinking and knowledge!"

   "So, what happens when a supernatural person appears in front of humans in ancient times, I don't need to say more, right?"

   Ling Jiu had the answer without much thought: "These supernatural beings were regarded as gods by humans in ancient times?"

   "Yes, god!"

  Li Huang nodded his head: "The earliest supernatural beings on earth were indeed regarded as gods by humans at that time. This is the source of many gods and myths on earth!"

"Until one day later, the genetic powers on the earth suddenly dissipated. These supernatural beings called gods had no resources to become stronger, so they left the earth. As for how to leave, I think... you Should you understand?"


   Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows.

   "Yes, it's a wormhole!"

Vulcan then said: "Our earth and the entire solar system are connected to many wormholes. As for when these wormholes appeared...No one knows, but wormholes are indeed widespread in the earth and the solar system! "

"and after?"

   Ling Jiu asked curiously.

   "Those with supernatural powers called gods left the earth with the help of wormholes and entered the vast starry to the more distant star field!"

  Li Huang continued: "Until a few years ago, the genetic powers on the earth reached a certain level, and some of the gods... are back!"

"came back?"

   Ling Jiu was shocked.

   "Yes, they are back!"

  Lihuang nodded slightly: "In 2048, that is, on June 6th four years ago, there will be light that pierced the sky from the Gulf of Mexico!"

   "A person who claimed to be the goddess of rain and dew appeared in the shower, clamoring to let her goddess cover the world again!"

   "This goddess of rain and dew is the first **** to return. Although the strength is not good, she can barely reach the star life, but the combat power is very average!"

   Vulcan said indifferently: "Neither I nor Li Ge made a move. He was defeated by a stellar life in the United States and was captured alive for research!

   "After some cross-examination, we learned that she is a goddess in the myth of Nahuatl!"

   "Leave because of the depletion of genetic powers on the earth, but came back because of the induction of genetic powers on the earth again!"

   "From that time on, we suddenly realized that we lacked understanding of the earth!"

   "At least, we never thought that before our rise, there actually existed stellar life on the earth in ancient times!"

   "We were panicked and began to look up ancient books to prevent new gods from coming out. Later things proved that our scruples were right!"

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