My Special Ability is Perfect Replication

Chapter 265: Soul Nebula, Soul Gathering

   lived 83 million years!

   sleep for a million years!

   Is this a human thing?

   If this Yan Shen clan is put on the earth, it means that it can survive the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago from the Cretaceous period of 83 million years to the present!

   This old monster... is really too alive!

   Ling Jiu was thinking, if he could live so long, what level should he cultivate? The weakest should be able to become a life form in the universe, right?

   "Life, really is the biggest stumbling block on the road to practice!"

  Ling Jiu's eyes burned: "Leaux, where is the "Eight Methods of Raising Black Holes"? I want to practice "Eight Methods of Raising Black Holes"!"

   "Of course there is no problem in practicing "Eight Black Holes", but I have to remind you in advance that this soul secret is very difficult to practice. It not only requires a lot of time, but also consumes countless resources, that is, dark psionic crystals!"

  Leaux reminded: "You are different from the Yan God after all!"

   "The God Yan race is a pure soul body, the stronger the soul, the stronger the God Yan race, so they can practice "The Eight Methods of Hei Hole Evolution" to strengthen the soul without any distractions. You... are different!"

   Ling Jiu frowned slightly.

   "You must not only evolve the Dantian star system, but also comprehend the rules of the universe!"

  Leaux solemnly said: "Now I have to cultivate my soul again. This is a serious burden for me. I hope you can distinguish between primary and secondary!"

   "Don't worry, I know it!"

   Ling Jiu nodded to express understanding.

  ""The Eight Methods of Evolving Black Holes", as the name suggests, is a soul secret created according to the birth process of black holes!"

  Leaux said: "And a black hole is an extreme celestial body evolved when a supermassive star reaches the end of its life!"

   "So, there are stars before black holes! So, how did stars evolve?"

   In the boundless universe, there are endless high-density gas and dust. These gas and dust are called nebulae.

  Or, giant molecular cloud.

   In the general void of the universe, there is very little gas and dust, about 0.1 to 1 atom per cubic centimeter.

   But the density of a giant molecular cloud is millions of atoms per cubic centimeter. It can be seen that the density of a giant molecular cloud is hundreds or even tens of millions of times that of the ordinary universe.

   Nebula is the cradle of stars. Almost all stars are born in this nebula.

   Therefore, based on this idea, there is the first method of "Eight Black Holes": the formation of the soul nebula.

   The formation of the Soul Nebula, as the name implies, is to gather a large amount of dark psychic energy in the vast sea of ​​consciousness, forming an existence similar to the universe nebula.

   It's just that the cosmic nebulae were originally gas and dust produced after the Big Bang, and they are ubiquitous in the boundless universe.

   But there is only one thing in the sea of ​​consciousness, and that is...the fire of the soul, but there is no massive dark power.

  In order to form the Soul Nebula, it is necessary to add a huge amount of dark power to the sea of ​​consciousness.

   Having said that, Leoux looked at Ling Jiu and said, "Do you know how the Yan God clan solved this problem in the first place?"

   Ling Jiu frowned for a while, and said, "How can I solve it? Find a way to absorb the dark psychic energy!"

  Leaux smiled, shook his head and said: "Dark psionic energy is the same as dark biological energy. It exists widely in the dark universe, but dark psychic energy is much rarer!"

   "Moreover, they are not as active as dark creatures. It is impossible to **** dark spirit energy out of the dark universe!"

   Ling Jiu was stunned. He remembered that 9527 had said similar things. Dark spirits are extremely rare, unless they become higher-level beings...

   Otherwise, it is impossible to absorb it.

   For this reason, 9527 gave himself a dark psionic crystal!

   "The God Yan clan at the very beginning was just a weak primitive race. It had neither super-high technological civilization nor strong strength!"

   "Therefore, it is impossible for the Yan Gods to absorb dark psychic energy, even... they don't know the existence of dark psychic energy!"

  Leaux sighed: "In order to absorb enough soul energy, the Yan Shen clan began to massacre other creatures on their parent star, Yan Shen, this move made other species of Yan Shen Xing extinct on a large scale!"

   "Finally, all other creatures on the Yanshen were extinct. In order to absorb more dark power, the Yanshen clan began to develop technology!"

   "Then rely on advanced technology to start wars with the outside world, set off interstellar wars, and massacre other races on alien planets!"

   "It can be said that the initial rise of the Yan gods was accompanied by a **** storm, and countless creatures became the stepping stones on their rise!"

   "Finally, with the higher the level of civilization, the wider the horizon, the Yan Gods gradually discovered that there is a special substance in the vast dark universe!"

   "This special substance exists in the form of particles, consistent with the soul's origin, and can be absorbed into the sea of ​​consciousness. This is the dark power!"

   "You also know that the absorption of dark psychic energy is very difficult. Generally speaking, dark psychic energy can only be captured if the soul strength reaches the life of the universe!"

   "However, at that time, the Yan Shen clan did not have so many cosmic life. In order to solve this problem, the Yan Shen clan began a long study!"

   "They succeeded?"

   Ling Jiu was shocked.

   "Of course, they succeeded!"

Leoux nodded his head: "The God Yan race is the master of the soul. According to the way we absorb the dark biological energy, they have developed something called the Soul Gathering Array, which is used to capture and absorb the dark universe. Dark psionic power!"

   "Soul Gathering Array?"

   Ling Jiu's eyes brightened.

   "The Soul Gathering Array is a pioneering work!"

With Leoux’s vision and insight, he also had to marvel: “It broke the dilemma that lower life (weaker than life in the universe) could not capture dark psychic energy, so that star life with low soul strength could also absorb dark life. Psionic!"

"Looking at the entire universe, this is the only one! It is no exaggeration to say that the status of the Soul Gathering Array in the soul cultivation world is not inferior to the status of the Evolution Dantian Star System in the physical cultivation world, and it has inestimable value! "

   "It's a pity!"

   "The Yan God clan had just risen at that time, and the soul gathering circle was covered too tightly. All the higher civilizations of the universe did not know the existence of the soul gathering circle!"

   "Otherwise, the Yan God Race will be in big trouble!"

   Ling Jiu nodded silently, and then said: "Leaux, how to arrange the soul gathering array?"

   "The soul gathering is generally only used by the Yan gods. If others want to learn it, unless they teach it by hand, it is impossible to learn it!"

   In the following time, Leox taught Ling Jiu not to know the soul gathering formation.

   It used the holographic simulation system of the Leoux, while simulating vividly, while guiding patiently, Ling Jiu concentrated all his attention and studied patiently.

  One step, one action...

   The arrangement of the Soul Gathering Array is very complicated, like making a huge picture with thousands of thread balls, which is extremely laborious.

   At this time, Leoux's advantages as an intelligent life are manifested. It takes the trouble and patiently guides it.

   Two of them taught one, the other learned, and one year passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, this day, Ling Jiu suddenly opened his eyes.

   "It's really mysterious!"

   Ling Jiu let out a long suffocating breath, and looked at Leoux with a look of gratitude: "Without your guidance, I will probably not be able to arrange the soul gathering array!"

   "Your understanding is also very high!"

   Leookes smiled and said: "In the memory of the God Yan clan, it is quite difficult for them to master the Soul Gathering Array!"

   "And you have mastered the Soul Gathering Array in only one year, so you can see that your talent in the soul is no small thing!"

   "You teach well!"

   Ling Jiu was also very happy, and his consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

   This is a vast and boundless space. There is no sky or ground, only a ray of silver flame is suspended.

   cold and lonely.

  Lonely, clear.

   This silver flame is Ling Jiu's soul fire, of course, it is also Ling Jiu's soul, it just exists in the form of flame.

   If you look closely, you will find that there are countless small silver threads intertwined around the soul fire. They are vertical and horizontal, forming a large airtight silver net woven around the soul fire.

   The large silver web covers a very large area, about several square kilometers, just like a silver spider web, covering the surrounding area.

   And the soul flame is in the center of the big net!

   This big silver net is the soul gathering array.

   If you look closely, you will find that from time to time, tiny silver light spots flash out of thin air, flying towards the soul fire in the center.

   These silver light spots that occasionally emerge are dark psionic energy, or dark psychic particles, some people also call them soul particles.

   They are the Soul Gathering Array captured from the dark universe and gathered here!

   At the beginning, there were few dark psionic particles captured by the Soul Gathering Array, and only one or two appeared occasionally, but as time passed, more and more dark psionic particles were captured...

   is getting a blowout gradually!

   Dozens, hundreds...

   Densely dense silver light spots appeared out of thin air, some were absorbed by the soul fire, and some lingered around the soul fire, like a sky full of stars, bright and crystal clear.

   "At this speed, a nebula will soon form around the soul fire, right?"

   Ling Jiu is very satisfied with the effect of the Soul Gathering Array. The first stage of "The Eight Methods of Evolving Black Holes" is to construct the Soul Nebula.

   Now that the Soul Gathering Array is successfully arranged, the next thing to do is to accumulate and wait.

   As time goes by, the dark psionic particles captured by the Soul Gathering Array will be more and more, more and more...Finally, it will reach the point where soul stars can be born!

  Of dark psionic particles needed will definitely be very, very many, too many to imagine, but this is beyond Ling Jiu's control.

   He can only give it to time.

   "Leox, how long does it take to enter the second stage?"

   Ling Jiu withdrew from the sea of ​​consciousness and asked a question of concern.

   "It's very long, very long!"

  Leaux said: "In the universe, a giant molecular cloud contains hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of solar masses, with a diameter of 50 to 300 light years!"

   "According to the gathering speed of the soul gathering array, to accumulate such a huge dark psychic nebula, at least hundreds of thousands of years!"

   "Of course, this is in the absence of external interference! If there is external interference, this time can naturally be greatly reduced!"

"How to say?"

   Ling Jiu raised his eyebrows.

   "I said before that there is a huge concentration of energy near the white hole. This includes dark psionic energy. I can help you make dark psionic crystals!"

  Leaux smiled faintly: "A dark psionic crystal contains extremely large dark psionic particles, which can help you to form a soul nebula!"

   "That's it!"


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