My Stand-in is Steve

Chapter 88: My uncle wolf is really good

   Chapter 88 My Uncle Wolf is so good

  Fang Mo likes the enchanted altar after the realization.

   After being actualized, it becomes something that truly exists.

   is also because of this, this enchanting altar will not be like in the game, it can only enchant weapons, tools and armor.

  Fang Mo even stole a bed sheet from the hotel next door, and then used an enchanting altar to enchant the bed sheet with an enchantment. As a result, the bed sheet was inexplicably enchanted with an "efficiency".

   To be honest, Fang Mo was stunned when he saw this enchanted attribute.

  You said that if you attach a durable one, you can understand it, but your sheets are just as efficient as wool?

However, after dark, there was a sudden crunching sound from the hotel next door. There was no way. After all, the Second World War is not over yet. It is normal for this small hotel to have poor sound insulation. I understand what the sound is.

   It's just that the sound just sounded for less than two minutes before it suddenly stopped.

   Immediately followed by a woman's sneer, and a voice like a quarrel came out, and soon a man walked out of the hotel with a sullen face, and went to the door and took a big gulp of a cigarette.

   "Dude, this is so **** efficient..."

  Fang Mo really couldn't control his desire to complain when he saw this scene. He raised his forehead and said, "If anyone dares to offend me in the future, I'll take a picture of the disappearance curse on his runner..."

   In short, after some tests, Fang Mo found that the enchanting altar was indeed very powerful.

   It can even enchant Fang Mo's Mayuling Cleaver.

   You must know that this is absolutely impossible in the game. After all, the system mechanism of the craftsmanship and the original tools are mutually exclusive.

   But here is the reality, many things are not bound by the rules and restrictions in the game.

You must know that the weapon of the craftsman can be strengthened to a sharp V with quartz, and the original enchanting table can still provide a sharp V attribute, which means that Fang Mo can even stack the Mayu Ling chopper to a sharp X level, which can be It's so cool.

   But it is worth mentioning.

   The function of the enchanting altar is very powerful, but it is not completely free.

  Fang Mo tried it a little and found that this thing still consumes experience, but it is not the experience of the stand-in Steve, but his own 'experience'.

   or strength.

   In short, after using the enchanting altar several times in a row, Fang Mo found that his power seemed to be getting smaller.

But he wasn't too worried about this. He brought a lot of essence berries when he came to the X-Men world this time. He had already swallowed several groups before. Even if he lost a little strength, he wouldn't care. Okay.

   except for the enchanting altar.

  Fang Mo also tested the craftsman's tool forging bench.

   After the realization, a 2×2 thick table appeared directly in front of Fang Mo.

  The skeleton of the table is cast from pure metal, while the tabletop is a thick slab of black ink.

  Like the altar of enchanting, after the craftsman's soul forging table is realized, the things that can be transformed are no longer limited to the tools of the craftsman's soul, which means that it can also be effective on bed sheets.

   Fang Mo tried hitting a popping chorus fruit on the sheet.

   The property of the bursting chorus fruit in the game is to levitate. After being attached to the weapon, hitting the enemy can make the opponent levitate for a short period of time for continuous output.

Originally, Fang Mo was thinking, if someone else was sleeping on this sheet, would they fly up halfway through their sleep, but what he didn't expect was that the sheet would actually float up by itself, like a It's the same as a flying magic carpet. No matter how you press it, you can't press it, so Fang Mo got angry and burned the thing.

It is worth mentioning that.

  Square ink when using this forging table.

   He found that he could sense the enhancement limit of most items.

How to say this, it is like a wooden stick. This thing is really too rubbish, so it can only withstand two reinforcements at most. If there is more, this thing will shatter by itself. To put it simply, it is like a big train entering. Like a small tunnel, this will definitely not work, it will break.

  It’s a pity that if you want to strengthen items on this forging table, you can only use the materials specified in the Craftsman’s Soul Manual.

  Otherwise, Fang Mo wanted to put the Infinity Stones on his weapon.

  When the time comes, put six Infinity Gems directly on the sword, my dear... Isn't this the Infinity Sword exclusive to the Marvel Universe?

  It’s a pity that this kind of thing can only be thought about now.

   shook his head, Fang Mo intends to continue testing some other features.

However, at this time, a quarrel suddenly came from the hotel not far away, but this time it was a bit serious. It felt as if someone was fighting inside, and soon a large number of tables, chairs, etc. Throw it out, and of course a few drunkards with blood on their heads.

Soon, a rough man with a cigar walked out of the hotel. At this moment, his upper body was bare, revealing his lean muscles. One of the drunkards wanted to stand up and argue with him, but he kicked him over. land.

   When the rest of the drunks saw this, they felt as if they had woken up more than half of their alcohol, and they all scattered.

  The shirtless man saw this scene, but he didn't pursue anything, took a sip of the cigar and returned to the hotel.

   "Huh? This is..."

   Fang Mo was stunned after seeing this scene: "Isn't this Hugh Jackman played by Wolverine?"

   To be honest, Fang Mo didn't expect that he would meet each other here.

He has already arrived in the United States, but now he is only in the border villages, and there is still a long distance from the big city of New York, but in Fang Mo's memory, it seems that there was no King Kong in the first battle of the X-Men. The figure of the wolf, right? So it was just a coincidence that you met each other?

   But anyway, it's hard to come across a plot character, no woe...cough, it's a pity not to get in touch.

   Thinking of this, Fang Mo also stood up immediately.

   He first cleaned up the enchanting altar and forging table in the house.

   Fang Mo raised his hand and pressed it on the altar. The next second the whole altar twisted like dough, and was soon sucked into the body by Fang Mo.

As I said before, Fang Mo swallowed a lot of essence berries after he came to this world. In addition to his physical strength, the storage space in his body has also grown a lot, and now he is almost catching up with a small room. It's almost big, and it's not a problem to hold these miscellaneous things.

   And after cleaning up his clutter.

  Fang Mo quickly left the house and walked towards the hotel not far away.

   The manuscript is gone, and I will update it at night when my liver comes out.

   316087342 group number.



   (end of this chapter)

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