My Star Girlfriend is Actually My Big Black Fan

Chapter 366: You actually have three (1)

"If you can perform well this time and get Ivana's appreciation, your company in Country M will be the green light all the way."

Yu Maoxue looked at Pingyuan New Second, he was right, but he put his head on his belt to play, I still want to save my life and go home to pass on from generation to generation.

"It's too late for you to retire now. If you provoke her, you will be a rich second-generation who bet on bankruptcy and committed suicide." Pingyuan Xiner even told Yu Maoxue how to die, which made Yu Maoxue's lips tremble.

"Think about it for yourself." After patted Yu Maoxue on the shoulder, Pingyuan Xiner left the room.

Yu Maoxue in the room pondered for a long time. The greater the risk, the greater the return. As long as you get the contract and have a good relationship with this Ivana, you will have everything you want in the future.

At that time, Gu Ting would have to flatter himself, instead of being as arrogant as before.

Tang Ze in the crew also sighed. It turned out that the blockbuster was done under the green cloth. Seriously, it was already embarrassing to watch. They can still act according to the plot, which is really amazing.

Buckle called at this moment.

"Tang, where are you now?"

"On the side of my girlfriend's crew, what's the matter?" Hearing Buckle's voice seemed to be anxious, Tang Ze let out a puzzled voice.

"Send me a location, I'll come over now, and we will talk when we meet."


After the positioning, Tang Ze frowned. What makes Buckle anxious is certainly not a trivial matter.

Is there a change in their family?

The shooting progress is very fast, and Li Muqing also ends today's shooting task: "Wait for me, I will remove my makeup first."


Soon, a Rolls Royce and two Cadillacs stopped outside the crew.

Tang Ze walked over, opened the back door and sat in.

Bucker was three years older than Tang Ze, but he was not as handsome as Tang Ze, and he was even slightly fat. The ten fingers were wearing seven jewel rings, one of various colors.

Each one is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, and these hands are worth 700 million. It is estimated that many people want his hands.

But in Buckle's words, this gem is like Thanos' infinite gem, which can bring infinite power to himself.

"Tang, it's been a long time since I saw you, so handsome again."

"Haha, a lot of weight loss."

The two of them hugged each other like friends they hadn't seen for many years.

In Tang Ze’s impression, Buckle was a 200-jin fat man last time, and he is much better now.

"Tang, the 3A people are here." Buckler said directly without circumstance.

Tang Ze's face sank after hearing this. Last time he offended 3A to help Buckler.

Now that he is still on other people's territory, that is the tiger entering the wolf pack.

"What are the 3A people doing? It should have nothing to do with us." Tang Ze guessed.

Bucker shook his head: "There is news from the hotel. The three who came this time, that Yu Maoxue met Ivana in secret today."

"Damn, it's this woman again." Tang Ze sighed. Women all over the world have one thing in common, that is, holding grudges. It was all a few years ago, and they still don't forget.

No wonder Yu Maoxue was so arrogant last night. It turned out that I found Ivana as a patron, and kept saying that Laozi relies on women, and you are not the same. It's really shameless.

"3A has started to grow again in the last two years. I was able to suppress it before, but now I can't go too far, otherwise the board of directors know." Bucker said helplessly. After all, I managed to sit in this position. You and I have spent a lot of effort, and can't be caught in a pigtail.

Tang Ze patted Buckle on the shoulder: "I can leave the affairs of Ivana to me."

"Tang, today is not what it used to be, and now there is no conflict with 3A. If something happens, I can't do anything."

"Don't worry, am I like that kind of conflict person? I like to persuade people with morals."

Buckle gave a dry smile, and convinced people with virtue...really, you weren't this kind of person before.

"What about the contract?"

"This contract is up to you, right?" Tang Ze asked.

"Yes, as long as I nod my head."

Tang Ze motioned Baker to get closer, and whispered: "The representatives from the two companies are my girlfriends. Give an inappropriate one. You can find an excuse to let the two of them work together to get the contract."

Buck'er looked at Tang Ze dumbfounded. There was a big star in the crew, and there were two more in the hotel!

"God, you have three girlfriends, and I only have two." Buckel couldn't believe it. Whether it was quantity or quality, it was a complete failure.

Tang Ze looked humble: "It's okay, but this matter can't be told, it's a secret."

There was a warm heart in Buck's ears. Tang Ze was a good man and a brother, telling himself such secret things, and not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"Tang, I swear to God, I won't say anything."

"I believe you, don't worry about 3A, what activities have been arranged these days."

"I promise to make you happy, but if your girlfriend is around, happiness will be halved."

The two men suddenly laughed in the car.

Seeing Li Muqing had changed clothes and walked out, standing in the same place looking around and preparing to make a call, Tang Ze lowered the window and shouted, "Baby, here."

Li Muqing looked over, rushed over with a smile, and Tang Ze opened the door of the car.

"I'll go ahead." Buckle laughed.

"No." Tang Ze patted himself, Li Muqing sat directly on Tang Ze, hugging Tang Ze's neck.

This brought Buckle here, my god, the looks of the oriental girls are really beautiful, and they are very different from the western beauties.

"Miss Li, meeting for the first time, hello."

Tang Ze introduced: "Mu Qing, this is the Buckle Smith that I told you before."

Li Muqing adjusted her sitting posture: "Hello, Mr. Buckle."

"I really envy Tang, Miss Li, do you have any good sisters, please introduce me."

"Of course there is."

Tang Ze smiled and said, "What Bucker means, you have to be as beautiful as you."

"That's probably not the case, I'm unique." Li Muqing lied on Tang Ze with a little arrogant gesture.

Buckle sighed, Tang Ze was strong, smart, and handsome, and the girls were all around him.

When we were together before, we were gentlemen.

It has only been a few years since I have seen each other, and each one is stunning, which is really enviable.

"Baby, where are we going now?" Li Muqing asked curiously.

"In addition to coming to see you this time, your two good girlfriends also need my help."

"Are Lin Yan and Gu Ting both here?"

"Well, there is also the Yu Maoxue who chased you before. All three of their companies want to cooperate with Buckle."

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