My Star Girlfriend is Actually My Big Black Fan

Chapter 386: Brother is a principled person (1)

Many Tangze fans said that they would go to pick up the plane, but few people knew that Tangze had already returned and was even approaching Xishan County.

On the high-speed rail, Tang Ze wore a hat and sunglasses and asked in a low voice, "Brother, is there any boxing gym in this area?"

"There are also many martial arts schools in the southwest, but the famous ones are not in this one." Li Honghui also knows a little bit. He was also a quack and knew some affairs.

Tang Ze said, there are no acquaintances here.

"Junior Brother, haven't you thought about contacting that Liu Bin?" Li Honghui suddenly suggested.

"I don't know the problem either."

"Look for Gu Ting and others, so many resources are not used casually."

After being told by the senior brother, Tang Ze instantly understood, and immediately called Gu Ting. Gu Ting also agreed in one fell swoop, and he would contact him if he had any news.

My girlfriends are also very powerful at the critical moment.

Before getting off the high-speed rail, Gu Ting called and told him that Liu Bin had never met Yuan Fei, and Yuan Fei had not discussed with the master of swordsmanship.

Hearing this news, Tang Ze was also at a loss as to what happened.

After getting off the high-speed rail, Tang Ze and Li Honghui went straight to the county hospital to check the surveillance.

It was a Wuling Hongguang without a license plate that threw the man down, and the others didn't know anything.

"Junior brother, it seems that others are very professional." Li Honghui handed over a bottle of mineral water and said.

"Yeah, there are no clues left, and only when Yuan Fei wakes up will I know the ins and outs of the matter." Tang Ze rubbed his forehead, his eyebrows feeling tired.

Li Honghui nodded: "Let's go, go eat something first, and go back tomorrow morning."

The two of them came to the county seat of Wallace to deal with it a little bit. The business was still very hot, and people from Shili village brought their children to eat.

"You still had a game a year ago, and you still have to train." Li Honghui reminded.

Tang Ze smiled: "Then am I claiming to have won the world championship this time?"

"It's worth it, and it's not worth it."

Tang Ze took a bite of the burger, and the taste was similar to KFC: "Actually, I told Yuan Fei before that there are many ways to fight. He thinks that playing games is boring and there is no excitement of life and death."

"What about you?" Li Honghui inhaled a Coke and asked curiously.

"I used to like that feeling a lot, but I feel that I have learned something and have to do something useful, and now I have a marriage partner, and I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble."

"It's as if the master is retreating." Li Honghui said with a low smile.

"Isn't it, for the sake of the family's daughter-in-law, brother, aren't you the same?"

Li Honghui sighed slightly, "Junior Brother, I found that you have become more calm again."

Can you not be calm? There are four girlfriends, but they have four responsibilities on their shoulders. There are eight children in one life and two children.

Money for milk powder, money for diapers, morning work, etc., all need money, and the expenses are not normal.

Fortunately, they are all very good at making money. Other people's houses are men working hard outside, and they are all women working hard outside, which is really interesting.

Then isn't this a soft meal? Can't you say that, they also have problems that can't be solved, and then it will be the time to play by themselves.

This kind of thinking is just blowing in his heart, Tang Ze said that he dare not showdown with them now.

"Brother, sometimes I feel very confused." Tang Ze held his chin and looked at the pedestrians outside the window. Although it was only a small county, it was still very lively.

"What's the confusion, the four-time champion, is there a lot of girls who like you? I don't know how to choose."

One of Li Honghui's jokes was just right at the point, and Tang Ze smiled bitterly, not knowing what it means to choose, children only make choices. Adults like us generally choose all.

"That's not the case, but Mu Qing is sometimes angry, and I don't know how to coax it."

"It turned out to be this, it's very easy. Your sister-in-law is often angry too, and it will be fine within a few days."


"This woman's anger is all explosive, just that, after she calms down, it will be fine." Li Honghui said with a smile, young man, I still have to ask your brother and I in this regard, I am experienced.

Tang Ze learned again that this elder brother's trick is to avoid his edge and attack aggressively when the enemy is sluggish.

Worthy of being a brother, the imperial girl has one hand.

"Brother, teach me again."

"Cough cough cough, this is a special secret book of brother, the master has no one."

"Give you a salary increase." Tang Ze learned from Gu Ting and directly used money.

Li Honghui sighed: "Brother, you brother, am I the kind of villain who sees money open? This is a matter of personal principle!"


"Sometimes the principle can be broken, the junior is good."

Tang Ze: "..."

Although there was no gain from this trip, he learned a lot of crisis studies from his senior, but it allowed Tang Ze to lay a solid foundation and laid a solid heel for the Dragon Ball.

After a rest for the night, he returned to Shangjing the next day. Unexpectedly, Yuan Fei's father took Yuan Fei directly abroad for treatment.

Tang Ze can't help but hope that his apprentice will wake up as soon as possible and the master will find a place for you.

"Brother, I will return to Ninghai with you tomorrow."

When Ye Fan on the hospital bed heard this, he suddenly yelled: "No way, no way, it hurts."

Tang Xuejiao snorted, obviously no longer eating this set.


After Tang Ze agreed, Ye Fan became quiet, and then said seriously: "Then I will leave the hospital tomorrow and go with you."

"The doctor may be discharged from the hospital, you can be honest with me." Tang Xuejiao yelled, and Ye Fan was taken aback. There was a tendency for bronchitis.

Tang Ze joked: "Ye Fan, you can transfer to Ninghai, Xiaoxue goes to work and loves both."

"Big Brother is Big Brother, great idea!"

"Brother!" Tang Xue gave Tang Ze a hammer, really helping him out.

"Look at others, because you are going to be beaten and maimed, do you have the heart to leave others here regardless."

Ye Fan on the hospital bed immediately put on a pitiful appearance, so it's not a problem to say how important the wingman is.

"I know, isn't it that the hospital started urging me to work like that."

"It's all Mrs. Kuo, and I'm still in Mao's class." Tang Ze laughed, and even Ye Fan laughed with him. As expected, men know men best.

Tang Xue glanced at these two important men fiercely: "Ye Fan, let me tell you, I am a doctor, so I won't be a housewife."

"Yes, Xiaoxue, whatever you say is fine." Ye Fan was an unrestrained doting, and Tang Ze really felt that this would spoil his sister from the princess' disease.

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