"When did it happen?" Tang Ze asked quickly.

Lin Yan irritated and replied, "What happened last night."

Tang Ze looked at Ivana and said, "If you guessed right, you must have gone abroad. Can you find someone?"

"Give me their information, there is no one that 3A can't find." Ivana was very confident.

Tang Ze stopped looking for others. After all, he was a family, and it was normal to help each other.

"Senior sister, what are you doing in a daze, name of the photo."

"Oh, I'll ask someone to get it."

"Tingting, can you inquire to see if they have gone abroad." Tang Ze said.

Gu Ting nodded, took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Uncle Xia, hello, I am Gu Ting."

"Daddy is in good health. I want to trouble Uncle Xia to check the two people for me to see if they have gone abroad."

Within five minutes, the positions of Song Jiaoling and Luo Haojie were locked.

Good guys, these two men flew to Venice.

And Ivana was not idle, so the 3A European branch immediately sent someone to look for it.

Lin Yan was stunned by this series of actions. Tingting was responsible for intelligence, Ivana was responsible for the action, and Tang Ze was responsible for issuing orders.

This is not a spy organization, it's organized.

"Senior sister, don't worry too much, people will definitely find it." Tang Ze held Lin Yan's little hand to comfort. Senior sister was also very hard, but fortunately, the potential threat was eliminated and the money was rolled. Run away, this is a jail.

"Cough!" Lin Mo on the hospital bed suddenly coughed slightly.

Everyone didn't pay attention to the hospital bed. They didn't know that Lin Mo had already woke up, and saw his daughter's hand being held by a man.

As soon as Tang Ze heard the sound, he immediately let go of Lin Yan's hand, and his soul was almost frightened.

"Uncle woke up." Tang Ze turned his head and smiled.

Lin Mo looked at Tang Ze, isn't this the spokesperson?

What's happening here? Lin Mo was a little confused.

Lin Yan whispered: "You go first."

Tang Ze felt that he really shouldn't be there: "Uncle, I have something to do, so I'll leave first, I wish you a quick recovery." After that, he yo-yo.

Ivana looked at the situation and followed Tang Ze to leave. Lin Yan didn't. After talking with Lin Mo for a few words, she left.

Soon Lin Yan and Lin Mo were left in the ward.

"That young man was Li Muqing's boyfriend just now?" Lin Mo asked softly, remembering just now.

Lin Yan nodded: "Well, my teacher's son is also a junior."

"Oh, what did he just hold your hand for?"

"Uh... just care about me." Lin Yan said with an excuse, but he didn't want his father to know about it, because he would definitely not agree to it.

Lin Mo knew that her daughter was lying, but what happened last night was afraid that her daughter would be upset if she said too much. He could only tell: "Xiaoyan, Dad made a mistake, do you have to take it as a warning to know."

Hearing what his father said, Lin Yan also knew what his father wanted to say: "I know, Dad, take a good rest."

Lin Mo's cell phone rang at this time. Lin Yan held it in his hand and looked at it. It was a call from the company's senior management. It was estimated that it was because of the money-rolling matter that he immediately hung up.

"What's the matter?" Lin Mo questioned and asked, his daughter's expression was a bit strange.

"Nothing, I want to eat something, I'll buy it for you."

Lin Mo frowned and said, "Xiaoyan, after this happened, nothing can beat me down."

"Dad, I'll take care of it. You can recuperate with peace of mind. The doctor said you need meditation."

"Actually, I heard what you said just now." Lin Mo patted the back of his daughter's hand.

Lin Yan sighed softly, but he didn't expect his father to be so calm at this time.

"People only know the true meaning if they wander on the road of death. Money is just a number to me, and you are the most precious treasure of my father."

Looking at his father's sincere gaze, Lin Yan showed a smile: "Dad, I won't let you down."

"Oh, Dad is old, and the company's affairs may fall on your shoulders in the future."

"Really." Lin Yan exclaimed slightly, a little excited, after all, Lin Yan's wish was to carry forward his family's company.

Lin Mo smiled and nodded: "I have been busy for most of my life, I should rest."

"Dad, just rest and leave the rest to me."

"Okay, when the time comes, my father will bring you grandson."

Lin Yan smiled: "Dad, you should have fun, grandson is still early."

The estrangement between father and daughter was completely eliminated here, and Lin Yan also fulfilled her wish.

Tang Ze’s credit for this is the top priority. If it weren’t for Tang Ze’s suggestion, I’m afraid Lin Yan was still in a cold war with Lin Mo, and Song Jiaoling finally usurped the throne completely, and Luo Haojie was in charge of the Lin Group.

It was a perfect plan, but it was a pity that Tang Ze appeared, who was an expert in family disputes.

But the disputes in my own family have not been settled up to now. No, trouble is coming.

I don’t know who it is. I posted the photo of the hug at the hospital yesterday, and the photo spread quickly.

Before Tang Ze had an affair with Gu Ting, but it was not confirmed.

But now, Lin Yan is nestled in Tang Ze's arms, and Tang Ze is holding it with care. There are too many stories in this picture.

Shocked the people eating melons, and Tang Ze actually went on a scandal with his boss again!

It is worthy of being a four-time champion, not only a good boxing skill, but also a first-class slap-up girl.

Many netizens begged Tang Ze to start classes and teach us how to be scumbags.

For a while, Tang Ze was pushed into the hot search again. Of course, the hot search this time was not a good thing, and the photos were real.

Li Muqing's fans immediately organized to defend their admiration. Tang Ze's female fans began to defend themselves and still support Zeze.

What is Tang Ze doing right now, sitting on the sofa calmly, Ivana standing behind her shoulders.

Gu Ting never wanted to fight. He would take his boyfriend's girlfriend home together. Even if he killed him, he would have today.

"Ting Ting, don't engage in public relations, there is no need." Tang Ze smiled, obviously it was a scandal between himself and Lin Yan, but Gu Ting was anxious to death.

Gu Ting was speechless: "Your original image is positive. Now that you are better, you will immediately be labeled as a scumbag."

"Am I not? Nana, do you say I am a scumbag?"

Ivana smiled and said, "Yes."

"Look, I was originally a scumbag, and there is no need to establish a positive image." Tang Ze raised his hand. He didn't like to be bragged by everyone. When everyone said that he was a hero, Tang Ze was a little bit frustrated.

Gu Ting covered his forehead, and put on such a man: "Brother, even if you don't want a persona, can't you think about me? The club depends on you. If you fall, I will be really cool."

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