My Star Teacher

Chapter 140:

I walked along the mountain road for a while, and suddenly came to a place suddenly suddenly bright.

Into the eyes is a flat ground, clusters of lilac flowers are blooming everywhere, and the white pink purple decorates this small flat place.

On the side of the flat ground was a solitary grave bag. In front of the grave, a man leaned on the monument, as if asleep, holding a wine bottle in his hand, and several empty bottles scattered on the ground.

"Here." The old **** sighed.

I approached.

The villagers seemed to be silent. The children who had been alive and bustling all the way also stopped, and even the crying child held by a woman's hand was quiet.

He may have heard the movement, and the man leaning on the monument opened his eyes.

"Leizi, why do you drink so much wine."

男人 This man is Zhao Lei. He looks very healthy and has some stubble. Zhao Lei piled up an expression that he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. "It's all here."

Then, he stood up, and the two fellows hurried to help him. Zhao Lei waved his hand. "It's okay, I'm okay." Then he turned and turned to face the tombstone. Come to see you. "

大家 "Everyone comes to see you." Zhao Lei repeated it again, with a slightly higher tone.

"Everyone comes to see you!"

"Everyone came to see you !!!"

"Everyone came to see you !!!"

Zhao Lei shouted again and again at the end, Ye Guang saw that the man's eyes were tearing.

"Leizi, don't do this."

"Mr. Zhao, calm down."

A few villagers persuaded Zhao Lei to pull him aside while holding him aside.

In the crowd, Yeguang could already hear the children and women sobbing softly.

There was a wind blowing, a scent of flowers, and a few light birds flew in the sky.

An old woman with all white hair and carrying her back is already in tears. She trembled before the crowd and shouted at the tombstone. "Child, lilac, grandma came to see you, watch you come!"

来看 "I'm here to see you." The old **** also shouted.

"We came to see you here." Another fellow shouted.

"I've come to see you, can you see it in the sky?"

"Teacher Ding, let's come to see you." Several children also shouted one after another.

At this moment, the air condensed into an atmosphere called sorrow.

The various sobbing sounds in the crowd were even louder, and some masters also secretly wiped the corners of their eyes.

的 The infant holding the woman's hand also cried out with a "wow".

Luminous nose is also sour.

Emotions are contagious.

At this moment, he thought of a very classic sentence in the dream world.

Some people died, he was still alive.

Teacher Xing Li left, leaving the world forever, but she also lived in the hearts of everyone in Dutang Village. She never left in the hearts of the villagers.

Yao yao

How many beautiful weaving dreams

Just hurry and you go

I leave my whole life to worry about

Uh ...

After a while, the villagers' emotions stabilized, and they went forward to worship Lilac teacher in turn. Some people took the brazier, some took the paper money, some took the incense candle, and some held the lilac flower.

One after another, no noise, no noise, everyone silently bowed to the grave, and presented the plant or lilac flower picked on the road.

Ye Yeguang and many writers also followed the crowd to bow and give flowers to Teacher Lilac. On the way, I heard that Teacher Lilac liked this kind of lilac, and the big guys also picked some spontaneously.

Many people came and brought many flowers. The little grave was covered with lilac flowers. There were several woven garlands on the grave. The grave was also filled with flowers by the villagers. The original monotonous grave bag At this time it looks a little strangely beautiful.

Flowers in front of Jain's grave

What a beauty you desire

Look at the mountains

Do you still feel lonely

Uh ...

After the sacrifice was over, the 12-year-old child, the oldest of the children, walked to the grave and bowed respectfully. This is a girl, somewhat black and thin.

"Teacher, your favorite lilac, we all brought you a lilac, I also learned a new song, it is your favorite new song of Liu Chiyan, you said she is your idol, so I specially Going to learn, I sing to you. "

After a while, the cloves are still fans of Liu Chiyan?

The little girl started singing.

"Where is the world full of flowers"

"If it does exist then I will definitely go"

Uh ...

The little girl didn't sing well. Many high-pitched places couldn't sing, and the tune could not find the north.

But no one joked that she didn't sing well. Everyone listened to him and sang in a crying voice.

The little girl finished singing the first paragraph, and when she sang the second paragraph, Ye Guang also began to sing along with her.

"Depressed After Failure"

"That's a coward's performance"

Uh ...

Some villagers looked at the luminous lights that suddenly sang, and some villagers couldn't help whispering in their hearts. What are you singing? You can sing, Xianba? Is this your occasion to sing? Tim chaos?

The villagers' surprised eyes did not stop Yeguang. He was the creator of this poem. At this time, he should sing and listen to her.

Listen, someone is singing

Your favorite song

How busy the world is

不必 Never have to worry again

Uh ...

After singing a song, Yeguang bowed to the tombstone, and then he seemed to speak to the tombstone of Teacher Lilac, and explained to the folks, "Mister Lilac, this song is a new song by Liu Chiyan just now, this song is me I created it. I am an employee of Liu Chiyan Studio. She did n’t come. I sing it for you. Thank you for loving her. I will tell her when I go back. She has a fan like you. I believe she will be very happy. "At the same time, Ye Guang added silently in his heart," I'm also Liu Chiyan's husband, and I'm here to see you today. "

Yueguang finished speaking, the villagers were a bit surprised, the original creator of this song is here today.

The writers are also very surprised. The outside world is not as closed as the news in the mountain village. This song "Following the Dream" is now very hot. You can hear it in the streets and alleys. I did not expect that it was created by Luminous.

I have wind.

I blew out the candle.

It was as if Teacher Lilac's spirit in the sky had responded to Luguang's words.

Luminous light: "Thank you for loving Liu Chiyan. I also made a song today, a song written for you. When I go back, this song will also make Liu Chiyan sing, let her sing your story to all the world People listen. Hope you like it. "

Yeguang was facing the tombstone, as if Teacher Lilac was standing in front of him, and he said something like that, just like talking to a normal person ~ ~ a timid female writer shivered.

Ye Yeguang: "I'll sing it for you first. Later, when I have a chance, I will bring Liu Chi Yan and let her personally sing this song written to you."

The villagers are a little surprised, and there are songs? A song for Lilac?

The writers were even more surprised. They were surprised when they knew that the dream chaser Chi Zixin was created by Ye Guang. Now Ye Guang said that he wrote a song for Teacher Lilac, which made everyone even more surprised. When was it written? song? We are always with you, why don't we know?

Yeguang didn't care what they thought. He cleared his throat and sang it on his own. He wanted to sing this song to Teacher Lilac. He believed that if Lilac had spirit in the sky, he would definitely hear it.

You said you love lilac

Because your name is her

What a melancholy flower

Sentimental person

When the flowers wither

When the picture freezes

What a delicate flower

I can't hide from the wind and rain

Yao yao

How many beautiful weaving dreams

Just hurry and you go

I leave my whole life to worry about

Flowers in front of Jain's grave

What a beauty you desire

Look at the mountains

Do you still feel lonely

Listen, someone is singing

Your favorite song

How busy the world is

不必 Never have to worry again

The yard is covered with lilacs

Burst with purple beautiful flowers

I'm here with her

I'll protect her all my life ...

(Don't say that I use the lyrics water word count, this chapter adds word count. And it is a free chapter, it does not matter to attach a lyrics.)

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