My Star Teacher

Chapter 152: 【competition rules】

Great talent?

For a moment, Ren Keling didn't understand what Liu Chiyan meant.

Liu Chiyan continued: "I also received some songs some time ago to prepare for the strongest sound, but they were ruined by this great talent. He said no, as long as he was there."

Ren Keling understood, "Well, this talent of the goddess Liu Liu is really ... confident."

Yishan answered, "I think I know who the goddess Liu said."

Ren Keling: "I guessed it too, it should be the night light of CCTV's popular Journey to the West. It turned out that the goddess Liu also posted a post on Weibo to him. What about the young poet? Can you write novels and write lyrics? "

Yishan: "Ke Ling, you don't know about it, the" Chasing Dreams "by Goddess Liu some time ago was written and composed by Ye Guang, but this competition was a propositional song selection. Propositional songs are not easy, and we have so many episodes on our show. "

Liu Chiyan joked: "Well, anyway, my songs have been ruined by him. There is no way but to die as a living horse doctor."

Ren Keling joked, "As a member of the willow catkins, I am a bit worried for the goddess Liu. I hope that Luminous can live up to the name of a gifted man. In fact, I want to be a gifted man. Handsome, can only eat by face. "

The audience all called up.

A few more words, Liu Chiyan was invited to choose the chief.

Luminous smiled in the lounge, this Nizi, really will give her husband a face, and did not forget to let Luguang miss his face to support him.

The show continues.

Ren Keling: "Next we will invite the last player."

Yishan: "I believe that the careful audience noticed that there are six seats on our players' seats. This is because the next players to be played are not one, but a group."

"Oh ~" There was a cry from the auditorium, and someone was already calling out for the name of a certain group.

Ren Keling: "I believe everyone has guessed which combination, then we will not sell. We have the last one, no, the last group of players, our legendary combination, Feng Qiuhuang!"

As soon as the words ended, the studio recalled the familiar and cheerful tunes.

If you don't see him, hear his voice first.

The big screen opened, one man and one woman sang while walking, and came to the stage.

The audience was instantly enthusiastic.

"It's really them."

"Feng Qiuhuang, my favorite group."

"This is the first time that the strongest voice has invited a group to participate."

Feng Qiuhuang, one of the famous domestic groups, has one male and one female, two brothers and sisters, the male is called Mu Feng and the female is called Mu Huang. It may sound like the names of men and women are reversed, but otherwise, the word Phoenix is ​​a collective term for male and female, with male being the phoenix and female being the phoenix.

These two brothers and sisters are legends. Since childhood, both brothers and sisters have liked to sing. At the same time, they have applied to the Conservatory of Music. After graduation, the two formed a group. Both young and old love it. Their songs can be heard in almost every street and alley. It can be said that many people have not heard Liu Chiyan ’s song, Han Yurou ’s song, but they must have heard Feng Qiuhuang ’s song Because their singing degree is too high, you do n’t have to learn to listen to it, go out a few times, go shopping a few times, let alone listen to it, and ensure that you can sing along with it.

It can even be said that Feng Qiuhuang is the deserved first person in the song group. These two were so good that they could sing out of the country and sing to Times Square in New York. They were praised by the news network for Yang Niu. Singers like Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou, they can only be called singers, but Feng Qiuhuang has been named as an artist and musician.

The two hosts and Feng Qiuhuang both laughed for a while, and then invited them to choose the chief.

Five, wrong, five groups, not quite right, how to say ... all the contestants have met with the audience, and the show time has passed more than half.

Ren Keling: "Now all the players have met with you one by one. What I am most looking forward to today is the official competition tomorrow. I want to see what kind of sparks will come out of the top players in the music industry. Come."

Yishan: "Ke Ling, you really don't want the world to be chaotic, but I also want to see it. I believe that the audience of the audience and the audience in front of the TV are also looking forward to this fierce battle.

Ren Keling: "Haha, Yishan, we are not on the stage anymore, and everyone is not watching us. Today's show time is almost over, and our contestants have also met with you. , And they all presented nice songs for everyone. Are you satisfied with the strongest contestants this time? Tell me aloud, are you satisfied? "

"Satisfied!" The audience shouted and shouted.

Yishan: "The audience is really enthusiastic, so next, let's introduce the rules of the strongest game."

Ren Keling: "This strongest contest is slightly different from the past. However, it is generally the same. The judges and teachers will discuss the proposition of the second day of the competition at the end of each episode. The players must sing according to the proposition on the second day. In line with tomorrow's song, one player will be eliminated in each round of the game, oh, it may be a group of players. "Ren Keling smiled and looked at the Feng Qiuhuang group, and made a joke," but this time the strongest The game is slightly different. The first night is our opening tonight. The next four days will be a game every night. One player will be eliminated every night until the last player is left.

Yishan took the words and continued, "We added an additional resurrection match on the sixth night. The eliminated four players will compete again ~ ~ The one who finally wins will be resurrected and continue to participate. The seventh night resurrection The player will challenge the main player. If the loser and the host directly challenge the champion of the current strongest player, if the challenge is successful, the resurrected player and the host will play another pair of PK to compete for the strongest player of this year. Winner. In other words, the resurrected player needs two wins in a row to win the championship. "

Ren Keling: "The elimination of the competition is a multi-channel scoring system. First of all, the five judges present at the venue will have 50% of each person's 10% of the voting rights, and the 1,000 audience members at the scene will have 100% of the votes. Twenty-five votes, and the remaining 25% will be voted by the audience in front of the off-site TV through interactive programs. The lowest voter approval percentage will be eliminated directly. "

Yishan: "Our elimination rules are fair. Audiences vote openly and transparently. Each period of program voting will be fair by the comrades of the Notary Bureau."

With that said, the camera was aimed at the two comrades of the notary office on the left side of the front row below the stage. Two comrades of the Notary Bureau waved and greeted the camera.

Ren Keling: "Besides, since the strongest tone will have a proposition in each issue, the contestants need to sing songs that meet the proposition. If the songs sung by the contestants do not meet the proposition, four of the five judge teachers present Or if four or more opinions are unified, they will ignore the voting ratio and have a veto power. The rejected players will be eliminated directly. "

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