My Star Teacher

Chapter 165: [Let ’s kiss 1]


Talking judge is Huang Bin. [Full text reading]

As soon as his words were spoken, he was immediately echoed by the audience.

"Yes, re-vote! I want to vote for Goddess Willow!"

"I'm in favor of voting again!"


King Liu Tian is out of order, re-vote? If he really wants to vote again, Liu Chi Yan Tie will not be eliminated. According to the previous voting ratio, it is likely that he will be eliminated. Liu Tianwang can't help but smile a little bit.

Ren Keling and Yishan were also a little stunned. What's the situation? This is something to do. What happened tonight? The situation frequently appeared. In front of it, the audience asked Liu Chiyan to be encore. Well, the program group deliberately delayed the program time, and finally it could be over. After the judges actually jumped out and asked to vote again, my Obediently, are you going to heaven?

Ren Keling set his sights on the director again.

The director of the show is full of black lines, and I feel unhappy for a while. Whose show is this? Whatever you want? Even if the audience is chaotic, how the judges will follow the blind chaos.

The strongest director is Feng Kaimou, a well-known big director in China.

Feng Kaimou pondered for a moment, simply took a microphone and went to the stage.

"Everyone be quiet, be quiet, listen to me." Feng Kaimou signaled the audience to be quiet. "I am the strongest voice director of this year, Feng Kaimou. I'm sorry to say to everyone here, I am afraid that there is no way for the program team to re-vote Meet everyone's requirements. "

"Why can't you be satisfied!"

"It turned out to be wrong. I asked to vote again!"


Shouted from the audience.

Feng Kaimou raised his hand and calmed down the scene. "Everyone listen to me. The broadcast of the show is now beyond the scheduled time. Our continued broadcast will greatly affect the broadcast time of other programs. This is definitely not possible. Also, the voting of the program is fair by the comrades of the Notary Bureau. Every vote is true and valid, so the voting result will definitely not veto the re-voting. I know you are asking for a re-voting because of Liu Chiyan. Honestly, if Liu Chiyan told the background story of the song before voting, so even I would vote for her. I know that everyone thinks that Liu Chiyan was eliminated because it is unfair, but the result of today ’s game has already been Public announcement, re-voting is also unfair to other players. "

Liu Chiyan also raised his microphone to help him: "Thank you for your support, thank you very much, and thank you for the judges. As Guide Feng said, if you vote again, it will be unfair to the other players, and I I did n’t choose to tell everyone this story before voting. It is because I do n’t want to affect your judgment because of the story. If I tell this story before voting, everyone may think that I compiled it for canvassing and attaching propositions. The story is over. I want to make the music pure and the story of Teacher Lilac. So I chose to tell you the story of Teacher Lilac after the result of the game. I agree with the result of today ’s competition. Satisfied, I can sing this lilac to everyone, sing to Teacher Lilac, and tell you the story of Teacher Lilac. I am very satisfied. Thank you everyone. It does n’t matter if you eliminate it today. At that time, I would like to ask for your support. "Then, Liu Chiyan bowed to the audience and thanked him.

Several judges did not speak. They had done something wrong. It was also infected by the story told by Liu Chiyan and the mood of the lilac flower. Although the re-voting was also considered and discussed, the director now They all jumped up. If they insisted, they would be too ignorant. Moreover, Feng Kaimou said what he said, and the result has been publicized. Voting is unfair to others, and Liu Chiyan also expressed his attitude. They naturally There is no reason to insist on re-voting.

In the end, Feng Kaimou did not let Ren Keling and Yi Shan continue to host, and took the microphone to steal their work on the stage.

Feng Kaimou: "Please ask the judges to announce the proposition of tomorrow's program."

Yun Si: "Tomorrow's topic is: Wait."

As soon as the judges announced tomorrow's proposition, Feng Kaimou immediately announced the end of the game.

"That's all for today's show, thank you for watching, and see you tomorrow!" Feng Kaimou was really anxious and shouted directly on the stage, "Well signal! Camera is off!"

The audience outside the field watched the TV screen flicker for a second, and then the ad aired immediately, so today ’s show is over.

Many viewers can't help sighing.

"Well, this is really Feng Kaimou's style."

"Today's show, I feel a little inadequate in front of me. Except for the song by Goddess Liu, other songs are not very good. I didn't expect it to be so exciting and interesting later."

"Lilac flower ... Just punch this song, I will smoke in the pink willow pond, oh, by the way, pink luminous, this song was made by him, I almost cried."

"What is it that almost saw you secretly tearing."

"It's hard to take apart! Be careful friends don't have to do it!"


Liu Chiyan returned to the exclusive area and Luminous welcomed him.

Seeing the night light, Liu Chiyan immediately started to pout, grieved, "eliminated." The whole is a little girl who has been wronged and coquettish. Where is the free and easy-going goddess style just on the stage.

Liu Chiyan eliminated, is she sad? It ’s hard to say, but Liu Chiyan valued the strongest voice. She would be a little lost when she was eliminated. She had to maintain her image on the stage and show his demeanor, but she did n’t need it in front of Luminous. The little woman is coquettish, she hopes that luminous light can come to comfort her.

Jiang Xin, who was watching beside him, had followed Liu Chi Yan for so many years. She had never seen this kind of Liu Chi Yan.

Luminous smiled and made a fool of his head. "Good, touch my head, it's my fault, it's hard for you."

It's a **** skill to kill with a touch. Liu Chiyan is much better in an instant. He smiles and shakes his head. "No, I want to sing this song, and the audience also likes it. It's because I lost some loss ... . "

Luminous: "Well, don't worry, there is still a chance for the resurrection match. At that time, I will write a song for you. We will sing well for the resurrection match. Kill them and leave them alone. No one can win your title!"

After listening to the words of luminous ~ ~ Liu Chiyan pursed instead.

Luminous: "What's the matter? Why do you mumble?"

Liu Chi snorted, "Ignore you, you won't comfort people!"

Luminous: "Uh ... I'm just comforting you ... Then you say, how can I comfort you."

Liu Chi Yanjiao snorted, "Consolation I want me to teach, hum, I think!"

Talking, Liu Chi Yan staggered the night light and walked into the room.

Luminous face was aggressive. Don't you say I know? Are women like this?

Liu Chiyan walked a few steps, stopped again, turned around, walked in front of Yeguang, airing, "Teach you this time!"

Liu Chiyan is half shorter than Luminous. Next to Luminous, she needs to slightly raise her head and talk to Luminous. Liu Chiyan points her bright lips with her finger.

"Just kiss me, stupid!"

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