My Star Teacher

Chapter 181: [Unexpected ownership of the Champions Cup]

Ren Keling and Yishan were also a little embarrassed.

In such a situation that the trophy was placed on the ground and no one took it, the show crew's face was not very good-looking.

Ren Keling: "Two people, I'm really sorry, because we haven't prepared enough in advance, we only have one trophy, but please rest assured that our show group will customize a same championship trophy after the game, so who will take this trophy now? It ’s all the same. "

That's right, everyone understands the truth, but who holds Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou? This is an unsolved question.

Ren Keling picked up the trophy and held it in front of the two. "Yu Rou, Chi Yan, you can discuss who holds this trophy now. Rest assured, the show team will definitely make up the same trophy in the future."

Liu Chi Yan nodded, "Well, let's give this to Han Yurou first."

Han Yurou immediately shook his head, "I don't want it, you just hold it."

Liu Chiyan: "I'll wait for the program team to make up after the game. Hold this."

"I'll wait too." Han Yurou didn't let up.

Ren Keling was a little embarrassed to hold the trophy. These two are fighting. If there is no one to take the trophy today, the strongest sound will be shameless. Tomorrow, the headline will read: The strongest sound champion The trophy was dismissed; or the strongest prestige has no trophy and no claim.

Here, Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou are still arguing ... No, polite, um, polite.

Liu Chiyan: "You hold it, you are the champion anyway, you hold it."

Han Yurou: "No, you still have to hold it. I don't want this anyway. Let me give it to you."

The two shoved and shoved, and for a long time, no one was willing to take the trophy.

Ren Keling looked at the two, sweat on his forehead came out, avoided the microphone, and said to them softly, "Two, do n’t push and push, just pick it up quickly, so the show wo n’t end. what."

Han Yurou pouted and stopped talking.

Liu Chiyan looked at Ren Keling in anxiety, thought for a while, and finally received the trophy from Ren Keling's mobile phone.

Without waiting for Ke Ling's eyebrows to stretch out, Liu Chiyan took the microphone and looked at the luminous under the stage, "Luminous, come on."

Everyone froze and called Luminous up? Now it's live.

Luminous came to power, but no staff stopped him, and the fart came up.

Liu Chiyan handed the trophy to Luminous, Luminous took it, and whispered, "Why me?"

Liu Chiyan held up his microphone and said, "Actually, the strongest sound in this session, I don't think it's me or Han Yurou who should hold the trophy. In the strongest sound in this session, I can get to where I am today. It was because Luminous wrote songs to me behind the scenes. From the first opening to the present, a total of eight songs came from Luminous hands. In fact, the strongest honour is said to me, but it is better to say Luminous. Han Yurou and I were not willing to take this trophy first. In order not to embarrass the show team, I would not quit. I won this trophy, but this trophy is not for myself, but for Luminous. In his heart, he is the champion of this year's strongest voice. This trophy should belong to him, so I will let Yeguang take it for me, thank you! "

The audience applauded, and many people agreed with Liu Chiyan's statement.

I have to say that Ye Guang's strongest voice in this session is too eye-catching. There are eight good songs in a row, and each capital is so nice and fits the proposition. This is a miracle. Liu Chi Yan said at the beginning that Ye Guang was a genius. The name of this gifted man is a real one.

Luminous is a bit hesitant. What is the situation, don't you all want the trophy, drag me up to get the trophy? We're not contestants, what's the matter? Ye Guang just wanted to speak, Liu Chiyan stopped him with his eyes.

Ren Keling was also a little hesitant. Instead of giving the champion the strongest trophy, he gave a songwriter. What a matter.

Ren Keling turned his attention to director Feng Kaimou. Feng Kaimou was helpless. After thinking about it, he nodded, so he could n’t delay it. Luguang was from Liu Chiyan. When he took it, he took it on behalf of Liu Chiyan. , Barely justified.

I ca n’t make it anymore. If Liu Chiyan and Han Yurou are still making noise, maybe there will be some jokes. Seeing that the audience does not show any dissatisfaction with Ye Guang's trophy, then do it!

The audience did not have any dissatisfaction with Ye Guang's trophy. For them, in fact, it doesn't matter who took the trophy. Moreover, the performance of Ye Guang in the strongest voice not only made Liu Chi Yan one of the champions, he wrote these nice The song also impressed a large audience.


Ren Keling and Yishan spoke a series of advertisements, which ended the whole seven-day competition.

Liu Xuecheng, He Xing, Han Yurou, Liu Chiyan, Mu Huang Mu Feng, several contestants stood side by side on the stage and waved goodbyes to the audience.

However, among them, there was also a embarrassing smile holding a trophy, and so far a bit aggressive.

Many viewers feel a bit while watching this picture ... uh, it doesn't make sense, it just feels weird.

The contestants did not take the trophy and gave a songwriter. It was really inexplicably joyous. The strongest sound in this session, all kinds of accidents were really ...

The show is over here.

In the background, Liu Chiyan brought Luminous to the contestants and several judges, as well as the TV station and the host of the show organizers. Most of them complimented the scenes, and then they all dispersed. I like this occasion too.

In the evening, when returning to the hotel, Liu Chiyan took the strongest trophy and looked left and right for a long time.

Luminous smiled, "You two pushed around on the stage, no one would take it, now I can't help it."

Liu Chi Yan's face was slightly red ~ ~ I didn't take it on the stage, whoever took it was inferior. "

Luminous: "So you called me up. You said that I was not a contestant and took the trophy. What a matter, I was all on the stage."

Liu Chiyan grinned, "I'll give you a long face, so considerate daughter-in-law who will give a man a long face, where are you going?"

Luminous smile, "Yes, my wife is the best."

Liu Chi Yan vomited his tongue, "Actually ... I asked you to come up at first, I wanted you to smash the trophy in half ..."

Luminous froze, "What? Smash in half?"

Liu Chiyan said, "I originally wanted you to be smashed in half, so that I and Han Yurou would not have to fight, one by one, but when you came up, I thought that it would be bad if I smashed it. The organizer's face It ’s not good-looking, so it took a while to get your trophy, hey. "

Luminous is silent, okay, thanks to Liu Chiyan's last clever move, otherwise he really smashed the trophy. It was tantamount to slap the organizer. The strongest trophy was smashed in the live broadcast, even if there was a reason I can't explain it, maybe there will be some trouble, even if the organizer recognizes it by pinching his nose at the scene, but Liu Chiyan is already tantamount to offending the strongest organizer.

That night, after the strongest voice was over, the outside world was talking.

But no matter how you talk about it, you can't do without a topic, or you can't do without a person.

A person who is not a contestant but accidentally took the trophy-Luminous!

Tomorrow, the 2 chapters will be updated continuously at 12 o'clock, and they will be updated in the future. I click and mix things in different time periods. You look uncomfortable. I think you say that the chapter is broken. If you add more, you still add it from time to time.

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