My Star Teacher

Chapter 192: [River jumping event]

After listening to Jiang Fengxian's words, Luminous was puzzled, and then watched TV, and saw the man standing at the bridge head leaning forward, and the whole person disappeared into the turbulent river water in an instant. The picture looks messy.

Luminous was a little dumbfounded and actually jumped.

Luminous just wanted to speak, and the footage in the news cut to the broadcaster.

"Following, our fire officers and soldiers quickly launched search and rescue work. Unfortunately, no trace of the man has been found. The search and rescue work in this section is continuing. It is reported that the man who jumped the bridge claimed that It was because of the persecution of the Journey to the West by the critic Ye Guang, the exact reason is unknown, and we will continue to follow the report in the future. "

Luminous was silent.

Jiang Fengxian, who was on the other side of the phone, was clearly shocked, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Liu Chi Yan's eyes were full of panic, and his expression was terrified, and he almost couldn't hold back the words on the spot.

Yeguang frowned. "Old Jiang, do you know what's going on?"

Jiang Fengxian, who was on the other side of the phone, took a deep breath. "I know this person, it has something to do with you."

Luminous asked quickly, "What's going on?"

Jiang Fengxian: "I've seen a picture of this person. He was the owner of the Givenchy children's store you took Yiyi to the mall last time."

Ye Guang was startled, "Givini's boss?"

Jiang Fengxian sighed, "Yes, it's him. I was watching the news today and I just saw this. He stood on the bridge and shouted that you had killed him. I hurried to call you, but I didn't expect him to jump. ... "

Luminous was obviously a little scared, excited, "No, what's the matter with him jumping off the river?"

Jiang Feng thought for a moment, "I may know some reasons."

"Come on." Ye Guang was anxious. "What else are you selling at this time?"

Jiang Fengxian: "Maybe it ’s because of your stay at Givenchy. In the end, their family was fined a huge fine by the industry and commerce. They also faced infringement proceedings from Givenchy in the UK. I said last time that he had to pay a compensation. I lost my family, I do n’t know what happened next, but I guess it ’s because of this, it ’s not out of the question. Tomorrow, I ’m going to find someone to ask their family how this matter is handled. ”

Luminous was a little speechless. How long has this matter passed? Why isn't it over? Today, I even jumped into the river so much that even the news reported that Minger might be rumored to be messy and luminous. The news of people jumping over the bridge was flying all over the sky. At this time, luminous light was already a hot topic because of the strongest sound. This will even make you wonder what it will be like.

Luminous feels a bit unjust. You jump on the bridge, what do we do? I made a noise in your house, but if it wasn't because you were standing wrong, you would charge up, and infringe on the counterfeit. Will there be a fine for a lawsuit? The truth is true, but I watched on TV watching such a person jumping off the bridge and disappearing in the turbulent river water, and the reason for this person jumping the bridge was also related to Luminous, Luminous couldn't help it When it was cold, my heart seemed to be pressed by a stone, and a sense of guilt sprang up.

You may feel that Luminous is injustice from the position of Luminous, but Givenchy ’s boss does not think so. Many times people have inertial thinking. What is the cause of what is caused by what? Luminous is the whole thing. The cause of the incident, of course, the Givenchy boss of course regarded him as the culprit. He hated business and industry for making him fine, and hated the original British Givenchy for suing him for letting him lose his home. If there is no such thing as luminous light, business and industry will not come to investigate, British Givenchy is still in the dark, and the matter will not be as it is today.

After saying a few words with Jiang Fengxian, Yeguang hung up the phone.

Ye Guang frowned, his eyes were a bit empty, he was a little scared, "Liuer ... I ... what to do?"

Liu Chiyan frowned, looked at Luminous, and remained silent.

Ye Guang sat on the sofa suddenly, still thinking of the scene where Boss Giovanni leaped from the bridge, and he was a bit distracted, "I didn't expect that this would happen, I really didn't think it would happen this way, I don't want to hurt people. He just disappeared ... I watched him disappear so much ... I don't want to do this ... all because of me ... because of me ... "

Liu Chiyan was obviously still in panic, but she was not a party, much better than Luminous. Sit gently next to Luminous, Liu Chiyan slapped his head overnight, and put him in his arms, like comforting a child. Gently holding Ye Guang's head, "It's okay, don't think about it that much. It's not your fault. Brother Jiang also said that he jumped the river because he lost his net worth. It's not your business. You don't need to be guilty. It's okay. , It's okay. "Liu Chi Yan softly comforted the luminous.

Ye Guang rested in Liu Chiyan's arms for a long time before his mind calmed down. Strictly speaking, the Givenchy boss's jump in the river had nothing to do with Ye Guang. It wasn't Ye Guang that made him lose money, but Ye Guang couldn't handle it.

Liu Chiyan held Yeguang for a while, and after a quiet mood, Yeguang said quietly for a long time, "Liuer, what should I do now? This matter is caused by me in the final analysis ... I'm afraid this thing is not explained clearly ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Liu Chiyan thought for a while, "No explanation first, now the explanation is equivalent to three hundred and two silverless here, let's talk about the wind direction, this thing has nothing to do with you, don't worry too much . "

Yeguang sighed helplessly, "That can only be the case first, I hope others can be safe and nothing else, and now there is nothing in the news, it will definitely be discussed by everyone, I don't know what will happen kind."

Liu Chiyan: "There is no way to see the wind direction tomorrow, I hope there will be no strong wind direction against you, don't think about it, you have too much annoyance today, watching TV has been uneasy , Now that's happening again, don't think about it, just relax, sleep, maybe there is nothing to worry about when you sleep. "

Luminous nodded, there are indeed many annoyances today, one wave after another, the whole person is not feeling good. First, the condition of Teacher Fan, and then the thought of PM2.5 upset him, followed by Jifan. With regard to the boss jumping over the bridge, Luminous felt that his head was now a full circle.

Luminous shook his head, dispelled the messy thoughts in his head, and was pulled back to the bedroom by Liu Chiyan.

Go to bed, go to bed, do n’t want to, and you do n’t have so much annoyance when you fall asleep. Maybe as Liu Chiyan said, maybe you do n’t have any troubles when you fall asleep.

This night, after Ye Guang fell asleep, I didn't know if I had dreamed. Ye Guang's brow frowned all night.

Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan originally thought that this matter might have a wind direction until tomorrow, because after all, it was evening news, and the spread speed was not too fast, but they still underestimated the good things and communication capabilities of netizens.

That night, shortly after Luminous fell asleep, there was a frenzy of discussion on the Internet.

Again, it's two consecutive chapters.

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