My Star Teacher

Chapter 195: [Family troubles]

in the afternoon.

Luminous continued to shoot the unfinished Journey to the West, and the strongest sound was delayed for a long time. Fortunately, the original film was enough. Although there were many thieves in the past two days, the work should be done.

Everyone was familiar with the recording of the show, and it was quite smooth, but just after recording the first period, when the second period was recorded, Yu Xuejia ran up in a panic.

"Night Advisor." Regardless of the program being recorded, Yu Xuejia shouted directly, "something went wrong."

Sheshan faced, "What's going on? What's on the show?"

Yu Xuejia busily said, "Night consultant, go and see. There are many people outside."

Luminous was full of doubts and nodded, "Pause the recording first, I'll see what's going on."

Luminous went with Xue Jia downstairs, and some employees followed.

On the first floor, before going out, I saw three people outside the door wearing Ma Ma Xiaoxiao, and a few people holding banners with long poles behind them.

Killing lives!

A few people surrounded the crowd, and the security guards at the five or six properties in front of the studio guarded them, fearing that they would be in trouble.

At this time, I have to talk about it. Sometimes, some small favors and small benefits don't see any effect on weekdays, but sometimes it can really play a big role at the critical time. Because of the recording of the program, the studio has basically become The property security and the tea room of some staff members. In leisure, everyone likes to listen to Ye Guang to talk about the last two stages, drink some tea, and eat snacks. Because of the favor, these security guards of the property also remember that there are Fairy entertainment is good. As soon as someone hears a trouble, they immediately dispatch to maintain order. They can't manage it, but they can try their best to prevent the trouble from coming into chaos. If you change to a security guard in another place, it will be too late for the security guards of the property to avoid such a mournful situation. Where can I take care of it?

Being kind to others is rewarding.

Seeing this scene outside the door, Ye Guang burst into his heart, knowing that it was the family of Mr. Givenchy's boss who came to the door.

Standing for a few seconds, Luminous frowned and thought, then stepped outward.

Lao Shan held him, "Don't go!"

Ye Guang sighed, "Can't hide from it." Said, Ye Guang broke away from Laoshan and continued to go out, and a team of studio employees followed him out.

As soon as Ye Guang came out, someone recognized him immediately.

"It's him, Luminous!" Someone shouted at Luminous.

Three angry eyes in three white filial clothes locked the night light.

Three men, two women and one man, the man was touching a man in his thirties, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, and some blessings. An older mother who touched about fifty years of age, and one who was about 30 years old and looked like a man. Next year's woman. If you are right, the older woman and man should be the wife and son of the Givenchy shop owner, and the other woman does not know whether it is a daughter or daughter-in-law.

"Killing lives!"

"You lose my husband's life!"

"You must not die if you are hit by a thousand swords!"


The three Dai Xiaos and the others who carried the banner with them yelled and yelled, their words were fierce, and if there were no security guards, I am afraid these people had already rushed up.

Yeguang stood in front of the door, watching a few Dai Xiao's family members, and many onlookers, silent.

The angry family members were still shouting and yelling, and most of the onlookers were unaware of it, but they also heard some information from the family members' verbal snippets, which seemed to say that Yeguang had killed their family members.

The masses did not know why, but they were all excited.

"Really fake? It's killing?"

"I'm afraid that's what happened when I watched the battle. Didn't you dare to speak without watching him?"

"That alarm, what's the use of blocking the door like this, it's really his deadly alarm that just caught him up."

"Who knows, maybe they are rich and powerful?"

There was some talk in the crowd.

The older woman stared at Luminous fiercely. His eyes were like knives. They were all because of him. If it weren't for his store, he would not be investigated, and there would be no lawsuit behind him. His husband would not It is because of him that he can't afford the money to jump into the river!

The older woman shouted angrily at Yeguang, "You beast, you must not die, you returned our old Huang's life! You drove him, you drove him!" Then, the woman wooed Whimper came.

Lao Huang, it should be the owner of the Givenchy shop.

Ye Guang frowned and finally spoke, "I am Ye Guang, I am sorry for Mr. Huang's affairs, and I am also very sad, but Mr. Huang jumped because of ..."

Before Luminous finished, the man in the filial yell immediately shouted, "It's you! It's you who killed my dad. If it weren't for you, our shop wouldn't be checked! My dad wouldn't jump the river! Because of you, you lost my dad's life! "

Luminous also did not explain. Although Giverny's Huang's jump in the river had nothing to do with him, it was a life after all! Ye Guang has always felt good in his heart, like a thorn stuck in his heart, and he also has a strong sense of regret and guilt. Sometimes, Ye Guang also thinks that if he had to endure the tone, he turned away with Yi Yi ~ ~ No judicial rights protection after the fact. Is this incident avoided or can it save a life.

Ye Guangxin felt guilty and was unable to speak up against the swearing of Boss Huang's family. He just tried to explain, but was immediately kicked back by Boss Huang's son.

I ca n’t explain it, and I ca n’t explain it. In fact, this family knows how they are related to Ye Guang. They also know how much Ye Guang has killed Boss Huang and came to the door. It's useless.

The onlookers were talking and pointing, and some people who saw some messages from the Internet were telling the people around them what they knew.

Boss Huang's son has been scolding Ye Guang, the more he scolded and became more excited, the last one broke through the lines of defense pulled up by several security guards, and a fierce punch came to Ye Guang.

Yeguang actually saw that the boss Huang's son suddenly exploded. He could have escaped, but he didn't. He just took it so stupidly and sturdyly. Perhaps Yeguang felt that the beating could make him feel better.

This punch hit Ye Guang's cheekbones, and it was hot and painful. Boss Huang's son succeeded in one blow, and punched and kicked with three punches and two kicks against Ye Guang's body. He shoved Ye Guang almost to the ground. Boss Huang's son was quickly pulled back by the security guards who responded. The security of the property was mostly better than ordinary people. He was also very diligent in training. Two guards stopped Boss Huang's son. He could not break through. No light at night, but still screaming and cursing.

"You beast, you must not die. You are a murderer. After death, you will go to eighteen levels of hell! You lose my dad's life!"

Ye Guang silently took a punch, but apart from the pain on his face, he didn't seem to feel better.

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