My Star Teacher

Chapter 197: [The troublemaker is finally gone]

In the end, after several police officers persuaded Boss Huang's family members to leave without success, several police officers discussed and adopted some methods and measures.

Can't disperse family members, isn't it possible to disperse the onlookers?

Police officers persuaded the onlookers to leave, and several people spread apart, pulling the cordon off from a distance to prevent passers-by from continuing to watch.

The staff of the studio were also called back to the studio by the police, otherwise they watched it outside. Now the entrance of the original studio is now standing in a row except the boss Huang's family who keeps screaming at the banner. Helped the property security guards who had blocked the door with Xianqi Entertainment and a police officer. Several other police officers pulled the cordon in four directions to prevent unrelated people from going in.

Boss Huang's family members yelled and cursed for a while, but as time went on, their voices became weaker and quieter, and finally no one spoke.

No wonder who didn't watch the crowd, who did they scold? The studio staff and the luminous light are inside. Unless you move to the big speaker, you will not hear it. And a few security guards and policemen are standing like a few wooden posts. This is not counted as a crowd. It does n’t make sense to shout like this. Ah, it seems like I'm singing a one-man show.

The sun of summer is poisonous, and the family members are standing under the sun, all of them are sweating and their teeth are dry. If you look at me and I look at you, you can't decide.

After just standing there for a while, the younger woman was a little bit overwhelmed, "husband, let's go, so it's not a problem here, I ... I can't take it anymore."

Boss Huang's son looked at his wife, wiped the sweat on his head, and turned to look at the relatives and friends who came with him. All of them were sweating, his lips were white, and his eyes fluttered like before. The momentum is clear, obviously they have already retreated, or if it is not because of affection, they may have proposed to leave.

Boss Huang's son thought for a while and nodded, "Then ... go back."

The group finally died away.

Therefore, there are still ways. The key is to find the main points. Boss Huang's son and his party are making troubles, mainly for Ye Guang and the masses. If no one pays attention, they make no sense.

I have to say that several police officers are quite capable, and one trick worked.

Several police officers and security guards were also relieved.

Although the staff of the studio were not watching outside, they kept secretly paying attention to the outside. When the troubled family members left, they immediately reported to Jiang Fengxian and Yeguang Liuchi Yan.

Liu Chiyan didn't show up. Yeguang and Jiang Fengxian went downstairs to thank the security guards and several police officers.

Jiang Fengxian thought of putting a red envelope on some police officers, but was stopped by Luminous, not luminous, but Luguang always felt that the police profession was sacred and glorious. If he encloses some police officers with a red envelope, leave them alone. If you do n’t answer the question, Ye Guang feels that it has tarnished the solemn profession of the police.

In the end, Yeguang greeted several police officers and security guards to go upstairs to have a cup of tea and have a snack and take a break. It was considered a thank-you, but several police officers refused. The leading police officer was Ye Senhong. He was young. It looked like he was up and down. When Ye Guang asked the police to go upstairs to drink tea, he refused with righteousness. Let ’s go. Let ’s go. ”

Luguang suddenly paid homage to the police officer, and quickly called the staff of the studio to bring a few bottles of drinks, um, provided by Guorun.

"Captain Ye, a few bottles of drinks for my brothers. You haven't drunk a sip of water for a long time. Thank you for your hard work."

This time Captain Ye did not refuse, just a few bottles of drinks, although there is discipline, but what to drink saliva is not a problem.

Captain Ye left with several other police officers, took a few steps, and Captain Ye folded back again, "Mr. Ye, can you give me a signature?"

Glow for a moment.

Ye Senhong quickly explained, "My dad likes your storytelling show to the west. I watch it every night. I want my dad to make him happy."

Luminous smiled, this was the first time he was asked to sign.

"Okay, of course." Yeguang rushed to the front desk and took the paper and pen. He really signed his name seriously. Yeguang has calligraphy knowledge and the characters look good. Although the signature has not been specially trained, it looks quite good. Beauty.

Pass the signature to Captain Ye Senhong, "Captain Ye, this is not a violation of discipline." Ye Guang joked.

Ye Senhong smiled, "No violation, no violation, thank you Mr. Ye."

Luminous waved his hand. "Where is it? I should thank you."

After getting the signature, Captain Ye Senhong left with the police officers. This time the family members' troubles came to an end. It is unknown whether they will come again.

After such a thing happened in the afternoon, Ye Guang didn't have the mood to continue recording the program, and his face was hurt. He had to wait until the bruises subsided and then started.

Nothing to do, Luminous took a stroll on Weibo.

It didn't take long before I was distracted to shut down Weibo. The enthusiasm for the river jumping incident on Weibo was high, and there were all over the netizens pointing at Yeguang's curse.

The police also issued a statement about the follow-up pit stop and inside information of the river jumping event. After all, the incident was agitated, rumors abound, and there was constant public opinion. It is also necessary for the official to explain to the masses. The content of the statement is almost the same as that of Luminous. It is said that Huang Yan (owner Huang) jumped the river because of huge compensation.

It stands to reason that the police have spoken. Ye Guang's pressure should have been reduced a lot, and there would have been less violent remarks accusing him of driving him to death. But this is very strange. The voice did not decrease at all ~ ~ Netizens still point their fingers at him.

Yeguang saw these upsets and closed Weibo indignantly after a while. Why can't this be explained? It was as if he had done something that was outraged by the people and God, and was solicited by the whole people.

Being upset, Luminous's phone rang.

An unfamiliar number.

Luminous picked up, "Hey, hello, who."

On the other side of the phone, "Hey, Xiao Ye? I'm Fan Qingwen."

Luminous: "Oh, Sister Qingwen, what's wrong with Teacher Fan, are you okay? Is there anything wrong with calling?" Yeguang paid Mr. Fan a medical treatment fee of 500,000 yesterday. It is estimated that Fan Qingwen called for this.

Fan Qingwen, "Xiao Ye, sister asked you something, yesterday was the 500,000 medical expenses you paid to my dad?"

Luminous clothes stupid, "What 500,000? Sister Qingwen, what do you mean?"

Fan Qingwen on the other side of the phone was silent for two seconds. "Xiaoye, you tell the truth to your sister, aren't you? Yesterday, the front foot and back foot of the nurse said that someone had paid my father half a million medical expenses, and my dad first thought It ’s you, I wanted to ask you yesterday, but I did n’t have your phone, and I did n’t know where you lived. If I had n’t asked my mom today, she would have called you and I would n’t be able to find you. ”

Ye Guang certainly won't admit, "Sister Qingwen, someone paid Mr. Fan a medical treatment fee of 500,000? It's really not me, Mr. Fan is so good, and it's not surprising that a kind person would help."

Yeguang said with a haha, no matter what Fan Qingwen and Fan Fan guessed, as long as he killed him, they were okay.

Ye Guang knew Teacher Fan. If he did admit it, Teacher Fan would definitely not want to receive his favor.

Therefore, it can only be denied.

Let ’s release it together ... I ’ll ask you if I ’m honest.

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