My Star Teacher

Chapter 262: [There is a calligraphy called cursive]

Father Liu and Mother Liu both went out.

Yeguang was still a little confused, but Liu Chiyan was so happy that he flew into Yeguang's arms and hugged him tightly.

Ye Guang lightly touched Liu Chiyan's hair and asked, "Now this is ..." Ye Guang also had some speculation in his heart, but he was not sure.

Liu Chiyan nodded and said, "Well, Dad forgive us." Liu Chiyan's words were full of excitement. "However, we still have to accept punishment, copy the two books ten times to count, otherwise Dad should be angry again . "

Luminous stunned, then overjoyed, excited to hold Liu Chi Yan and turned around several times.

Liu Chiyan giggled, then remembered that Aunt Lian and Yiyi were still there, and quickly pushed away the night light, and looked a little embarrassedly.

Aunt Lian looked at Yeguang and Liu Chiyan with a smile, and said, "It's okay, it's okay. I know Liu's temper, he's already okay, and nothing will happen in the future. Your young couple will live in peace afterwards." Aunt Lian is the distant cousin of Liu Chi Yan's family, so he called Liu's father Liu.

Liu Chiyan smiled at Aunt Lian, "Thank Aunt Lian."

Ye Guang also said, "Thank Aunt Lian."

Yiyi is also happy. Grandpa is finally not angry. In the future, Yeguang is really a family with himself. Yeguang is so good that he is not allowed to be with his family!

Ye Guang also remembered that Yi Yi had just helped him talk, Yi Yi had cried in front, and there were tears on his face. Ye Guang went to Yi Yi, crouched down and wiped Yi Yi's face, "Thank you Yi Yi." He kissed heavily.

Yiyi blinked and thought, "Can you buy me a snack?"

All three in the room were laughed at by Yiyi.

Luminous shaved Yiyi's little nose, "I know you eat, you snack."

Yiyi grumbled suddenly.

"... However, Yiyi is so good, then I'll buy snacks for Yiyi." Yeguang squeezed Yiyi's cute little face that swollen and swollen.

Yiyi nodded in satisfaction.

Aunt Lian, "It's still early, and I won't have lunch until a while later. You go to copy the book first, and quickly complete the task before you can meet with Brother Liu."

Liu Chiyan took Luminous back to the room to copy a book.

Luminous is still a little bit stingy, is this considered a pass? Fortunately, there is no danger, it seems that Father Liu is still deeply aware of the righteousness, it is worthy to be a dignitary of the dynasty, and he is extraordinary in character.

Well, it was only a while before I forgot how much Thunder Wrath was made by Dad Liu.

When copying the book, Liu Chiyan also explained to Yeguang when he returned to the room, "My dad has done this to me since childhood. As long as I make a mistake, he punishes me when he forgive me, as long as I am old Completed honestly, then he will not be held accountable. "Liu Chiyan recalled the past and came to chat," I remember being punished by my father when I was a kid, doing a lot of things, such as going to the yard to weed and watering the flowers Water is used to fertilize, clean, wash clothes, go to nursing homes to take care of the elderly, and donate pocket money to children in poor areas. A lot. "

Luminous snorted, "It's quite a lot. It seems you were a naughty bag when you were a kid, otherwise there would be so many mistakes."

Liu Chiyan cut aloud, "Who doesn't make mistakes when he is a kid is as if you didn't make mistakes when he was a kid."

Luminous thought about it, and then came back serious, "Well, I did not make any mistakes as a kid."

Liu Chi smoked him a white look, so she didn't believe it, just because of Luguang's free-spirited nature, it was no wonder that she didn't make a mistake.

Luminous was silent, but I honestly did n’t believe it. We did n’t make mistakes when we were young. Be good, no matter where you are in study or life, you do n’t need to worry about your mother, make mistakes ... That ’s something that you can only grow up.

Luminous suddenly has a kind, why does it seem to live more and more back?

Without much chat, both of them started sitting at the table and copying the books. Ye Guang and Liu Chiyan still paid great attention to the things explained by Liu Dao. The most difficult ones came over. Any trouble that angered Dad Liu and made him lose more.

Liu Chiyan copied "Women's Training", which is about eight thousand words if the word count is not too much. It is actually a book with more than ten pages.

Ye Guang's "Men's Line" to be copied has more words. Ye Guang counted roughly. There are 20 pages in total. The number of words on each page is about 600 and about 12,000 words.

Both books are written in classical Chinese, the meaning of which is jerky and difficult to understand, and the language is not as fluent as the vernacular Chinese, which also adds some difficulty to the transcription. However, this difficulty is basically added to Liu Chiyan. Forget skills, don't talk about classical Chinese, you just give him a mess of difficult to read and difficult words to write at a glance, he can quickly remember and write down, don't forget, he also has the skill of strenuous writing.

Father Liu copied the two books, "Women's Training" and "Men's Walk," to Yeguang and Liu Chiyan. The punishment is only one. In fact, I hope that the two will have some inspiration through the two books.

Let Liu Chiyan copy the women's training, hoping she can understand more clearly from it. When it comes to being a woman, let Yeguang copy the man, and also hope that as a man, he can know how to be a man.

Father Liu really took great pains, and fortunately, Father Liu asked them to copy only the original 10,000-character classical Chinese text. If you find them with annotation translations, and also appreciate post-editing books such as post-appreciation The word count has to be doubled.

Liu Chiyan's room was very clean. The desk was long and integrated with a bookcase. There were not many books on the bookcase. There were a lot of gadgets. Many of them were some of the trophy medals that Liu Chiyan obtained in his early years. Chen Chen of the kind is in the grid of the bookshelf.

The two of them occupies half of the desk, and they are really copying it seriously. Liu Chiyan ’s handwriting is very beautiful ~ ~ It looks very pleasing to the eye, but Liu Chiyan did n’t copy a few words. My heart can't calm down.

Not because of others, but because the sound of luminous transcription is too loud, the sound of "brushing" is endless.

Liu Chiyan turned his head to look at Ye Guang, and saw that he was holding a pen in his hand, brushing away the dragon and snake on the paper, the action in his hand was amazing, and there was no pause.

Liu Chiyan stared at the luminous light, "Copy well! Don't draw ghosts, dad will check."

Ye Guang stopped writing, turned to face Liu Chiyan, and said innocently, "I'm copying well."

Liu Chiyan, "Did you copy it like this?"

Ye Guang looked at the copybook he had copied on his desk, "It's fine."

Liu Chiyan leaned to him and took the copy of Luminous. The first thing I saw was that the first page was almost full, and the last two and a half lines were left. Liu Chiyan said with a heart. , "It's so fast." Then carefully read the content copied by Luminous. The page copied by Luminous looked very beautiful. Liu Chiyan looked at it with a pleasing look, but when she looked at the two lines of content, The manuscript was pushed in front of Yeguang, displeased, "What are you writing about, and it's not a ghost, it's messy, can't you copy it well? There are so many words I can't understand, how can I make a difference to my father at that time. "

Luminous froze, and then some injustice said, "This is also called a ghost painting rune?" Luminous glanced at his manuscript again, thought about it, and then watched Liu Chiyan jokingly, "Liuer, are you afraid you don't know this? Is there a calligraphy in the world called cursive? "

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