My Star Teacher

Chapter 282: [Can this operation be done? 】

The crew of the crew all ate lunch at noon. It's hot now, and most of the crew are male compatriots. Without so much attention, they dealt with the cold. -

Ye Guang and a few guests did not have any specialization, and other crew members are generally box lunches, but Liu Chi Yan's box lunch Ye Guang is particularly hot.

Yeguang and other guests can actually eat hot food. Many villagers in the village greeted them to eat at home, but Yeguang and others refused. On the one hand, they did not want to trouble the villagers. On the other hand, they did not want to specialize. The other staff members are all cold boxed lunches. They go to their hometown to eat well. Yeguang thinks that this is not good. They are all a crew. They should share the pain and suffering. They can eat themselves if they eat.

And this approach of him and the guests really warmed the hearts of many crew members and made them feel good. This is often the case. An accidental little thing can bring people a good impression and be moved.

Yuan Hong is not slow. Only one hour and forty-five minutes have elapsed since the phone call, and others have already arrived.

More than one came, and Wan Hua also followed.

"Welcome, welcome, Teacher Yuan, thank you for coming to the rescue." Ye Guang said politely.

Yuanhong shook hands with Yeguang. "Where is the night guide? I ca n’t wait for your show. Do n’t call me a teacher. I can afford to be a teacher. Just call me Yuanhong."

Luminous smiled and nodded.

Liu Chiyan and several other guests also greeted Yuan Hong one by one, of course, there were thousands of paintings.

"Wanhua, it's beautiful after a few days, then, why are you here?" Ye Guang laughed.

Wan Hua smiled and smiled, "I'm here to see you. Why, night guide is not welcome?"

Luminous smiled, "Where can I still welcome you? I'm flattered, but you have nothing to entertain you when you come to the crew."

Wan Hua waved his hand, "No, no, I just finished the filming today, I was bored, so I came to see your recordings, and ran ahead of the third episode, brothers. I ’m a loyal fan of running. "

Everyone laughed for a while.

Yuan Hong and Wan Hua have n’t eaten yet, they came in a hurry, and they did n’t arrive at the time. The crew did n’t have much to entertain them. There was only a box lunch. They gave them a box of lunch. It's commonplace, and neither of them is particular about it.

When they ate, the crew of the crew was ready to shoot the show.

Luminous greeted the guests ‘explain’ about the next recording of the show, Xu Chen was not present.

Luminous: "Where is Xu Chen, where has Xu Chen gone?"

Sapphire joked, "I ate more 'chicken' and 'legs' at noon, and went to the toilet. Haha."

Zhong Jing pointed down to the corner of the tree, "Where is Yuan Hongwan's painting?"

Yuan Hong and Wan Hua were still eating under the shade of a tree, and Xu Chen was with him, chatting and laughing with the two.

Luminous led the past.

Xu Chen: "It's really hot this day, let alone say that this weather recording program 'Ting' suffers, Wanhua, Yuan Hong, you filming is also 'Ting' hard."

Yuan Hong said while eating, "OK, it's all about work."

Xu Chen: "Wanhua, how about you? Tired of work?"

Wanhua: "OK, sometimes it's tiring, but it's okay."

Xu Chen: "Pay attention to rest. Although work is important, but the body is the most important thing. You can't be tired. You need to relax."


The three chatted about the sky, and Yeguang and Liu Chiyan brought the guests all over. "Chat, just right, everyone is here. Let me tell you about the recording of the afternoon program."

Luminous briefly ‘explained’ the shooting, Yuan Hong and Wan Hua listened while eating.

Ye Guang was ‘delivered’, Wan Wan asked, “Who are the guests you invited? What ’s wrong?”

Luminous: "Jin Taixu, I hit him."

"Keke. Keke." Wanhua was still eating, because Ye Guang said stunned.

Xu Chen quickly unscrewed a bottle of water and handed it to him, "eat slowly, eat slowly, drink a bite of water."

Wan Hua took two sips after receiving the water.

Yuan Hong also said something wrong to Ye Guang, hit? Hit Jin Taixu? Luminous beat Jin Taixu? Yuan Hong suddenly felt that now she was smiling brightly, and it seemed that the young sunlight and the harmless luminous light of humans and animals seemed ... not so easy to get along with.

"Hit?" Yuan Hong was still a little unsure.

Luminous nodded surely, "Well, hit."

Yuan Hong is speechless, really hit, but this is Jin Taixu, was you hit? Alright ... hit and hit, but can you answer so straightforward, rightfully so?

Ye Guang didn't say much, took a look at Wanhua who was drinking water, and said, "Xu Chen, give Yuan Hong a bottle of water, too."

Xu Chen er, "I'm out of water, this bottle is my own."

"Well." Wan Hua spit out with a sip of water, just in front of Xu Chen, spraying his face.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Wanhua quickly apologized.

Xu Chen's face was ‘forced’, and she wiped the water on her face with her hands, and said helplessly, “Sister, this water is mine, but I have n’t even drank it. Even if I drank it, such a big reaction.

Wan Hua was a little embarrassed at first. When he heard Xu Chen's words, he immediately kicked his eyes and said, "Who is the big sister?"

Xu Chen stunned.

Zhong Jing lost his mind.

King Liu Tian was lost.

Glow is gone.

The male compatriots present were stunned.

Girl Wanhua, let's listen to people, can you listen to the key points?

Wanhua said that what we listened to was the point!

Well, the focus of the 'female' listener is really different.



Waiting for Yuan Hong and Wan Hua to have eaten without any further delay, the program began recording immediately.

The charter of the program still follows the program charter previously set, that is, Jin Taixu is replaced by Yuan Hong, but the previous part in which Jin Taixu participated in needs to be re-recorded. In fact, there are not many. It is a wake up from an unmanned village. At the beginning of the game, and the first quagmire game link behind, Jin Taixu was beaten by Ye Guang before the recording of the back link started.

It has to be played early. If the festival catalogue is halfway, or the recording is almost finished, Luminous beats Jin Taixu again, and then the program is re-recorded, which is quite troublesome, basically equivalent to re-producing one. It's over.

However, due to the relationship of re-recording, the guests of the quagmire have to re-enter the next time, although everyone is very cooperative, but the quagmire is a quagmire, who wants to drill in it, and this is not going to be the case It is a matter of course, in the game segment, wrestling and tripping is basically unavoidable. Mud covered your face, and even a mouthful of mud is very likely.

Think of the mud that is so soft and glanced at it, think of the smell of mud, that sour ... The guests said they were not calm.

"You guys, I have a suggestion." He Xing shouted, "I took a mouthful of mud in the morning, and I still felt the smell of mud when I ate at noon. That's sour ... don't mention it, I believe you all feel the same, But now we have to go down into the quagmire and take another photo. I feel that I will not eat rice for a few days, so I propose to fight the creators ... "

"Crouch! Luminous, don't run!" Xu Chen shouted after him.

Luminous ran and shouted, "Don't run and wait to be beaten by your group? You treat me stupid!"

But unfortunately, the guests dispatched collectively and blocked the night light.

Ye Guang receded at the corner as he begged for mercy. "Seriously, isn't the quagmire you the letter I designed?"

letter? Who believes it!

"Ah! Sink! Tap ~ ~ Tap, don't slap! Sheshan! You are a bastard!"

Luminous was hit in the end.

Maybe this is the Secular News. In the morning, he just beat Jin Taixu, and then he was besieged by everyone.

Liu Chiyan laughed with a 'flower' stick on his side. There was such a group of amusement in the crew. It was really fun. Please invite these people to run. Brother program, it is really right, please. It ’s pitiful, this is all How many times have you been beaten?

Wan Hua also made a lot of fun, secretly ‘touch’, ‘touch’, and stunned the luminous light a few times. Of course, the big guys are also joking, not to mention that it is really different for a crew of artists to get along like this.

Yuan Hong didn't participate, he was not too familiar with everyone, and looked aside.

"Can this" **** "be done?"

Thank you, Ah Mi Tudou and Fantasy Siping for your reward. Today, two changes are normal. Now it is 0 o'clock, and at 12 noon. . . Jacque couldn't move any more. Let me put it off for two days. I feel like I'm almost dead.

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