My Star Teacher

Chapter 291: [Luminous is the most powerful! 】

Tai Chi. -

One of the most influential signature martial arts of the Chinese nation, however, it seems that Tai Chi has not been passed down in this world. It was the first time that Wu Shu heard about this martial arts path.

Uncle Wu: "Tai Chi, which way is this? Never heard of it."

Grandpa Liu was very knowledgeable. He had heard only a few words in Tai Chi. "Tai Chi, I seemed to have heard it a little bit in the early years. It seemed to be a kind of martial art that appeared in the Song Dynasty, but unfortunately, this martial art was not passed down. Granddaughter, you are really good at martial arts. Even strong children are not your opponents. Who did you learn from? "

Ye Guang erred, and I did n’t know how to explain it. I could only say, "That ... when I was a kid, I met a Yunyou priest. He said that he wanted to give me the effort, and I just practiced it. Learned some. "

This explanation ... there is nothing 'hair' disease, but how does it feel familiar?

Other people ’s explanations of Yeguang are undoubtedly him. There are more people in this world, and it ’s normal for a Taoist to teach Yeguang Taiji, but no matter what other people think, Liu Chiyan is unbelieving, others do n’t You know, she can tell at a glance that Ye Guang didn't tell the truth, but she didn't go to the roots to find out, but she found that she didn't understand Ye Guang more and more. Ye Guang always showed her "Lou" from time to time. Suddenly showing the cooking skills, editing knowledge from the "Lu", to the calligraphy behind, and the dual-purpose, to today's kung fu, these skills seem to appear in Luminous out of thin air, there is no sign before.

Liu Chiyan has long been skeptical about these things, but she is very clever and does n’t ask anything. Everyone has everyone ’s secrets. Maybe Ye Guang also has any secrets that she does n’t know, but there is no need to ask questions. Just like this, it's okay. Occasionally he can bring different surprises to himself. Moreover, as the wife of Luminous, the more capable Luminous is, the happier she is, of course, as a husband and wife.

Ye Guang and Uncle Wu washed and returned to the dinner table. Uncle Wu also took a simple shower and changed his clothes. The clothes in front were worn out in several places.

Before returning to the table, Ye Guang answered the phone call. It was Jiang Fengxian who made the call, or was he talking about a video on the Internet.

Jiang Fengxian: "Night consultant, where are you now? You should quickly explain and explain things on the Internet. It's not possible for our studio to explain and explain for you. Now netizens call you crazy."

On the other side, Grandpa Liu greeted Ye Guang and hurried to the table for dinner. Ye Guang inadvertently said to Jiang Fengxian, "This way ... let it go. I'll go back later to see how to explain it. If I have a problem, I will let them go first. Scold it, anyway, it's not going to be 'meat'. "

Jiang Fengxian almost exploded, and your heart was so powerful? What is scolding? The public figure is so big that you are no one, let alone, Ye Guang's mentality is really different from the original. Remember that after the video of him tearing his clothes and playing security was exposed, netizens scolded him and scolded him. It was terrible. At that time, Luminous was jealous.

Jiang Fengxian: "Night Advisor, what are you doing? Can't you 'draw' at this time?"

Luminous: "Me? I just had a fight with someone, forget it, Lao Jiang, I won't say anymore, I'm not free, I'll hang up first." With that said, Luminous hung up the phone and returned to the table. .

On the other side of the phone, Jiang Fengxian listened to the busy voice on the phone. After a while, he spoke angrily and "relied" angrily. If he heard it correctly, what did he just say? Fighting with people, my God, it's not over to fight people now, he's fighting with people again, what's so special about it!

Jiang Fengxian felt a bit tired. Since he came to the studio from Yeguang, it seems that he has never stopped. He is busy with his affairs all day and wipes his butt. Yeguang has any ideas about what to do, and with one finger, Jiang Fengxian Mali went to do it for him. What happened to Ye Guang, it was Jiang Fengxian who was in a hurry to get angry for him, but this man couldn't fight for it?

Ye Guang and Uncle Wu staged a good show. The old man saw the 'Flower' in full bloom and was extremely happy. At the dining table, he praised Ye Guang's ability and said that Liu Chi had a good eye, and the granddaughter 'Daughter' was obliterated Find it wrong.

Father Liu stunned, which was different from what he had imagined. He wanted to see Ye Guang suffer out of it. Now, instead, Ye Guang became the winner, holding a grudge, and Father Liu said quietly to Uncle Wu. A sentence, "How can it be, he can't beat him."

Uncle Wu still has nowhere to vent his grievances. To say that the most depressing person is him, and it was said by Father Liu again, it is even more uncomfortable. Do n’t worry about Father Liu being the eldest brother. Saying, "You can do it."

Dad Liu was stuffed.

Luminous beat Uncle Wu, the happiest is actually Yiyi, the excitement has been unsteady, learning how Luguang and Uncle Wu compete when they dance, and giggling, causing Uncle Wu to frequent her With blank eyes, "Little girl, Grandpa Wu hurts you in vain, I'm so glad you lost."

Yiyi shouted at his little tongue, converged a little, and whispered, "Grandfather Wu is great, grandfather Wu is the best."

This uncle Wu Shi is very useful, and nodded with satisfaction. He just wanted to say that he didn't hurt you at all, and Yiyi added another sentence, "But luminous is the most powerful!"

Uncle Wu swallowed the words immediately, and felt more depressed in the heart. Well, let's stop talking, let's eat.

Uncle Wu kept his head down and ate with all his heart, let alone, he started to sweat, and his appetite was really much better. Uncle Wu ate a bowl of rice more than usual, of course, I do n’t know Is he really excited about appetite, or turned his grief into appetite.

The excitement of Yiyi continued until the meal was finished ~ ~ After eating, in the yard, "Hahaha" to practice "kung fu", the Liuchi Yan family and Luguangdu Laughing at Yiyi, Grandpa Liu was laughed from time to time by Yiyi's funny look.

Suddenly, Yiyi made a kick kick, and her feet didn't stand firmly. "Slam" fell a fart. Suddenly, Yiyi's excitement suddenly extinguished, her egg was flattened and her mouth was miserable Looking at everyone, he looked cute, pitiful, and funny.

Yeguang couldn't help smiling, and hurriedly hugged her. "Slow down, it hurts,"

Yiyi mumbled her mouth and blinked at the night light, "Night light, teach me kung fu, I can't practice it myself."

Luminous froze, and then smiled, "What are the skills of‘ girls ’children, you can be a little princess quietly.”

Yiyi shook her head and quit, "No, no, you have to learn, and I have to become as powerful as you."

The luminous silence was silent, and there were some mixed feelings in my heart, and some sour.

Unconsciously, is Yiyi already using him as an example?

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