My Star Teacher

Chapter 298: [There is only one truth]

On the other end of the phone, the head of China at SX Entertainment gritted his teeth for a while, tangled a bit, and dialed Luminous again.

The luminous phone rang, and he glanced at it, still just the number, and hesitated to connect.

As soon as the call was connected, a classic Korean-style growl came over the phone.

"Yueguang, you listen to me, you must apologize to us! I tell you that our SX Entertainment is one of the three major entertainment companies in Korea. If you do n’t apologize, we will surely tell you everything! In the entertainment industry Don't even think about having a foothold! I warn you for the last time, and do n’t apologize for all the consequences that follow, only pay! You can ... "

"Shut up!" Ye Guang's face was a little depressed, and whoever was so yelled would be depressed, interrupting the other party's conversation, Ye Guang said, "Your mother's surname?"

The person in charge of SX Entertainment on the other side of the phone stunned and said in a bad voice, "What do you ask?"

Luminous: "Greetings to your mother for me."

The head of China at SX Entertainment did not respond and asked, "What?"

Luminous chuckled, "Are you stupid? Sure, everyone at SX Entertainment is stupid."

After Luminous said, without waiting for the other party to speak, he immediately disconnected the phone, and then drove the number to the blacklist.

"I'm stupid," Ye Guang muttered. "What a silly thing to answer his phone, knowing what he is doing. In the morning, the good mood of the day is gone."

Liu Chiyan smiled and smiled, and passed him the tea. "Drink tea smoothly."

Ye Guang took the tea cup, took a sip, and was full of tea. "Well, this tea is really delicious, but unfortunately I won't drink it, if my dad would love it."

Liu Chiyan smiled, "Then bring some to Dad when we return."

Luminous smiled, "Don't, your dad won't be willing to drink this tea."

Liu Chiyan: "It's okay. I secretly brought it to my dad to taste it, so that my dad would not know."

Luminous couldn't help but smile, shaved Liu Chi Yan and shut up, "Hehe, you are almost a recidivist."

Luminous refers to the fact that she stole the household registration book to get married, and Liu Chiyan knew that Luguang said that.

Liu Chiyan embarrassed his little tongue and looked very cute.

the other side.

SX Entertainment ’s Chinese official was hung up by Ye Guang again, and just now on the phone, Ye Guang confessed that he was stupid X. After hanging up, Ye Guang said the phrase 'greeting your mother for me' and he also understood. Suddenly angry, he jumped angrily, "Asshole! Asshole! I'm so angry."

Having said that, the person in charge of SX Entertainment in China wanted to call Yeguang back and get back where he was.

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unanswered."

"Sorry, the call you dialed is temporarily unanswered."


Several times in a row, the phone prompts no one to answer. Do n’t think about it, it must have been hacked. The person in charge of SX Entertainment in China jumped again instantly, "Asshole! Impolite! How can there be such a person! I will not let Pass you! You wait for me! "

Ye Guang suddenly sneezed in the living room at Liu Chi Yan's house.


At noon, Jiang Feng first called and said that two police officers went to the crew to learn about the beating incident. At the same time, SX Entertainment's official Weibo also issued a statement saying that Yeguang had used violence against their artists and their artists and other artists. The companies all acted as extremely bad influences, and required Yeguang to make a solemn and formal apology to the parties and their company. SX Entertainment will reserve all rights of judicial investigation.

Ye Guang was surprised at the time. How dare the grandson report the alarm? Aren't they afraid that things will get bigger and it's themselves who can't close the field?

In fact, this is a misunderstanding. As far as Jin Taixu himself is concerned, of course he is unwilling to report the case to the police. This police officer reported it to the person in charge of SX Entertainment in China. He and Jin Taixu knew about the beating video incident. Some misunderstandings. When Jin Taixu told the company about the incident, he was embarrassed by his face and was vague about the cause. He only said that he accidentally knocked down a rural aunt, and Yeguang hit him because of this. Come, accidentally overthrow what a rural aunt can do. It's so big that Luminous hits Jin Taixu. It can't be compared. It doesn't matter how you think about it. Since Luminous refuses to be soft and doesn't apologize, so sorry, call the police! Sue! Rights protection! No discussion!

Moreover, Jin Taixu is a Korean, saying that it is serious. This is no longer a simple civil case. The person in charge of SX Entertainment in China knows the domestic market. Once something is designed to crook the nuts, the authorities will be cautious. Treating and handling the case is not sloppy at all, lest it will be affected by any diplomatic and public opinion.

After Jin Taixu learned that SX Entertainment actually called the police, he was panicked. He wasn't stupid. He knew that once things were really revealed, it was absolutely not good for him. I remembered that everyone was surrounded by people that day. Jin Taixu was a little timid when he stared angrily.

Jin Taixu's agent comforted him, "Taixu, don't worry, in fact, rational analysis, the company does not necessarily say that this is a bad thing. In any case, you are the victim, the victim, and the luminous is the violence. Or, since he doesn't make us feel better, we can't let him go! At this time, as long as you go to the fans and cry, it will definitely play a great role. Chinese netizens are foolish and there will be many people. Follow the flow, let ’s make a noise, and let night light become the target of public criticism, so that he ca n’t stand in the entertainment industry! This way we can relieve hate! ”

Jin Taixu's heart moved. If he wanted to hate Luminous, he simply hated it. However, Jin Taixu was still a little worried. "But what about the video? That ’s what I said that day. If Luminous told me what I said that day, Netizens ~ ~ I'm afraid I will be the target of criticism. "

Jin Taixu is not too stupid. I know it ’s okay to say something myself, but do n’t let the general public know that it will be very serious. Then he said something inferior to the Chinese that day. After going out, it is estimated that he will be drowned by netizens with saliva.

Jin Taixu's agent was very savvy, he helped to put sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, he was full of confidence, "I already thought about this, it doesn't matter! We have also seen the video, that is, only the luminous light hits your picture, you pushed the cheap There is no picture of the woman or the picture after the luminous light hits you, so there will be no problem. If the luminous light speaks out by itself, we can also say that he was slandered in order to splash your dirty water! "

Jin Taixu, "But will he have other complete videos?"

The corner of Jin Taixu's agent's mouth slightly tilted, and his eyes were full of wisdom, "Impossible! Let me analyze with you. First of all, Luminous and you are already tearing the skin. Now your two fans have been clamoring each other, At this time, the two of you have one thing in common, that is, you both want to put the other side to death, and think from another angle, if you are luminous, and you have a complete video at this time, will you publish this evidence? come out?"

Jin Taixu nodded, "Surely!"

Jin Taixu ’s agent nodded. “So, since he has not released the video and responded slowly, then there is only one truth.” Jin Taixu ’s agent pushed his glasses and affirmed with certainty, “ He has no video! "

Jin Taixu suddenly realized.

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