My Star Teacher

Chapter 330: [It belongs to you]

Mom and Dad know that Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan returned today.

Come on and drive to the airport to pick you up.

Well, that Anda.

Liu Chiyan once got into the car with a ghost and then couldn't get off.

When the plane landed, it was already more than eight in the evening. Yeguang and Liu Chiyan had not eaten yet. They had eaten some on the plane, but they were not full. They were all hungry at the moment.

Fortunately, the mother left the two of them with meals at home. When the two arrived home, the mother just cooked the meals.

Dad asked casually at dinner, "Live at home or go home at night?"

Luminous responded, "Live at home, we haven't lived for more than a month, there must be dust everywhere, it can't be cleaned if we don't clean it."

Dad, "Your mother occasionally went to help you clean up when you were not at home. I went there this afternoon. Rest assured, the house is clean, but it's too late today, so stay at home."

I said it was from my mom, but my dad must not be idle. Parents seem to be the same. They did something for their children. They always like to deduce how your dad is, or how your mom is. Don't mention myself.

As soon as Luminous heard it, he changed his word quickly. "Then let's go back later."

Liu Chiyan was eating a meal, and somehow suddenly he felt a little hot.

My mother didn't let Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan stay overnight, but said, "Well, go back after dinner."

Mom, I want to hug my grandson ...

The roots of Liu Chi's cigarette ears became more and more red.


Back home.

Ye Guang and Liu Chi Yan opened the door and saw that the house was really clean, almost spotless, and cleaner than when they were there.

Pulling luggage into the bedroom, Luminous lay down on the bed, "comfortable."

However, Liu Chiyan started busy unpacking his luggage.

Luminous pulled her up and took her to the bed, "Don't make it, you'll fix it tomorrow, you're not tired."

Liu Chiyan stood up and wanted to get up, "It won't take long."

Ye Guang pressed her down again. "But, I think there is something more important than this." Then, Ye Guang lowered his head and kissed Liu Chi Yan.

Liu Chi Yan flushed slightly, knowing what he was talking about.

Pushing Luminous gently, "Don't make trouble."

Where would Ye Guang listen, he slightly grasped Liu Chiyan's hand and kissed his cherry mouth as expected.

for a long time.

Lip points.

Liu Chiyan looked a little crimson, and his eyes were rippled. He pushed the night light away from his body and said, "Go to the bath."

Ye Guang smirked, got up, and hugged Princess Liu Chiyan violently.

"Ah," Liu Chiyan exclaimed, holding his hands around Luminous's neck. "What are you doing?"

Luminous smirked, "Wash together ..."

That night, the moon hid in the clouds for a long time without showing up.

The clouds closed and the rain rested.

Liu Chi Yan was like a kitten, nestled in luminous arms, with flush on his face, and stuck to luminous chest, listening to luminous heartbeat.

This scene has appeared many times, especially after every night light and her, Liu Chiyan always likes to lie on the night light, and his heartbeat sounds for a while.

Luminous touched Liu Chiyan's hair, and came out nauseous.

"Have you heard? It's saying love you."

Liu Chi Yan Yan smiled, smiled, "I hope it will always love me."

Luminous, "I don't think I can say that."

Liu Chi smoked.

Luminous: "Because it belongs to you."



The early morning sun is gentle and beautiful.

Liu Chiyan woke up as usual, opened his eyes, and saw the familiar face beside him still asleep.

Smiled sweetly.

She used to like to bed, when she did n’t have any work schedule, she often slept until the sun hits three poles, but after waking up with Ye Guang, she always woke up early, at least waking up earlier than Ye Guang, give He makes breakfast, but not for breakfast.

She just wanted to wake up a little earlier than him, and that morning he could see him by opening his eyes.

She is a queen of heaven, but in fact she doesn't have much sense of security. She is afraid that she wakes up later than him, and she can't see him when she opens her eyes, and she can't find anything.

Perhaps because of this mentality, her biological clock has also been magically adjusted. When she is not with her, she can sleep very late as usual, but as long as he is next to her, she is always the next day. Wake up earlier than him.

Unless, the previous night was too crazy ...

Without teasing Luminous, Liu Chiyan got up lightly and went to the kitchen to prepare Luminous for breakfast, just like before.

Mom and Dad were very considerate. I knew they were back the day before. When I came to clean them in the afternoon, I would replenish the refrigerator.

Parents can always be so comprehensive with their children.

When Luminous woke up, Liu Chiyan had already prepared his breakfast. He was on the table and prepared to wake up before Luminous did not wake up.

"Get up." Liu Chiyan turned around and found that I didn't know when Luminous had already leaned on the door frame to look at her. "Go wash your clothes, and the breakfast is ready."

Ye Guang walked over with a smile, hugged her from behind Liu Chi Yan, sniffed Liu Chi Yan's fragrance, and Ye Guang said softly, "What can I do without you."

Liu Chiyan smiled sweetly ~ ~ He was still alive and urged, "Go to wash and eat breakfast, so numb early in the morning."

Ye Guang didn't listen, but turned her back and wanted to kiss her. Liu Chi smoked his eyes quickly, reached out and covered Ye Guang's close mouth, wrinkled Qiong Nose, and angered, "Don't make trouble, eat your teeth!"

Luminous smiled, Ma Liu went to wash it.

Sure enough, this product is cheap, you can't be too polite to him.

Today is all right. In fact, nothing should have happened during this time.

Except for a few days, we will record the last two episodes of the first season of Run Brothers, and then we will wait for Fan Qingwen to leave and start to work on the foundation.

Before Fan Qingwen left, Luminous was basically idle for a while.

However, Luminous also happened to be very happy. During this period of time, although he was not busy all day in Beijing, most of them were either busy, or at Liuchi Yan's house, or at Liuchi Yan's house. I'm still restrained. I didn't relax as much as I did at home. I just took a good break during this free time and accompany Liu Chiyan.

The most important thing is that before Yiyi this small light bulb comes, let's have a good couple of days.

Maybe, my mother's wish to hug her grandson was realized by accident ...

Of course, just talking about it, Yeguang and Liu Chiyan have no plans now, and they usually pay a little attention, but they are not particularly deliberate. If they do, it can only be said that it is God's providence, which can be neutral, and only adapt Providence, gave birth to the child, if not, then wait until Yeguang and Liu Chiyan will be able to express their open romance in the future.

But ... this goal seems quite distant. ) Download Free Reader !!

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